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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009659

No of Pages: 114

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study assessed the effects of social capital on the performance of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State. The specific objectives of the study were to: ascertain the effect of structural social capital onorganisational profitability; find out the effects of cognitive social capital on organisational responsiveness; and ascertain the effects of relational social capital on the effectiveness of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc. The study adopted survey research design approach. Primary and secondary sources of data were used. The study population consists of all the employees of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State. Data obtained from field work were analysed using descriptive statistics and Multiple Regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that; the fact that internal coordination and joint working in the organization, institution external coordination with other stakeholders, internal connectivity and cross departmental working within the organization is contributing to the profitability of First Bank Plc and Zenith Bank Plcis 99% verifiable; the fact that departments clearly and widely understanding the institutions mission, values and objectives,; departments believing that the missions and objectives of the institution are valuable is contribution to the responsiveness of First Bank Plc and Zenith Bank Plc is 99%verifiable; that the fact that departments having high level of trust in the organisation’s Directors/Chief Executives, high level of trust among co-workers in departments, and departments having high level of trust in other departments contribution to the effectiveness of First Bank Plc and Zenith Bank Plc are 99% verifiable The study concluded that formal and informal collaboration and coordination as well as interaction between colleagues, units, departments and network ties which provide access to resources and information in the organization (Structural Social Capital) is positively affecting the profitability of First Bank and Zenith Bank plc, that the embeddedness, willingness and ability of employees in both organisation to define collective goals, share a common understanding and approach to the organisational goals and objectives (Cognitive Social Capital) is facilitating their abilities to satisfy customers demand regularly and in a timely manner (responsiveness), that the level of trust and reciprocity between employees (Relational Social Capital) in First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc is aiding the employees to improved quality of business process, improved quality of customers care and attention, which leads to growing number (Effectiveness) of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc customers. This concludes that social capital (Structural, Cognitive and Relational) have a positive and significant effect on the performance (profitability, responsiveness and effectiveness) of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc within the period under review (2008-2017). The following recommendations were underscore: the Managements of First Bank, and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc should through beneficial work environment build formal and informal collaboration, coordination, interaction between employees in different departments and should create network ties between employees. Management should through ethical and human resource practices build a relationship of trust and mutuality between employees. The need to regularly reinforce organisational social capital talents by creating viable internal and external networks through professional practices and appropriate technologies were also emphasised.


Cover Page

Title Page                           i

Declaration                                       ii

Certification                                         iii

Dedication                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                               v

Table of Contents                                                            vi

List of Tables                                                 ix

Abstract                                                    xi



1.1           Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2           Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3

1.3           Objectives of the Study                                                                                              5

1.4           Research Questions                                                                                                    5

1.5           Research Hypotheses                                                                                                  5

1.6           Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.7           Scope of the Study                                                                                                      7

1.7.1      Unit scope                                                                                                                   7

1.7.2      Content scope                                                                                                             7

1.7.3      Geographical scope                                                                                                    8

1.8           Limitations of the Study                                                                                             8

1.9           Definition of Terms                                                                                                    9


2.1           Conceptual Review                                                                                                     12

2.1.1      Concept of social capital                                                                                            12

2.1.2      Concept of organisational performance                                                                     15

2.1.3      Background of social capital                                                                                      22

2.1.4      Functions of social capital                                                                                          27

2.1.5      Dimensions of social capital                                                                                      29

2.1.6      Social capital and organisational performance                                                          33

2.1.7      Social capital and organisational profitability                                                           35

2.1.8      Structural social capital and organisational performance                                          37

2.1.9      Relational social capital and organisational performance                                          38

2.1.10   Cognitive social capital and organisational performance                                          40

2.1.11   Cost of social capital                                                                                                  41

2.1.12   Managing social capital                                                                                              41

2.2           Theoretical Review                                                                                                     44

2.2.1      The resource based view theory                                                                                 44

2.2.2      Stakeholders theory                                                                                                    46

2.2.3      Legitimacy theory                                                                                                      47

2.3           Empirical Review                                                                                                       50

2.4           Summary of Reviewed Literature                                                                              63

2.5           Gaps in the Review of Related Literature                                                                  63


3.1           Research Design                                                                                                         64

3.2           Population of the Study                                                                                              64

3.3           Sources of Data Collection                                                                                         65

3.3.1      Primary data                                                                                                               65

3.3.2      Secondary data                                                                                                           65

3.4       Sample Size Determination                                                                                        65

3.4.1      Sample and sampling procedure                                                                                67

3.5           Validity of the Instruments                                                                                         67

3.6           Reliability of the Instruments                                                                                     67

3.7           Methods of Data Analysis                                                                                          69

3.8           Model Specification                                                                                                   69


4.1           Data Presentation                                                                                                        71

4.2           Effect of Structural Social Capital on the Profitability of First Bank and

            Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc                                                                                             72

4.3           Effect of Cognitive Social Capital on the Responsiveness of First Bank and

            Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                                                                                            77

4.4           Effect of Relational Social Capital on the Effectiveness of First Bank and

            Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc                                                                                             82

4.5           Discussion of Findings                                                                                               87


5.1           Summary of Findings                                                                                                 90

5.2           Conclusion                                                                                                                  91

5.3           Recommendations                                                                                                      91

5.4           Contribution to Knowledge                                                                                        92

            References                                                                                                                  94        Appendices




3.1       Showing Coefficient of Correlation of the Reliability of the Research Instrument.                                                                                                                                                              68

4.1       Showing the total number of questionnaires sampled at First Bank and

Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc and the number that were return.                                        71

4.2.1:   Showing descriptive statistics analysis result on the effect of structural

social capital on the profitability of First Bank Nigeria Plc.                                      72

4.2.2    Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effect of structural

social capital on the profitability of First Bank Nigeria Plc.                                      73

4.2.3    Showing descriptive statistics analysis result on the effect of structural

social capital on the profitability of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                                 74

4.2.4    Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effect of structural

social capital on the profitability of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                                 75

4.3.1    Showing descriptive statistics analysis result on the effect of cognitive

social capital on the responsiveness of First Bank Nigeria Plc.                               77

4.3.2    Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effect of cognitive

social capital on the responsiveness of First Bank Nigeria Plc.                               78

4.3.3    Showing descriptive statistics analysis result on the effect of cognitive

social capital on the responsiveness of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                                    79

4.3.4    Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on the effect of cognitive

social capital on the responsiveness of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                                    80

.4.1:     Showing descriptive statistics analysis result on the effect of relational

            social capital on the effectiveness of First Bank Nigeria Plc.                                              82

4.4.2    Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on effects of relational

social capital on the effectiveness of First Bank Nigeria Plc.                                              83

4.4.3    Showing descriptive statistics analysis result on the relational social

            capital on the effectiveness of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                                           84

4.4.4    Showing Multiple Regression analysis result on effects of relational

social capital on the effectiveness of Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.                               85











In contemporary business environment with characteristics like globalisation, competition and high rate of changes in technology, tangible assets such as capital, land, equipment and raw materials continue to be important factors in the production of goods and services, however, their relative importance in creating competitive advantage for organisations has dwindled overtime, and replaced by the important intangible assets.

With the paradigm shift from tangible assets to intangible assets as a catalyst for competitive advantage, organisations are exploring the potentials of intangible assets as a base for sustainable competitive advantage and to strengthen their performance frontiers. Portes (2000) averred that the concept of social capital is arguably one of the most successful exports from sociology to other social sciences and to public discourse. The position of social capital in; restoring social cohesion, reinforcing local networks and formal and informal groups which seek to facilitate integration and cooperation is increasingly recognised, especially in the development of intermediate organisations. Leana and Van Buren, cited in Dorothea, (2012) defined social capital “as a resource reflecting the character of social relations within an organisation”. Furthermore, social capital can be considered an asset that can create positive effects to the organisation itself and to the people that are part of those organisations (Leana and Van Buren, cited in Dorothea, (2012).

Social capital creates value and facilitates the actions of individuals within the organisational structure. Social capital function as a social structure and a set of social resource producing advantage through personal relationships. It enable social actors create and mobilise their network connections within and between organisations to gain access to other social actors’ resources in order to facilitate organisational performance (Knok, cited in Raheleh, Amin and Sheida, 2015).

Accordingly, organisational performance is one of the basic notions in management and most of management’s tasks are formed according to this notion, and performance is an important outcome in the study of social capital. Mayo’s Hawthorne experiment (Mayo, cited in Jung, 2016) shows that, compared to the traditional scientific management method (i.e., control and direction from management), laborers are more sensitive to social pressure from colleagues. Namely, the social or psychological aspects that the human relations school emphasis, has an important influence on organisational performance. Similarly, in the words of Jung and Lee (2012), social relations and participative management style have stronger influences than physical conditions on public employees’ perceived performance. Barnard cited in Jung, (2016) also emphasised the importance of informal organisational networks as one of the components of social capital-that is, considering organisations as cooperative systems. Social capital has potential power that can enhance social performance compared to other capitals. The reason is that other capitals-namely, material resources and human resources-can be depleted, but the more social capital is used, the more its efficiency increases (Lee, Park and Jeon, 2007). Therefore, the increase in the value of social capital could be very significant in relation to organisational performance, especially in the banking sector that is relational based and performance driven.

Be it as it may, First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc as organisations in the banking sector, are knowledge-intensive, skill-based and relationship-rich organisations. In harmony with the tenets of social capital, First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc leverage on the potentials of social networks available within and outside their organisation to create social relationships. These relationships serve as a resource reflecting employees’ levels of collective goal orientation and shared trust which create value by facilitating successful collective actions towards organisational goals and objectives. Through social capital platforms, First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria facilitate collective work and effective interpersonal coordination, which makes collective work easier and facilitates the strength and opportunities of the bank among its contemporaries. However, social capital as moral capital increases when it is used; if not used, it become drained and remain at variance with organisational performance. To that end, there is need for First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria to continuously consolidate on their social capital for exceptional organisational performance. Against this backdrop, the study: Effects of social capital on the performance of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State within the period covered by the study were initiated.


In the business world, organisations face a complex environment, with growing environmental pressure, global markets with different rules and cultures and increasing competition. Also, organisations especially those in the banking sector work in an environment which constantly needs to improve performance to maintain their customer base, and banks endeavor to reach elevation in their performance in order not to be outwit by competitors. Organisations in the banking sector are seeking ways to maintain a competitive edge over their competitors with assets and resources that are difficult to copy which are internalized within the organisation, thus there has been a beam light on how to improve the efficiency of human capital through social capital. Because to solve organisational problems, consensus and cooperation among employees in an organisation is needed, which is the mediating role of effective organisational social capital platform.

Moreover, in an increasingly complex and more liberal business environment, the performance of banking institutions may be influence by the quality of social capital and the extent to which the industry is able to leverage or use their social capital potentials. Also, social capital theory argues that one’s relationship network determines the extent to which one can gain access to information, wield influence, and effect change in organisational performance. Therefore, to First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc, creating and sustaining internal relationship network through internal coordination, external co-ordination, internal connectivity, interpersonal trust, and institutional trust are essential in achieving organisational mission, values, and objectives which hinges on effective organisational social capital operationalisation.

Thus, social capital which is an embodiment of structural, cognitive and relational social capital are required to create social relationships that will serve as a platform for collective work and effective interpersonal coordination necessary to facilitates the strength and opportunities of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc towards been; responsive, effective, profitable and to strengthen inter-organisational relationships. Structural social capital being a form of social interaction, configurations of linkages between people and units, formal and informal collaboration and coordination as well as interaction between colleagues, units and departments creates cohesion within the organization.  Cognitive social capital which is the capacity of the organisation to share the same vision, mission and goals among members encourages team work and group commitment. Relational social capital refers to the level of trust and reciprocity between individuals within an organization which builds a sense of job security and improves performance.

However, as noted in the introduction, First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc are leveraging on their social networks available within and outside their organisation to create social relationships required for organisational performance. But the need to regularly evaluate the effect of organisational social capital on organisational performance in order to correct deviances and strengthen performance cannot be over emphasised. Thus, the need for this study: Effects of social capital on the performance of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State.


The broad objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of social capital on the performance of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State. The specific objectives are to:

      i.         ascertain the effect of structural social capital (internal coordination, external coordination, internal connectivity etc.) on the profitability of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.

     ii.         find out the effects of cognitive social capital (organisational mission, values, objectives etc) on the responsiveness to customers of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.

   iii.         ascertain the effects of relational social capital (interpersonal trust, institutional trust etc.) on the effectiveness of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.


The following research questions were answered by this study:

      i.         What are the effect of structural social capital (internal coordination, external coordination, internal connectivity etc.) on the profitability of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc?

     ii.         What are the effects of cognitive social capital (organisational mission, values, objectives etc) on the responsiveness to customers of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc?

   iii.         What are the effects of relational social capital (interpersonal trust, institutional trust etc.) on the effectiveness of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc?


The following hypotheses were tested in null form:

HO1: Structural social capital (internal coordination, external coordination, internal connectivity etc.) does not have any significant effect on the profitability of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.

HO2: Cognitive social capital (oganisational mission, values, objectives etc) does not have any significant effect on the responsiveness of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.

HO3: Relational social capital (interpersonal trust, institutional trust etc.) does not have any significant effect on the effectiveness of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc.


This study findings will be of great importance to First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc and other financial institutions in Nigeria. The findings will also be of importance to employees of First Bank and Zenith Bank plc, students and research scholars.

1.      The study findings will help First Bank and Zenith Bank plc in particular and other banks to evaluate, harness, and judiciously put into use their social capital platforms. It will enable them to ascertain the worth and operational effectiveness of their social capital platforms and its overall effect on the performance of their organisation.

2.      The study findings will also help the banks to articulate practical measure and effective ways to improve their social capital platforms in other to enhance their profitability, effectiveness, responsiveness and inter-organisational relationship.

3.      Also, the study findings will enable First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc to facilitate collective work and effective interpersonal coordination among its employees within the organisation. The study findings will enable First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc envisage ways to create and mobilise their network connections within and between organisations to gain access and tap from other organisations social platforms and resources.

4.      The study findings will also help the banks to facilitate internal coordination, external coordination, internal connectivity, interpersonal trust, institutional trust and inter-organisational relationship which will horn their strength and opportunities within the banking sector.

5.      On the part of the employees, the study findings will assist individual employees to collectively reach their goals in working towards the common good of the organisation. It will help the employees to harness the resources obtainable from simply knowing others and being part of social networks within an organisation. 

6.      The study findings will ascertain the relevance of the Resource Based view Theory by establishing the effect of social capital on organisational performance.

7.      The study findings will prove if an organisation social capital platform can serve as a competitive advantage in improving organisational performance above its competitors.

8.      The study will also add to the list of scholarly materials available on the research topic which will assist students and other potential researchers in their research work.


This research work focused on the effects of social capital on the performance of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in Abia State within the period of 2008-2017.

1.6.1   Unit scope

The research involve all the employees (both core staff and non-core staff) of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc in all their branches in Abia State.

1.6.2   Content scope

The study focused its interest on how social capital (structural, cognitive and relational social capital) have affected the performance (profitability, effectiveness and responsiveness) of First Bank and Zenith Bank Nigeria Plc from 2008 to 2017.

1.6.3   Geographical scope

The study was conducted in Abia State. Abia State is an abbreviation of four of the state’s densely populated regions Aba, Bende, Isuikwuato and Afikpo. It is one of the thirty-six (36) states that constitute the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Aba people are of the Igbo ethnic group who predominates much of the south-eastern part of Nigeria. Their traditional language is Igbo. English is widely spoken and serves as the official language in governance and business. Abia is 2.4mm people are mainly Christians. Abia state consists of seventeen (17) Local Government Areas. They are: Aba north, Aba south, Arochukwu, Bende, Ikwuano, Isiala Ngwa North, Isiala Ngwa South, Isuikwuato, Obingwa, Ohafia, OsisiomaNgwa, ugwunagbo, Ukwa, East, Ukwa West, Umuahia North, Umuahia South, Umunneochi.

Abia State, which occupies about 5,834 square kilometers. The southern part of the state lies within the riverine part of Nigeria. It is low-lying tropical rain forest with some oil-palm brush. The southern portion gets heavy rainfall of about 2,400 millimetres (941n) per year especially intense between the months of April through October. The rest of the state is moderately high plain and wooded savannah.

Crude oil and gas production is also a prominent activity, as it contributes to 39% of the GDP. The manufacturing sector only account for 2% of the GDP. Agriculture, which employs 70% of the second economic sector of Abia with its adequate seasonal rainfall, Abia has much arable land that produces yam, maize, potatoes, rice, cashews, plantains, karo and cassava. It is in this environment that these Microfinance Institutions are located.


Obviously, there is no study without limitations. Thus, the researcher encountered some limitations in completing the study. The main constraint encountered by the researcher was the study apathy expressed by the bankers that formed the respondents of the study. Many of the bankers declined interest in being part of the study with excuses like “I am busy, meet my colleagues” and many that accepted to be part of the study find it difficult to complete their questionnaire. The researcher visited the banks on many occasions soliciting for the questionnaires to be completed. The experience was saddening and it added to the hitches of the study. Furthermore, getting a reliable social science statistician that assisted the researcher in analysing the data obtained from field was arduous which delay the completion of the study.  


The followings are the operational definition of terms in this study:

Cognitive social capital: Cognitive social capital is the capacity of the organisation to share the same vision, mission and goals among employees working in an organisation. It is also the willingness and ability to define collective goals among employees that are then enacted collectively within the organisation.

Effectiveness: Effectiveness is ensuring that the output from any given activity of an organisaion is achieving the desired results postulated. It is the extent in which an organisational desired goals is established, approved and achieved towards the success of the organisation.

Inter-organisational relationships: Inter-organisational relationships is concerned with understanding of the patterns, origins, rationale, and consequences of relationships between and among organisations. It involves partnership, alliance, cooperation, coalition, network of organisations within a geographical space.

Organisational performance: Organisational performance is the extent to which an organisation performs well in pursuing its mission, produces outputs or services towards achieving its mission. It can also be referred to as the measurement of the achievement level of an organisation’s strategic goals and objectives within a defined period of time.

Performance: Performance can be seen as a rating system which is used in most organisation to determine and evaluate their abilities and output within a particular period of time.

Profitability: profitability is the ability of an organisation to earn returns above its expenses from the products and services rendered by the organisation. Profitability ratios measure the firm’s ability to generate profits from its products and services which reflect the overall success of organisation. Put simply, it is the ability of an organisation to earn return from its investment.

Relational social capital: Relational social capital is the level of trust and reciprocity between individual employees within an organisation. It also involves the positive expectations individuals have about the intent and behaviours of multiple organisational members based on organisational roles, relationships, experiences, and interdependencies.

Responsiveness: Responsiveness being quick to respond or react appropriately; sympathetically and sensitively towards the desired goals and objectives of an organisation for it accomplishment. It also referred to the responsiveness, swift reaction to the bureaucratic needs and preferences of clients in the accomplishment of organisational set goals and objectives.

Social capital: Social capital is a form of social relationships among organisational actors, and the relationships are created by exchange of social interactions and interest which leads to differentiation of power and privilege among the organisational actors. Social capital can also be seen as a set of intangible assets and resources available to the organisations that enable them to facilitate social benefits, the economic dealings with internal and external elements of the organisational network.          

Structural social capital: Structural social capital refers to the configurations of linkages between people and units in an organisation. It is the formal and informal collaboration and coordination as well as interaction between colleagues, units and departments in an organisation.


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