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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007376

No of Pages: 125

No of Chapters: 1-5

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In diverse applications semiconductor materials need to be doped, sometimes to nearly degenerate levels.eg.  In applications such as thermoelectric, transparent, electronics or power electronics. However many materials with finite band gaps are not dopable at all, while others exhibit strong preference toward allowing either p-type or n-type doping, but not both. In this work, we develop a model of strained band InGaAs/GaAsSb double quantum quantum well heterostructure on InP using transfer matrice and Model solid theory. This MATLAB program model was used to obtain the transmission coefficients, reflectance coefficients, transmission currents and electron/hole mobility. These were obtained theoretically by employing experimental binary band parameters obtained from literature.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

List of Figures                                                                                                             ix

Abstract                                                                                                                      xi


CHAPTER 1:                        INTRODUCTION

1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Lattice Matching                                                                                             4

1.3       Aim/Objectives                                                                                               5

1.4       Motivation of Study                                                                                       6

1.5       Significance of the Study                                                                               8

1.6       Scope of Study                                                                                               8


CHAPTER 2:                        LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1       Relevant Research                                                                                          9

2.2       Semiconductor                                                                                                14

2.3       Crystal Structure of Constituent Compounds                                                21

2.3.1    Zinc blende composition                                                                                 21

2.3.2        Binary compounds                                                                                          22 Gallium arsenide (GaAs)                                                                                22 Indium arsenide (InAs)                                                                                   26 Gallium antimonide GaSb                                                                              29

2.4       Quantum Well Heterostructure                                                                       32

2.4.1    Types of heterostructures                                                                                34

2.4.2    Quantum well                                                                                                36    Infinte well                                                                                                  37   Finite well                                                                                                     39

2.5       Density of States for Quantum Well                                                              43


CHAPTER 3:                        MATERIALS AND METHOD

3.1       Materials                                                                                                         46

3.1.1        Material parameter                                                                                          46

3.2       Methods                                                                                                          47

3.2.1    Band engineering                                                                                            47

3.2.2    Semiconductor alloying                                                                                  48

3.2.3        Lattice constant                                                                                              49

3.2.4        Band gaps                                                                                                       49

3.2.5        Band offset                                                                                                     52

3.2.6    Transfer matrix                                                                                                56

3.2.7    Carrier transport                                                                                              60

3.2.8    Conductivity in a semiconductor                                                                    60

3.2.9    Carrier density                                                                                                62

3.2.10  Current in a resonant tunneling diode                                                            63

3.2.9    Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductor                                            64


CHAPTER 4:                        RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      92

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          92



REFERENCES                                                                                                        93

APPENDICES                                                                                                          101



2.1:      Periodic table with semiconducting elements                                                 15

2.2:      Band parameter for GaAs crystal lattice                                                        24

2.3:      Band parameter for InAs crystal lattice                                                          27

2.4:      Band parameter for GaSb crystal lattice                                                         30

2.5:      Summary of the eigen energies for different well width for infinite well      39

2.6:      Summary of the eigen energies for different well width                                43

3.1:      Energy band gaps of InAs, GaAs, GaSb and their respective                                   empirical fitting parameters                                                                               51

3.2:      Bowing parameters for some ternary alloys                                                    51

3.3:      Calculated parameters used as computed by interpolation                             55

3.4:      Bowing parameters for ternary alloy materials for                                                                                                                                55

4.1:      The summary of the Band gap of InGaAs for varying compositions of

            Indium                                                                                                            66

4.2:      Summary of the effective mass, effective density of state for                                   conduction, valence band, and intrinsic carrier concentration for              

            GaAs, InAs, GaSb,  and at 300K                   75

4.3:      Band offset values at different symmetric well masses                                 77

4.4:      Well width variation with energy eigenvalues                                                84



1.1:      Band line up of several ternary alloys that are lattice matched to InP           4

1.2:      Lattice match for different compounds and alloys with their respective

            band gap energy at 300 K                                                                               5

2.1:      N-type and P-type semiconductor                                                                  21

2.2:      Gallium arsenide crystallizes in the zinc blende crystal structure

2.3:      Band energy dispersion for GaAs (001) direction                                          25

2.4:      Band energy dispersion for InAs (001) direction                                           25

2.5:      Band energy dispersion for GaSb (001) direction                                          31

2.6:      Variation of band gap of materials with temperature                                     31

2.7:      Type I straddling alignment heterostructure                                                   35

2.8:      Type II staggering alignment heterostructure                                                 35

2.9:      Type III or broken –gap alignment heterostructure                                        36

2.10:    "Infinite" quantum well and associated wave functions                                38

2.11:    Schematic diagram of a multiple quantum well heterostructure                     39

2.12:    A graph of  against  for finite quantum well,

            with superimposed plot of  against for barrier

            width of 100A, well width of 100A,                                                       42

3.1:      Conduction and valence band of a heterostructure                                        52

4.1:      Band gap as a function of temperature                                                           67

4.2:      Band gap as a function of temperature                                                           67

4.3:      Band gap as a function on the concentration of indium in InGaAs at a

temperature of 300 K                                                                                      68

4.4:      Band gap  as a function on the concentration of indium in InGaAs at a

temperature of 300 K                                                                                      68

4.5:      Band gap as a function on the concentration of indium in InGaAs at a

temperature of 300 K                                                                                      69

4.6:      Electron/Hole Concentration as a function of Temperature for

In0.53Ga0.47 As                                                                                                 71

4.7:      Electron/Hole Concentration as a function of Temperature for

            GaAs0.51S0.49                                                                                                                                     71

4.8:      Electron/hole concentration as a function of temperature for

            In0.53Ga0.47As at a temperature range of 0-300 K                                           72

4.9:      Electron/hole concentration as a function of temperature for

            GaAs0.51Sb0.49 at a temperature range of 0-300 K                                           72

4.10:    Electron/hole concentration as a function of temperature for

            In0.55Ga0.47As at a temperature range of 0-300 K                                           73

4.11:    The calculated band offset of the conduction and valence for the

            compressively strained  type II

            quantum well                                                                                                  76

4.12:    The calculated band offset ratios of  for the compressively                     strained  type II quantum well               79

4.13:    Variation of the composition of indium in InGaAs with energy                    80

4.14:    Variation of the transmission probability with energy at varying well

            width for strained InGaAs                                                                             83

4.15:    Variation of the transmission probability with energy at varying well          

            width for unstrained InGaAs                                                                         83

4.16:    Variation of the transmission probability with energy at varying

            thickness of barrier                                                                                          86

4.17:    Variation of the transmission probability with energy at variation of

            conduction band offset for strained InGaAs at 10 nm well width                86

4.18:    Variation of the reflection probability with energy at varying well

            width for strained InGaAs                                                                             87

4.19:    Variation of the reflection probability with energy at varying barrier

            thickness for strained  InGaAs/GaAsSb heterostructure                                87

4.20:    Variation of the transmission probability as a function of energy at             

            varying thickness of the barrier when passed through an electric field

            of 0.1 eV                                                                                                         89

4.21:    Variation of the transmission probability as a function for varying

            amount of well depth                                                                                      89

4.22:    Variation of the transmission probability as a function of conduction

            band offset                                                                                                      90








With the advancement of crystal growth techniques, such as organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), there came the desire to produce faster and smaller semiconductor devices which are in layers at a time having wide applications in different variety of fields at respective wavelength. This has made it possible to obtain quantum wells and superlattices with reproducible properties at the atomic scale. Reducing the dimensions of the constituent materials, new properties of the semiconductors, were revealed (Cristian and Cristian, 2007; Fissel et al.,, 2000; Rogalski, 2002). This helped in the tuning of the forbidden gaps so as to enhance and widen the applications of such semiconductor device (Sadao, 2017).

The smaller the well bandgap, the material becomes unstable and difficult to process. This leads to non-uniformity when arrays of focal planes are made (Levine, 1993). The electronic and optical properties can be altered by the formation of heterostructures of these semiconductors which serves as quantum wells (Meng, 2005). Changes can also be observed in the atomic structure which results from direct influence of ultra-small length scale on the energy band structure creating a quantum confinement effect (Toshihide and Kyozaburo, 1992).

The confinement effect can in turn change the optical adsorption for bulk materials to a series of steps (Meng, 2005). The most established quantum well heterostructure laser structure ranging from 0.80-0.65  wave length  is lattice matched AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well which is in the near infrared region. At longer wavelength, the materials of important are InP and ternary and quaternary compound lattice matched to it. Smaller band-gap semiconductor materials are useful when considering long wavelength range. This is due to its power and efficiency, having its electrical and optical properties stronger than other materials due to its energy band-gap closer to light energy (Tasmeeh et al.,, 2015; Kasap, 1999). 

Most of these quantum wells have attracted interest for laser applications due to their potential for a reduction of the threshold current density, increase gain and differential gain achievement obtained through confinement. Theoretical models are developed to enable predictions of the physical properties of heterostructures since quantum confinement of carriers in semiconductors quantum wells leads to quantized subband energies (Samuel and Patil, 2008; Peng et al.,, 2003). 

Semiconductor materials composed of the III-V periodic elements of different forms, binary, ternary or even higher compositions are used to produce devices high electron mobility, high speed, microwave amplification, low noise amplification, wireless communication, low power voltage supply with low power dissipation  e.t.c. Though, Semiconductor material produced from the III-V composition possess some challenges when being processed. This include difficulty to forming highly reliable ohmic rectifying contact, high vapour pressure of the group V element compared to the group III elements, high diffusivities of many acceptor dopants e.t.c (Shaikh, 2017; Rita et al.,, 2005; Willardson and Nalwa, 2001)

To model the quantum well structure of a heterostructure, the relative band alignment of the band edge between the quantum well and the barrier is very important, which can be complicated when its strained effect is considered (Gonul et al.,, 2004). Similarly when determining the electron tunneling for both biased and un-biased state, the offsets of the materials are needed (Man et al.,, 2016).

InGaAs and GaAsSb are ternary alloys. While InGaAs alloy being the active component in the active region of high speed electronic devices, infrared lasers, and long wavelength quantum cascade lasers, GaAsSb results  in large strain for quantum well composition  at long wavelength (Vurgaffman et al.,, 2001; Klein et al.,, 2000).

 GaInAs/GaAsSb possesses a type-II quantum well heterostructure line-up with an effective gap of about 0.3 eV. This makes it suitable for infrared generation and detection in 3-5 μm band. The combination of In0.53Ga0.47As quantum wells and GaAs0.51Sb0.49 barriers, although commonly used for heterojunction-bipolar transistors, (Willardson and Nalwa, 2001) was an unpublished area for quantum devices.

Recently, In0.53Ga0.47As/GaAs 0.51Sb0.49 heterostructures were demonstrated to be a viable way to fabricate mid-infrared and THz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) (Gonul et al.,, 2004; Man Mohan el at, 2016). Interface roughness scattering was found to play an important role in these devices (Vurgaffman et al.,, 2001).

Transport studies on symmetric THz QCL active regions identified asymmetrical scattering, with an increased interface roughness for the inverted interfaces along the growth direction, which resulted in parasitic current channels and, therefore, higher threshold current densities. This alters the electronic bandstructure and influences the emission wavelength of such devices (Klein et al.,, 2000). Figure 1.1 gives the band lineup of several alloys which were lattice matched with InP substrate as recorded by Zhao, (2014).

Figure 1.1: Band line up of several ternary alloys that are lattice matched to InP. Data are taken from Yu (2014).



Matching of lattice structures between two different semiconductors materials allows a region of band gap change to be formed in a material without introducing a change in crystal structure. (Wikipedia.org/). Perfect crystals are arrays of regularly spaced atoms, but atomic spacing differs among compounds. Failure to match the atoms in successive layers can produce defects in the crystal, which degrade its optical, electronic, or mechanical properties.

Semiconductors can accommodate small differences in atomic spacing, which produce some strain within the crystal but not enough to cause damage. However, developers try to minimize strain by limiting differences in lattice spacing. This is particularly important in matching a deposited material to a substrate (Jeff, 2008). Figure 1.2 shows the lattice matching of several compounds and alloys of IV, III-V, II-VI, IV-VI elements of the periodic table.

Figure 1.2: Lattice match for different compounds and alloys with their respective band gap energy at 300 K



This research work is aimed at giving the theoretical treatment of some of the properties through arbitratrarily formed potential barriers of GaInAs/GaAsSb heterostructure on InP substrate. This will be achieved with the following objectives.

i)        To develop a mathematical description to calculate the transmission coefficient, reflectance coefficient, the absorbance and Resonant tunneling current using transfer matrix, thereby building a theoretical basis for our calculations.

ii)      Use MATLAB program to compute the transmission coefficient through the structure with an arbitrary number of symmetry barriers and wells with or without bias (applied electric  field)

iii)    To study theoretically the effect of change in the barrier thickness or width of the well to the quantum tunneling effect.

iv)    Evaluate the Peak to Valley of an Ideal Resonant Tunneling Diode using the current calculations.

v)      Investigate the physical simulation of the charge carrier distribution in GaInAs/GaAsSb heterostructure

vi)    Calculate the current density and mobility ( with or without electric field)


The choice of material semiconductors have direct band gap energy and are good choices for Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) and Middle Wave Infrared (MWIR) optoelectronic devices due to their bandgap range.

In the past,   and   ternary semiconductor materials were grown on lattice matched or mismatched binary semiconductors such as GaAs or InP because of the closeness in their lattice parameters. But today the ability to grow thick, high-quality epitaxial layers of  and on a GaAs or InP, substrate is very limited due to lattice mismatch except for a specific composition (Sadao and Kunishige, 1983; Guldner et al.,, 1986). For example, only   and  lattice matches to InP, and thus very good quality thick films of this composition can be grown on InP. The strained critical thickness of    or  epitaxial layer depends on the extent of the lattice mismatch between the ternary epitaxial layer and the binary substrates, normally < 1 m. Also, the strained epitaxial layers grown on lattice mismatched substrates may have strain-induced crystalline defects, which are known cause for dislocations, rough surface morphologies, and interface cracking (Hashio et al.,, 2000). In order to overcome the limits imposed by lattice mismatch, researchers have tried to pursue growing bulk ternary semiconductor substrates (Dutta, 2010; Hayakawa et al.,, 2005; Nishijima et al.,, 2005). The bulk III-V ternary  and  alloys provide many advantages over epitaxial layers that are grown on binary III-V compound crystals. First, the bulk ternary alloys can be used as new substrates to grow lattice matched, high quality epitaxial layers with a large thickness for a wide range of compositions and band gaps. This provides for extra freedom and more opportunities for advancing novel optoelectronic device designs and band gap engineering. Second, bulk growth is cost effective, and there is strong potential for developing bulk  and  devices, thus avoiding the expensive and time-consuming epitaxial deposition.

In spite of the promising advantages of bulk  and alloys, the utilization of these materials for efficient optoelectronic devices has been hampered by the challenges associated with their growth challenges. Bulk ternary crystal growth requires stringent control over the synthesis conditions in order to avoid crystal defects.

The most serious problem encountered in melt-grown bulk ternary material is cracking. Cracking is likely due to the combined results of a large lattice/composition mismatch between the seed and the first-to-freeze crystal, constantly changing composition along the length, and the induced stress due to growth in a steep thermal gradient. Other crystal growth problems such as precipitates, inclusions, residual impurities, high native defect concentrations, and compositional variation across the substrate and from wafer to wafer are also present. In the future, the quality of bulk ternary alloys must improve greatly from its current state. Since prior research on  and alloy systems was limited to a narrow composition range (Kim et al.,, 2003), adequate knowledge of the optical and electrical properties of this ternary system is lacking. Systematic studies of carrier concentration, mobility, and resistivity for the  and  alloy systems as functions of composition have not yet been reported although some work have been reported on InGaAs films (Yeo et al.,, 2000; Fedoryshyn et al.,, 2010). Information on the electrical properties of these materials is not only important to electronic device applications, but can also be correlated to optical properties such as carrier concentration dependent optical absorption (Bhat, 2008).


The need and the desire to produce high quality quantum well alloy semiconductors with improved band gap for specific areas of applications led to the choice of the study on quantum well heterostucture of varying concentration of Indium in InxGa1-xAs/GaAs0.51Sb0.49 on InP substrate (001).

The outcome of the study will provide a good theoretical background for the development of the material, similar material of same class and materials with similar characteristics.

1.6       SCOPE OF STUDY

This research work intends to explain and explore theoretically the determination of the transmittance and reflectance of a heterostructure of GaInAs/GaAsSb quantum well. This work intends to use the theoretical bases for binary and ternary semiconductor compounds in relation to quantum well to discuss the tunneling effect using transfer matrix method. The band discontinuities (the valence and conduction band offset) were obtained using the Model Solid theory. The intrinsic properties of the ternary compounds and alloys were calculated theoretically and simulated using matlab programming language. 

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