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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007264

No of Pages: 134

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This work aimed at evaluating the chronic effect of therapeutic dose of acetaminophen and ameliorative effects of antioxidant vitamins in wistar albino rats. A total of 56 male Wistar rats with body weights range 70 – 100 g used in this study were fed Vital growers mash and water ad libitum, and grouped into 7 (n=8). Group 1 was fed Vital growers mash and water ad libitum while groups 2 and 3 received only acetaminophen at 1500 mg and 1000 mg per 70 kg body weight, respectively. Groups 4 and 5 were administered acetaminophen at 1500 mg and 1000 mg per 70 kg body weight with concomitant administration of vitamin C at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight, while groups 6 and 7 were administered acetaminophen at 1500 mg and 1000 mg per 70 kg body weight respectively, together with vitamin E 1000 iµ/70 kg body weight. These administrations were done for weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7 while nothing was administered on the 2nd, 4th and 6th week during which the animals were fed only feed and water ­ad libitum. At the end of each administration week, two animals selected randomly from each group were anaesthetized using chloroform and blood samples collected via cardiac puncture. The blood samples for biochemical assays were respectively collected in anticoagulant-free tubes and allowed to clot before centrifugation. The sera were separated thereafter and used for the assays, while the blood samples for haematological parameters were collected in EDTA-containing sample bottles and used for the tests. These assays and tests were carried out using standard methods. Results show that in the 7th week, the groups administered 1500 and 1000 mg/70 kg BW paracetamol, had a significant (p<0.05) increase in activity of the determined liver marker enzymes: aspartate aminotransferase, alanine amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase. The exposure also caused a significant (p<0.05) increase in concentration of the determined kidney function parameter (urea) as well as total protein. A significant (p<0.05) increase was also observed in activities of the determined serum antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase), as well as in the concentration of malondialdehyde. The haematological parameters of the untreated animals showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in results of all parameters at the 5th and 7th week. The altered results showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in the treated groups when compared with the control. These significant (p<0.05) decreases were observed when groups 4, 5, 6 and 7 (administered with varying doses of paracetamol and antioxidant vitamins C and E) were compared with group 1 as well as groups 2 and 3. Serum urea concentration was also significantly (p<0.05) decreased in the groups administered acetaminophen only at the varying doses; these alterations were also significantly (p<0.05) corrected in the groups co-administered antioxidant vitamins. Histopathological examinations seemingly corroborated the serum chemistry. Thus, the therapeutic dose of acetaminophen when taken over time can lead to depletion of serum antioxidants, increase in generation of toxic compounds and finally, damage to some vital biological organs. Hence, co-administration of antioxidant vitamins will ameliorate the observed effects of long term consumption of acetaminophen.


Title page                                                                                                                               ii

Declaration                                                                                                                            iii                                                                      

Certification                                                                                                                          iv

Dedication                                                                                                                             v

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                vi

Table of contents                                                                                                                   vii

List of tables                                                                                                                          viii

List of figures                                                                                                                        ix

List of plates                                                                                                                          x

Abstract                                                                                                                                 xvi


CHAPTER 1:                        INTRODUCTION

1.1                   Background of the study                                                                                1

1.2                   Free radicals and oxidative stress                                                                   1

1.2.1                Mechanism of reaction of free radicals and oxidative stress              2

1.3                   Vitamins                                                                                                          3

1.4                   Statement of the problem and justification                                                    4

1.5                   Aim of the study                                                                                             5

1.6                   Objectives of the study                                                                                   5

CHAPTER 2:                        LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1                   Introduction                                                                                                    7             

2.2                   Physical and chemical properties                                                                    8

2.3                   Metabolism of acetaminophen                                                                        9

2.4                   Drug-drug interactions of acetaminophen                                                      11

2.5                   Pharmacodynamics of acetaminophen                                                       13

2.6                   Classification of vitamins                                                                               14

2.6.1                Fat soluble vitamins                                                                                        14             Vitamin A                                                                                                       14             Vitamin D                                                                                                       15             Vitamin E                                                                                                        16          Biochemistry of vitamin E                                                                              16          Biological activities of vitamin E                                                                    18             Vitamin K                                                                                                       20

2.6.2                Water soluble vitamins                                                                                    21             Vitamin-B1 (thiamin)                                                                          21             Vitamin-B2 (riboflavin)                                                                                   22             Vitamin-B3 (niacin)                                                                                         23             Vitamin-B5 (pantothenic acid)                                                                        24             Vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine)                                                                                 25             Vitamin B9 (folate)                                                                                         26             Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)                                                                                 28             Biotin (coenzyme R, vitamin H, and vitamin B7)                                           30           Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)                                                                               31        Absorption of vitamin C                                                                                 33        Biological functions of Vitamin C                                                                  35


3.1                   Materials                                                                                                         37

3.1.1                Acetaminophen                                                                                               37

3.1.2                List of chemicals/reagents used                                                                      37

3.2                   Method                                                                                                           37

3.2.1                Animals                                                                                                           37

3.2.2                Experimental design                                                                                       37

3.2.3                Serum preparation                                                                                           38

3.2.4                Biochemical analysis                                                                                       38             Assay of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity                               39             Assay of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity                            39             Assay of serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity                                     40             Determination of serum total protein concentration                                       41             Determination of urea concentration                                                              42             Assay of superoxide dismutase activity                                                         43             Assay of catalase activity                                                                               44             Estimation of glutathione peroxidase activity                                                            44             Reduced glutathione estimation                                                                     45           Estimation of extent of lipid peroxidation                                                     46           Determination of erythrocyte count by haemocytometry                               47           Packed cell volume (PCV) estimation                                                            48           Determination of haemoglobin concentration                                    49           Determination of platelet count                                                                      51           Determination of total white blood cell count by haemocytometry               52

3.2.5                Histopathological examination                                                                       53             Tissue preparation                                                                                           53             Slide examination                                                                                           54

3.2.6                Statistical analysis                                                                                           54


4.1                   Results                                                                                                            55

4.1.1                Effect of acetaminophen on aspartate transaminase activity in

wistar rats                                                                                                        55

4.1.2                Effect of acetaminophen on alanine amino transferase activity in

wistar rats                                                                                                        56

4.1.3                Effect of acetaminophen on alkaline phosphatase activity in

wistar rats                                                                                                        57

4.1.4                Effect of acetaminophen on serum urea concentration in

wistar rats                                                                                                        58

4.1.5                Effect of acetaminophen on serum total protein concentration in

wistar rats                                                                                                        59

4.1.6                Effect of acetaminophen on serum malondialdehyde concentration in

wistar rats                                                                                                        60

4.1.7                Effect of acetaminophen on serum superoxidedismutase activity in

wistar rats                                                                                                        61

4.1.8                Effect of acetaminophen on serum catalase activity in wistar rats                 62

4.1.9                Effect of acetaminophen on serum glutathione peroxidase activity in

wistar rats                                                                                                        63

4.1.10              Effect of acetaminophen on serum glutathione activity in wistar rats           64

4.1.11              Histopathology                                                                                               67           The Liver at 5th week of administration                                                          67           The Kidney at 5th week of administration                                                      75           The Liver at 7th week of administration                                                          82           The Kidney at 7th week of administration                                                      88

4.2                   Discussion                                                                                                       94



5.1                   Conclusion                                                                                                      100

5.2                   Recommendations                                                                                          100





1:         List of chemicals and reagents and their manufacturers.                                            37

2:         List of equipment and their manufacturers.                                                                38

3:         Effect of acetaminophen on haematological parameters of wistar rats at

            weeks 1, 3 and 5                                                                                                         66

4:         Effect of acetaminophen on haematological parameters of wistar rats at week 7      67









2.1:      Acetaminophen metabolism                                                                                        9

2.2:      Metabolism of acetaminophen at supratherapeutic dose                                            11

2.3:      Structure of vitamin E                                                                                                16

2.4:      Structure of vitamin C                                                                                                            33

4.1:      Activity of aspartate transaminase in different animal groups                                   56

4.2:      Activity of alkaline amino transferase in different animal groups                              57

4.3:      Activity of alkaline phosphatase in different animal groups                                      58

4.4:      Serum urea concentration in wistar rats of different groups                                      59

4.5:      Serum total protein concentration in wistar rats of different groups                          60

4.6:      Serum total malondialdehyde concentration in wistar rats of different groups         61


4.7:      Serum superoxidedismutase activity in wistar rats of different groups                     62

4.8:      Serum catalase activity in wistar albino rats of different groups                                63

4.9       Serum glutathione peroxidase activity in wistar rats of different groups                   64


4.10:    Serum glutathione activity in wistar rats of different groups                                     65








Plate 1A

Sections of the liver collected from the control group showed the normal features of the hepatic histomorphology/histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Normal hepatic lobules, with normal hepatocytes arranged in interconnecting cords around the central veins (V) were observed. The hepatic cords are separated from each other by the hepatic sinusoids as they radiate towards the periphery of the hepatic lobules where they meet with the components of the portal areas (P)/portal triad (Hepatic artery, Hepatic vein and Bile duct) suspended in loose connective tissue matrix. H&E x400.


Plate 2A

Photomicrograph of liver of 1500 mg/70 kg group showing mild widespread hepatocellular swelling with partial occlusion of adjacent sinusoids whereby affected cells appear swollen and contain numerous minute intracytoplasmic clear vacuoles (arrow). Multifocal areas of leucocytic aggregations were also observed with random distribution in relation to the hepatic sinusoids. M x400. H and E


Plate 3A

Sections of the liver collected from the animals in the group administered 1000 mg/70 kg acetaminophen showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Central vein (V); Sinusoid (arrow). H&Ex400.


Plate 4A

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1500 mg/70 kg acetaminophen + vitamin C showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Central vein (V); Portal area (P). H&E x160.


Plate 5A

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1000 mg/70 kg acetaminophen + vitamin C showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Central vein (V); Portal area (P). H&E x160.


Plate 6A

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1500 mg/70 kg acetaminophen + vitamin E showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 7A

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1000 mg/70 kg acetaminophen + vitamin E showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 1B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals in the control group showed the normal features of the renal histomorphology/histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. The sections showed normal Glomeruli (G) in their thin Bowman’s capsules (arrow) surrounded by a sea of renal tubules (RT) (proximal convoluted tubules, pars recta, distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts) in the cortex and outer medulla. The inner medulla also showed normal renal tubules. The sections also showed normal renal interstitium composed of loose connective tissue with rich capillary network. H&E x160; x400.


Plate 2B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT); Blood vessel (BV). H&E x400.


Plate 3B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1000mg/70 kg Acetaminophen showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT); Blood vessel (BV). H&E x400.


Plate 4B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70 kg Acetaminophen + vitamin C showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.


Plate 5B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1000mg/70 kg Acetaminophen + vitamin C showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.


Plate 6B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70 kg Acetaminophen + vitamin E showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.


Plate 7B

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1000mg/70 kg Acetaminophen + vitamin E showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.


Plate 1C

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen only showed a mild widespread hepatocellular swelling with partial occlusion of adjacent sinusoids. The affected cells appear swollen and contain numerous minute intracytoplasmic clear vacuoles (arrow). Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 2C

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1000mg/70kg acetaminophen showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents. Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 3C

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin C showed a very mild widespread hepatocellular swelling with partial occlusion of adjacent sinusoids. The affected cells appear swollen and contain numerous minute intracytoplasmic clear vacuoles (arrow). Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 4C

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1000mg/70kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin C showed the normal hepatic histo-architecture for laboratory rodents (See control group for detailed histopathological descriptions). Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 5C

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin E showed a mild widespread, centrilobular hepatocellular swelling with partial occlusion of adjacent sinusoids. The affected cells appear swollen and contain numerous minute intracytoplasmic clear vacuoles (arrow). Central vein (V). H&E x400.


Plate 6C

Sections of the liver collected from the animals administered 1000mg/kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin E showed a mild periportal infiltration of inflammatory cells. The inflammatory cells composed primarily of mononuclear leucocytes aggregate around the components of the portal triads. A few random aggregates in the hepatic lobules were also observed. Hepatic artery (HA); Bile duct (BD). H&Ex400.


Plate 1D

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT); Blood vessel (BV). H&E x400.


Plate 2D

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals in this group showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.


Plate 3D

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin C showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT); Blood vessel (BV). H&E x400.


Plate 4D

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1000mg/kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin C showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.


Plate 5D

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1500mg/70kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin E showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT)Blood vessel (BV). H&E x400.


Plate 6D

Sections of the kidney collected from the animals administered 1000mg/kg Acetaminophen + Vitamin E showed the normal renal histo-architecture (see control group for detailed histological description). Glomeruli (G); Bowman’s capsule (Arrow); Renal tubules (RT). H&E x400.









1.1              BACKGROUND OF STUDY

Acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) is the most frequently consumed anti-pyretic and non-opioid analgesic for management of pains and fever; and belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) class of drugs (Mazer and Perrone, 2008). It is arguably the most commonly used medications worldwide and as such, has a very high rate of abuse which leads to toxicity with well over 165, 000 reported exposures in the United States (Mazer and Perrone, 2008). Acetaminophen is a powerful inducer of cytochrome-P450 whose activity leads to generation of highly reactive quinoneimine that combines with the sulfhydryl group of proteins. The toxicity occurs because of its reactive metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) which exerts its toxicity primarily via its oxidative effect on cellular proteins (Attia, 2010). This toxic effect in animals and man produces hepatic necrosis and depletion of both mitochondrial and cytosolic pools of reduced glutathione (Sandhu et al., 2010; Dasgupta et al.  2012). Kidney is the second target organ of acetaminophen toxicity, although nephrotoxicity may exists in the absence of hepatotoxicity following an overdose of acetaminophen (Gulnaz et al., 2010), even though it (kidney) has been badly ignored in studies aimed at treatment of Acetaminophen toxicity with herbal preparations (Sharma  et al., 2008).



Biochemical reactions that take place in the cells and organelles of our bodies are the driving force that sustains life. The laws of nature dictate that one goes from childhood, to adulthood and finally enters a frail condition that leads to death. Due to the low number of births and increasing life expectancy, in the near future, worldwide population will be composed in a considerable number of elderly. This stage in life is characterized by many cardiovascular, brain and immune system diseases that will translate into high social costs (Rahman, 2007). It is therefore important to control the proliferation of these chronic diseases in order to reduce the suffering of the elderly and to contain these social costs. Free radicals, antioxidants and co-factors are the three main areas that supposedly can contribute to the delay of the aging process (Rahman, 2007). The understanding of these events in the human body can help prevent or reduce the incidence of these and other diseases, thus contributing to a better quality of life.


1.2.1    Mechanism of reaction of free radicals and oxidative stress

Free radicals are atoms, molecules or ions with unpaired electrons that are highly unstable and active towards chemical reactions with other molecules. They derive from three elements: oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur, thus creating reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive sulfur species (RSS). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) include free radicals like the superoxide anion (O2-), hydroperoxyl radical (HO2), hydroxyl radical (OH), nitric oxide (NO), and other species like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen (1O2), hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-). Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) derive from NO by reacting with O2-, and forming ONOO-. Reactive sulphur species (RSS) are easily formed by the reaction of ROS with thiols (Lü et al., 2010). The hydroperoxyl radical (HO2) disassociates at pH 7 to form the superoxide anion (O2 -) which is extremely reactive and can interact with a number of molecules to generate ROS either directly or through enzyme or metal-catalyzed processes. Superoxide ion can also be detoxified to hydrogen peroxide through a dismutation reaction with the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) (through the Haber-Weiss reaction) and finally to water by the enzyme catalase (CAT). If hydrogen peroxide reacts with an iron catalyst like Fe2+, the Fenton reaction can take place (Fe2+ + H2O2 → Fe3+ + OH. + OH-) forming the hydroxyl radical HO (Flora, 2009). With regard to RNS, the mechanism forming ONOO- is: NO. + O2-. (Squadrito and Pryor, 1998). Finally, RSS derive, under oxidative conditions, from thiols to form a disulfide that with further oxidation can result in either disulfide-S-monoxide or disulfide-S-dioxide as an intermediate molecule. Finally, a reaction with a reduced thiol may result in the formation of sulfenic or sulfinic acid (Giles et al., 2001).


1.3       VITAMINS

Vitamins are groups of highly complex compounds, organic in nature, present in foodstuffs in traces, essential for normal metabolism and absence of these nutrients cause disorders whereas, resupply of these nutrients can cure the deficiency symptoms (Marshall, 1986). Vitamins are diverse in nature relative to fats, carbohydrates and proteins and differentiated from other groups by their organic nature whereby their classification depends on chemical nature and function. Vitamins are classified into two main categories i.e. water soluble and fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins of B complex and C are water soluble whereas, vitamin A, D, E, and K are fat soluble. Fat soluble vitamins have association with fats and absorb with dietary fats making them to follow the same mechanics as for absorption of fats while water soluble vitamins are not associated with fats and thus, rendered unaffected by alterations in fat absorption (McDowell, 2000; Wardlaw et al., 2004).


The human body is unable to synthesize the vitamins so, their intake through diet is necessarily vital. Vitamins are chemically complex compounds and have significant role in growth and development of the human body. There are numerous vitamins like; vitamin A, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B12 (cobalamin), vitamin B6, vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid), vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B9 (folate, folic acid, or folacin), flavonoids (vitamin P). Severe or even fatal diseases are caused by deficiency of vitamins. Vitamin deficiencies are associated with specific disease like, vitamin A associated with Blindness, vitamin B1 with beriberi, vitamin B3 with pellagra, vitamin B6 with anaemia, vitamin C with scurvy and vitamin D with rickets (Asensi-Fabado and Munne´-Bosch, 2010).

In earlier days of vitamin discovery, chemical composition of vitamins was unknown and these factors were designated with alphabet letters. Alphabetizing became complicated due to different forms of vitamins (vitamin B complex), differences in chemical structure within groups and determination of chemical functions. Vitamins were also named based on their function and sources. Vitamin H was named to the factor which protects the haut, a German word meaning skin. Vitamin K is derivative from Danish word koagulation meaning coagulation. Pantothenic acid derived from Greek word pantos, means found everywhere (Cnain, 1981).



Acetaminophen is used frequently as an over-the-counter analgesic for minor aches, pains and fevers. Potentially acetaminophen in overdose, have a variety of effects on the liver and kidney. Severe adverse renal effects may partly be due to vasoconstriction consequent upon inhibition of renal prostaglandin-mediated vasodilatation, decreasing renal blood flow, and resulting in a reduction in glomerular filtration rate (Bower et al., 2007). Acetaminophen induced hepatic and renal failure depends on the drug, dose, duration of pharmacologic effect, and the health of the patient. Therefore, it is imperative to study the chronic dose dependant toxicity of acetaminophen and check whether vitamin E and vitamin C will ameliorate such toxic effect.

 In our day to day life we are using so many drugs as medicines. We consume such medicines not knowing their toxicity, etc. One of such is acetaminophen which is often used to get relief from fever, headache and certain pains such as muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothache and cold; though, research have shown that high doses of acetaminophen consumption can lead to liver failure. This has led many individuals to consume the approved therapeutic dose and in some instances, over a long period of time. Thus, this study is aimed at investigating the effect of chronic consumption of acetaminophen and if co-administration with antioxidant enzymes have potential relevance in ameliorating such effects.


1.5       AIM OF THE STUDY

This study is aimed at determining the chronic effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E on Wistar albino rats.



a.                To investigate the chronic effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E on endogenous antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione) in Wistar albino rats.

b.               To investigate the chronic effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E on activities of some liver function markers (aspartate transaminase, alanine amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase and total protein) in Wistar rats.

c.                To investigate the chronic effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E on renal function marker (urea) in Wistar albino rats.

d.               To investigate the chronic effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E on lipid peroxidation marker (malondialdehyde) in Wistar albino rats.

e.                To investigate the hepatic histopathological effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E in wistar albino rats.

f.                To investigate the renal histopathological effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E in wistar albino rats.

g.               To investigate the chronic effect of therapeutic doses of acetaminophen and possible ameliorative potentials of antioxidant vitamins C and E on haematological parameters (packed cell volume, red blood cells, total white blood cell count, platelets count and haemoglobin) in wistar albino rats.



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