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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008331

No of Pages: 81

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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In the field of marketing, market segmentation and marketing performance have continued to receive lots of attention over the past decades and have become of great importance due to structural market changes, especially globalization (Dolnicar and Freitag, 2013).When markets are divided into different homogenous groups of consumers, it is known as market segmentation. According to Kotler, (2009) has defined market segmentation as the marketing strategy of having a total heterogeneous market divided into relatively homogeneous markets. This is in agreement with the marketing concept which calls for the understanding customers and efforts to satisfy their needs profitably. However, customers differ in their needs and it is rarely impossible to satisfy all customers by treating them equally. Market segmentation helps companies to better understand the needs of the customers, and this function serves as one of the main reasons why companies engaging in it.










Cover page                                                                                                      i

Title page                                                                                                        ii

Declaration page                                                                                             iii

Certification page                                                                               iv

Dedication                                                                                                      v

Acknowledgements                                                                                        vi

Table of contents                                                                                            vii

List of tables                                                                                                   viii

Abstract                                                                                                          ix


CHAPTER 1                                                                                                   


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                    1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                             4

1.3       Objective of Study                                                                              5

1.4       Research Questions                                                                            5

1.5       Research Hypotheses                                                                          6

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                   7

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                              8


CHAPTER 2                                                                                                   

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                          

2.0 Introduction                                                                                              9

2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                            9

2.1.1The concept of market segmentation                                                     9

 2.1.2 Approaches and strategies                                                                    10

2.1.3 Levels of market segmentation                                                             13

2.1.4 Requirements for market segmentation                                                15

2.1.5 Benefits of market segmentation                                                           16

2.1.6 Target marketing and strategies                                                            17

2.1.7 Steps in market segmentation                                                               20

2.1.8 Challenges of market segmentation                                                      22

2.1.9    Concept of marketing performance                                                    23

2.1.10Market segmentation and its importance for effective value chain management   30

2.1.11The nigerian leather industry                                                    33

2.1.12 How leather is made                                                                36

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                            39

2.2.1 Contrast theory -  Hovland, Harvey and Sherif (1987)                         39

2.2.2Negativity theory – Carlsmith and Aronson (1963)                               40

2.2.3 Consumer socialization theory – Scott Ward (1974)                            41

2.3 Empirical Framework                                                                   42


CHAPTER 3                                                                                                   

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                        

3.1 Research Design                                                                           47

3.2 Area of Study                                                                                47

3.3 Population of the Study                                                                            48

3.4 Sample Size Determination                                                                      49

3.4.1 Sampling procedure                                                                               49

3.5 Sources of data collection                                                                        50

3.5.1 Primary data                                                                                          50

3.5.2 Secondary data                                                                          50

3.6Validity of the Instrument                                                                         51

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument                                                                    51

3.8 Method of Data Analysis                                                                          51

3.9 Model Specification                                                                                 52


CHAPTER 4                                                                                                   

PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA                              

4.0 Introduction                                                                                  55

4.1 Relationship Between Market Segmentation and the Customer Acquisition in the Leather Industry in the Study Area                       55

4.2. Effect of Market Segmentation on the Sales Volume of the Leather Industry in the Study Area              56

4.3 Effect of Market Segmentation on Customer Loyalty in the Leather Industry           57

4.4 Effect of Market Segmentation on the Profitability of the Selected Leather Enterprises                  58

4.5 Effect of Market Segmentation on the Market Share of the Leather Industry in Aba, Abia State                                              59

4.6 Factors Influencing Market Segmentation Practices of the Marketers in

Leather Industry                                                          61


CHAPTER 5                                                                                       


5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                   63

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                6

5.3 Recommendations                                                                        66

References                                                                                          68






4.1: Correlation coefficient table showing the relationship between market segmentation and the customer acquisition                            55

4.2: Regression analysis showing the effect of market segmentation on  the sales volume of the leather industry in the study area                        56

4:3: Regression analysis showing the effect of market segmentation on customer loyalty in the leather industry                                 57

4.4: Regression analysis showing the effect of market segmentation on the profitability of the selected leather enterprises                      58

4.5: Regression analysis showing the effect of market segmentation on the market share of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State                    59

 4.6: Multiple regression analysis showing the factors influencing market segmentation practices of the marketers in leather industry                          61











In the field of marketing, market segmentation and marketing performance have continued to receive lots of attention over the past decades and have become of great importance due to structural market changes, especially globalization (Dolnicar and Freitag, 2013).

When markets are divided into different homogenous groups of consumers, it is known as market segmentation. According to Kotler, (2009) has defined market segmentation as the marketing strategy of having a total heterogeneous market divided into relatively homogeneous markets. This is in agreement with the marketing concept which calls for the understanding customers and efforts to satisfy their needs profitably. However, customers differ in their needs and it is rarely impossible to satisfy all customers by treating them equally. Market segmentation helps companies to better understand the needs of the customers, and this function serves as one of the main reasons why companies engaging in it. It has been observed that the task of segregating consumers by specific features has helped companies to identify other applications for their products that may or may not have been self evident before. Uncovering these other ideas for use of goods and services may help the company target a large audience in that same demographic classification and thus increase market share among a specific sub-market base (Maina, 2015).

The goal of market segmentation is on the belief that no single individual is exactly the same with the other. Also, either by cultural, social, geographical, political, space and time, no single group of people can be a replica of the other. This is why different people will continue to have different needs, aspirations and demands which are completely different from those of others.  It is the presence of such differences that forms the basis for differentiating and segmenting consumers with distinct consumption patterns and buying behavior.  It is based on this marketing philosophy that made Waiter (2009) in Inyanga (2008) to suggest that market segmentation means the recognition that groups or sub-segments differ with respect to (behavior and attitude)properties, and therefore, different marketing mix are required to appeal to the different observable consumer groups. It is still on the forgoing that Bush and Houston (2010) saw market segmentation as the process by which organizations match their total marketing programme to the peculiar manner in which one or more customer groups behave in the market place; which is usually manifested in customer expectations.

While there is the belief on the existence of some theoretically ‘ideal’ market segments, but in reality every organization operating in a market will have to develop different strategies of carving specific market segments, and also create different product differentiation strategies to exploit these segments. Such market segmentation and the corresponding product differentiation strategies can give firms competitive advantage over rivals, which is essential to its strategic survival (Maina, 2015).

Effective marketing performance within any business industry (even among leather enterprises) can be obtained through success in market segmentation. For manufacturers, producers, sellers and service business providers to achieve sustainable marketing performance, efforts should be made at the concentration of attention, externally on customers’ needs to be addressed. To be able to achieve effectively their set goal, an efficient and flexible strategic decision is needed - the channels through which the goods and services must pass before they reach to the ultimate consumers, the required promotion tools to be employed, among others. The market which is to be targeted by the company can only be determined through market segmentation. This enables the marketer to select his target market(s). It is also worthy of mention here that all marketing activities of every organization are directed towards the customers and this includes those in the leather business industry of Abia State, Nigeria. This makes it necessary for organizations to define their products in terms of what they do to satisfy customers and not as what they can make or produce. Success in customer service can only be achieved when firms make increased efforts to understand and respond promptly to customers’ expectations accordingly. The customer must always be viewed as the lifeblood of every successful business enterprise.

Even as a leather enterprise, it is not possible to be all things to all people. The quest to offer equal customer service to all customer of a business organization is good, but this is uneconomic service mantra that belongs to the past. Players in the leather industry are utilizing their business experience and individual customer information to categorize customers into various market segments to find a balance in customer service levels, (including customer supports, discounts, etc) to foster customer loyalty, customer retention and most importantly, profitability. However, as Hinson, et al., (2016) contend, in a competitive world, the propensity of customers switching to rival firms becomes high especially when such customers feel dissatisfied with offers provided.

This study gives the researcher the opportunity to examine the effect of market segmentation on the marketing performance of selected leather enterprises in Aba, Abia State.


Today, the market place is extremely competitive with a wide array of products facing the customers. Market segmentation strategy is a basic tool for achieving market efficiency which helps to increase customer loyalty, corporate image, acquisition, which all contributes to the development and growth of a company. Market segmentation strategies are generally used to identify and further define the target customers, and provide supporting data for marketing plan elements such as positioning to achieve certain marketing plan objectives. Businesses may develop product differentiation strategies, or an undifferentiated approach on the specific products or product lines depending on the specific demand and attributes of the target segment. Doing this poses problems to marketing management. These problems include identification of market segments, adoption of segmentation, differentiation and target strategies.

One of the hindrances encountered in the process of analyzing the effect of market segmentation on growth of firms is the inability to develop a segmentation strategy that will increase acquisition. According to Anyanwu (2013), a consumer is a king in every business, thus, a proper segmentation of market will increase consumer’s level of purchase which in turn contributes to a firms growth.

However, Tu-Shar (2009) has revealed that research works have not been seriously carried out on the effect of market segmentation on marketing performance in the leather industry. Others have studied the relationship between market segmentation and market performance as a whole, without using some parameters to measure market performance indices(Young, 2012).This research work aims at examining the effect of market segmentation strategy on the performance of leather industry in Aba, Abia State. Performance of the leather industry has witnessed a downward spiral which is usually observed through the rate of production and rate of demand of the product (Adewuyi, 2008). In Aba, there are leather companies that produce different kinds of leather bags ranging from female, male, unisex and travelling bags. The bags are being produced with the idea of market segmentation in order to have varieties of bags in the market and more so to create avenue to maximize their sales volume only; neglecting other indicators of marketing performance. But this work is poised to identify market segmentation and the marketing performance of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State. The bases or the strategies for market segmentation here will include geographical segmentation, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, benefit segmentation and behavioural segmentation. Then the indicators of marketing performance will be sales volume, profitability, market share, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.


The main objective of the study was to determine the effect of market segmentation on the marketing performance of selected leather enterprises in Aba, Abia State.

However, the specific objectives were to:

i.               determine the relationship between market segmentation and the customer acquisition in the leather industry in the study area.

ii.              analyze the effect of market segmentation on the sales volume of the leather industry in the study area.

iii.            ascertain the effect of market segmentation on customer loyalty in the leather industry.

iv.            analyze the effect of market segmentation on the profitability of the selected leather industry.

v.              examine the effect of  market segmentation on the market share of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State.

vi.            ascertain the factors influencing market segmentation practices  of the marketers in leather industry


The research sought to give answers to the following questions.

i.               What is the relationship between market segmentation and the customer acquisition in the leather industry in Aba, Abia State?

ii.              What is the effect of market segmentation on the sales volume of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State?

iii.            What is the effect of market segmentation on the customer loyalty in the leather industry in Aba, Abia State?

iv.            What is the effect of market segmentation on the profitability of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State?

v.              What is the effect of market segmentation on the market share of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State?

vi.            What are the factors influencing market segmentation practices of the marketers in leather industry?


The following null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

H01: market segmentation has no significant relationship with customer acquisition in the leather industry in Aba, Abia State.

H02:market segmentation has no significant effect on the sales volume of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State.

H03: market segmentation has no significant effect on the customer loyalty in the leather industry in Aba, Abia State.

H04: market segmentation has no significant effect on the profitability of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State.

H05:market segmentation has no significant effect on the market share of the leather industry in Aba, Abia State.

H06: Competition and benefit sought have no significant influence on market segmentation practices of the marketers in leather industry


This research study will hopefully be of great importance or assistance to the marketing department of leather industries in Aba, Abia State; and to a great extent aid in retaining the market share or to increase it.

However, this study will also show that promotional activities especially advertising and sales promotion remains a viable, efficient and effective tool to use in respect of product quality and loyalty of a product over another not also overlooking the importance of branding.

Finally, this research study will serve as a resource material and sufficient guide and good source of secondary data on this topic for future researchers.


The scope of the study is based on the effect of market segmentation and marketing performance among leather enterprises in Aba, Abia State. The content of the study contained segmentation variables such as; benefit status, loyalty status, buyer neediness, occupation, income, education, etc. Geographically, the study was carried out in Aba, Abia State. Aba is a city in the southeast of Nigeria and the commercial nerve center of Abia State. It lies along the west bank of the Aba River, and is at the intersection of roads leading to Port Harcourt, Owerri, Umuahia, Ikot Ekpene, and Ikot Abasi. Aba is a major urban settlement and commercial centre in a region that is surrounded by small villages and towns. The indigenous people of Aba are the Ngwa. Aba is well known for its craftsmen. As of 2006 census, Aba had a population of 534,265. Aba has been nick-named the Japan of Africa due to the many commercial businesses that are carried out in it. Ariaria International market, Powerline leather market, Bakassi Market, are many of the leather markets in Aba, Abia State. Thus, this study was limited to the users of leather products namely bags, shoes, belts, etc. This group of people constituted the target respondents that generated data for the study.

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