The study examined the effect of intellectual capital on the performance of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are: to determine the effect of Human Capital Efficiency on the Return of Asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Also, : to examine the effect of Structural Capital Efficiency on the Return of Asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria To achieve the objectives of the study, ex-post facto research design method was adopted. Data was generated through NSE fact book of 2018. In testing the hypotheses, panel pooled regression analysis was used. The findings revealed that there is insignificant effect of the effect of human capital structure in listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The researcher therefore recommends among other things that government of Nigeria should realize that for Nigeria to attain the desired vision of being one of the strongest twenty economics of the world, the must be a radical transformation and development of intellectual capital base. Strong Nations of the world such as United States of America (USA) Japan and China attained such feats because of their level of investment and development of their intellectual capital base. Also, since human capital is critical for the success of firms in all industry, there should be a review of the educational policies and standards to encourage Public Private Partnership in training of high quality human capital. Beyond having adequate high quality human capital, human capital becomes ineffective if it operates in poorly resourced environment.
Title page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content vii
List of tables viii
Abstract ix
1.1. Background
to the Study
of the Problem
1.3 Objectives
of the Study
1.4 Research
1.5. Research
1.6. Significance of the Study
2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.1.1 Concept
of Intellectual Capital
2.1.2 Components of Intellectual
2.1.3 Phases of Intellectual
Capital Development
2.1.4 Intellectual Capital
2.1.5 Intellectual Capital
Development Steps
2.1.6. Intellectual Capital
Management: Model
2.1.7 Importance of Intellectual Capital Management
2.1.8 Intellectual Capital Management
2.1.9. Performance
2.1.10 Firms
Nigerian Stock Exchange
Theoretical Framework
2.2.1 Value Added Intellectual Coefficient Theorem (VAIC)
2.2.2 Agency Theory
2.2.3 Resource-Based
View Theory
2.3. Empirical Review
2.4. Gap in
3.1. Research
3.2. Area
of Study
3.3. Population of Study
3.4. Sampling
Technique and Sample size
3.5. Sources of Data Collection
3.6. Data Analysis Technique
3.7. Model Specification
Discussions of Variables
3.8.1. Independent Variables
4.1 Data
4.2 Data
Test of hypotheses
4.4 Discussion
of findings
Summary of Finding
List of Tables
2.1 Vatable
Goods at 5% Tax Rate 12
2.2 Vatable
Goods at 5% Tax Rate 13
4.1 Data
Presentation Per Capita Income and Vat of Nigeria and Ghana 40
4.2 Regression
Result – Nigeria 41
4.3 Regression
Result – Nigeria 42
1.1. Background to the Study
Resources are key drivers for every
business success, the need for these adequate resources (in the form of
financial, physical and intangible assets) in ensuring the continuous operation
of a business function as a going concern can never be overlooked (Arzizieh
T.T, 2018). These resources range from physical assets, financial cum other
intangible assets, all needed for the growth of a company. In the millennium,
there was a growing prediction that less people will do physical work and more
people will do brain work, this is “intellectual capital”, and it doesn’t
appear on the company statement of financial performance, but reflects more
value for organizations than that of physical assets.
Capital is more than simply the sum of the human, structural and relational
resources of the firm, it is about how to let the knowledge of a firm work for
it and have it create value (Roberts,1999),
Intellectual capital drives organizational
wealth more by knowledge and information rather than the process of production.
While in the past most economies depended on use of land, natural resources,
equipment and capital for the creation of value, currently our information
economy depends largely on the application of knowledge in the creation of
wealth and economic growth. In addressing the
relevance of intellectual capital management, Apiti, Ugwoke and Chiekezie
(2017) noted that in this period of national as well as global financial
crisis, the study of the relevance of intangible assets has attracted much
attention in the business management literature, because intellectual capital
which is an aspect of intangible asset has that exerting influence of adding
value to a firm and with its relational ability can facilitate the acquisition
of other resources which promote the survival and profitability of a firm. The
foundational progress of every organization in today’s world rests on these
intangible assets that make up the intellectual capital. Gone are the days when
firms focus only on their physical capital with little or no attention to their
intellectual capitals and still post huge profits, competition in business
today has become so intense that managers utilize every resource at their
disposal to edge others out of business.
build relevance and increase financial performance, firms in Nigeria recently
engage mostly university graduates (who were outstanding) in their employment
policies, thereby giving credence to the fact that intellectual capital
significantly affects their performance. This stride has paid in promoting huge
transformation within the industrial sector of Nigeria in the last few years.
The boost of educated workforce gives
rise to high profitability and productivity. Companies that makes a better
disclosure of its intellectual assets, stands tall among her competitors and
the greater it provides confidence to her stakeholders. Intellectual capital in
combination with physical assets of companies, sharpens and strengthens competitive
edge. No wonder, Arzizeh T.T, 2018, recommends
that management of deposit money banks in Nigeria and the financial service
industry should invest in human capital in order to enjoy increase in revenue
generation coupled with the need to determine optimally the level of
intellectual capital management so that layoff and underutilization would be
highly discouraged and for management to strengthen Intellectual capital
management in order to enhance improved performance in revenue generation.
For any organization that wants to take the lead in any sector, judging by
performance and all round, should take the management of her Intellectual
capital seriously. In the world’s economy where there is now a paradigm shift,
that firms no longer centre their viability on physical assets only, but also
on human assets (i.e. intellectual capital), researchers have come to realize
that intellectual capacity which in times past was neglected is now a core
driver in the business world due technological advancement and great
innovations; hence, the need to manage the intellectual asset of every
organization in other to ensure steady growth on revenue generation is of key
importance, knowing that firms can’t survive without steady generation of
1.2.Statement of the Problem
The new knowledge economies have
highlighted the importance of intellectual capital and the imperative need to
manage their associated costs and benefits. Firms, which are rich in human
capital and face great ‘human capital-walk outs’ should be concerned with
management of the cost of this unique asset. It has become a common phrase
included in the chairman’s report that; “Our employee are our greatest asset”,
yet there have been inadequate attention given to the value and contribution of
this “great asset” on the overall performance of the banks. When companies
invest in physical capital; they try to select alternatives offering the
highest return on their investment. They would also like to invest in human
capital offering them the highest return. Firms in Nigeria, for instance have
problem of having the needed intellectual capital to carry on its work
efficiently and effectively. Therefore, they result in pouching from competitor
since it will take them time to actualize the process of new staff recruitment
and training to meet their human capital needs. Most firms are poised with a
dire challenge in the future, which likely seems to be an ever more urgent
quest for competitive advantage. Guest, Michie, Conway and Sheehan (2013) noted
that it is increasingly argued that the organizations best able to meet this
challenge will be those that can acquire and utilize valuable, scarce and
inimitable resources. Intellectual capital can fall into this category, which
is argued in times past, particularly if they are effectively deployed through
appropriate human resource practices and the management of organizational
culture (Barney & Wright, 2018).
Odama, Onodi and Arzizeh, (2018)
evaluated on the effect of
Intellectual Capital Management on revenue generation of listed deposit money
banks in Nigeria, adopting descriptive research design, considering the total
population of all the twenty-one listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Data
were gathered via secondary source from Six (6) public annual reports of the
listed deposit money banks and analyzed using percentages and ratios. Their
study did not take into consideration non-financial institutions quoted in
The need for effective management of
intellectual capital (human resources) stands as one of the central tasks of
management and this presents a challenge for organizations where firms seek to
compete in the world markets and search for increased productivity by encouraging
the spread of high-performance workplaces. In view of this development, this
research sets out to look at the effect of intellectual capital on the
performance of selected listed companies in Nigeria.
1.3 Objectives of the
The major objective of this study is
to examine the effect of intellectual capital on the performance of selected
listed companies in Nigeria.
The specific objectives are as
To ascertain the effect of human capital efficiency on return
on assets.
To examine the effect of structural capital efficiency on
return on asset
1.4 Research
To what extent does human capital efficiency affect return on
To what extent does structural capital efficiency affect
return on asset?
1.5. Research
1. H0:
Human capital efficiency has no significant effect on
return on asset
2. H0:
Structural capital efficiency has not significant effect on return on asset
1.6. Significance of the Study
study is relevant to some group of stakeholders and they include:
This study will help other academicians, researchers and scholars in
formulating research questions and hypotheses that would guide their study.
Literature generated in the study will also help them develop appropriate
literature framework and theoretical framework for their study.
Management of firms: This
study will also be beneficial to the managers of firms by encouraging them to
recruit more competitive and competent employees, also outlining the measures
to follow, to ensure the welfare of their workers, knowing that they are part
of wealth generating teams.
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