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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007737

No of Pages: 100

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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An active mix-mode solar dryer powered by wind generator and a passive solar dryer both integrated with and without C3H8O3 (glycerol) as thermal storage was designed, fabricated and evaluated with a pre-treated sliced potato. The dryer was designed to operate in a low sunshine belt of the southern Nigerian climate characterized by its low solar radiation intensity, hence the integration of thermal storage material. The study offered the total dryer performance analysis including the exergy, energy, and drying kinetics of the dried product.  The main objective was to develop an active dryer system using only renewable energy (solar and wind energies). The results presented showed that the developed mix-mode solar dryer can save between 9- 16 hrs of drying time compared to ordinary sun drying method when drying 2 mm thick potato slices with the moisture content reduced from 64.2 % to 8.6 11.6 % wet basis.  A shorter drying time of 4h hrs was recorded with solar dryer integrated with wind-powered axial fan and thermal storage while drying with passive solar dryer without thermal storage presented a longer drying time of 25 hrs.  Dipping the potato in a salt solution for 30 seconds before drying quickens the drying rate of the potato compared to dipping it for 60, 90 seconds or blanching for 30 -90 seconds. Additionally, potato pre-treated with salt solution showed very attractive bright colour compared to blanch or none pre-treated potato.  During the experimental periods, the mean radiation intensity ranged from 10 - 626 W/m2, the ambient temperature range was 24 oC - 50 oC and humidity of about 9 - 52 %.  . Under these operating conditions, the average drying efficiency was 28.59% - 29.14 %. In terms of energy utilization for drying purpose, solar dryer, integrated with wind-powered axial fan only, showed higher drying efficiency of 80 % while drying with passive solar dryer with thermal storage presented lower energy efficiency.  The total energy consumption for drying ranged between 435102.2 kJ and 498040.2 kJ while the specific energy consumption was 28.46 to 36.86 kWh/kg. The exergy efficiency ranged from 14.5 – 80.9 % during the sunshine hours.


  Front Cover Text                                                                                                                  i

Tittle Page                                                                                                                             ii

Declaration                                                                                                                            iii

Certification                                                                                                                          iv

Dedication                                                                                                                             v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                               vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                                  vii

List of Tables                                                                                                                         viii

List of Figures                                                                                                                       ix

List of Plates                                                                                                                         x

  Abstract                                                                                                                                xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                                                

1.1 Background of Studies                                                                                                   1

1.2 Statement of Problems                                                                                                                4

 1.3 Objectives of the study                                                                                                    5

 1.4 Justification of the study                                                                                                 5

 1.5 scope of study                                                                                                                  6


2.1 Drying                                                                                                                               7

2.2 Crop Drying                                                                                                                      8

2.3 Drying Mechanism                                                                                                            9

 2.4 Methods of Drying                                                                                                          10

2.5 Solar Drying                                                                                                                      12

2.5.1 Classifications of solar dryers                                                                                        15

2.5.1a Natural convection (Passive solar dryers)                                                                    16

2.5.1b Forced convection (Active dryers)                                                                              17

 2.5.2. Mode of heating or operation                                                                                      17

2.5.2a. Direct mode                                                                                                                17

2.5.2b Indirect mode                                                                                                              18

2.5.2c Mixed mode solar dryers.

2.5.2d Hybrid solar drying:

2.6 Evaluation of Solar Dryers                                                                                               19

2.7 Previous Works on Solar Dryers                                                                                       19

2.7.1 Direct Solar mode Dryers                                                                                              19

2.7.2. Indirect solar mode dryer                                                                                             22

2.7.3 Mixed mode solar dryers                                                                                               26

2.7.4 Solar dryers with thermal storage                                                                                  29

2.8 Thermal Energy Storage                                                                                                   30

2.9 Wind Power Energy                                                                                                         32

2.10 Wind Generators / Wind Turbines                                                                                  32

2.10.1. The principle of wind turbine                                                                                     33

2.11 Energy and Exergy Studies                                                                                            34

2.11.1 The exergy efficiency                                                                                                  36

2.12 Gaps Identified in the Review                                                                                       36



3.1 Materials Used for Construction                                                                                       38

3.2 Design Consideration                                                                                                        38

3.3 Design Calculation                                                                                                             39

3.3.1 Collector design                                                                                                              39

3.3.1a Determination of useful heat for drying                                                                       39

3.4  Sizing of the Collector                                                                                                       40

3.4.1 Collector orientation and angle of tilt (β) of the solar collector                                     41

3.5 Air Flow Requirement                                                                                                       41

3.6 Design of the Wind Generator Rotor                                                                                42

3.7 Experimental procedure                                                                                                     43

3.7.1. Sample preparation                                                                                                                     43

3.7.2. Dryer evaluation tests                                                                                                                 44

3.8. Performance evaluation                                                                                                                 48

3.8.1 Drying kinetics                                                                                                                            48

3.8.2. Collector and dryer efficiencies                                                                                     48

3.8.3. Energy Analysis                                                                                                             48

3.8.4. Exergy analysis of the drying process                                                                           49



4.1 Description of the Developed Solar Dryers                                                                       51

4.2. Dryer Performance                                                                                                                        57

4.3 Drying Kinetics of the treated Potato Slice                                                                       60

4.4 Energy Utilization                                                                                                                           66

4.5. Exergy Performance of the Solar Dryers                                                                                       69


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                                                                                   5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                        72

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                             73

      References                                                                                                                        74









4.1: Design parameters for solar dryer with wind air generator                                             52

4.2: Performance parameters for solar dryer with and without axial fan, with and without      storage Material and axial fan.                                                                                       62                    

4.3: Effective moisture diffusivity of potato for all treatment.                                              67








2.1: Global horizontal irradiation for Nigeria. Source: (Chukwujindu 2017)                         13

2.2: Classification of solar dryers (Hii et al., 2012)                                                                16

2.3: Experimental setup of a cabinet type drier (Sodha et. al., 1985)                                     20

2.4: Natural convection solar dryer modified (Olalusi and Bolaji 2005)                                                20

2.5: Natural convection cabinet type solar dryer (El-Amin et al (2015)                                 21

2.6: Schematic of solar dryer with natural convective heat flow (Singh et al. 2004)             22

2.7: Direct solar dryer (Boulemtafes-Boukadoum and Benzaoui 2011)                                23

2.8: Mix mode solar dryer integrated with thermal storage material (Ndukwu et al., 2017) 30                                                                                                            

2.9: Different types of thermal storage of solar energy (Baladin 1999)                                 31

2.10: Working principle of a wind turbine with savonious rotor (Ali, 2013)                         34

3.1: Isometric view of the developed prototype solar dryer with wind generator

powered axial fan                                                                                                           46

3.2:  Isometric view of the developed prototype solar dryer without wind generator

(All dimensions is the same with figure 3.1)                                                              47                                                                                

4.1:  Variation of Solar Radiation intensity with time for the days of the test                          57

4.2: Variation of dryer and ambient temperature (sunshine hours) with time of the day

            (a-SD 1, b- SD2, c-SD4, d-SD5)                                                                                  58                                                                                           

4.3:  Variation of dryer and ambient Relative humidity (sunshine hours) with time of the day

            (a-SD 1, b- SD 2, c-SD4, d- SD5)                                                                                60                                                                                               

4.4: Air speed variation with drying time                                                                                             61

4.5: Variation of moisture content of different treated potato with drying time for the five drying     conditions ( a-SD 1, b- SD2, c- SD3, d-SD4, e- SD 5)                                                         65                                                            

4.6: Variation of drying rate of different treated potato with drying time for the five drying

            conditions ( a-SD 1, b- SD2, c- SD3, d-SD4, e- SD 5)                                                             66                                                             

4.7: Variation of the inlet (exin) and outlet (exout) exergy of the solar dryers for sunshine

            periods with time                                                                                                         70                                                                                                                                    

4.8: Variation of the exergy loss profile of the solar dryers for sunshine periods with time                70           

4.9: variation of the exergy efficiency (exe ff) of the solar dryers for sunshine periods with time      71   





1: Solar dryer with baffles (Slama and Combarnous 2011)                                                    24

2: indirect mode natural cabinet solar dryer for drying of fish (Onyinge et al, 2014)            25

3: Indirect mode forced convention solar dryer (Bolaji, 2005)                                              25

4: indirect mode solar dryer (Khama et al 2016)                                                                    26

5: Mixed mode solar dryer (Dhanushkodi et al., 2014)                                                           27

6: Mixed mode greenhouse solar dryer (EL Khadraoui et al., 2015)                                     28

7: Developed prototype solar dryer with wind generator                                                       53

8: Developed prototype solar dryer without wind generator                                                 54

9: Dried potato samples under different treatments (A- untreated potato slice,

    B- Blanched potato slice and C- potato treated with salt solution.                                                    68









Drying is a method of removing moisture from a product in order to reach the desired moisture content. The purpose of drying can be to extend storage life, enhancement of product quality, encourage ease of handling of the product, further processing, and sanitation (Mujumdar, 2007). Drying involves the application of heat to evaporate moisture after its separation from the food products. Therefore it is a combined simultaneous heat and mass transfer operation for which energy must be supplied (Mohanraj and Chandrasekar 2009)

Removing moisture from products prevents growth and reproduction of microorganisms like yeasts, bacteria, and molds which cause decay and also reduces many of the moisture-mediated deteriorative reactions. It also causes reasonable reduction in weight and volume, minimizes packing, storage, and transportation costs and enables storability of products under ambient temperatures. This process is important for developing countries, (Sharma, 2009)). In the developing countries; the traditional method of drying is open sun drying, which causes food contamination and nutritional deterioration. Open sun drying is define as the spreading of commodity in the sun with no protection on a suitable surface, hanging it on eaves of buildings and trees, drying on the stalk by standing in stalks or bundles for cereals (Murthy, 2009). Exposing crops directly to sunlight, or more precisely ultra-violet radiation, can greatly reduce the nutritional content of the food products such as vitamins in the dried product.

 According to Fagunwa et al., (2009) and Chimi et al, (2008), open sun drying is mostly practiced by the local farmers. Also, according to Murthy, (2009), more than 80% of food produced in the developing countries is being produced by small farmers in and they dry their food product by open sun drying; this is because solar insolation is free but the end product could be degraded which results in a poor quality of the end product (Jairaj et al., 2009). Therefore the ultimate goal of any drying processes is to produce a dried product of high quality at a minimal cost whilst maintaining high throughput (Esmaiili et al., 2007). Generally, drying is an energy-intensive process and currently, the emphasis is on the use of alternative renewable energy sources for the safety of the planet. Drying of agricultural products using renewable energy such as solar energy is environmentally friendly and has a less environmental impact (Alonge and Adebayo 2012). Additionally, Rande and Forsan (2007) stated that of all the available energy for drying, solar drying is the most economical because it provides harmless and pollution-free energy with the lowest cost. Therefore efforts have been made by researchers to develop solar drying systems using locally available material. The challenge was that solar energy is not adequately available throughout the year. Hence a solar dryer that will dry most agricultural products throughout the year with good results is not obtainable. This is a problem especially for those areas closer to the coastal region like southern part of Nigeria with the lower solar insolation, limited sunshine hours and the ambient air temperature frequently interrupted by cold winds from the Atlantic (Ndukwu et al., 2017). Therefore there is the need to address this problem. Equally, studies have shown that thermal storage material like charcoal, coal rocks, bricks, concrete, phase change materials such as desiccants and eutectics materials with high latent heat storage has been used to cushion the contests posed by the uncertainty of weather that makes solar dryer operation irregular. Currently material with high latent heat storage is becoming very attractive in solar drying as thermal storage material because of its high energy density.

Another problem of solar dryer application in most African countries is the method of hot moist air evacuation from the drying chamber.  This is because; most of the dryers are passive solar dryers which take a longer time to move the moist air out of the dryer compared to active solar dryers (Ndukwu et al., 2018). This makes drying to take longer period which may lead to rewetting of the product that will not only increase the drying period but also may increase the microbial load after drying (Ndukwu et al., 2017). According to Sweelem et al., (2013), effective drying air must be hot, dry and moving. Low adoption of active solar drying in most cases is because of the need to make the system electricity free because most active dryers require electricity to drive the fan. While solar drying has been proven to be advantageous in drying agricultural products, allowing the drying to take longer period may be injurious to the quality of the final product. One of the proffered solutions for electricity-free air movement is the use of wind generator or vortex wind machine (Sweelem et al., 2013). A wind turbine generator produces air power when the ambient wind speed is higher than the cut in speed (Sweelem et al., 2013). This air power can be transmitted to the suction fan component of the solar dryer to make it active without electricity.

With the closeness of the research location not far from the coastal region characterized by low sunshine period, application of high latent heat storage material in combination with utilization of renewable energy sources like wind generator to power the fan to achieve a quicker drying process will interest farmers in adopting solar dryers in this region.

Drying is an energy consuming process, and efficient energy utilization is of utmost importance (Akubulut and Dumus, 2010). Therefore, various models have been developed to estimate the energy of the drying system based on the first law of thermodynamics. But, the weakness of the first law of thermodynamics is that it does not give much fact on losses or the quality of the energy moving through the thermal boundary, consequently this may give a false sense about the efficiency of an energy conversion device (Prommas et al., 2010). This is because it does not provide a measure of how closely the performance of a system approaches reality (Midilli and Kucuk, 2003). Lately, there is increasing attention in the combination of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, embodied in the idea of exergy to analyze energy systems. Exergy concerns the estimation of the performance of energy conversion devices and processes, by observing their performance at different points in a order of energy conversion stages. With this information, proper efficiencies can be estimated and the process steps having the major losses identified thus providing a more realistic view of the process. Since these steps are not adequately defined by the first law of thermodynamics which states that energy is completely conserved; it is very difficult to approach reality with the first law of thermodynamics. This makes the application of exergy analysis a necessity. Therefore, exergy which is based on the second law of thermodynamics is suitable for the assessment of the efficiency of drying systems.

Therefore this research will test high latent heat storage material capable of capturing and storing thermal energy which can be utilized during the off –sunshine period to continue the drying process. The drying operation will adopt active air circulation with wind generators to make the entire drying operation electricity free with all energy resources renewable. In the end, energy and exergy analysis will be carried out to determine the energy efficiency of the system.


The challenge of solar drying is on how to capture and store the solar thermal energy to be used during off-sun-shine hours. Another problem of solar dryer application in most African countries is the method of hot wet air evacuation from the drying chamber because; most of the dryers are passive solar dryers due to lack of cheap means to power the fans that will help in that case. This makes drying to take a longer period that may lead to rewetting of the product which will not only increase the drying period but may also increase the microbial load after drying. This problem is mostly faced by countries not far from the coastal areas like southern Nigeria with lower solar insolation. This is because of the frequent interruption of the sunshine hours by the sea or ocean wind and cloud cover.  Therefore research has introduced thermal storage to see if they can solve this problem. Some of these materials include rock, pebbles, charcoal, bricks, desiccants and other materials with high energy storage densities. Research on this aspect is still on-going and in most cases specific to a particular environment due to the uncertainty of weather. Although some research has used photo-voltaic cell and electrical powered fan to power the fan or blower to drive the air flow stream through the solar collector and drying chamber this adds extensively to the cost of the entire dryer. Therefore a frictionless self-powered wind machine has been suggested. This study will, therefore, test some materials for capturing and storing solar heat and also test the frictionless wind generator mechanism for powering the axial fan for air circulation.


The main objective of this research is to develop a wind-powered active solar dryer integrated with glycerin ( ) as thermal storage for drying pre-treated potato. However, the research specific objectives include to:

1.      Design and fabricate a mixed mode solar dryer integrated with glycerin as thermal storage material and with and without  wind generator

2.      Study the process variables (drying rates, kinetics, diffusivity, etc.) of the dried potato slices.

3.      Carry out energy and exergy  analysis of the dryer

4.      Determine the drying efficiency of the dryers.



Solar energy offers a good alternative and environmentally friendly energy for drying of crops considering the environmental challenges faced by the use of fossil fuel based dryers. However, solar dryers are faced with the problem of crop rewetting when the condition is unfavorable mostly during off sunshine hours or delay in the evacuation of accumulated moist air in the drying chamber, this will increase the drying time and sometimes the product quality is compromised. However, active solar dryers with electricity powered blowers have been designed to solve part of the problem above. The challenge of its operation in most African countries is lack of electricity to power them; nevertheless, the wind is available and free everywhere with some areas in Africa having high wind density. Therefore designing solar dryers with the axial fan powered by the wind and also integrating them with thermal storage material will help in solving the above-mentioned problems.


1.5          SCOPE OF STUDY

The scope of this research is limited to the development and performance evaluation of a mixed mode solar dryer powered by a wind generator tested with and without glycerin as thermal storage material.



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