The study sought to create awareness of the needs and properties of leadership packages for Community Based Organizations in South East, Nigeria. Specially, the study sought to determine the following: specific objective of the training package, contents of the training package, delivery system to be used in delivering the contents of training package, instructional materials to be used in delivering the contents and evaluation activities to be adopted for assessing the achievement. Six research questions and six hypotheses tested at 0.05level of significance guided the study. The study adopted survey research design. It was carried out in CBOs in South East, Nigeria. The population of the study was made up of 2,934 Executives in the registered CBOs in five states, which include: Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo. The sample size for the study was made up of 319 executives in the sampled states used for the study. Instrument used to collect data for the study was Community Based Organization Leadership Training Questionnaire (CBOLTQ). The CBOLTQ was face validated by three experts from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, two from Department of Adult and Continuing Education and one from Measurement and Evaluation of Science Education Department. The draft training package was face validated by three experts while the internal consistency of the instrument was established using the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient which yielded a coefficient of 0.81. Mean, standard deviation and Analyses of covariance ANOVA were used to analyze the data collected. The findings included 9 objectives of training package, 44 contents of LTP for CBO executives, 9 methods of delivering the contents of LTP, 6 instructional materials used in delivering the contents and 5 methods of evaluation activities to be used to evaluate the contents after undergoing the LTP. There were no significant differences among the mean scores of the executives in the three states on the following: 9 objectives of LTP, 24 out of 34 contents, 8 out of 9 methods, 6 instructional materials and 5 methods of evaluation activities after undergoing the LTP in South East, Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that; Community development officers should ensure that elected leaders are trained on the above mentioned skills/package developed by the researcher, policy makers should ensure that policies on training CBO leaders are made available and CBO leaders should uphold the opportunities of training to update their skills
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
of Contents vi
of Tables x
Abstract xi
1.1 Background
of the Study 1
1.2 Statement
of the Problem 5
1.3 Purpose
of the Study 6
1.4 Research
Questions 7
1.5 Hypotheses 8
1.6 Significance
of the Study 9
1.7 Scope
of the Study 10
2.1 Conceptual
Framework 11
2.1.1 Awareness
of CBO training packages 11
2.1.2 Training
2.1.3 Objectives
of the leadership training package 18
2.1.4 Leadership 18
2.1.5 Community
based organization 22
2.1.6 The
need for training CBOs leaders 24
2.1.7 Training
of CBO leaders in needs assessment 25
2.1.8 Training of CBO leaders on strategies of mobilizing of members
project execution 28
2.1.9 Training
of CBO leaders on effective financial management 29
2.1.10 Training
CBO leaders on conflict resolution 34
2.1.11 Training
CBO leaders in effective leadership 37
2.1.12 Training
CBOs leaders in social relationship 41
2.1.13 Training
CBO leaders in communication skills 42
2.1.14 Training CBO leaders on objectives and goal
setting 43
2.1.15 Training
CBO leaders in innovation in action 44
2.1.16 Training CBO leaders on evaluation leadership development
programme 45
2.1.17 Teaching
method 51
2.1.18 Instructional
material/facilities for training CBO leaders 53
2.2 Theoretical
Framework 54
2.2.1 Classical
test score theory (CTT) by Gulliken (1950) 54
2.2.2 Servant-leadership
theory by R.K. Greenleaf (1970) 55
2.2.3 Skills
theory by Robert Katz (1995) 56
2.2.4 Wheeler’s
model of curriculum theories by Wheeler (1980) 58
2.3 Empirical
Studies 59
2.4 Summary
of Literature Review 64
3.1 Design
of the Study 66
3.2 Area
of the Study 67
3.3 Population
of the Study 68
3.4 Sample
and Sampling Techniques 68
3.5 Instrument
for Date Collection 69
3.6 Validation
of the Instrument 70
3.7 Reliability
of the Instrument 71
3.8 Method
of Data Collection 72
3.8.1 Development
of the draft training programme 72
3.9 Method
of Data Analysis 73
4.1 Results 75
4.2 Summary of the Findings 98
4.3 Discussion of the Findings 103
4.3.1 Leadership training needs of CBO executives
in South East
Nigeria 103
4.3.2 Objectives of the leadership training
programmes for CBO executives
in South East, Nigeria 104
4.3.3 Contents of the
leadership training programmes for CBO executives in
East, Nigeria 105
4.4.4 Methods of
delivering the contents of the leadership training programmes
CBO executives 107
4.4.5 Instructional materials used in delivering
contents of leadership training programmes
for CBO executives 107
4.4.6 Methods of evaluating after undergoing the
training programmes 108
5.1 Summary of the Study 110
5.2 Conclusion 113
5.3 Educational Implications of the Study 114
5.4 Recommendations 116
5.5 Limitations of the Study 117
5.6 Suggestions for Further Studies 117
4.1 The mean rating response of executive on
the leadership training needs
of CBO executives in South East
Nigeria 75
4.2: Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) of the mean rating response of CBO
in three states on leadership training needs in South East
Nigeria 76
4.3: The mean rating response of executive on
the objectives of the
leadership training programmes for
CBO executives in South East,
4.4: Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) of the mean rating response of
in three states on the objectives of the leadership training
programmes for CBO executives in
South East, Nigeria. 79
4.5: The mean rating response of executive on
the contents of the leadership
training programmes for CBO executives in
South East, Nigeria 81
4.6: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the mean
rating response of CBO
executives in three states on the contents of
the LTP 85
4.7: The mean rating response of executive on
the methods of
the contents of the leadership training programmes for CBO
in South East, Nigeria 90
4.8: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the mean
rating response of CBO
in three states on the methods of delivering the
of LTP 91
4.9: The mean rating response of executive on
the instructional materials
used in
delivering contents of leadership training programmes
CBO executives in South East, Nigeria 93
4.10: Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the mean
rating response of CBO
in three states on the instructional materials for delivering the
of LTP 94
4.11: The mean rating response of executive on the
methods of
after undergoing the leadership training programmes
CBO executives in South East, Nigeria 96
4.12: Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) of the mean rating response of CBO
in three states on the methods of evaluating the programmes
after project execution 97
Community based organizations are indigenous organizations that provide social services at local level. Community based organization (CBOs) lobby and nominate representatives to government offices to air their views and press for their needs. Community based organizations focus on changing individual’s life style and behaviour, to mobilize community members and to eliminate undesired conditions (Larvey, 2005). On the other hand, Community Based Organization and Social Services (2012) defined community based organizations as nonprofit group that work at local level to improve the lives of residents. Conceptually, community based organizations (CBOs) are defined as organizations set up by collective effort of indigenous people who are living or working together to provide social services at local level. The various categories of people in the community based organization include educated and non-educated, male and female married and single. The composition of community based organization membership with various categories of people calls for the need for continuous exposition of community based organization leaders to training, for them to be versatile and competent in their duties.
The activities of community based organizations ranges from mobilizing internal or locally available resources and external resources (outside the community) to implement identified solutions; raising community awareness and promote community action on environmental and disaster issues and livelihood options; building capacity of community members to carrying out monitoring and evaluation. Ewelum (2014) pointed that the focus is to build equality across society in all streams - health care, environment, quality of education, access to technology, access to spaces and information for the disabled, to name but a few. In the past, Community based organizations have made significant impact on the social life of the people. In other words, community based organizations bring community members together, to organize and execute development and welfare projects in the interest and on behalf of the community. Community based organizations are usually the key to the success of the community affairs. In South East, they have played vital roles in many aspects of human development; they build schools, hospitals and health centres, construct boreholes, town halls, markets and youth development centres. Most people are healthier, live in peace, live longer, are more educated and have more access to goods and services as a result of positive impact of community based organization in their communities. Community Based Organizations (CBOs) award scholarship up to University level, organize and conduct enlightenment programmes for the parents, health programmes for personal hygiene and environmental management for the masses which resulted in the enhancement of living standard of the people.
Although, there have been improvements on the functioning of community based organizations in the past, recent interactions by the researcher with leaders revealed that there is poor planning which causes the decline in their laudable achievement. In fact, Akpan (2004) noted that the challenges of Community based organizations are attributed to leadership.
Leadership problem have become have become an obstacle to the development of Nigerian society especially in South East Nigeria. Meanwhile, the success of any organization and community depends on effective leadership especially in community based organizations (CBOs) and this suggests the need to inculcate values in the minds of community based organizations leaders they needed leadership skills on this particular function, because effective leadership in community based organizations will bring about rapid positive change and attract more innovations in their various communities. This spells out the reasons for the importance attached to the subject of leadership especially as primary motivator that galvanizes, organizes, directs and coordinates all other resources to achieve group objectives (Akintayo & Oghenekohwo, 2004).
Leadership is the factor of inspiring and empowering others to voluntarily commit themselves towards achieving the leader’s vision and mission. However, the researcher views leadership as an influence between leaders and followers towards the achievement of goods in a given situation. It is the intellectual ability to coordinate, direct and work for what is the best for the community based organization. In leadership functions, monitoring, training and organizational planning with individual activities like projects, are often the components of effective leadership development programme (Barbara, 2007). Unfortunately, poor leadership has marred the activities of the community based organizations in the South East and has slowed the pace at which different communities in the South East Nigeria developed because of the poor planning of the leaders in organization (Stone, 2012). The author further opined that this resulted to financial mismanagement, non-accountability, dictatorship and dishonesty, high rate of illiteracy, conflicts, poverty and inability to attract programmes that can help develop the communities, power tussle, limited funds and abandonment of projects. This was buttressed by Abiona (2009) who indicated that the limited funds contributed by members of the organizations were embezzled by leaders and others. The author further noted that this brings mistrust and kills the interest of members who are willing to participate in community development. Iloka (2010) noted that conflicts among organization had shattered the development of the communities. The current view of man is attributed to irresponsible leadership which accounts for the failure of many CBOs, in other words, financial mismanagement, non-accountability, dictatorship, dishonesty, poverty, inability to attract programmes that can help develop communities power tussles, limited funds, inability to prioritize the needs of the community, and other ones seen as constraints to effective leadership (Alison, 2012).
Poor leadership hinders regularity of meetings of community based organizations and attendance is usually not encouraging. Unfortunately, it is at such meetings that community based organizations generate funds and ideas which are required for, ensuring the progress of CBOs, programmes and the absence in meetings could result to abandonment of projects (Abegunde, 2009). Abari (2005) also confirmed that inefficiency in community based organizations was as a result of irregular attendance to meetings. The author further stressed that community based organizations are faced with irresponsible men and women in power who are not trustworthy, and who no longer mobilize their members. George (2003) stated that CBOs needed leaders with purpose, value and integrity to attract more development in their various communities to upgrade the lives of poor masses.
In realization of these short comings, the South East government and United Nation International Children Education Fund (UNICEF) have intensified efforts at initiating programmes to promote leadership at state and local levels. Such programmes include; National Agency for poverty Eradication programme (NAPEP), leadership forum (LF), United Nation International Children Education fund (UNICEF), Leadership Development Alumni group (LDAG), organizational improvement initiatives among others. These programmes were initiated to promote progress and ensure realization of project objectives in organizations with community based organizations (CBO) leaders inclusive.
Despite the efforts of South East government and UNICEF initiating and organizing educational programmes in South East states, such as workshops and seminars, the results of the interactions made by the researcher with some community leaders in her sample areas show that community based organization leaders have little or no idea of effective leadership to improve their performance. The above mentioned programmes organized by government for community based organization leaders have not been contributing in improving their roles. Consequently, this calls for the creating awareness on the leadership development packeges which will help to identify the talented leaders who could potentially assume the key management position in the future, these anchored on Monarth (2015) who identified leadership development programme (content) to include; objectives/goal setting, social relationship challenges, financial management, needs assessment, constant communication skills, time management, effective leadership, evaluation and mobilization skills. Many CBOs in Nigeria are still ignorant of the leadership packages that would enhance community service activities. It therefore demands that more awareness need to be created among the CBOs executives.
Awareness is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, it is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events, happenings and opportunities within and around ones context. Awareness Awareness of needs and properties of leadership package among CBOs is the key element for effective community service among members of the organization. Monarth (2015) opined that there is need to expose CBOs leaders to training packages in order to help them acquire new skills and improve their standards.
South east is known for communal efforts and basically depends on those they elected to pilot the affairs of the organizations. The leaders are expected to be affective in conducting the affairs of the members. They are expected to carry out developmental projects, manage public funds honestly and efficiently among others. On the contrary, under performance has been recorded among the community based organization leaders. Presently, there is high incidence of conflict, misappropriation of public funds, lack of commitment, lack of proper communication, poor innovation in action, dictatorship and ignorance of how to sensitize and mobilize people for community work (Abiona, 2009). All these might have been attributed to poor possession of leadership qualities by the community based organizations. The question one may ask, could it be that the current community based organization leaders do not possess leadership qualities like effective communication, dedication to duties, good social relationships, honesty and transparency especially in financial management among others? What are the needs of the community leaders that can enhance their performance and training? How can the instrument for the measurement of these qualities be developed? To what extent is the instrument valid and reliable?
It is believed that if the community based organization leaders are trained in areas of needs, financial management, conflict management, innovation in action, delegation/ confidence, communication skills, time management, objective/goal setting and evaluation, such assessment through the development of an instrument to detect their needs can facilitate leadership training among the community leaders. Based on the foregoing, the present study is focused on awareness of needs and properties of leadership package for community based organizations in South East, Nigeria.
The purpose of this study was to create awareness of the needs and properties of training package for Community Based Organizations in South East Nigeria. Specifically, the sought to study:
1. determine the leadership training package of Community Based Organizations Executives in South East, Nigeria.
2. determine the objectives of the leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives in South East.
3. ascertain the contents of the leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives.
4. ascertain methods of delivering the contents of the leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives.
5. determine the instructional materials to be used in delivering the contents of the leadership training programmes
6. find out the methods of evaluating the achievements of Community Based Organizations Executives after undergoing leadership training programmes
The study answered the following questions;
1. What are the leadership training package of Community Based Organizations Executives in South East Nigeria?
2. What are the objectives of the leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives in South East, Nigeria?
3. What are the contents of the leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives in South East, Nigeria?
4. What are the methods of delivering the contents of the leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives?
5. What are the instructional materials used in delivering contents of leadership training programmes for Community Based Organizations Executives?
6. What are the methods of evaluating the achievements of Community Based Organisation Executives after undergoing the leadership training programmes?
The following hypotheses were formulated and guided the study at 0.05 level of significance.
1. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of Community Based Organisation executives on the leadership training package.
2. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of Community Based Organisation executives on the objectives of the leadership training programmes.
3. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of Community Based Organisation executives on the contents of the leadership training programmes.
4. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of Community Based Organisation on the methods of delivering the contents of leadership training programmes.
5. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of Community Based Organisation on the instructional materials for delivering the contents of leadership training programmes.
6. There is no significant difference in the mean scores of Community Based Organisation on the methods of evaluating the achievements of CBO Executives
The findings of this study would be useful to the community based organization (CBO) leaders, policy makers of the States and Local Government level, community development officers, future researchers and general public. It would give the leaders the clue on the need/how to minimize cost and ensure smooth running of the projects, and provide information to them on how different leadership styles can be combines to achieve organizational goals and commitment to the organization. The findings would provide more information to CBO leaders on training objectives, content, delivery system and evaluation activities that would assist to manage their organizations better in terms of gaining awareness of financial management.
The finding of this study would help the various communities in gaining awareness with appropriate qualities to be chosen as leaders while it would guide the present leaders to organize training for the incoming ones. In other words, it could serve as a guide for community development officers to design and emphasize more on proper communications strategies which would enhance the high rate of the participation of community members in community development projects designed for their welfare.
The findings of the study could provide policy makers with valuable information on how to formulate favourable policies which makes CBO’s to thrive in quest for community development. It could also equip policy makers to be aware of the importance of having an instrument that can promote training for enhancing the effectiveness of leaders in community development. In doing this, this will lead to producing CBO leaders who are capable of prioritizing the community needs and provide them with the useful tips on how to manage the CBOs.
The findings of the study are expected to add to existing knowledge of the area of community based organization programme to determine their training needs, content, delivery system, instructional materials and evaluation activities that will be developed for enhancing the effectiveness of CBO leaders in South East. This should also bring into awareness the issue of goal setting, financial management, conflict management/resolution, innovation, time management, proper communication, social relationship and evaluation.
The information gathered in this study could help CBO leaders to upgrade themselves in above skills so as to encourage the CBO members to increase their participation in various development activities.
The findings of the study were anchored on Wheelers curriculum theory, classical skills theory. The information gathered would immensely add knowledge to the existing literature on awareness of the needs and properties of leadership packages for community based organizations by exposing the governments and CBO leaders to the benefits of the training
The study was delimited on the awareness of the needs and properties of Leadership Packages for Community Based Organization in the South East, Nigeria. It focused on only on the qualities of measuring instruments which include validity, reliability, objectivity, visibility, item analysis and fairness of a test for promoting the effectiveness of Community Based Organization leaders in South East. The areas of leadership training Package covered include: mobilization skill, financial management, conflict resolution, and effective leadership, innovation in action, good communication skill, social relation, goal getting and evaluation
The study was also delimited to seeking only the selected CBO leaders from the target group from the three sampled states of Abia, Enugu and Imo states.
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