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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009623

No of Pages: 65

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study evaluated the effects of foreign direct investment in the hotel sector in Owerri Metropolis. The objectives of the study were, to determine the effect of foreign direct investment on hotel industry in Imo Stateassess the hotel industries that attract foreign direct investment in Imo Stateidentify the hotel operation and environment that attract foreign direct investment and determine the economic importance of foreign direct investment in the study area. The population for the study used was all the registered hotel in Owerri Metropolis. Data were collected through the use of structured questionnaire which was organized in section to reflect specific objectives. A self-administered survey were used in data collections. The study found thatthe effect of foreign direct investment on hotel industry in Imo State, Contributes to the improvement of infra-structures in the hotel industry, generates employment opportunitiesdevelopment of domestic competitiveness among hotel operationKey for faster economic growth and development in the hotel industry and given its potential to increase productivity. The hotel industry facilities that attract foreign direct investment in Imo State werelocation advantages and internalization advantages, political, economic and social stability of the hotel, entertainment and culture, Self-service technology and Its rich cultural and historical heritage, the wide variety in ecology, terrains and places of natural beauty. The hotel aspects that attract foreign direct investment in Imo State were conventions, Trade fairsSports and recreation, Food and beverage services and Political and economic summit. In conclusion, FDI play a significant role in developing the hotel industry in Nigeria and other developing countries, by providing the required capital and infrastructures such as international airports, highways and modern technologies which are the keystones to tourism development. Hence, most governments in developing countries often place the highest priority on attracting FDI for further development of the hotel industry and economic growth.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix



1.1 Background to the Study                                                                                                  1

1.2 Statement of the Problem                                                                                                 3

1.3 Objective of the Study                                                                                                      4

1.4  Research Questions                                                                                                    4

1.5 Justification of the Study                                                                                                  4

1.7 Scope of the Study                                                                                                            5



2.1 Conceptual Framework of Foreign Direct Investment                                                     6

2.1.1 Forms of Foreign Direct Investment                                                                             7

2.1.3 Types of Investment                                                                                                      8 Induced Investment                                                                                                    8 Autonomous Investment                                                                                             8

2.1.4 Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth Globally                                         8

2.1.6 Foreign direct investment and its importance                                                               11

2.1.7 According to the UNCTAD classification, forms of foreign investment                  11

2.1.8 Hotel Investment                                                                                                           12 Status of the Hotel industry                                                                                        16

2.1.9 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)                                                                                   17

2.1.10 FDI in Hotel Industry                                                                                                  19 Reasons to invest in the Hotel industry                                                                    19

2.1.11 Challenges in attracting FDI in the Hotel Industry                                                     20

2.2 Theoretical Review                                                                                                          26




3.1 Research Design                                                                                                               29

3.2 Area of the Study                                                                                                              29

3.3 Population for the Study                                                                                                   29

3.4.2 Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                                  29

3.5 Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                         30

3.6 Validity of the instrument                                                                                                31

3.7 Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                            31

3.8 Method of Data Collection                                                                                               31

3.8 Methods of Data Analysis                                                                                                32



4.1 The Demography Characteristics of the Respondents                                                     33

4.2 The effect of foreign direct investment on hotel industry in Imo State                                    35

4.3 the hotel industry facilities that attract foreign direct investment in Imo State                36

4.4 The hotel aspects that attract foreign direct investment                                                   37

4.5 The economic importance of foreign direct investment in the study area                 38

4.1 Research Findings                                                                                                            38

4.2 Discussion of Findings                                                                                                     39


5.1       Summary                                                                                                                    43

5.1.1    Restatement of Problem                                                                                             43

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  44

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                                       45

REFERENCE                                                                                                             46



List of Table

Table 4.1 the existence of foreign direct investments in hotel industry in Owerri Metropolis

Table 4.2 The Demography Characteristics of the Respondents

Table 4.3 The effect of foreign direct investment on hotel industry in Imo State

Table 4.4 The hotel aspects that attract foreign direct investment

Table 4.5 The economic importance of foreign direct investment in the study area.










Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a type of investment that can be in the form of financial or real assets across a national boundary with the sole aim of maximizing the objective function of the investors. These investors can be individuals, firms or the government (Nwankwo, 2007). It is also defined as an investment made to acquire a lasting management interest (normally 10% of voting stock) in a business enterprise operating in a country other than that of the investor (Mwillima, 2003; World Bank, 1993, 2007).  Todaro and Smith, (2003) cited in Hayami, (2001) recognized Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as an important resource for economic development. It was argued that the flows of FDI could fill the gap between desired investment and domestically mobilized saving. This increase tax revenues and improve management, technology, as well as labour skills in host countries (Todaro and Smith, 2003). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) constitutes the most important form of foreign inflow to tackle the unfavourable macroeconomic indicators. Foreign direct investment inflows (FDI) are external finance that forms a component of international capital inflows to developing economies and countries especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa targeted at accelerating economic growth and development in those countries / economies (Dabour, 2000; Moses et al., 2013). FDI is an important factor in development due to its role in increasing production capacity and rehabilitating human resources, which improves the standard of living and welfare of citizens. Foreign investment also increases the host country's foreign exchange earnings, increases the volume of its exports, and improves its balance of payments status (Aleuqla, 2016). Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in the economic development projects of the host country. Foreign investment in tourism helps developing countries to reduce the impact of the development gap between developing and developed countries (UNCTAD, 2007). Expanding the investment base in the country and enabling national capital to expand local products and improve the infrastructure needed to meet the increasing demand for goods and services positively affect the balance of payments. Foreign investments are also an effective tool for transferring advanced methods of management, training, and marketing, as well as modern technology and techniques. Foreign investments contribute to creating more job opportunities in the host country (Lea, 2017). The UNCTAD (2007) documents stated that FDI played a major role in the tourism takeoff in 1970s inducing the country’s economic growth. Hence, most governments in developing countries often place the highest priority on attracting FDI, by experimenting with a variety of policies (Zhang and Chong, 1999). On the other hand, the growth of tourist arrivals induces an increasing demand for goods and services such as food, accommodation and transportation. Thus, governments often prefer to attract further FDI to expand domestic products and infrastructure to cover the increasing tourist demand for goods and services.

Hotels plays an important role in activating and financing the economies of many developed and developing countries. The degree of hotel contribution to financing of economic development differs from one country to another depending on the foreign direct investment development and the availability of the hospitality infrastructure (Matias, 2004). Hotel is simply described as accommodation and hospitality by ILO (2010) and in the opinion of Singh, Schmidgall and Damitio (2011), it is an operating business that is housed in a real estate asset - building. It has real estate and services trade categories. Anywhere jobs are located with major concentrations of economic and commercial activities; hotels will follow (Rutherford and O’Fallon, 2007). Hotel can therefore be defined as a place where tourist stops (being the traveller) and becomes a guest. It is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis and facilities which can range from a basic bed and storage for clothing to luxury features (Arnaboldi and Spiller, 2011). The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) confirmed that between 70% and 75% of international tourists’ expenditure go to hospitality services on an annual basis (Akpabio, 2007). This confirms the strategic importance of the sector to tourism and even the economy. As part of hospitality industry, hotel in addition to accommodation provision counts a wide range of services including restaurants, casinos, private clubs, managed food service, event planning, tourism related businesses, travel providers, and refers to the relationship process between a guest and a host (Santoro, 2015).


Nigeria is in dire need of foreign capital for the on-going internal economic adjustments. The country is characterized with low per-capital income in conjunction with a low general standard of living while the inflation rate and unemployment rate are getting high month by month as well as year on year; hence the realization of substantial savings to effect capital accumulation for investment is unfeasible (UNDP, 2007). This has made the government crowd out the domestic savings and as well, rendered the dream of domestic sourcing of finance for investment unrealistic and the scenario has led to increased desire for foreign investment in the provision of desired capital that will help in economic growth. Hence, the need for foreign capital has become indispensable if the economy must come out of the woods to achieve her vision and Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) targets.

Therefore, this study is informed by the observed rising poverty incidence in Nigeria despite the enormous Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows into the country aimed at improving the economy and consequently reducing poverty (Ogunniyi and Igberi, 2014; Oni, 2014). Olise, Anigbogu, Okoli and Anyanwu (2012) argued that FDI inflows more than quadrupled, increasing from N2.3 million in 1975 to N10.4 million in 1990, and thereafter, FDI inflows have been rosy and increasing at a modest rate. The country is the most favoured destination of foreign capital in Africa, gulping more than 15% of total FDI flows into the continent (UNCTAD, 2012) (as cited by Ukamaka, David and Moses, 2016). However, the 2019 UNCTAD report shows that Ghana attracted more foreign capital inflow than Nigeria in 2018. This provides an insight into new dimensions of FDI in sub-Sahara Africa as the uncertainties in policies in the larger economies (Nigeria and South-Africa) led to this. Therefore, foreign investors are diversifying their portfolio by increasing their investments in small but viable economies in Nigeria.


The objective of the study is to determine the effect of foreign direct investment in the hotel sector, the specific objectives are to;

i.               Determine the existence of foreign direct investments in hotel industry in Owerri Metropolis

ii.              determine the effect of foreign direct investment on hotel industry in Imo State

iii.            assess the hotel industries that attract foreign direct investment in Imo State

iv.            identify the hotel operation and environment that attract foreign direct investment

v.              determine the economic importance of foreign direct investment in the study area.


i.               What is the existence of foreign direct investments in hotel industry in Owerri Metropolis

ii.              What are the effect of foreign direct investment on hotel industry in Imo State

iii.            What are the hotel industries that attract foreign direct investment in Imo State

iv.            What are the hotel operation and environment that attract foreign direct investment

v.              What are the economic importance of foreign direct investment in the study area.

1.5 Justification of the Study

The role of foreign direct investment in an economy cannot be over emphasized in the emerging economies as they help in complementing the domestic efforts of the government towards promoting economic growth and development. In order to increase the standard of living of the people, governments need the collaboration of foreign countries, institutions and agencies so as to promote the global goals of equality and improved economic welfare.

This study shall therefore be of importance in academic and practical research work. It will contribute and add to existing knowledge of related topics.


The content scope of this research work is limited to the relationship between foreign direct investment and hotel sector in Owerri Metropolis, Imo State. Geographically, hotels in Owerri Metropolis, Imo State will be used for the study.  

The consumers of hotel goods and services will constitute the respondents, and thus formed the unit scope.


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