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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007670

No of Pages: 53

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study determined the effect of agricultural loans of microfinance bank on the grassroots economic development of Nigeria, using time series analysis spanning from 2012 - 2017. The data set were analysed using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) simple regression technique. From the results, the study found significant relationship between microfinance bank agricultural loans volume, microfinance bank interest rate and microfinance bank investment on Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. In But the need to address these issues such as agricultural funding led to the transformation of community banks to microfinance banks in 2005 (CBN, 2005). Reduced interest rate of microfinance banks leads to high loan volume which affect growth in SMEs and economic growth. Also increase in microfinance bank investment in turn increases Gross Domestic Product in Nigeria. Based on the findings, we recommend that (i) overemphasis on collateral should be reduced, so that great and small will have equal access to loans and should be made available to individuals at the right time. (ii) Credit risk management by the MFBs, setting the liquidity ratio by the Central Bank at levels that will not over-contract the ability of MFBs to extend loans and advances to microenterprises and, control of inflation by the relevant authorities should be properly addressed. (iii) Supply of loans and advances by the MFBs to enhance their contributions to economic growth and development of Nigeria should be increased including mobilization of more deposits, expansion of shareholders’ base and fund.


Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

Abstract                                                                                                                                   v


INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                  1

1.1  background of the study                                                                                             1

1.2  Statements of the Problem                                                                                          5

1.3 Objectives of the study                                                                                                     6

1.4  Research Question                                                                                                      6

1.5  Research Hypothesis                                                                                                  6

1.6  Scope of the Study                                                                                                      7

1.7 Significance of the study                                                                                                  7

1.8 Limitations of the Study                                                                                                   8

1.9  Definition of terms                                                                                                     8


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                                              10

2.1 Conceptual Framework                                                                                                    10

2.1.1 Meaning of Agricultural Loans and Microfinance                                                        10

2.1.2 Grass roots development                                                                                               12

2.1.3 The Nigeria Micro Finance Banks (MFBs): Origin and Benefits                               17

2.1.4 Nigerian Commercial Banks and Microfinance                                                            19

2.1.5 Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation                                                                          19

2.1.6 The Role of Microfinance Banks (MFBs)                                                                     21

2.2  Theoretical Framework                                                                                              22

2.2.1 Classical microfinance theory                                                                                       22

2.2.2 School of thought Theory                                                                                              24

2.3 Empirical Framework                                                                                                       25


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                                                                            29

3.1 Research Design                                                                                                               29

3.2  Source of Data                                                                                                            29

3.3 Population of the Study and Sample Size                                                                        29

3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Technique                                                                             29

3.5 Analytical Procedures and Variable Specifications                                                         30

3.6 Analytical Technique                                                                                                       30

3.7 Test of Significance                                                                                                          31

3.7.1 Decision Criterion                                                                                                         32



4.1 Data Presentation                                                                                                              33

4.2 Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                           38

4.3 Discussions of Findings                                                                                                    39



5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                                       41

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        41

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                            42










1.1  background of the study

Micro financing is the provision of financial services to poor and low income households without access to formal financial institutions (Conroy, 2011). Microfinance is described also as banking for the poor. They are different from commercial banks because, they have limited banking services directed primarily to a designated catchments area or group. The major purpose of Micro Finance Banks is to direct attention of purveying credit to low income group and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). A major characteristic of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) worldwide is that they are generally managed by their owners either as sole proprietorship or partnership (OladejoMoruf, 2013).

According to Rolando (2010), microfinance is a good way of supporting entrepreneurs. It provides poor borrowers with access to sustainable livelihood through zero or very low interest loans. However, Jegede (2011) observed that entrepreneurs prefer personal saving and cooperative credits to microfinance banks and commercial banks fund citing reasons of non accessibility, prohibitive collaterals and high interest rates barriers. The dismal performance of the conventional finance sectors triggered the avocations of micro financing by policy makers, practitioners, and international organizations as a tool for poverty reduction according to Mejeha and Nwachuckwu (2014).

According to Weli, ChisonmaIbelema(2014), individuals with high socio-economic status, also considered as the elite are better positioned to exploit both persons and environments for their benefits, as they have greater share of powers and control over resources. On the other hand, the grass-root  are those with less power and fewer resources; they are the common or ordinary people, especially as contrasted with the leadership; the society at a local level rather than at the center of major political activity, and are mostly found in the agricultural, rural, and sub-urban areas of a country (Dictionaty.com, 2014).

In both developed and under-developing countries, there are unserved or underserved enterprises and households, ranging from the ultra-poor, who may not be economically active, to small growing enterprises that provide employment in their communities. This portion constitutes the demand side for microfinance services. Often the supply side does not offer a corresponding continuum services. Microfinance Banks (MFBs) need to supply services that fill the gaps and integrate the unserved groups into the market.

The goal of MFBs as grassroots development organizations is to service the financial needs of unsaved or underserved markets as a means of meeting development objectives generally include one or more of the following:

i.               To reduce poverty

ii.              To empower women or other disadvantaged population groups

iii.            To create employment opportunities

iv.            To help existing businesses grow or diversity their activities

v.              To encourage the development of new businesses

In a World Bank study of lending for small and microenterprise projects, three objectives were most frequently cited (Webster, Riopelle, and Chidzero 2012).

i.               To create employment and income opportunities through the creation and expansion of microenterprise

ii.              To increase the productivity and incomes of vulnerable groups, especially women and the poor

iii.            To reduce rural families' dependence on drought-prone crops through diversification of their income-generating activities.

In developing countries like Nigeria, majority of their population fall under this description in contrast with what obtains in developed countries like America, where very few persons fall into this category. Therefore, the challenge for most developing countries has been the need to reduce the percentage of persons that fall into this category through grass root development. According to the US- ADF (1998), grassroots development is promotion in people’s well-being and empowering of persons and groups such that they can expand and make their own choices and bring about change. It centers on poverty alleviation and socio- economic empowerment of poor and vulnerable. Various measures have been employed including reforms in government and political structure (like, creation of districts and Local Governments); introduction of several government policies and programs like provision of public goods at the grass-root by the various tiers of government and their parastatals, and involvement of public-private partnership projects.

According to Amsden (2011) the problem has been that these remedies to reduce poverty at the grass-root do not address the causes of poverty which is unemployment. Grass-roots poverty alleviation measures in Africa have been exclusively designed and targeted to make job-seekers more capable (healthy, educated, mobile), although no jobs are available. She further stated that poverty persists from low productivity which gives room for lack of employment; and to create employment requires capital investments to expand entrepreneurial opportunities and increase productive jobs. Going by Schumpeter’s theory, development can only be achieved when financial institutions are present to act as catalysts in the system. They function to provide financial resources through intermediation in form of capital accumulation for innovative entrepreneurs to invest, taking advantage of opportunities and thereby creating a whole cycle of increased productivity and employment which leads to development. Unfortunately, due to peculiar characteristics of individuals and entrepreneurs at the grass root, these ones have been faced with financial exclusion from the formal financial sector.

In a bid to provide these desirable services to the grassroots, micro financing was created formally and has evolved informally in other to boost the productive capacity of these impoverished persons. Micro-finance means small-scale transactions of credit and savings, and it sometimes offers skill-based training to augment productivity or organizational support and consciousness-raising training to empower the poor   (Khander, 2013). Therefore, it is to a large extent, meant to meet the needs of the ‘active poor’- small, medium, and micro-scale producers and businesses, and the vulnerable populace like women. This expectation has drawn much debate. Proponents insist that microfinance reduces poverty through increased productivity, higher employment and higher incomes; while critics argue that it rather drives poor households into a debt trap as money from loans are often spent on consumption instead of being used for productive investments, and therefore does not improved income or standard of living - health or education (Baidoo, 2014).

Nigerian economy development is characterized by pronounced poverty, unemployment and inequality in distribution of income (such as agricultural loans) and social amenities particularly at the grassroots level (John N. Aliu, Love Arugu& Justina NjidekaOtaokpukpu, 2015). The need to address these issues such as agricultural funding led to the transformation of community banks to microfinance banks in 2005 (CBN, 2005). The growing awareness of the potentials of microfinance institutions has effectively put the issue of microfinance on the political agenda of Nigeria. This study therefore, seeks to add to the body of knowledge in finance by investigating the aggregate impact agricultural loans of microfinance banks may have on grass-root development in Nigeria over time, considering the root causes of poverty being low productivity and employment.

1.2  Statements of the Problem

In the light of promoting and enhancing economic growth of the economy, the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN), have made available credit institutions, especially microfinance banks, in other to impact positively on the level of economic growth in Nigeria. Also monetary, fiscal, industrial and developmental policy measures at the macro level have been adopted to facilitate and support agriculture and entrepreneurs. At the micro level, specific financing arrangements are being made to boost economic growth in Nigeria.

A Policy Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for micro finance banking was introduced in 2005 by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to further strengthen the micro units in agriculture, transport, commerce and industry, textile, dying tanning, vulcanizing, blacksmithing, health, entertainment and other needs of micro financing to aid government in using them as a tool to effect development (Olumide, 2011).Since its formal introduction into the Nigerian banking systems debates have been on about its efficacy as a tool for necessary sustainable development at the grassroots.

As at 2014, the World Bank ranked Nigeria as third country with the largest number of poor people, and advised on the need to complement development efforts to enhance growth with policies that allocate more resources to the extreme poor like transfer (Omoh, 2014). Gong by the World Bank development Indicators (2014), 70% of Nigerians still live below $2 per day and are therefore poor; and this index rather increased by 2.4% between 2004 to 2017, even though the number of Micro finance banks increased by 11.4% within the same period.

Babajide in 2011 from her grassroots study as obtains in most studies claimed that micro financing significantly impacted positively on the individual entrepreneur’s development in Nigeria. Given these facts, the core problem here concentrates on questioning the efficacy of agricultural loans of microfinance banks as a potent tool for effecting sustainable grass root development in Nigeria, such that it reflects on aggregate indices.

1.3    Objectives of the study

The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of agricultural loans of microfinance bank on the grassroots economic development of Nigeria, with the specific objectives as:

i.               To ascertain the volume of agricultural loans of microfinance bank on the grassroots economic development of Nigeria.

ii.              To the examine effect of microfinance bank interest rate on the grassroots economic development of Nigeria

iii.            To determine the impact of microfinance banks agricultural loan investments on the grassroots economic development of Nigeria

1.4  Research Question

The study attempts to answer the following research questions;

a.     To what extent has the volume of agricultural loans of microfinance bank influences grassroots economic development of Nigeria?

b.     How has microfinance bank interest rate affect grassroots economic development of Nigeria?

c.     Does microfinance banks agricultural loan investments affect grassroots economic development of Nigeria?


1.5  Research Hypothesis

Ho1:  There is no positive and significant relationship between the volume of agricultural loans    of microfinance bank and grassroots economic development of Nigeria

Ho2:  There is no positive and significant relationship between microfinance bank interest rate          and grassroots economic development of Nigeria

Ho3:  There is no positive and significant relationship between microfinance banks agricultural         loan investments and grassroots economic development of Nigeria

1.6  Scope of the Study

This study is carried out in Nigeria, and therefore geographically restricted to the area. The Central bank of Nigeria only began to give specific account of certain Micro-finance bank activities from 2006, and reliable records necessary to cover all variables and give balanced data are available up to 2016 for now; therefore this study covers ten year period of 2006 to 2016; and is geographically restricted to Nigeria and selected microfinance banks. The study is restricted to examine the effect of agricultural loans of microfinance bank on the grassroots economic development of Nigeria.

1.7 Significance of the study

With the grassroots constituting approximately 70% of Nigerian’s population (Poverty headcount ratio at $1.25 a day (% of population), NBS, 2012), the results of this study will educate the Nigerian government and populace (especially the active poor) on the efficacy or irrelevance of micro-financing in the economic development process. The findings would also instruct policy makers on areas where micro-financing can impact on grassroots development, and suggest policy/ strategy adjustments such that aggregate developmental goals can be achieved.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

This study may be limited by the following constraints;

i.               Time factor: in view of enormity of work involved, the time frame will pose a threat, but the researcher will be able to manage the available time effectively.

ii.              Financial constraints: there were a lot of unavoidable expenses with limited financial resources to meet them. However, the researcher will be able to meet the expenses through effective budgeting and planning.

1.8        Definition of terms

Micro Finance: is a source of financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services.

Micro- financing: is the act of providing financial services to the poor who do not qualify for conventional bank services, like savings and credit extension.

Micro- credit: this is that aspect of micro-financing that deals with extending micro- debt funds (money available for a person to borrow) to micro- finance institution customers, usually at a cost (interest payment) for a specific time frame.

Productivity: refers to output of a sector, and in this case the increase or decrease in the volume of output.

Employment: This is having and occupation for which the person is paid, otherwise known as work or job engagement. This could be self-employment (a person works solely on his business activities to generate enough funds to pay himself), or being employed by another person or organization and paid for services rendered to them.

Income: refers to all financial inflows accruing to a unit (individual or group). In this case, we are referring to all financial receipts accruing to the household, which could be reflected by its total expenditure or receipts.

Poverty: this is a state of not having enough money to take care of basic needs such as food, clothing, and housing.

Aggregate development: collective or sum value of an economic growth indices; in this case, at the national level.


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