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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008321

No of Pages: 76

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study examined the effect of marketing mix strategy on sales volume of sacclux paint industry. The specific objectives includes: to determine the effect of price on the sales volume of the products, to ascertain the distribution channels that affect the sales volume of the product, to determine the effect of promotion on the sales volume of the products of the company, to examine the effects of product quality on the sales volume of the company, to examine the effect of place on sales volume of the product. Primary data obtained from administration of questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistic such frequency, simple percentage and mean, multiple regression model was specified. The multiple regression analysis results revealed that price, distribution channel, promotion and product quality have significant and positive effects on the sales volume of the organizations. It was based on this premise that the study recommends that management of saclux paint limited Umuahia should consider the prices of products sold since price attracts customers from buying a products. Much emphases should be given to the price structure and its price should be set according to the forces of demand and supply, there  is also need to carryout regular advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, public relation, direct marketing, exhibition and cooperate image since its can easily affect the sales volume of any firm if appropriately apply.

Keywords: marketing mix strategy and the sales volume


Title Page                                                                                                 i

Dedication                                                                                                ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                   iii

Declaration                                                                                               iv

Certification                                                                                             v

Table of Content                                                                                      vi

List of tables                                                                                            vii

Abstract                                                                                                    viii




1.1       Background of the study                                                                             1

1.2      Statement of problems                                                                            3

1.3     Objective of the study                                                                           4

1.4       Research questions                                                                               4

1.5       Research hypotheses                                                                             4

1.6      Significance of the study                                                                        5

1.7       Scope and limitation of the study                                                          6



Literature Review

2.0 Introduction                                                                                                    7

2.1 Concept of marketing mix                                                                             7

2.2      Purpose of marketing mix                                                                           8

2.3      Elements of the marketing mix                                                             10

2.3.1   Product                                                                                                  11
2.3.2    Price                                                                                                                12

2.3.3   Promotion                                                                                                13

2.3.4   Place                                                                                                              14

2.4 Effects of the Marketing Mix on Sales Volume of Industries                   15

2.4.1 Influence of product on sales Volume                                                    16

2.4.2 Influence of place on sales Volume                                                                18

2.4.3 Influence of promotion on sales Volume                                                     18

   2.4.4 Influence of price on sales Volume                                                            19

   2.5 The Marketing Mix: An Appropriate Marketing Strategy                           19

   2.6 Features of Marketing Mix                                                                          21

     2.7 Empirical Framework                                                                                23

   2.8 Conceptual framework                                                                                   27

   2.9 Theoretical Framework                                                                                     29



Research Methodology

3.1 Research design                                                                                     31

3.2 Area of the study                                                                                           31

3.3 Population of the study                                                                                33

3.4 Determination of sample size                                                                    33

3.5 Sampling techniques                                                                                 34

3.5.1. Method of Data Collection                                                                        35

3.6. Validity of Instrument                                                                          35

3.7 Reliability of Instrument                                                                             35

3.8 Methods of data analysis                                                                               36

3.9 Model specification                                                                                       36



Result and Discussion

4.1 Data presentation, interpretation and analysis                                             37

4.2.1Test of Hypothesis                                                                                      53

4.2.2 Test of hypothesis 1                                                                                   55

4.2.3 Test of hypothesis 2                                                                                 56

4.2.3 Test of hypothesis 3                                                                                   57

4.2.4 Test of hypothesis 4                                                                                  57



Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Summary                                                      59

5.2 Conclusion                                                                   60

5.3 Recommendations                                                                60







 Table 4.1: Based on questionnaire distributed            37

Table 4.2: Distribution of the respondents according to their socio economic  characteristics     38

Table 4.3. Rating the effect of fixed price system on the sales volume of product saclux paint limited Umuahia                 40

Table 4.4: Rating the effect of free price system on the sales volume of product of saclux paint limited?             41

Table 4.5: Rating the effect of price structure on the sales volume of product of saclux paint limited           42

Table 4.6 Rating the use of wholesales and it effect on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                      43

Table 4.7Rating the effect of retailing on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                    43

Table 4.8 Rating the effect of distributors on the sales volume of saclux paint limited              44

Table 4.9 Rating the effect of advertisement on the sales volume of saclux paint limited             45

Table 4.10 Rating the effect of sales promotion on the sales volume of saclux paint limited           46

Table 4.11Rating the effect of personnel selling on the sales volume of saclux paint limited          46

Table 4.12 Rating the effect of public relation on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                         47

Table 4.13 Rating the effect of exhibition on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                                 48

Table 4.14 Rating the effect of product quality on the sales volume of saclux paint limited     48

Table 4.15 Rating the effect of rebranded product on the sales volume of sacluxpaint limited                     49

Table 4.16 Rating the effect of place/location product on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                         50

Table 4.17 Rating how nearest to customers effects the sales volume of saclux paint limited                   50

Table 4.18 Rating the effects of distribution point on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                    51

Table 4.19 Rating the effects of sales volume on the sales volume of saclux paint limited                   52








1.1       Background of the study

Marketing is an important socio-economic activity with history of many centuries. It is an essential activity for the satisfaction of human wants and raising social welfare. Modern marketing is global in character. Everyone participates in marketing activities for the satisfaction of needs and wants. Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, services, organizations and events to create and maintain relationships that satisfy individual and organizational objectives (Nwakanma, Jackson and Burkhalter, 2007). The best way to achieve the organizational objective of achieving high sales volume is through the satisfaction of its customers. To satisfy customers, it is not only necessary to know who they are, but what they need, and how to meet those needs in ways that are consistent with the organization‘s objectives (Kotler, 2012). This assumption places emphasizes on the marketing mix (4Ps product, price, place and promotion).

Production is the base of marketing. It supplements production activities by distributing goods and services. Marketing links producers and consumers together for mutual benefits. It facilitates transfer of ownership of goods and services to consumers. Production will be meaningless if goods produced are not supplied to consumers through appropriate marketing mechanism.

A firm’s product offering and strategy constitute to its lifeline to the marketplace. Therefore, product strategy is the way a firm competes in the market and improves its total sales volume. To keep consistent performance, firms regularly adjust their marketing strategies to conform to changes in the export markets with the aim of enduring responsiveness to their operating market place Ye, Li, and Levi, 2007).

Marketing Mix is one of the most fundamental concepts in marketing management (Martin, 2014). The use of a marketing mix is an excellent way to help ensure that ‘putting the right product in the right place, will enable the organization achieve its objectives. The marketing mix is a crucial tool to help understand what the product or service can offer and how to plan for a successful product offering. The marketing mix is most commonly executed through the 4 P’s of marketing.

For attracting consumers and for increase in sales volume, every manufacturer has to concentrate on four basic elements/components. These are: product, pricing, distributive channels (place) and sales promotion techniques. A fair combination of these marketing elements is called Marketing Mix which is capable of increasing the sales volume of any product.

Sales volume refers to the quantity or number of products sold or services provided by a company in a particular period of time. Afande and Maina (2015) noted that the sales volume of an and services industry is singularly determined by the marketing mix it adopted, insisting that promotional element as a marketing mix has influence on sales volume. When properly implemented, sales promotion techniques would help retailers or manufacturers to encourage customers to patronize their stores and to try out the products being promoted, and in return would help the retailers and manufacturers to achieve their objective which invariably is increased sales volume (Ndubisi and Chiew 2005). Contemporary corporations especially production industries such as Saclux Paint, Umuahia have restructured their distribution systems to take benefit from the major improvements that were made in the information system, transportation and storage infrastructure. The introduction of Information Management System (IMS) has greatly eased order receipt; order processing, resource allocation, order invoicing and analysis of distribution cost which has promoted the application of the 4p’s of marketing in a bid to promote sales volume. This makes it imperative to investigate if in essence marketing mix strategy actually influences sales volume.

1.2      Statement of problems

Efficient marketing mix strategy enables the organization to determine what to produce, at what price to offer such product, how to communication the product to the public and how to decide on the most efficient delivery systems. Hence the success of the manufacturing organizations depends on a good understanding of marketing mix strategy. The observed problem is that many manufacturing establishments are yet to appreciate the importance of marketing mix strategy to the successful performance of their companies, they appear to lack adequate product mix knowledge, efficient pricing policy, sound promotion mix and delivery and distribution understanding. Most product failures may be traced to poor understanding and handling of marketing mix strategy.

Poor combination of the various marketing mix elements: product, price, promotion and place (Distribution) is a major problem faced by most companies. These are empirically examined to determine the extent they affect sales volume of the company.


1.4     Objective of the study

The broad objective of the study will be to ascertain the effect of marketing mix strategy on sales volume of sacclux paint industry. While the specific objectives includes to:

i.               determine the effect of price on the sales volume of the product

ii.             ascertain the distribution channels of Sacclux Paints Nigeria LTD that affect their sales volume

iii.           determine promotion tool that influence the sales volume of the products.

iv.            examine the effects of product quality on the sales volume of the product

v.             examine the effect of place on sales volume of the product

1.4       Research questions

1. To what extent does price affect the sales volume of product?

2.  How does distribution channels affect the sales volume of the product?

3.  To what extent does promotion tool effect on the sales volume of product?

4.  How does product quality affect sales volume of the product?

5. What is the effect of place on the sales volume of the product?

1.5       Research hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

Ho1:   Price has no significant effect on sales volume of the product

Ho2:   Promotion has no significant effect on sales volume of the product

Ho3:      Place/location has no significant effect on sales volume of the product

Ho4:      Product quality has no significant effect on sales volume of the product


1.6      Significance of the study

This study is needed because it permits the student to gains insight into the marketing mix strategies most especially in the paint industry. Also it enables the students to know the problems and how to tackle such problems in future when he/she might decide to go into practice. It will also offer the student the opportunity to make suggestions on how to eliminate any deficiency when called upon during the course of his/her practice. It will also enable the student to know how to implement the 4Ps of marketing in other to achieve the maximum result when he/she start practicing.

The study is beneficial to the company to discover the various effective means of directing their products to potential customers and thereafter increase sales volume of their products. To future researchers: It will be useful to future researchers that want to embark on a research work related to the problems under study.

The study will be beneficial to wholesalers and retailers of the product for faster sales. 

1.7       Scope of the study

The area covered in this study include the four promotional mix variables namely (product, price, place and promotion). The research was structured and focused on Saclux Paint Industries Umuahia.

1.8 Limitation of the study

The limitations of the work are many and varied but the following are the outstanding ones.

Time constraints:

The period for this work is too short, hence it is too tasking especially when it has to be combined with routine lectures.

Inadequate materials:

Academic material on marketing mix strategy are not sufficient enough for the study. This means that I had to go out and visit several libraries in search for relevant materials with the title resources available to me acquiring these material became a problem.

Measurement error and availability of required data.

Nevertheless, these limitations will not negatively affect the outcome of the study.


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