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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00002810

No of Pages: 64

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This research examined the problems and prospects of financing small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The evaluation of the government and International agencies programmes of assistances and scheme such as Nigeria Industrials Development Bank (NIDB), National Economics Reconstruction Fund (NERFUND), Nigeria for Commerce and Industrial (NBCI), National Directorate of Employment (NDE) and current financing initiatives such as the Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (SMIES). Nigerian Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank (NACRDB). The Bank of Industry (BOI) and Refinancing and Rediscounting facility the essence was to determined the extent to which these scheme and institution can achieved their objectives and the effect they have on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s).

Questions were posed in order to find solution to the problems of this study and to enable us obtain a clearer understanding and characteristics of SME’s.


This study found out that finance is the major problem faced by SME’s in Nigeria despite government’s efforts aimed at addressing the problems by making policies, giving incentives and setting up various loan schemes. To some extent, lack of awareness by SME’s operators about government programmes put in place to assist them financially is responsible.


Recommendations were made to the effective implementation of the study adoption of new policies and scheme for financing of SME’s above all to stimulate awareness about special schemes aimed to promote the growth of SME’s through enlightenment by the government agencies.










Title page                                                                                          i

Certification                                                                                      ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                      iv

Abstract                                                                                            v

Table of content                                                                                vi



1.0     Introduction                                                                            1

1.1            Background of the study                                                                   1

1.2            Statement of research problem                                                         2

1.3            Objective of the study                                                             3

1.4            Research question                                                                             3

1.5            Significance of the study                                                                   4

1.6            Limitation of the study                                                            4

1.7            Scope of the study                                                                            4

1.8            Definition of terms                                                                            4



2.0            Literature review                                                                     6

2.1     Introduction                                                                            6       

2.2     Features of small and medium scale enterprises                      7       

2.3     Roles  of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria                   8       

2.4            Growth and development  of small and medium scale            9

enterprises in Nigeria

2.5            The role of government in financing  and promoting              11

small medium scale enterprises

2.6            Problems of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria    14

2.7            Prospects for the development of small and medium              17

–scale enterprises in Nigeria



3.0            Introduction                                                                            20

3.1     Summary                                                                                 20

3.2            Recommendation                                                                    21

3.3            Conclusion                                                                              21

Bibliography                                                                           23                                  




1.0            INTRODUCTION


          The importance of small and medium scale enterprise (SME’s) to economic           development of any country whether developing or developed cannot be over emphasized they are considered to be one of the driving forces in    economic development. They stimulate private ownership and    entrepreneurial skill in fact any country that neglects this sector does so at          its own peril.




          All agree that the entry point into economy’s industrialization engineering           process is through the development and growth of small and medium scale           enterprise (SME’s). This is because SME’s play important role in development of economy provides ready source of employment opportunities and technological growth of the national. Also it serves as a   good source of raw material for the big industrial establishment,      which later grows into large enterprises there by oiling the wheel of           industrial development.


          According to Carpenter Clive, http//www.ypforum.org/news_carpenter, he           stated that, the 1992 review by the National Council on Industrials          Standards define small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) as enterprises    with total cost (including working capital but excluding cost of land) above 31 million but not exceeding 3150 million, with a labour size of between 11    and 100 employees. He went further saying that there are probably other           definitions for SMEs but what is clear is that SME are usually small, owner          or family–managed business with its goods and services being basic.


          The SMEs are faced with some problems due to lack of enabling    environment to develop and grow for optimal contributions to the economy.          The problems range from poor management of SMEs to information gap    and above all, inadequate funding although, different efforts have been put    in place to assist the SME’s like policies incentives, programmes and loan      scheme. For the benefits growth of SME’s. For example Federal   Government Established Industrial Development centre in all states of the     federation to provide free managerial and technical       consultancy/extension services to the SMEs. But these centre were not used   effectively by SMEs operations also in the area of finance, services of        programmes to ensure provision of soft loan were put in place through        Nigeria Industrial Bank (NIDB), Nigeria Bank for Commerce and Industries        (NBCI), National Economic Reconstruction Fund (NERFUND), National Directorate of Employment (NDE) and Property Alleviation Programmes         like Family Economic Advancement Programmes (FEAP) and latterly,           (CBN) Central Bank of Nigeria to banks to invest 10% of their profit before     tax such as operations of eligible SMEs such as Banks of Industry, Small      and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme (SMIEIS).


          Despite all these efforts from the government, the policies, incentives,           programmes and loan scheme have not able to adequately solve the           fundamental problems which have constrained SMEs access to formal or           institutional credit. Thus, low credit rating of this class of enterprise is           attributable largely to their weak capital base, high mortality rate and      shortage of managerial skills. Thus, for the SMEs to serve the expected role

of catalyst for rapid industrial development there is need for more innovative           strategy for improved access to development finance for the SMEs would address their inability to provide collateral securities for loans from         formal credit institutions.


          In view of the foregoing, this research study is concerned about the peculiar           problems which SMEs face. In an attempt to finance their operation and to           highlight the source open to them and the areas and ways in which          credit/loan scheme for SMEs could increasingly contribute to their          development and growth.




          The problems faced by small and medium-scale enterprise are production,           marketing, personnel and even day to day management which are all linked      to financial underpinnings, thus, the issue of finance is central. However, it is observed that the financial problems of small business arise from multi-      faceted source which are under capitalization, based behaviour of financial         institutions management incompetence and financial indiscipline,     inadequacies of the capital market, political and economic instability       leading to policy distortions and in consistencies which together have put     the SMEs at disadvantages over the years.


          The most overwhelming financial problem encountered by SMEs owners is           raising the startup capital for their chosen business ventures. It appears that           SMEs owners do not have adequate information concerning the various source of finance specific to them, despite the government’s effort on the       availability sources of specific finances to SME owners. As such, they depend on personal funding as well as assistance from family and friends.   This tendency naturally limits their scope for generating finance.         Consequently, the SMEs operation have to compete with larger companies for available funds equity, terms loans, supplier credit or leasing facilities           having to bargain on the same terms and condition as the bigger firms     constitute a problem for them.


          This research study is therefore necessary for through inquiry into the     financial management and technical support to them in order to ensure their          development, growth and contribution to the economy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


1.3              OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY


          The statement of problem which has been the hindrance to the        improvement of           SMEs (written above). This study intends to attain the          following objectives.


          1.       To highlight the different source of finance available to the                        operations of SMEs in Nigeria.

          2.       To review the major problems limiting access of SMEs to                         development finance.

          3.       To examine the existing government policies, incentives,                                     programmes and loan scheme for the benefits of SMEs.

          4.       To examine benefits of existing credit scheme made available via              contributions of SME project beneficiaries to the economy.


1.4              RESEARCH QUESTIONS


          In a developing economy like Nigeria, survival of small business is of      utmost importance. Therefore, strategies must be developed to assist in their       growth and           survival. This research study intends answering the following         questions:


          1.       Have government policies and programmes specific to SMEs                             helped in their promotion and development.

          2.       How aware small and medium-scale business operators of the                            various government agencies, policies, programmes and incentives                     specific to them.

          3.       To what extent is the growth and development of small and                      medium-scale enterprises in Nigeria?





          Despite the problem faced by the SMEs, it also promote industrialization          and economic growth of the nation. The significance of the research study      is as follows:


          1.       Contributing to the knowledge and understanding of the financial             problems faced by SMEs in Nigeria as basis for solution.

          2.       Giving more light on the importance of SMEs as they perform their                   expected role by precipitating industrial development finance for             the SMEs.

          3.       Establishment on the relevant existing financing agencies charged             with the responsibility of assisting SMEs in Nigeria.

          4.       Providing a useful guide for prospective entrepreneur who may                          wish to be owners of small or medium-scale business and are in               need of funds.




          The barriers faced by small and medium-scale enterprise sub-sector in     Nigeria, during the course of this research study are as follows.


1.                 Difficulty by SME operators to access funds.

2.                 The absence of government policy on small and medium-scale enterprises

3.                 Lack of access to information about new schemes which could benefit the operators and lack of proper record keeping of SMEs activities, these are some of the limitation faced by SMEs.


1.7            SCOPE OF THE STUDY


          The study is focused on the problems and prospects of financing small and           medium-scale sub-sector of the Nigeria economy and also looking at the way forward for the survival of the enterprises as a engine growth for    Nigeria economy.


1.8            DEFINITION OF TERM


          BANK: An institution where cash and other valuable are kept for safety reasons and also place money in been borrowed.

          B.O.I: Bank of Industry.

          C.B.N: Central Bank of Nigeria

          ENTERPRISE: A business activity that is full of initiatives.

          GOVERNMENT: is a body of persons and institutions that makes and enforces laws of a particular state or society.

          NACCIMA: National Association of Chamber of Commerce, Industry,   Mines and Agriculture.

          NASME: National Association of Small and Medium-scale Enterprise.

          NBCI: Nigerian Bank of commerce and Industries.

          NERFUND: National Economic Reconstruction Fund

          NIDB: Nigeria Industrial Bank

          NCI: national Council of Industry

          POLICY: A general plan of action

          SCHEME: A plan of work or action.

          SME: Small and Medium-scale Enterprises.

          SAP: Structural Adjustment Programme

          SME OPERATOR: A person who runs a small and medium-scale          business

          RRF: Refinancing and Rediscounting Facility.

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