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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009426

No of Pages: 163

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study observed the concentration of selected heavy metals on nine (9) goat meat samples processed with three different methods (firewood singed, scrap tyres singed, and hotwater frayed) in a local slaughter unit using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results revealed trace concentrations of the heavy metals in mostly unsinged samples prior to the singeing process, giving a control mean concentrations of 0.063±0.055 mg/kg0.001±0.001 mg/kg2.547±0.461 mg/kg1.95±0.125 mg/kg and 6.34±0.753 mg/kg for Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe respectively. This suggests an exposure of the slaughtered ruminants to contamination factors in the environment thereby reflecting undue levels of heavy metal concentration in the sample. Whereas increased concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Fe were observed in the firewood singed unwashed sample, Cd was below detectable range. Elevated values in concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe was observed for the scrap tyre singed unwashed sample and conversely, a significant reduction was observed for Pb (0.009±0.01 mg/kg), Cu (6.067±0.146 mg/kg), Zn (22.41±3.304 mg/kg) and Fe (16.62±0.795 mg/kg) while Cd was below significant detectable range after the scrap tyre singed sample was washed. Furthermore, the results of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe concentrations in frayed and unwashed as well as frayed and washed samples showed a significant reduction compared to the control and other treatments as all samples treated in this category was below significant detectable range.  The environmental assessment and health status conducted using questionnaire revealed that eye irritation and skin burn were among the common health challenges faced by workers in the area while, frequent medication accounted for major economic losses. Waste management was identified as a critical issue and poses a high risk of meat contamination due to unhealthy practices. The study recommended stakeholder involvement, the general public and the meat processors in ensuring proper food handling especially at the processing unit. 


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

List of Figures                                                                                                             xi

List of Abbreviation and Acronyms                                                                           xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xiii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                            1

1.1       Background to the Study                                                                                1

1.2  Statement of the Problem                                                                   3

1.3       Aims and Objectives of the Study                                                                  6

1.4       Significance of the Study                                                                               6

1.5       Scope of the Study                                                                                          7

1.6       Justification of the Study                                                                                8


 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                        9

2.1       Healthy Environment                                                                                     9

2.1.1    General principles of meat hygiene                                                                12

2.1.2    Trace elements and metal impurities in meat                                                 14

2.1.3    Heavy metals in slaughtered ruminants                                                         14

2.1.4    Risk of metal contamination and human safety                                             15

2.1.5    Effects of heavy metals on humans                                                                15

2.2       Singeing of Slaughtered Ruminants                                                               18

2.3.      Fuel Sources for Singeing Meat                                                                                                                                                      19

2.3.1    Wood fuel and emissions                                                                                                                                                                19

2.3.2     Tyres                                                                                                              20 Composition of rubber tyre                                                                            21 Utilization of tyres in singeing meat                                                              22   Hazardous effects of open burning of tyre                                                   24 Scrap tyre management                                                                        26

2.4       Metals                                                                                                   30

2.4.1    Effects of abattoir waste on the environment                                       31


CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                          33

3.1       Description of the Study Area                                                                                    33

3.2       Research Design                                                                                             34

3.3       Sample Collection                                                                                          36

3.3.1    Meat sample collection                                                                                  36

3.4       Laboratory Analytical Procedure                                                                   36

3.4.1    Determination of concentration of metals in meat samples                           37

3.4.2    Determination of concentration of heavy metals in water samples               38

3.5       Questionnaire Survey                                                                                     38

3.6       Statistical Analysis                                                                                         40


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      41

4.1           Determined Concentrations of Selected Heavy Metals

(Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe) in Goat Meat Sample Singed with Firewood       41


4.2           Determined Concentrations of Selected Heavy Metals

(Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Fe) in Goat Meat Samples Singed with Scrap

Automobile Tyres                                                                                     43


4.3       Comparative Analysis of the Studied Meat Samples by Observed

Material Treatments                                                                                       47

4.4       Determined Demographic, Socioeconomic and Health Status of the

Workers in the Study Area                                                                             56


4.4.1    Demographic, socioeconomic and educational assessment of the workers           56

4.4.2    Assessment of respondents by meat processing activities                             59

4.4.3    Assessment of respondents by preferred meat processing materials                       61

4.4.4    Assessment of respondents by knowledge and awareness of

health implication of preferred meat processing materials                            63


4.4.5    Assessment of respondents by occupational hazards, risk and exposures        65

4.4.6    Assessment of respondents by environmental health awareness and

health status of workers in the study area                                                      68


4.4.7      Assessment of respondents by common health related challenges

experienced and management methods                                                          70


4.5           Assessed Environmental Management System and Existing Waste

Management Practices Adopted by the Workers in the Study Area                        76


4.5.1    Occupational health risk of goat processing emissions and common

health challenges                                                                                            76


4.5.2    Health hazard and risk assessment based of preferred material used

in singeing                                                                                                      79


4.5.3    Assessed environmental and waste management system practiced

in the study area                                                                                               81


4.6       Discussion                                                                                                       85


CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                           94

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      94

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          97

References                                                                                                      99

Appendices                                                                                                     108


2.1       Metal composition of tyres                                                                             22

3.1       Tabular presentation of study design                                                             35

3.2       Tabular presentation of sample collection                                                      36

4.1       Mean ± SD of the heavy metal concentration in meat singed with

firewood                                                                                                           42


4.2       Result of relationship between metal concentrations in meat sample

singed with firewood                                                                                      43


4.3       Mean ± SD of the heavy metal concentration in meat quality singed

with scrap automobile tyre                                                                             43


4.4       Result of relationship between metal concentrations in meat sample

singed with scrap automobile tyre                                                                  45


4.5       Mean ± SD of the heavy metal concentration of meat quality

frayed with hot water                                                                                      46


4.6       Result of relationship between metal concentrations in meat sample

frayed with hot water                                                                                      46


4.7       Mean ± SD of the heavy metal concentration in goat meat samples             51

4.8       ANOVA Table                                                                                               54

4.9       Demographics distribution of respondents in the study area                         58

4.10     Distribution of respondents according to meat processing activities             60

4.11     Distribution of respondents by preferred meat processing materials                        62

4.12     Distribution of respondents by health implication awareness                        64

4.13     Distribution of respondents by perceived occupational hazards risk

factors and exposure                                                                                       67


4.14     Distribution of Respondents by Environmental Health Status

of Workers in the Study Area                                                                         69

4.15     Distribution of respondents by common health challenges experienced    71

4.16     Distribution of respondents by common health challenges experienced

and financial losses incurred                                                                          74


4.17     Result of cross tabulation of Specialized area of goat meat processing

against common health challenges experienced                                            77


4.18     Result of cross tabulation of preferred singeing material against

common health challenges experienced                                                         79








3.1       Map of Abia State showing the study Areas                                                  34

4.1       Graph of heavy metal concentration on treated goat meat                             49

4. 2      Distribution of solid waste disposal and management in the study area     81

4.3       Distribution of water management by workers in the study area                        82

4.4       Distribution of waste water disposal in the study area                                   82

4.5       Distribution of accessible toilet facility in the study area                              83

4.6       Rating of waste management practices in the study area                               84







BSDR:             Below Significant Detectable Range

Cd:                  Cadmium

Cu:                  Copper

Fe:                   Iron

FWCS:            Firewood Control Sample

FWSUS:          Firewood Singed Unwashed Sample

FWSWS:         Firewood Singed and Washed

HWFC:           Hot water Frayed Control

HWFUS:         Hotwater Frayed Unwashed

HWFWS:        Hotwater frayed and washed.

ND:                 Not Detected

Pb:                   Lead

PML:               Permissible Limits

SATCS:           Scrap Automobile Tyre Control Sample

SATSUS:        Scrap Automobile Tyre Singed Unwashed

SATSWS:       Scrap Automobile Tyre Singed and Washed

Zn:                   Zinc












Meat ranks among one of the most significant, nutritious and energy-rich natural food products, utilized by the humans to fulfill their regular body requirements. It is considered quite important in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, which is essential in accomplishing optimum human growth and development (Ahmad et al., 2018). According to European legislation, meat is defined as the edible portions, obtained from domestic animals including caprine, bovine, ovine and porcine, including the poultry meat, farmed and wild animals. It is a rich source of high value proteins, variety of fats including omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, zinc, iron, selenium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, vitamin A, B-complex vitamins and folic acid. Its composition varies with reference to its breed, type of feed being ingested, climatic conditions and also on the meat cut, which imparts a considerable difference on its nutritional and sensorial properties (Pereira & Vicente, 2013).


Slaughtered ruminants such as goats, sheep and cattle for meat are normally singed to get rid of the fur. Generally, the singeing of the hide is done under uncontrolled fires (i.e., open fires, not regulated) without local legislative measures typically for poor households in developing countries like Nigeria and most African countries. Hence, open fire is the major process by which hair on the skin of slaughtered ruminant is removed. Obiri-Danso, et al. (2008). Singeing, as observed by FAO, (1985) remains the only process which maintains the carcass hide for consumption and also evokes flavours in the meat which are acceptable to the consumer.  Before now, singeing was done mainly by the use of firewood as fuel, but the relative scarcity of firewood in recent times has led local butchers to engage in the practice of using scrap car tyres as alternative source of fuel to singe slaughtered livestock. This practice, though unconventional and potentially dangerous, is increasingly favoured by local butchers; as findings from a study conducted by Obiri-Danso et al.,(2008) in “Ghana reveals slaughterers opinion that fire from the scrap” tyres is able to selectively burn off the animal fur without cracking the hide. While in Nigeria, scrap tyres are most prevalent materials commonly used in singeing meat instead of firewood because of its availability and cost effectiveness to the local slaughters.


Notwithstanding, tyres are believed to contain toxic materials which could contaminate the environment. Friday and Nwite (2016) in their study reported the findings by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry which revealed that “tyre derived fuel” (TDF) contained several heavy metals such as lead (Pd), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) that could be carcinogenic when exposed to consumers over a long period. Obiri- Danso et al. (2008) also revealed high level of heavy metals residues in goat and cattle hides roasted with scrap tyres, which made them unsafe for consumption. A study by Adachi and Tainosho (2004) indicated the presence of heavy metals in tyre wears debris to include Manganese, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Cadmium, Cobalt and Lead. The risk of heavy metal contamination in meat therefore is of great concern for both food safety and human health because of the toxic nature of these metals at relatively minute concentrations (Santhi et al., 2008). In this case, continuous consumption of such potentially contaminated meat product poses a great source of health risk (Costa, 2000).  Food safety issues have become a major issue to consumers and health based organization, with many meat scandals hitting European countries, most especially China and Africa. (FAO∕WHO, 2000).


There is also the possibility of a catastrophic fire occurring because of the large quantities of petroleum and other chemicals in tires. A burning tire creates thick, black, toxic smoke as well as large discharges of environmental pollutants (Essumang et al., 2007). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are also released when plastics are burnt, contaminating not only the processed ruminant but also the environment. The processors are also at risk because of the associated health hazards through inhalation of these toxic compounds (Okiei et al, 2009). The environmental pollution caused by the burning of tyres is a matter of great concern worldwide, and consequently contamination of the food chain is getting increasingly important in view of its role in human health and nutrition.


The use of scrap tyre in singeing of meat is life threatening since it can introduce different contaminants into the meat and when consumed, poses health risk to man. Lodu goat market slaughter unit is of no exception when it comes to using scrap tyres as source of fuel in singeing meat. It is against this background that the present study investigated the local livestock singeing practices in the study area, comparing the quality of meat singed with automobile tyre and firewood as source of fuel.



The global awareness for a cleaner and safer earth environment is taking an admirable pace as various stakeholder across occupations and disciplines partner with relevant organisations to achieve this goals, however, to some local abattoir especially in Africa the communication is unapologetically different in view of the prevalent unsafe meat handling techniques such as the practice of using scrap tyres for singing livestock which appears to be conventional among local union of abattoirs.


While meat consumption has been relatively static in the developed world, annual per capita consumption of meat has doubled since 1960 in developing countries. Meat consumption in developing countries has been on continuous increase from a modest average annual per capita consumption of 10 kg in the 1960s to 26 kg in 2000 and has been estimated to be at 37 kg around the year 2030 according to FAO projections (FAO, 2007).  Growing population and incomes, along with changing food preferences are increasing the demand for livestock products (FAO, 2012). It is pertinent to note that tyre-singeing leads to the accumulation of toxic substances such as heavy metals in meat which poses health risks when consumed.  Due to their non-biodegradable and persistent nature, heavy metals are accumulated in vital organs in the human body such as the kidneys, bones and liver and are associated with numerous serious health disorders (Duruibe et al., 2007). Individual metals exhibit specific signs of their toxicity. Persistent over-indulgence in taking magnesium supplements can lead to muscle weakness, lethargy and confusion (Lenntech, 2012). The unremitting consumption or exposure to high level of various heavy metals results to detrimental effect on different organs in the human body.  For example, Lead, Zinc, Copper and Aluminium poisoning have been implicated with gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, diarrhoea, stomatitis, tremor, hemoglobinuria causing a rust-red colour to urine, ataxia, paralysis, vomiting and convulsion, depression, and pneumonia (McCluggage, 1991). An uptake of too large quantities of nickel leads to higher chances of development of lungs, nose, larynx and prostate cancer, lung embolism, respiratory failure, birth defects, asthma, chronic bronchitis and heart disorders (Lenntech, 2012). Copper (Cu) is known to cause damage to the liver; lead (Pb) may cause cognitive development problems, increase in blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases (Nolan, 2003). Manganese poisoning can also cause Parkinson’s disease, lung embolism and bronchitis (Santamaria, 2008).  zinc (Zn) reduces immune function and the levels of high density lipoproteins; cadmium causes kidney dysfunction and reproductive deficiencies (FAO, 2001. Ikem & Egiebor, 2005) Hauser and Hauser, (2009), reported that high doses of cadmium can lead to kidney failure, damage to testicles and liver. Adverse Manganese effects occur in the respiratory tract and in the brain as well. Some symptoms of manganese poisoning are hallucinations, forgetfulness and nerve damage. European Union (2002) unmasked that the nature of the effects of these metals can be toxic (acute, chronic or sub-chronic), neurotoxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic.

In addition, large amounts of greenhouse gases such as Dioxin can become absorbed in vegetation consumed by livestock. Dioxin does not breakdown; it accumulates in the fatty tissues of animals and humans that consume the contaminated vegetation, meats, chickens and dairy products. In humans, these Dioxins can lead to productive impairments, development of injuries and an increase in the risk of diabetes.


Furthermore, tyre as non-biodegradable combustible material, when subjected to uncontrolled open fire conditions at low temperature produces black plumes of smoke as well as toxic volatilization products such as soot, which become incorporated into the ambient environment causing air and water pollution (Mohammad et al., 2012) as well as result in human and environmental hazard. Open burning of these scrap tyres used in singeing meat releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into the environment and this causes air, and water pollution thereby posing serious health risk to individuals living around the vicinity, most especially the meat processors.


Firewood and scrap automobile tyres as fuel sources from the present study therefore determined and compared the implication of using two common livestock singeing materials on the meat quality, environment and the occupational health of the workers.


The study aims at determining in a comparative assessment, the heavy metal concentrations in locally processed meat singed using vehicle scrap tyres and firewood. The aim would be achieved through the accomplishment of the following objectives.

i.             Determination of the concentrations of selected heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn,

and Fe) in goat meat samples singed with firewood in the study area.

ii.              Determination of the concentrations of selected heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn,

and Fe) in goat meat samples singed with scrap automobile tyres in the study


iii.            Determination of the demographic, socioeconomic and health status of the

workers in the study area.

iv.            Assessment of existing environmental and health management system as well as

waste management practices adopted by the workers in the study area.



Many studies have recognized the increased demand for protein rich food from both plants and animal sources have increased to address global malnutrition issues. Available statistics by FAO (2019) estimated that between 2012 and 2050, the aggregate consumption of all livestock products in Nigeria will more than triple, projected increase varies from 216 percent for mutton and goat meat to 266 percent for poultry meat. This means that on an annual basis, demand will grow between 3.3 and 3.8 percent, which translate in major increases in volume terms. In specific terms, the report estimated the consumption of mutton and goat meat at 467,000 tonnes with a projected 3.8% annual increase rate giving rise to 878,000 tonnes in 2030 and 1,473,000 tonnes in the year 2050, concomitantly resulting to increase and wide spread of metal contaminated food in the society due to unsafe processing.

However, food contamination at every stage of the food production chain is unacceptable since it threatens the health of consumers of such foods. Food safety issues poses as a major concern to consumers and health-based organizations, with many meat scandals hitting European countries and China. Research has shown that Scrap tyres contain different compounds with heavy metals and other toxic substances. Grosse-Daldrup & Scheubel (1996) recommended used tyres which are synthetic products as an alternative solid fuel for the cement industry in the developed countries. This however did not include food processing plants. Mokrzycki, et al., (2003) cautioned that before using any material as an alternative fuel (e.g. scrap tyre) the toxicity (organic compounds, heavy metals), composition, content of ash, content volatiles, calorific value of the material should be evaluated first.


Sunu, (2013) and USFA, (1999) cited the Technical Guidelines on the Identification and Management of Used Tyres as postulated by the Basel Convention 1999 that used tyres contain a total of approximately 1.5% by weight of hazardous waste compounds, these compounds are encased in the rubber compound or present as an alloying element.



The study focused mainly on comparative assessment of heavy metal concentrations in goat meat samples singed with scrap automobile tyres and firewood in the slaughter unit located at Lodu goat market in Umuahia, Abia State, as well as hot water frayed sample in the laboratory. The study also surveyed the slaughtering practices, as well as the demographic, socioeconomic and occupational health and waste management practices adopted by the meat processors (Butchers) using a structured questionnaire according to recommended standards.



This present study will do justice in unmasking the toxic metal components of meat singed with scarp tyres, comparing the findings with the conventional method of using firewood as fuel, as well as hot water method and relevant standards. The findings will be useful to relevant stakeholders including legislative bodies, health organisations and Environmental agencies to enable the ease of curbing this unsafe and unhealthy practice of singeing meat with scrap automobile tyre.



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