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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006699

No of Pages: 81

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study was designed to determine the factors influencing the dietary pattern and anthropometric status of adults in Ikwuano, L.G.A, Abia State. A total of 149 respondents was selected using simple random sampling techniques. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit the background information, socio-economic characteristics. Dietary pattern and anthropometric characteristics (Weight and Height measurement (BMI), Waist and Hip measurement (WHR). Results on socio-economic characteristics revealed that 24.8% of the respondents completed tertiary education, 10.7% and 22.8%, respectively, had their primary and secondary education completed while very few (8.1%) had no formal education. Also, the income level of the respondents showed that only a few (24.8%) of the respondents earned below N18, 000 while 29.5% and 22.8%, respectively earned between N18, 000-N33,000 and above N50,000. The dietary pattern of the respondent showed that more than half (55.0%) the respondents consume food three times daily and majority (89.9% and 77.2%, respectively) of the respondents reported that they liked eating fruits and vegetables. Some (21.5%, 31.5% and 22.1%,respectively) of the respondents rated their eating pattern as fair, good and very good while very few (3.4%) rated theirs as excellent. Results on anthropometric status revealed that more than half (55.7%) of the respondents had normal BMI while very few (1.3% and 8.1%, respectively) were underweight and obese. Also, WHR of the respondents showed that less than half (43.6%) of the respondents were at a high risk of being obese. The effect of socio-economic characteristics on anthropometric status revealed that educational level had an effect on the BMI status of the respondents as B=0.17; P=0.021.Results on Chi-square analysis revealed that a significance relationship exist between waist-hip ratio and person in charge meal preparation (X=14.64; P=0.012). This  study demonstrated that the educational and occupational status of adults played a major role in their dietary pattern as majority of the respondents do not skip meals and incorporated varieties of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables in their dietary pattern.



1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study 4
1.3.1 General objectives of the study 4
1.3. 2 Specific objectives of the study 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 5

2.1 Food 6
2.2 Adult 7
2.2.1 Young adulthood (18-35 years) 8
2.2.2 Middle adulthood (36 – 55 years) 8
2.2.3 Late adulthood (56 and above) 9
2.3 Food Consumption Pattern 9
2.4 Food Grouping 10
2.5 Factors affecting the Dietary Pattern of Adults 11
2.5.1 Income 11
2.5.2 Health 12
2.5.3 Socio economics 12
2.5.4 Market availability 13
2.5.5 Technology 13
2.5.6 Life course 13
2.5.7 Social norms 14
2.5.8 Trade liberalization 14 
2.6. Nutrient Requirement for Adult 15
2.7 Major Nutritional Problem of the Adults 15
2.8 Methods of assessing nutritional status of adults 16
2.8.1 Anthropometry 16 Height 17 Weight 17 Body mass index (B.M.I) 17 Waist circumference 18 Hip circumference 19 Waist hip ratio 19
2.8.2 Biochemical assessment 20
2.8.3 Clinical assessment 20
2.8.4 Dietary assessment 21
2.8.4. 24 Hour diet recall 21 Food frequency questionnaire 22 
2.9 Problem of Nutritional Assessment 22
2.10    Skin Fold Measurement 23

3.1 Study Design 24
3.2 Area of Study 24
3.3 Population of Study 25
3.4 sampling and Sampling Techniques 25
3.4.1 Sampling size determination 25
3.4.2 Sampling procedure 26
3.5 Preliminary Activities 26
3.5.1  Preliminary visits 26
3.5.2 Informed consent 27
3.6 Data Collection 27
3.6.1 Questionnaire administration 27 Food frequency questionnaire 27 24-hiurs dietary recall 27
3.6.2 Anthropometric measurement 28 Weight measurement 28 Height measurement 28 Body mass index (BMI) calculation 28 Waist circumference 28 Hip circumference 29 Waist hip ratio calculation 29
3.7 Data Analysis 29
3.8 Statistical Analysis 30

4.1 Background Characteristics of the Respondents 31
4.2 Socio-economic Characteristics of the Respondents 34
4.3 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents 36
4.4 Dietary Pattern of the Respondents 40
4.5 24 hour-Dietary Recall of the Respondents 47
4.6 Food Frequency of the Respondents 51
4.7 Anthropometric Status of the Respondents 56
4.8 The Effect of Socio-economic Characteristics on the Anthropometric status of the respondents 57
4.9 The effect of Respondents’ Dietary Pattern on 
Anthropometric status 59

5.1 Conclusion 62
5.2 Recommendations 62


Table 4.1 Background Information of the Respondents 33

Table 4.2 socio-economic Characteristics of the Respondents 35 

Table 4.3 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents 38

Table 4.4a Dietary Pattern of the Respondents 41

Table 4.4b Dietary Pattern of the Respondents 42

Table 4.5a 24-hour Dietary Recall of the Respondents 48

Table 4.5b 24-hour Dietary Recall of the Respondents 49

Table 4.5c 24-hour Dietary Recall of the Respondents 50

Table 4.6a Food Frequency of the Respondents 52

Table 4.6b Food Frequency of the Respondents 53

Table 4.6c Food Frequency of the Respondents 54

Table 4.7 Anthropometric status of the Respondents 57

Table 4.8 Socio-economic Determinants of the Respondent’s Anthropometric 58

Table 4.9a Relationship between BMI and Dietary Pattern 60

Table 4.9b Relationship between WHR and Dietary Pattern 61


An adult is a human being that has reached sexual maturity, adults are categorized by age into young adults (ages 18-35 years), middle-aged adults (ages 36-55 years) and older adults (aged older than 55 years) (Gerontological Society of America, 2010). Diet and nutrition play important roles in maintaining health and preventing diseases thus, improving the nutritional status (Department of Health and Nutritional Status, 2009). Dietary pattern can be seen as the quantities, proportions, variety or combination of different foods, drinks and nutrition in diet and the frequency with which they are habitually consumed. Meal pattern and food intake are markers for nutrients intakes and diet quality (Kerveret al., 2006). The key features of dietary patterns among adults includes, snacking, skipping meal, breakfast skipping, confectionery and fast food eating (Chitra, 2007).

In every adulthood, people expand in their social experience (Sobal and Nelson, 2003). They will temporarily change eating patterns as they eat around different people in social setting (Young et al., 2009). It was noted that women were willing to be more flexible in food choices than men (Connors et al., 2001). Income and education are one of the factors that influence dietary pattern. As people expand their career and combine income, they potentially should also secure more finances to have greater food purchasing power and increase food purchased from all food categories (Bove et al., 2003). The difference in food intake between adult men and women are due to sexual socio-economic and physiological factors (Gregory, 2000). Age also has an effect on dietary pattern. Traditional food practices and beliefs are more widespread among older people than younger people. Adults in every age are still in a progressive life stage in terms of career and family. When people are at home, they may usually consume home prepared meals but when they are outside, they tend to eat out in restaurants or ready to eat or processed food (Pender, 2003). Various studies on diet and nutrition intake of adults in the developed world have shown that their diets are often high in fats and refined carbohydrate. An individual is said to have good health when he/she maintains an appropriate diet, exercise and other lifestyle modifications such as self-designed and determined daily habits related to eating, exercise and social life (Blake et al., 2008). But lack of physical activity and outdoor sports, along with the consumption of fat-rich “junk food” predisposes an individual to cardio vascular disease and obesity. Dietary pattern and food intake are influenced by myriad factors that critically affect the nutritional and health status of adults (Jose, 2009). When the diet supplies adequate amount of all necessary nutrients and the individual is healthy, the person is well-nourished. In developing countries such as Nigeria, young adult have been found to be malnourished due to inadequate or excessive intake of one nutrient or the other. Nutritional problems such as obesity and overweight are common among adults. Some of the predisposing factors to these problems were seen to be high socioeconomic class, sedentary lifestyle and consumption of high energy diet (Okaka, 2002).
Health and nutrition are known to be closely related. Nutrition can have an effect on one’s health either by improving it or making it deteriorate, likewise health can also affect nutrition by either improving the individual’s appetite or making it deteriorate (Nidhi et al., 2014). An individual’s dietary pattern affects resting energy expenditure, body fat, bone fat, bone density, serum cholesterol and many other situations (Andersson, 2000; Chapelot, 2006).   Good nutritional status in adults is decided by proper nutritional knowledge, eating habits, food behaviors which play an important role not only in the improvement of physical development but also in the maintenance of mental and emotional stabilization(Newman, 2006; Ricciardelli, 2003). 

The occurrence of nutritional problems like anaemia, may develop due to lack of knowledge and awareness. Poor knowledge on nutrition among adults can lead to unhealthy eating practices and an unhealthy community (Herdon, 2002).The level of nutrition amongst the global population is relatively high but many people do not know how to apply it Nutrition therefore influences dietary pattern to a certain extent (Hernack, Block and Lane, 1997; Oruh, 2012). Poor dietary habit is widely recognized as an important risk factor in developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs).There is a relationship between income level and food intake, low-income groups tend to consume lower amount of food than high-income groups (Dibsdall and Bisogni, 2003).Diseases, physical and psychological changes can make people feel helpless and hopeless about the lack of control over food choices (Fiatarone et al., 2009).Most adults have similar dietary pattern which do not comply with recommendation such as the FAO/WHO required nutrient intake and as a result, their dietary patterns are associated with obesity which is known to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease(CHD), cancer and type II diabetes mellitus. Thus, the present study is aimed at assessing the factors influencing the dietary pattern and anthropometric status of adults in Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia State. 
1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of this study is to assess the factors influencing dietary pattern and anthropometric status of adults in Ikwuano, L.G.A of Abia State.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives
The specific objectives are to:

1. identify the factors affecting the dietary pattern of adults in Ikwuano L.G.A.

2. assess the dietary pattern of the subject using 24 hour recall and food frequency questionnaire.

3. assess their nutritional status using anthropometric measurement.

4. determine the effect of some of the factors identified and dietary patterns on their anthropometric status.

The findings from this work will have important implications for nutrition education research and practice. It will also go a long way to help in the planning and evaluation of public health programs .The observed nutritional status and food consumption pattern will form a basis from which the Nutritionists and Home Economists will educate adults on healthy feeding habits and suggest plans for improved nutritional status through adjustment in their dietary pattern. This study will also help the Local and State Government to participate in comprehensive programs in order to inform adults about dietary recommendations and about ways to integrate it into eating patterns.

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