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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009540

No of Pages: 72

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This work was carried out to ascertain the Challenges and Prospects of Developing Abadaba Lake into a tourism Site. A Lake located between the serene villages of Okwuohia, Odenkume and Umuezegwu in Obowo Local Government Area of Imo sate, Nigeria. The study Objectives were to identify the tourism potentials of Abadaba Lake, to determine efforts made in the past to develop Abadaba Lake for tourism, to ascertain the challenges and prospects of developing the Lake, to find out how the Lake can be developed, determine the perception of the Local Communities and their attitudes towards the Lake and its development. The methodology was survey design, the population for the study consist of 380, sample for the study consist of 280 respondents made up of tourism officials of Imo State Tourism Board, selected members of the traditional council and some other indigenes’ of the Local Communities and staff of the Imo State ministry of culture and Tourism. Data for this research was generated using quantitative techniques, simple frequency, percentage were used to analyze the data generated for the research. The findings of this research revealed that change of government executives, safety/security challenge, lack of fund, lack of government interest etc as the challenges of developing Abadaba Lake, The study revealed also that, tourism development of Abadaba Lake will bring about, Infrastructural development, Revenue Generation, Generation of employment, Protection and improvement of the environmental qualities and Promotion of local businesses around the destination, Improvement of the standard of living (that is the prospects). The study revealed also that the Local Communities likes and welcomes the Tourism Development of Abadaba Lake and others. It was recommended that for Abadaba Lake to be developed there should be adequate tourist facilities such as good road network, creating of awareness, embracing of information technology etc.  The government, private sectors and other stakeholders should collaborate with each other by providing all the raw materials needed for the development of this potential tourist site to meet the current tourism demand.


Title page         i                                                                                                                    

Declaration ii

Certification          iii                                                                                                                  

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv    

Acknowledgement                                                                                                     v

Table of content                                                                                                         vi- vii

List of tables and Plates                                                                                             viii

Abstract                                  ix




1.1        Background of the Study                                                                              1     

1.2        Statement of the Problem                                                                             2

1.3        Objectives of the Study                                                                                3 

1.4        Research Question                                                                                        3

1.5        Significance of the Study                                                                             4

1.6        Scope of the Study                                                                                        4

1.7           Limitation of The Study                                                                                    4

1.8           Definition of Terms                                                                                           5


Literature Review                                                               

2 .1      Conceptual Framework                                                                                    7

2.1.1    Tourism                                                                                                            7

2.1.2    Development                                                                                                     8

2.1.3    Tourism Development                                                                                      8

2.1.4    Development, Procedures, and Control                                                            9

2.1.5     Challenges of Tourism                                                                                     13

2.1.6    Prospects of Tourism Development                                                                 15

2.1.7    Historical Perspective                                                                                       18

2.1.8    Wetland Ecosystem                                                                                          21

2.1.9    Tourism Potential                                                                                             23

2.1.10  Tourism Development and Fresh Water Ecosystem                                         25

2.2.      Theoretical Framework                                                                                     26

2.2.1.   Modernization Theory                                                                                      26

2.2.2.   Dependency Theory                                                                                         31

2.2.3.   Environmental Theories                                                                                   31

2.2.4.   Sustainability Theories                                                                                     34

2.3.      Empirical Review                                                                                             34

2.3.1.   Tourism Development                                                                                      35

2.3.2.    Problems and Prospects of Tourism Development                                          35

2.4.      Theoretical Orientation                                                                                    36



3.0.      Materials and Methods                                                                                                                                   38

3.1.      Research Design                                                                                             38

3.2.      Study Area                                                                                                      38

3.3.      Population for the Study                                                                                 39

3.4.      Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                   39

3.5.      Instrument Used For Data Collection                                                            39

3.6.      Techniques for Data Collection                                                                     40

3.7.      Validation of Instrument                                                                                40

3.8       Data Analysis Technique                                                                               40




4.1        Data Presentation and Analysis                                                                     41

4.2       Presentation of photographs and Analysis of tourism potentials

             Identified at the lake                                                                                      42       

4.3       Discussion of Findings                                                                                  48




5.1.      Summary                                                                                                        52

5.1.1    Restatement of the Problem                                                                           52

5.1.2    Description of Procedures Used                                                                     53

5.1.3    Summary of Findings                                                                                     53

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      54

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                          54

5.4       Contribution to Knowledge                                                                            54






Table.4.1         Demographic Characteristic of Respondent                                       41       

Plate 1                         Pictorial view of Abadaba Lake                                                           41

Plate 2             Hotel and Bar                                                                                        43

Plate 3             Access leading  to  Abadaba Lake                                                        43

Table 4.2         Identified Tourism Potentials and  Readiness Status                           44

Table 4.3         Stakeholder that  made  the effort                                                        45

Table 4.4         Challenges of  developing Abadaba Lake                                            46

Table 4.5         Prospect of developing Abadaba Lake for Tourism                             47

Table 4.6         Actions needed to develop Abadaba  Lake                                          48     










Chapter one


1.1.         Background of the Study

Tourism is one of the worlds’ fastest growing industries, as well as the major source of foreign exchange earnings and employment generation for many developed and developing countries. The demand for tourism worldwide continues to exceed expectations, showing resilience against extraneous factors (www.Wikiversity.Org/Tourism/Introduction. Accessed on, 4th April, 2015). Tourism is an economic development and any economic development requires careful planning if it is to be successful. This means that planning is a pre-requisite for development.

According to WTTC reports (2003), tourism sector has been the world fastest growing economic sector since the past 30 years. South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania and some European countries are already reaping the benefits accruing from tourism. This high-labor intensive industry has the capacity to facilitate sustainable national development. This development enhances foreign exchange earnings, creates sustainable job, encourages the growth of tourism-based enterprises, promotes peace among countries, promotes infrastructural development, accelerates rural-urban integration, promotes even the development of other sectors and fosters socio-cultural transformation (Johan, 2003). Tourism has proved its capacity to animate and help develop places, which may seem unlikely attractive like rural areas.  Indeed, it is believed that tourism can change polarities, distance, and rural areas becoming thus appealing and highly frequented central places within the tourism system. The natural environment of a given destination is the major pull (leading motivating) factor for tourists visit and the major concentration during planning and, development of a destination site.

Abadaba Lake in Obowo local government area of Imo state is one of the nature’s gifts to Imo state, which has remained undeveloped and underutilized because of neglect by the state government. This magnificent lake is capable of contributing to the country, state and local communities economically and otherwise if sustainably developed. The beauty of the lake can hold any tourist back on his first visit, but there is no facilities there to keep any visitor back, as the magnificent lake has remained a project on paper. ( accessed on, 4 April 2015). However, in spite of the enormous tourism potentials in Nigeria, tourism contributions to economic development in the country, leaves much to be desired (Anon Global journal of social sciences; Tourism and Economic development in Nigeria 2003 2(1)).This is as a result of poor planning and development and lack of government interest in tourism development or neglect.

Tourism development in this work centers on the positive transformation of tourism potentials of Abadaba Lake into a tourism product. Hence, tourism development is defined as, the provision of infrastructure and superstructure. These infrastructures (roads, communication system, water supply etc) and superstructures (hotels, motels, guesthouses etc) must be adequate and maintained for tourism to develop (Okoli, 2001). Since tourism has the capacity to generate development in rural areas. This research work explores the “prospects and challenges of developing Abadaba Lake into a tourism destination”, considering its location in Obowo local government area of Imo state. In addition, the nature of government in Nigeria, which do not consider tourism as its major or preferred source of revenue generation.

1.2.         Statement of The Problem

There are places of interest in Imo state, which has the capacity of boosting tourism activities in the state, but have not been properly harnessed. This neglect has resulted in poor economic sensation for the communities and government at large. The communities where these tourist attractions are located feel isolated and neglected in the society. The question of what should be done to harness these potentials to enable the state and country at large make fortune from tourism. There is also a serious advocate for diversification of our economy through tourism, due to the latest reports on oil prices in the international market and the global recession crisis (Soludo, 2009).

More so, the  effect of Obama’s plan for  alternative energy sources to oil which may likely affect Nigeria’s vision 2020, Nigeria’s attitude towards tourism development does not appear to have evidently changed. Instead, the country’s tourism remains a “dark” industry to the western world and the nation (Ohakim, 2009).

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The major objective of this study is to identify the challenges and prospects of developing Abadaba Lake for tourism.

The study addresses some specific objectives, which are as follows:

1.     To identify the tourism potentials of Abadaba Lake ecosystem.

2.     To determine efforts made (actions taken) previously to develop Abadaba Lake into tourism destination.

3.     To ascertain the militating factors (challenges) in developing Abadaba lake for tourism.

4.     To identify the prospects of developing Abadaba Lake into a tourism destination.

5.     To find out how the Lake can be developed into tourism destination.

1.4       Research Question

This study attempted to answer the following questions:

1.      What are the tourism potentials of Abadaba Lake?

2.      What are the efforts made (actions take) in the past to develop Abadaba Lake for tourism?

3.      What are the militating factors or challenges of developing Abadaba Lake for tourism?

4.      What are the prospects of developing Abadaba Lake into a tourism destination?

5.      How can the Lake be developed into tourism destination?

1.5   Significance Of The Study

The findings of this study will provide a data base line, which can serve as reference point for future activities at the project site. It can provide stakeholders in the tourism industry with information on which to base their operations. Developers will have data upon which to base their decision regarding investment in the tourism sector.

In addition, this study may attract the interest of the state government to develop Abadaba Lake. In the process of developing this Lake, it will bring about infrastructural development of the place where it is located. When the lake is developed, it will enhance tourists’ flow, which will lead to generation of income to both the host community and the government, generation employment to the local people etc. This means that the Host communities, local government, state and federal government will all benefit from this study.

1.6    Scope of the Study

This study will review some relevant literature, which will center on conceptual framework, theoretical framework, empirical literature and theoretical orientation. The study tends to identify the tourism potentials of Abadaba Lake, challenges and prospects for its development, the past efforts made towards its development, and suggestion of action to be taken in order to actualize this goal.

1.7           Limitation of the Study

1.     Scarcity of textbooks and journals; this research was narrowed to few textbooks because there were not many books in the library.

2.     Unwillingness of respondents to complete the questionnaire used for the study.


1.8      Definition of Terms

Tourism: the movement of people from their place of residence to a place outside their home for leisure, business and other purposes that are not associated with salary earnings, for not  less than 24 hours and not more than 12 months.

Leisure: leisure could be defined as one’s free time. That is, when one is not occupied with work, which can be used to embark on tourism and other activities. People visit tourism destinations when they are on leisure.

Destination: destination in this work refers to a given area or site that is endowed with tourism potentials which attracts people to visit the place.

Potentials: potentials in this work refer to those characteristics or features of a destination, which has the capability of attracting visitors to visit the place as tourists.

Tourists: those people who travel out from their usual place of residence to other places to undertake tourism activities at the place visited.

Tourism Activities: those things the destination offers to tourists to entertain them during their stay at the site. In addition, those things tourist themselves do at the site.

Prospects of Tourism: in this work, prospects refer to the likely effects, impacts or benefit of tourism development and or activities the area of interest (Abadaba Lake). Also, those natural and man-made features that will enhance or permit tourism development of the Lake.

Tourism Development: to modernize or get ready the tourism characteristics or features of a destination in order to enhance tourism activities at the site.

Tourist Flow: the way or rate at which tourists visits or frequents a destination due to its attractions.

Challenges of Tourism Development: refers to those things or factors that militates tourism development or makes it difficult


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