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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007247

No of Pages: 165

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study investigated the changes in nutrients that occurred at room (26+2℃) and refrigeration (4℃) temperatures after fermentation of castor oil bean. A portion of locally made ogiri was used as inoculum for the production of ogiri which was fermented for 96 h. The “ogiri” produced was divided into two parts. One part was kept at room temperature (26+2°C) for 96 h, while the other part was kept in a refrigerator (4oC) for 96 h. Sub-samples were collected from the refrigerated sample and from the room temperature sample and analysed to monitor the changes in pH, TTA, TVC, proximate composition and amino acids contents every 24 h starting from 0 h after fermentation. The results obtained showed that the pH of the “ogiri” kept at room temperature increased significantly from 7.14 – 8.48 while the “ogiri” sample kept in the refrigerator did not show significant increase in pH (7.12 – 7.14) over the 4-day monitoring period. The TTA of the “ogiri” at room temperature decreased significantly (0.51- 0.27%) throughout the study period, whereas the TTA of “ogiri” in the refrigerator decreased slightly (0.51 – 0.49%). For the sample at room temperature, there was a slight decrease in moisture content (27.30 - 26.65) and a significant decrease in ash content (2.86 - 2.23%) respectively but fat content (47.25 – 53.16%) and protein content (22.17 – 27.66%) showed progressive increases respectively. There was also a significant decrease in the carbohydrate content (24.37 – 15.74%). Similar trends of nutrients changes were observed in the refrigerated sample but there was higher decrease in moisture content (27.30 - 26.04%) and a slight decrease in ash content (2.86 – 2.50%). The fat content increased from 47.25 - 48.63 and protein content increased from 22.17 - 26.62% while  carbohydrate content decreased from 24.37 – 19.45%.All the essential amino acids (Leucine, Lysine, Isoleucine, Phenylamine, Tryptophan, Valine, Methionine, Histidine, Threonine) and non-essential amino acids (Proline, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Serine and Aspartic acid) in both samples showed progressive increase within the period of study. However, higher increase was obtained in the samples kept at room temperature than for the sample kept in the refrigerator. The mean total amino acid content (essential and non-essential) was lower than the FAO/WHO stipulated standard values. However, some amino acids in the samples were higher than their reference values.



Title page                                                                                                        i

Declaration                                                                                                      ii

Certification                                                                                                    iii

Dedication                                                                                                      iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                          v

Table of Contents                                                                                           vi

List of Tables                                                                                                  xi

List of Figures                                                                                                 xii

List of Plates                                                                                                   xiii

Abstract                                                                                                          xiv


1.1      Background Information                                                                     1

1.2       Statement of Problem                                                                         3

1.3.      Justification                                                                                         4

1.4.      Objectives                                                                                           5

1.4.1    Specific objectives                                                                              5


2. 1 Food Condiments: Meaning and Uses                                                    6

2. 2 Castor Oil Bean Plant: Botany, Morphology and Cultivation                 7

2. 3  Varieties Of Castor Oil Bean Plant                                                        10

2.3.1 Varieties for ornamental purposes                                                         10

2.3.2 Oil-producing varieties                                                                          10

2.4 Morphology of Castor Oil Seed                                                               11

2.5 Chemical Composition of Raw Castor Oil Bean Seeds                           14

2.6 Toxicants In Castor Oil Beans                                                                  16

2.7  Economic Importance of Castor Oil Beans                                             18

2.8  Castor Oil Bean Seed As Food Condiment                                            19

 2.9   Ogiri as Food Condiment                                                                        19

2.10     Traditional Method of Processing Castor Oil Seed into Ogiri              22

2.11     Unit Operations Used In Processing of Ogiri                                       24

2. 12    Effects of Packaging Materials On The Keeping Quality Of Ogiri     27

2.13     Other Seed Legumes Used As Raw Materials For Processing Of Ogiri29

2.13.1 Melon seeds as raw material for Ogiri production                                31

2.13.2 Fluted pumpkin seeds as raw material for Ogiri production                 32

 2.13.3 Prosopsis africana as raw material for Ogiri production                       32

2.13.4 African oil bean seeds as raw material for Ogiri production                 32

2. 13.5 African locust beans as raw material for Ogiri production                   33

2.13.6 Soybeans as raw material for Ogiri production                                      34

2.13.7 Cotton seeds as raw material for Ogiri production                                34

2.13.8 Baobab seeds as raw material for Ogiri production                               35

2.13.9 Roselle as raw material for Ogiri production                                         35

2.14  Main Biochemical Modifications During Alkaline Fermentation            36

2.14.1 Protein modification                                                                              36

2.14. 2   Carbohydrate modification                                                                 37

2.14.3    Lipid modification                                                                              39

2.14.4    Formation of aroma compounds during alkaline fermentation          41

2.15        Use of Backslop As Inoculum In The Production/Fermentation of

                Condiments                                                                                       43

2.16       Safety Of Alkaline-Fermented Condiments                                       44

2.17       Nutritional Properties Of Ogiri And Other Alkaline-Fermented

            Condiments                                                                                           46

2.18.      Physical Properties Of Alkaline-Fermented Condiments                   47

2.19     Alkaline-Fermented Condiments As Functional Ingredients              47

2.20     Preservation                                                                                           49

2.20.1 Preservation of fermented foods                                                           49

2.20.2 Traditional methods of preserving fermented foods                             50

2.20.3 Improved methods of preserving fermented foods                               52


3.1       Source of Materials                                                                             55

3.2       Methods                                                                                              55

3.2.1    Traditional processing  of Ogiri from castor oil beans                       55

3.2.2    Isolation of microorganisms                                                                55

3.3       Identification of Microorganisms                                                       56

3.4       Biochemical Identification Tests                                                        56

3. 4.1   Gram staining test                                                                              56

3.4.2    Catalase test                                                                                       57

3.4.3    Citrate test                                                                                          57

3. 4.4   Oxidase test                                                                                        58

3.4.5    Starch hydrolysis test                                                                           58

3.4.6    Indole test                                                                                           59

3.4.7    Hydrogen sulphide production test                                                    59

3.4.8    Gelatin hydrolysis test                                                                                    59

3.5    Processing of Ogiri From Castor Oil Beans Using Backslop As

          Inoculum                                                                                               60

3.6    Determination of Total Viable Count                                                    62

3.7       Determination of Titratable Acidity                                                   62

3.8       Determination of pH                                                                           63

3.9       Determination of Amino Acid Profile                                                63

3. 10    Defatting Sample                                                                                63

3. 10.2 Nitrogen determination                                                                       63

3.10.3   Loading of the hydrolysate into analyzer                                          65

3.1       Determination of Tryptophan                                                             66

3.11     Proximate Analysis for Moisture Content, Protein, Fat, Ash and Crude

            Fibre                                                                                                    68

3.12     Statistical Analysis                                                                              73



4.1       Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of Probable Bacterial

Isolates in the Backslop                                                                      74

4.2       Total Viable Count During Fermentation/Production                        77

4.3       Total Viable Count After Production/Fermentation                           79

4.4       Titratable Acidity and pH  During The Fermentation of Castor Oil

 Bean Marsh                                                                                        81

4.5       Titratable Acidity and pH After Fermentation/Production of Castor Oil

              Bean Ogiri                                                                                         83

4.6       Proximate Analysis                                                                             86

4. 7      Moisture Content                                                                                86

4. 8      Ash Content                                                                                        89

4. 9      Fat Content                                                                                        91

4.10     Protein Content                                                                                  93

4. 11    Carbohydrate Content                                                                       95

4. 12    Amino Acids Profile                                                                           98

4. 13    Essential Amino Acids                                                                       98

4. 14    Non-Essential Amino Acids                                                               105


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                          106

5.2       Recommendation                                                                                106

           REFERENCES                                                                                 108

          APPENDICES                                                                                    148






2.1 Chemical Composition of Raw Castor Oil Bean seeds                            16

4.1 Morphological And Biochemical Characteristics Of Probable Bacterial

 Isolates in The   Backslop                                                                              74

4.2 Changes in Total Viable Count During Fermentation                              77

4.3 Changes in Total Viable Count After Fermentation                                 79

4. 4 Changes in Titratable Acidity and pH During Fermentation Of Castor

 oil bean marsh                                                                                                81

4.5 Changes In Titratable Acidity and pH After Production of Castor oil bean

Ogiri                                                                                                                83

4.7 Changes in the Moisture Content of Ogiri After Production                   86

4.8 Changes in the Ash Content of the Ogiri After Production                     89

4.9 Changes in the Fat Content of the Ogiri After Production                      91

4.10 Changes in the Protein Content of Ogiri After Production                    93

4.11 Changes in the Carbohydrate Content of Ogiri After Production         95

4.13 Changes in Essential Amino Acids Composition of the Ogiri At Room And

        Refrigeration Temperatures                                                                    98

4.14 Changes in Non-essential Amino Acids Composition of Ogiri At Room And

       Refrigeration Temperatures                                                                     101





2.1 Flow Chart for Traditional Processing of Ogiri                                        9

3.1 Flow Chart for Processing of Ogiri Using Castor oil beans                     61






2.1 Castor Oil Bean Plant                                                                               8

2.2 Castor Oil Bean Seeds                                                                              12

2.3 Dehulled Castor Oil Bean seeds                                                               13

2.4 Ogiri Condiment Made From Castor Oil Beans                                       21








Fermented condiments remain the key component of diet throughout the world especially in Africa and Asia (Sanni, 1993; Ogunshe et al., 2007).

These condiments are usually fermented from seeds of legumes which account for up to 80% of dietary proteins for some groups of people within the society (Olanbiwoninu and Odunfa, 2018). Ogiri is one of such traditional condiment products of alkaline fermentation of Castor Oil Seeds (Ricinus communis) widely consumed as food condiment in Eastern Nigeria (Ojinnaka et al., 2013).  Ogiri can also be processed from other popular legumes like melon (Colocynthis citrullus) or Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) (Omafuvbe and Oyedapo, 2000; Ogueke and Nwagwu, 2007). It is used as a seasoning agent or condiment for local delicacies like Oha soup (ofe oha) and bitter leaf soup (ofe onugbu).

Soups are the main source of proteins and minerals for the Igbos and one of the ways to improve their diet is to improve the nutrients in the soup using fermented condiments made from legume seeds (Achi, 2005). The condiment can also be used to season tapioca (abacha), akidi and other local delicacies consumed by the Igbos of southeastern enclave of Nigeria particularly those ones who are the original indigenes of states like Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo.

Ojinnaka et al. (2013) reported that Ogiri is a protein-rich meat substitute, hence, its wide consumption by the Igbos in Eastern Nigeria has led to economic empowerment of the people, mostly women who take up the production and merchandize of the condiment as a source of livelihood. Ogiri is added in fairly small quantities as it not only enhances the sensory properties of food, it also improves nutritional value providing fiber, energy, minerals and vitamins (Kolapo et al., 2007). Ogiri is processed by traditional methods of uncontrolled solid substrate fermentation resulting in extensive changes of protein and carbohydrate components through hydrolysis (Achi, 2005). The fermentation involves continuous nutritional, physical and organoleptic modification of the starting material by microorganisms (Aidoo, 1994). The fermentation which yields Ogiri is carried out in a moist solid-state involving contact with appropriate assorted microorganisms more of Bacillus sppand it is aided or accomplished by the natural temperature of the tropics (Olanbiwoninu and Odunfa, 2018). The actual desired state of the fermentation of the condiment during processing is indicated by the formation of mucilage coupled with ammonia produced as a result of breakdown of amino acids during fermentation (Odunfa, 1985).

Fermentation has been considered as one of the foremost technologies for the processing of food products with desirable qualities such as extended shelf-life, improved nutritional and organoleptic properties (Smid and Hugenholtz, 2010). During the production of Ogiri by fermentation, proteolysis is the most important reaction that occurs leading to the degradation of proteins to peptides and amino acids. The breakdown products and amino acids not only have a considerable influence on the nutritional values but also contribute directly to the desired organoleptic properties in some cases serving as fundamental aromatic substances or precursors of aromatic products (Kiers et al., 2000; Han et al., 2004). Fermentation enhances the nutrient content of Ogiri through biosynthesis of vitamins, essential amino acids and proteins by improving protein and fiber digestibility and by so doing, degrades the antinutritional factors and other toxicants such as ricin inherent in the vegetable substrate and develops compounds that might impart flavor to the condiment (Mensah et al., 1990). On account of the indispensable roles which fermentation plays in Ogiri production, it holds promise as a food processing method that can be used to diversify and increase the utilization of some under-exploited plant foods like castor oil bean seeds.

 Meanwhile, irrespective of the huge promise that ogiri holds in terms of serving as a natural condiment coupled with its wholesome chemical composition, yet, it has not attained a global commercial and acceptability standard and status probably owing to its low keeping quality, antiquated packaging material, stickiness and its characteristic putrid and noisome odour (Arogba et al., 1995). Moreover, Achi (2005a) reported that fermented condiments have a stigma attached to them; as they are often considered as food for the poor. However, a better understanding of the nutrients changes in Ogiri after production is required and the onus is on food scientists to investigate the trends of nutritive values and amino acid profiles of Ogiri when subjected to various conditions.


There are some indications that some nutrients and organoleptic qualities of fermented foods may increase or improve few days after processing (Underdal et al., 1976). Barber and Achinehwu (1992) while describing the methods of processing of ogiri stated that after the four-day fermentation of Ogiri, the traditional condiment is left near hearth (fireplace) for few days until the unique aroma of the condiment develops. Post-production changes in nutrients of fermented condiments are caused mostly by microbial activities, hence, Achi (2005a) pointed out that fermented condiments are deficient in Ascorbate and some fat-soluble vitamins due to fermentation. The problem of food insecurity is not just that of the conceptual dearth or inadequate food supply but it is also a problem of loss of salient nutrients occasioned by inherent microbes through nutrients changes (Kumar and Kalita, 2017). Hence, Ojimelukwe et al. (2011) reported that lime and sodium chloride were used to selectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms. These antimicrobials are most often used with other techniques such as refrigeration to slowdown the growth of microorganisms which bring about tremendous nutrients changes leading to food spoilage (Ademola et al., 2011). Ojinnaka et al. (2013) have improved the fermentation of ogiri from castor oil bean using Bacillus subtilis as starter culture. This research seeks to monitor the nutrients changes that occur in freshly processed ogiri when kept at room and refrigeration temperatures. It is necessary to find out the effect of fermentation on the trends of nutrients changes in ogiri at these different temperatures so that consumers of this fermented condiment will be better informed about the post-production changes in the nutrients of this condiment and the best method that could be used to enhance its keeping quality.


Traditionally fermented foods and condiments consumed by people over a long period play important role in establishing local identity, culture and custom and they transfer cultural heritage from generation to generation (Albayrak and Gunes, 2010). Ogiri is one of such traditionally fermented food products and several researchers have claimed that fermented condiments such as Ogiri are wholesome and good sources of amino acids and micronutrients apart from their primary use which is enhancement of food taste. There is need to evaluate the changes in quality parameters and nutrients in the condiment days after production to ascertain its use as a source of nutrients because researchers of this traditionally fermented condiment have dwelt so much on the events that occur in ogiri during production with little emphasis on the changes in nutrients of ogiri as a result of biochemical events that transpire within its ecological matrix after production, hence, a succinct and scientific information about the trends in the nutrients changes in ogiri is very much needed so that consumers will know the trends of its nutrients indices under different temperature conditions.


The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of fermentation (inherent microbial activities) on the nutrients and quality parameters of castor oil bean condiment (ogiri) at room and refrigeration temperatures.

1.4.1 The specific objectives are to;

produce ogiri from Castor oil bean seeds using the backslop as inoculum.

evaluate the pH, TTA and Total viable count of castor oil bean Ogiri sample.

monitor and compare the changes in total viable count, physicochemical properties, proximate compositions and the amino acid profile of Ogiri during the short-term monitoring at room temperature (26+20C) and at refrigeration temperature (4°C).


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