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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009395

No of Pages: 112

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The injudicious and indiscriminate use of pesticides is a threat to not only the target organisms but to non-target organisms. This study determined the haemato-toxicity and histopathology of selected agro-pesticides (basudyne and carbofuran) in albino rats. Haematological parameters were determined at once for each blood sample using an automated haematology analyser model. Alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and serum bilirubin were determined using commercial kits and following standard protocols prescribed by the producer, Randox laboratory limited, United Kingdom. The liver and stomach histology were determined based on international histological protocol. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design (CRD). Each group was assigned a particular oral dose level of the pesticides in the order 5000, 7000, 9000, 11000, 13000 and 15000mg/kg body weight. The control group was not exposed to the treatment. The rats were sacrificed within 24 hours after administration of the toxicants. Blood collection by cardiac puncture into ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (kEDTA) and plane bottles for haematology and liver function tests. The liver and stomach were preserved in 10% formalin for histological examination. Results obtained showed a gradual decrease in the mean and standard deviation values of red blood cell count, pack cell volume, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration at P≤0.05 as the pesticides concentration increases. A rise and fall in mean and standard deviation is seen in white blood cell count. Neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes compared with the mean and standard deviation of the control group in both organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) and carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran). Liver dysfunction biomarkers aspartate amino transferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin and globulin concentrations were significantly increased when compared to the control group as the dose increases. The elevations observed in aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase values though differed from that of the control, still fall within safety range. No observable treatment related effect was seen in the liver and stomach histology. The use of pesticides should be in a controlled rate which does not affect the non-target organism.



Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Declaration                                                                                                                             ii

Certification                                                                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix

List of Figures                                                                                                                         x

List of Plates                                                                                                                           xi

Abstract                                                                                                                                  xiv



1.0       Background to the Study                                                                                            1

1.1       Statement of Problem                                                                                                 3

1.2       Aim of Study                                                                                                             4

1.3       Specific Objectives of the Study                                                                                4

1.4       Justification of the Study                                                                                            5

1.5       Significance of the Study                                                                                           6

1.6       Scope of the Study                                                                                                      6

1.7       Research Questions                                                                                                    7

1.8       Test of Hypotheses                                                                                                     7



2.0       Pesticides                                                                                                                    9

2.1       Pesticide Toxicity                                                                                                       9

2.2       Classification of Toxicity by Type of Exposure                                                        11


2.3       Classification of Toxicity by Route of Entry                                                             12

2.4       Organophosphate Pesticides                                                                                       14

2.5       Carbamates                                                                                                                 14

2.5.1    Carbofuran                                                                                                                  15

2.6       Organochlorides                                                                                                         15

2.6.1    Biochemical toxicity of organochlorines                                                                   16

2.7       Pyrethroides                                                                                                                17

2.8       Phenylamides                                                                                                             17

2.9       Triazines                                                                                                                     17

2.10     Pesticides and their Applications                                                                               17

2.11     Agricultural Pesticide Use and Food Safety                                                               18

2.12     Pesticide Misuse and Abuse                                                                                       19

2.13     Effect of Pesticides to Living Organisms                                                                   20

2.14     Toxic Effect of Pesticides in Farm Animals                                                             20

2.15     Potential Impact of Pesticides on Human Health                                                       21

2.15.1  Acute intoxication                                                                                                      22

2.15.2  Chronic intoxication                                                                                                   22

2.15.3  Neurobehavioral effects                                                                                             23

2.15.4  Developmental and reproductive effects                                                                    23

2.15.5  Carcinogenic effects                                                                                                   24

2.15.6  Immunological effects                                                                                                24

2.16     The Blood                                                                                                                   24

2.17     Histopathology                                                                                                           25

2.18     Liver Function Parameters as Markers of Toxicity                                                    26

2.19     Changes in Haematological Parameters as Indicators of Toxicity                                     27



3.1       Materials and Their Uses                                                                                            28

3.2       Research Design                                                                                                         29

3.3       Test Organisms                                                                                                           29

3.4       Assessment of Safety of the Preparation                                                                    29

3.4.1    Grouping of analysis and treatment for animals administered with carbamate

            based pesticide (Carbofuran)                                                                                      30

3.4.2    Animals administered with organophosphate based pesticides                                    30

3.4.3    Acute toxicity test (LD50)                                                                                           31

3.4.4    Dermination of haematological parameters                                                               31

3.4.5    Determination of some biochemical parameters                                                        31

3.4.6    Liver and stomach histology                                                                                     33

3.5       Data Analysis and Statistical Procedures                                                                   34



4.1       Data Presentation                                                                                                        35

4.2       Data Analysis /Test of Hypotheses                                                                             49

4.2.1    Effect of acute organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) treatment on the

liver histology of rats

4.2.2    Effect of acute organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) treatment on the          stomach histology of rats

4.2.3    Effect of acute carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) treatment on the liver histology of rats

4.2.4    Effect of acute carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) treatment on the stomach histology of rats

4.3.      Discussion                                                                                                                  

4.3.1    Acute toxicity (LD50)

4.3.2    Effect of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) and organophosphate based

pesticide (basudyne) in liver function biomaker parameters

 4.3.3   Effect of carbofuran and basudyne on haematological parameters           

 4.3.4   Effect of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) in liver histology

 4.3.5   Effect of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) in liver histology

 4.3.6   Effect of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) in stomach histology

 4.3.7   Effect of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) in stomach histology



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                  84

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      85

            References                                                                                                                  87











2.1       Types of toxicity based on the extent of exposure to a pesticide                      12


4.1.1    Haematological parameters for organophosphate based pesticides                    35


4.1.2    Haematological parameters for organophosphate based pesticides                    37


4.1.3    Haematological parameters for carbamate based pesticides                                39


4.1.4    Haematological parameters for carbamate based pesticides (Carbofuran)          41


4.1.5    Liver dysfunction biomarkers test for organophosphate based pesticides (Basudyne)                                                                                                   43 


4.1.6    Liver dysfunction biomarkers test for carbamate based pesticides

(Carbofuran)                                                                                                   45


4.1.7    Acute toxicity study of carbamate based pesticides (Carbofuran)               47


4.1.8    Acute toxicity study of organophosphate based pesticides (Basudyne)      47


4.2.1    Effect of acute organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) treatment

                        on RBC parameters                                                                                        49


4.2.2    Test of hypothesis for pack cell volume                                                         50


4.2.3    Effect of acute carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) treatment

                        on RBC parameters                                                                                         51


4.2.4    Test of hypothesis for pack cell volume                                                         52


4.2.5    Effect of acute organophosphate based pesticides (Basudyne)

                        treatment on WBC and differential WBC counts                                           53


4.2.6    Test of hypothesis for total leucocyte count                                                   54


4.2.7    Effect of acute carbamate based pesticides (Carbofuran) treatment        

                        on WBC and differential WBC counts                                                           55

4.2.8    Test of hypothesis for total leucocyte count                                                   56


4.2.9    Effect of acute organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) treatment

                        on liver dysfunction biomarker                                                                      57


4.2.10  Test of hypothesis for liver dysfunction biomarkers                                      59

4.2.11  Effect of acute carbamate based pesticide (Carbofuran) treatment on

                        liver dysfunction biomarkers                                                                          60


4.2.12  Test of hypothesis for liver dysfunction biomarkers                                      64




1                      Main routes of pesticides entry in the human organism                               13












1          A cross section of a normal rat liver showing the portal triad,

central vein, blood vessel and bile duct, H&E × 100 (Control group)           63       

2          A cross section of a rat liver given (5000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            64                                                                                           


3          A cross section of a rat liver given (7000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            64                                                                                           


4          A cross section of a rat liver given (9000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            65                                                                                           


5          A cross section of a rat liver given (11000mg/kg body weight)

of the  pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel

and bile duct, H&E × 100                                                                               65                                                                               


6          A cross section of a rat liver given (13000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and 

bile duct, H&E × 100                                                                                     66                                                                               


7          A cross section of a rat liver given (15000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct. H&E × 100                                                                                            66                                                                                           


8          A cross section of a normal rat stomach showing the gastric gland,

muscularis mucosa, muscularis propria and surface epithelium

H&E × 100                                                                                                     67                                                                                                       


9          A cross section of a rat stomach given (5000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    67                              

10        A cross section of a rat stomach given (7000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

                        muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    68                               


11        A cross section of a rat stomach given (9000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    68                   


12        A cross section of a rat stomach given (11000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    69                               


13        A cross section of a rat stomach given (13000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    69



14        A cross section of a rat stomach given (15000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    70                               


15        A cross section of a normal rat liver showing the portal triad,

central vein, blood vessel and bile duct, H&E × 100                                     70                               


16        A cross section of a rat liver given (5000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and

bile duct, H&E × 100                                                                                     71                                                                               


17        A cross section of a rat liver given (7000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and

bile duct, H&E × 100                                                                                     71                                                        

18        A cross section of a rat liver given (9000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            72                                                        

19        A cross section of a rat liver given (11000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            72                                                                                           

20        A cross section of a rat liver given (13000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            73                                                        

21        A cross section of a rat liver given (15000mg/kg body weight) of the

pesticide, showing the portal triad, central vein, blood vessel and bile

duct, H&E × 100                                                                                            73                                                        

22        A cross section of a normal rat stomach showing the gastric gland,

muscularis mucosa, muscularis propria and surface epithelium

H&E × 100                                                                                                     74                                                        

 23       A cross section of a rat stomach given (5000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    74                               


24        A cross section of a rat stomach given (7000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    75                               


25        A cross section of a rat stomach given (9000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,          

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    75


26        A cross section of a rat stomach given (11000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    76                               


27        A cross section of a rat stomach given (13000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium H&E × 100                                    76                               


28        A cross section of a rat stomach given (15000mg/kg body weight)

of the pesticide, showing the gastric gland, muscularis mucosa,

muscularis propria and surface epithelium. H&E × 100                                    77                               











1.1       BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY           

Pesticides are said to be universal chemical substances and global statistics have shown increasing use of these chemicals for   pest control (Zhang et al., 2011). Worldwide, about 2.5 million tons of pesticides are used per annum in agriculture (Zhang et al., 2011). Newest evidence on pesticide worldwide clearly shows an increase from around US$7 billion to US$12 billion from 2000 to 2012 with a related trend across the world (Plumer, 2013). About one-third of   agricultural yields are achieved by using pesticides and without pesticide usage, the damage of fruits, vegetables, and cereals as a result of pest damage would reach 78, 54, and 32%, respectively (Zhang et al., 2011).

There have been many studies on determining the cruel effects of pesticide contact (McCauley et al., 2006). The United Nation (UN) Environment Programme and the World Health Organization evaluated that each year, 3million farm workers in the developing world experience stark pesticide poisoning of which about 18,000 were fatal (Miller, 2004). Facts from India, disclosed that about 51% of the food material is polluted with residues in contrast to 21% worldwide, of which 20% were above minimal risk level agreed by Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) standards (ANON, 1999). The contaminated food is usually not thrown away in the developing countries, but enters the food chain out of ignorance, innocence and also importantly out of lack of affordability by the consumers. Absence of awareness of the degree of pesticide contaminated food might remain one of the explanations for increased occurrences of cancers in developing world. In addition to the damages to human health, an indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides harmfully disturbs the natural bio-diversity that results in the decrease of natural competitors (Ranga Rao et al., 2005).

 Food safety in sub-Saharan Africa mostly rely on improved food productivity through the use of sustainable agricultural practices and the decrease of post-harvest losses instigated by pests and diseases. According to Okori et al. (2004), without pesticides food would be more costly; because production would entail more labour and more intensive knowledgeable management. For decades, the pest control policy in developing countries has been dependent upon the use of synthetic pesticides (Ogendo et al., 2004). Pesticides are lethal in nature and do not distinguish between target and non-target species of plants and animals, and hence should be subjected to safe and cautious use. Due to injudicious and indiscriminate use of pesticides, too many accidents have happened in diverse parts of the world, and incidences of pesticides in foods, fruits, vegetables, and environment and even in mother’s milk is a matter of great worry (FAO, 2005). Of all the pesticides released into the environment every year by humans, persistent pesticides are amid the most dangerous (FAO, 2005). They are extremely toxic, causing an array of adverse effects, especially death, diseases and birth defects among humans and animals. Insecticides are the quickest and most pragmatic means of combating an infestation, but their uses have been restricted in many parts of Africa because of cost and their capacity to contaminate the environment, leaving damaging residue in produce and induce resistance in pest species (Lale, 2002).

The exposure of human-beings to harmful chemicals directly in the fields and indirectly via contaminated intake, leads in the expression of residues of organochlorines in human blood (3.3–6.3 mg per L) and milk (3.2–4.6 mg per L) samples from lactating women. Increased levels of pesticide residues (15–605 times) were spotted in blood samples of cotton farmers from four villages in Punjab (ANON, 2005). The possible risks to pesticides applicator or farm worker occupationally exposed to pesticides are higher than the risks to someone in the overall population exposed only to traces of pesticides in food and /or water (Amer, 2002). Haematological and biochemical parameters have been related with health indices and are of diagnostic significance in the day by day evaluation of the state of health; hence the analysis of these parameters is important to risk evaluations of alterations of the haematological system in humans and other animals (Saliu et al., 2012). Exposure to low level of pesticides is known to produce diverse biochemical changes, some of which may be responsible for the adverse biological effects in humans (Elhalwagy et al., 2009; Ibrahim et al., 2011). In some cases, some biochemical alterations may not necessarily lead to clinically recognizable symptoms, though all the biochemical reactions can be used as indicators of exposure or effect. Haematological records are used for diagnosis of diseases in mammals and is a prodigious help in veterinary and human medicine and could be used to decide the health status of fishes (Saliu et al., 2012).



There have been many studies on determining the ill effects of pesticide exposure (McCauley et al., 2006). Annually there are dozens of million cases of pesticide poisonings worldwide. The World Health Organization and the UN Environment Programme estimate that each year, 3 million farm workers in the developing world experience severe pesticide poisoning of whom about 18,000 were fatal (Miller, 2004). Exposure to pesticides both occupationally and environmentally causes a range of human health problems. It is estimated that nearly 10,000 deaths annually are linked to use of chemical pesticide worldwide, with about three-fourths of these occurring in developing countries (Horrigan et al., 2002). Exposure to pesticides results in acute and chronic health problems (Yassi et al., 2001).

Excessive and non-judicious use of insecticides have led to the degradation of environmental quality, pest resistance, pest resurgence and the contamination of agricultural products and natural resources. Most of the studies on pesticides conducted in Asia reflect the presence of pesticide residues in significant amounts in food and agricultural commodities, and pesticide pollution does exist in the country; and is a cause of concern for public health (Kumari et al., 2006). Pesticides applied to the soil or that eventually end in the soil in agricultural areas can contribute to the contamination of surface and ground waters (Gilliom et al., 2006).

Moreover, it is now better agreed that pesticides have significant chronic health effects, including cancer, neurological effects, diabetes, respiratory diseases, fetal diseases, and genetic disorders. Various inappropriate practices in the use of pesticides cause possible poisoning symptoms generally among farmers who do not wear protective clothing (Ntow et al., 2006). It is well known now that a significant fraction of pesticides are carcinogenic. It is also well known that pesticide residues persist for long periods of time, leading to complex environmental implications. Also, pesticides destroy domestic animals, fishes and bees. Furthermore, their use results in the development and evolution of pesticide resistance in insects, weeds and plant pathogens.

Unfortunately, there is a research gap on the haematotoxicity and selected organ changes as a result of exposures to some selected pesticides using albino   rats as experimental units.

1.2       AIM OF STUDY

Thus, this study aims at determining the haemato-toxicity and histopathology of selected agro-pesticides in Albino rats.


The specific objectives of this study includes the following;

·       To determine the packed cell volume (PCV) of albino  rat orally administered with organophospate based pesticide (basudyne)

·       To determine the packed cell volume (PCV) of albino rat orally administered with carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran).

·       To determine the total leucocyte count (TLC) of albino rat after administration of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne).

·       To determine the total leucocyte count (TLC) of albino   rat after administration of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran).

·        Determination of the effect of orally administered organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) on the liver function biomarkers of albino rats.

·       Determination of the effect of orally administered carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) on the liver function biomarkers of albino rats.

·       To ascertain the histopathology of orally administered carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) in the liver and stomach of albino   rats.

·       To ascertain the histopathology of orally administered organophophate based pesticide (basudyne) in the liver and stomach of albino rats.


The risk of pesticides to human health has been of public concern since the 1970s. However, hundreds of pesticides are used worldwide, and some pesticides are used in some countries but not in others. For instance, the leading pesticide which is used in corn production in the US is atrazine, but this pesticide has been banned in the European Union countries because of its toxicity since 2004 (European Union, 2004).

The use of chemicals in modern agriculture has significantly improved productivity. But it has significantly increased the concentration of pesticides in food and in our environment, with associated negative impacts on human health (Horrigan et al., 2002). Globally, there is an increasing pressure on the agricultural sector to produce more food to meet increased demand of the growing populations all around the world (Horrigan et al., 2002). This has increased the need for intensive plant protection with increased use of pesticides. Despite decades of research about pesticides, there is still high uncertainty about health effects of pesticides. These health effects are diverse depending on the degree, and the type of exposure. Perceptions by farmers of pesticide efficacy were found to play a major role in farmers’ behaviour towards the use of pesticides and the adoption of alternative methods of pest control such as integrated pest management (IPM), (Hashemi and Damalas 2010). For example, pesticide used on any crop depends on the farmer’s discretion whether to enhance the productivity to meet the market demands in search of enhanced income or subsistence farming for livelihood. The necessity of pesticide residue analysis in various agro-based commodities has become more relevant.


The study examined the haemato-toxicity and vital organ changes of albino rats exposed to some selected pesticides. The findings of the study will help ensure that the significant portion of food samples will not exceed the maximum residue limits set by regulators. In addition, the finding will also add to the understanding of the health effects of pesticides exposure. Also, farmers will be enlightened on the health implications of using various concentrations of pesticides during food storage.


The study was a laboratory based experiment set up. The routine haematological variables were used to establish potential toxic effects of pesticides in albino rats. The histopathology of the pesticides on vital organ of albino rats were equally explored.



This research answered the following questions:

·       Does the oral administration of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) affect the pack cell volume (PCV) of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) affect the pack cell volume (PCV) of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) affect the total leucocyte count (TLC) of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) affect the total leucocyte count (TLC) of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) affect the liver function biomarkers of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) affect the liver function biomarkers of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) affect the liver histology of albino rats?

·       Does the oral administration of carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) affect the stomach histology of albino rats?


            1.8           TEST OF HYPOTHESES

This research work tested the following null hypotheses (H0):

·       There is no significant difference in the pack cell volume (PCV) of albino rats orally administered with organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) at p≤0.05 confidence interval.

·       There is no significant difference in the pack cell volume (PCV) of albino rats orally administered with carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) at p≤0.05 confidence interval

·       There is no significant difference in the total leucocyte count (TLC) of albino rats orally administered with organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) at p≤0.05 confidence interval.

·       There is no significant difference in the total leucocyte count (TLC) of albino rats orally administered with carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) at p≤0.05 confidence interval.

·       There is no significant difference in the liver function biomarkers of albino rats orally administered with organophosphate based pesticide (basudyne) at p≤0.05 confidence interval.

·       There is no significant difference in the liver function biomarkers of albino rats orally administered with carbamate based pesticide (carbofuran) at p≤0.05 confidence interval.


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  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    I am thoroughly impressed with! The project material was of outstanding quality, well-researched, and highly detailed. What amazed me most was their instant delivery to both my email and WhatsApp, ensuring I got what I needed immediately. Highly reliable and professional—I'll definitely recommend them to anyone seeking quality project materials!

  • Anonymous

    2 weeks ago

    Its amazing transacting with Projectshelve. They are sincere, got material delivered within few minutes in my email and whatsApp.

  • TJ

    2 months ago

    ProjectShelve is highly reliable. Got the project delivered instantly after payment. Quality of the work.also excellent. Thank you