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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006920

No of Pages: 125

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study investigated how adolescent-parent conflict correlates with the self-esteem and academic performance of senior secondary school students in Umuahia Education Zone. The design of the study was correlational survey design. Seven research questions and four hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprised four thousand and two senior secondary school students in SS1 and SS2. Two hundred male and two hundred female adolescent students were selected using simple random sampling which made up the sample size for the study. The three instruments for data collection were Adolescent-parent Conflict Questionnaire (APCQ), Self-Esteem Questionnaire (SEQ) and the respondents’ Junior Secondary School Examination Scores. The questionnaires were faces and contents validated by giving the initial copies to the supervisor and three experts in Psychology, Counselling and Measurement and Evaluation, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike. Reliability was established by test retest method which yielded a coefficient index of 0.81. Copies of the questionnaires were administered and collected directly by hand. The data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and pearson product-moment correlation statistic. Pearson product-moment correlation co-efficient and simple linear regression were used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significant. The findings of the study showed that parents’ inability to trust the adolescent students with responsibilities, parents treating adolescent student like a child, parents feeling adolescent students are lazy with their school works, adolescent students inability to discuss their problems with their parents among others are the causes of adolescent-parent conflict in Umuahia Education Zone. There was a high extent of correlation between adolescent-parent conflict and self-esteem of senior secondary school students. And there was a high extent of correlation between adolescent-parent conflict and academic performance of senior secondary school students. There was a low extent of correlation between adolescent-parent conflict and male and female students’ self-esteem in public secondary schools. It also found out that there was a high extent of correlation between adolescent-parent conflict and male adolescents’ academic performance in Secondary Schools. The study concluded that adolescent-parent conflict affects self-esteem and academic performance of both male and female senior secondary school students. Based on the findings, discussion, implication and recommendations were made. One of the recommendations was that there is need for school counsellors to expose parents periodically to workshops and seminars on the parenting skills and ethics so as to enhance the development of high self-esteem in adolescent students and eliminate adolescent-parent conflicts.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgments                                                                                                      v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of tables                                                                                                               viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix                                                                                                                                


1.1       Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               10

1.3       Objective of the Study                                                                                   11

1.4       Significance of the Study                                                                               12

1.5      Research Questions                                                                                          13

1.6      Hypotheses                                                                                                      14

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         14           



2.1       Ceptual Framework                                                                                        15

2.1.1    Concept of adolescent                                                                                    15

2.1.2    Concept of conflict                                                                                         23

2.1.3    Concept of self-esteem                                                                                  27

2.1.4    Adolescent parent conflict and its influence on self-esteem and

            academic performance                                                                                    30

2.1.5    Influence of parenting on adolescents’ self-esteem                                        35                      

2.1.6   Concept of academic performance                                                                 37              

2.1.7    Influence of parenting on adolescents’ academic performance                      39    

2.1.8    Concept of parents                                                                                          42                                       2.2       Theoretical Frame Work                                                                                 42                                                                    2.2.1    Self determination theory (SDT)                                                                    42

2.2.2    A theory self-esteem                                                                                       44

2.2.3    Theory of individual change                                                                           45

2.2.4   Social-relation theory                                                                                      47

2.3       Review of Empirical Studies                                                                          48

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                                      56



3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        59

3.2       Area of Study                                                                                                 59

3.3       Population of Study                                                                                        61

3.4       Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                  61

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       62  

3.6       Validation of the Instrument                                                                          63

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                           64

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             64

3.9       Method of Data Analysis                                                                                               64



 4.1     Result Presentation                                                                                          66

4.2       Summary of Major Findings                                                                           78                                   4.3            Discussion of Finding                                                                                  80                                                                                                                                 

CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                                    

5.1       Summary                                                                                                         85                                                                   

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      88                                                                      5.3       Educational Implication of the Studies                                                          88

5.4       Recommendations                                                                                          90                                                                     5.5       Limitation of the Study                                                                                  91                                                                 

5.6       Suggestions for Further Studies                                                                     91                                           

References                                                                                                      92                                                          Appendices                                                                                                     102                                                                     










4.1         Mean responses of senior secondary school students on the causes of adolescent-parent conflict in umuahia education zone.                 66


4.2       Pearson product moment correlation analysis of extent adolescent-parent conflict correlations with self-esteem of senior secondary school students.               69


4.3       Simple linear regression analysis on the significant relationship between adolescent-parent conflict and senior secondary school students’ self-esteem.                         70


4.4       Pearson product moment correlation analysis of extent of correlations between adolescent-parent conflict and academic performance of senior secondary school students.           71


4.5       Simple linear regression analysis for the significant relationship between  adolescents-parent conflict and senior secondary school students’s academic performance.                                  72


4.6       Pearson product moment correlation analysis of extent adolescent-parent conflict correlates male self-esteem.            73


4.7       Pearson product moment correlation analysis of extent of correlations between  adolescent-parent conflict and female self-esteem in public secondary schools.                     74


4.8       Simple linear regression analysis on significant relationship between gender and the extent adolescent-parent conflict correlates with senior secondary schools’ self-esteem.                              75


4.9       Pearson product moment correlation analysis of extent adolescent- parent conflict correlates with male academic performance.             76


4.10     Pearson product moment correlation analysis of extent of correlations between adolescent-parent conflict and female academic performance.         77


4.11     Simple linear regression analysis between gender and the extent adolescent-parent conflict correlates with academic performance.            78







                                                              CHAPTER 1



Adolescence is the time between childhood and adulthood which ranges between the ages of 10 and 19 years (WHO, 2016). This is marked by physical growth, personality development, emotional development and intense psycho social changes (Cleveland, 2018). The biological changes during adolescence include changes in the sex organs, height, weight and muscle mass as well as brain structure and organization (Rajani, 2014; Boundless, 2016). The weight gained during adolescence constitutes nearly half of one's adult body weight. Adolescents and early adult males may continue to gain natural muscle growth even after puberty. The accelerated growths in different body parts happen at different times, but for all adolescents it has a fairly regular sequence (Igbo and Nwaka, 2013). Cognitive advances encompass both increases in knowledge, ability to think abstractly and improving the efficiency of information processing (Boundless, 2016).  Piaget in Wikipedia (2016) depicts adolescence as the phase of life in which the person’s considerations begin taking a greater amount of a theoretical structure and the egocentric musings decline. This enables the person to think and reason in a more extensive point of view. The contemplations, thoughts and ideas created at this time of life enormously impact one’s future life and assume a noteworthy job in character and personality development.

Adolescence is at times described in terms of cultural processes. For instance, Burnik (2014) viewed adolescence period as a time of undergoing training in children, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles (Nwaka, 2013).

According to WHO (2016), adolescence is a period in human growth and advancement that happens after childhood and before adulthood during which a few key formative encounters happen. Other than physical and sexual development, these encounters incorporate development towards social and monetary freedom and advancement of personality, the obtaining of aptitudes expected to complete grown-up connections and roles and the capacity for abstract reasoning. It represents one of the basic advances in life expectancy and is described by a gigantic pace in growth and change. The transitional period can raise issues of autonomy and self-character. Numerous youths and their companions face extreme decisions with respect to schoolwork, sexuality, drugs, alcohol and social life. Peer groups, romantic interests and external appearances tend to naturally increase in importance for some time during an adolescent's journey toward adulthood (Nancy, 2016). It is a time for developing independence which involves breaking down rules (Sharon, 2016).

Adolescence is a period of identity formation. Cleveland (2018) posited that adolescence is a pivotal developmental period in which youths begin to form an enduring sense of personal identity and agency about themselves (Boundless, 2016). Wikipedia (2016) asserted that identity development is a stage in an adolescent life cycle. In other words, the search for identity begins in the adolescence years. An adolescent is a young person occupying the adolescence period. During these years, adolescents are more open to try different behaviours and appearances to discover who they are. In other words, in an attempt to find their identity and discover who they are, adolescents are likely to revolve through a number of identities to find one that suits them best. There is trial and error in matching both their perceived image and the image others respond to and see. This allows adolescents to grasp an understanding of who they are. But, to develop and maintain identity in adolescence years is a difficult task due to multiple factors such as family life, environment and social status. According to Boundless (2016) identity development is a normative process of change in both content and structure of one's thoughts about the self. The two main aspects of identity development are self-clarity and self-esteem. Be that as it may, since decisions made during the adolescence year can impact later life, elevated amounts of mindfulness and restraint during mid-youth will prompt better choices during the progress to adulthood.  

Adolescence involves three stages such as early adolescence, middle adolescence and end of adolescence (Katariine, 2011). At the early adolescence stage, cognitive developments result in greater self-awareness, greater awareness of others, their thoughts and judgments. Howstuffworks (2016) observed that at the onset of adolescence, children develop the ability to understand abstract concepts, question and learn to establish personal relationships.

The physical changes at this age are dramatic because boys and girls gradually grow into men and women. Behavioral changes come from the physical advancements which may prompt self-consciousness and sensitivity to body changes just as the insecurity that accompanies comparison (Howstuffwork, 2016). Adolescents are regularly distracted with themselves and this can cause tension when the adjustments being developed are not constantly steady with those of peer and the times of ponderousness do not occur to everybody in the meantime or similarly.

Once more, adolescence is the point at which a child begins figuring out how to be his/her very own individual and the division from guardians starts. During mid-youth, they perceive the logical effects of individually conduct, the view of others and start to qualify their attributes when requested to portray themselves. In actuality, the end of adolescence and start of adulthood fluctuate by nation and by capacity (Wikipdia, 2016). That is, inside a solitary country, state or culture there can be various ages at which an individual is viewed as developing enough for society to depend on him with specific benefits and duties. Such achievements incorporate driving a vehicle, having legitimate sexual relations, serving in the military or in a jury, buying and drinking alcohol, casting vote, tempting into contracts, completing certain dimensions of training and marriage. When adolescents are in school, they could be regarded as in-school adolescents.  

Self-esteem reflects a person’s overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs about oneself and emotional state (Wikipedia, 2016). According to Ahamed (2016) self-esteem is the positive or negative evaluations of the self as how we feel about it. Self-esteem is attractive as a social psychological construct because researchers (Social network site, 2015; Wikipedia, 2018) have seen it as an influential predictor of certain outcomes such as academic performance, happiness, satisfaction in marriage, relationship and criminal behaviour. Geoff (2011) asserted that self-esteem can be a reflection of an individual’s senses of his or her acceptability to important others. It is the total evaluation an individual places on himself or herself. However, various expectations have been placed on the adolescents in order to motivate them to become useful individuals that can contribute to the development of the nation (Nuraini, 2009).

Adolescents with low self-esteem are always looked down upon by friends and lack affections from the nearest persons. Therefore, they experience social anxiety, low levels of interpersonal confidence, depression, shy, conspicuous and unable to adequately express themselves when interacting with others. Also, they are involved in anti-social behaviour (Saul, 2012). Adolescents with low self-esteem did not have confident to talk in the classroom during learning. They like to hide their faces so that teachers will not call them to answer questions during learning experiences. Is not that they are not intelligent but they lack self-confident to express themselves. This incident gives a great challenge to the parents who may not understand that conflict with the adolescents could result in low self-esteem. Parents are the people who will model their adolescent children to have high self-esteem for high academic performance in schools at all costs. 

Academic performance is the outcome of education. It is the extent a student, teacher or institution has achieved educational goals. Academic performance is commonly measured by examinations, test or continuous assessment but there is no general agreement on how it is best tested (Wikipedia, 2016). In educational institutions, academic performance is how a student meets standards set out by local government and the institution itself (Zergnet, 2016). Academic performance is the measure of how well a student performs in an educational setting (Patrick, 2018). Academic performances are viewed as functions of three sets of elements. These include inputs, the demographic characteristics, family and academic backgrounds. It involves the social experiences that students bring to college, environment, the full range of people, programs, policies and cultures (Charles and Susan, 2015).  Again, it includes the outcomes of experiences students encounter in college, whether on or off campus, students’ characteristics, knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviours as they exist after college. Academic performance is seen as a form of academic achievement, accomplishment of learning objectives, acquisition of skills and competencies (Charles and Susan, 2015). Academic achievement is almost entirely measured with grades by course or assignment and grade point average. The accomplishment of learning objectives and the acquisition of skills and competencies can be measured at the course, program and institutional level. Assignments and course evaluations are the primary means of measurement at the course levels. In addition, academic performance is the student’s outcome of learning. It is how a student participates in the school to achieve the educational goals and objectives. Most adolescents did not do well in learning activities due to clashes they usually experience in their homes and this led to low motivation towards academic activities. As a result of this, they withdrew themselves from some school activities like quiz competition, mathematics competition among others. However, the researcher is interested in establishing how adolescent-parental conflict correlates with adolescent self-esteem and academic performance.

Adolescent-parent conflict is a function of parental rule construction, use of reason at points of disagreement, regulation of personal, moral, conventional and prudential social domains (Nadia 2010). Such adolescent- parent conflict is considered a disagreement that leads to a greater or lesser interaction between the adolescent and his parents (Joelle, 2014). The interaction can vary from very positive to very negative.  Also, it can be seen as a serious disagreement that manifests in the home between parents and adolescents as a result of differences in opinions, values and choice. Whether the disagreement is positive or negative, it could determine the young person’s self-esteem.

In addition, there is importance of gender differences in adolescents. That is, there are several reasons why gender may bring changes in the parent-child relationship during adolescence. This is because on average, girls undergo puberty earlier and are socially more advanced than boys. This could predispose girls to be engaging in conflicts with their parents earlier than the boys (Lansfore, 2018). As physical and social maturity drive changes in the parent-child relationship, one would expect to observe changes earlier in adolescence girls than with boys. Alternatively, adolescence is associated with increased risk for mental health problems, although boys and girls tend to be at increased risk for different types of problems at different ages (Lansfore, 2018).

However, boys are at greater risk for a childhood onset of externalizing psychopathology, whereas girls are at greater risk for an adolescent onset of internalizing psychopathology (Eshrat, 2016). Also, the post pubertal emergence of gender differences in depression might lead to the expectation that girls will show greater increases in parent-child conflict than boys during the transition from pre- to mid adolescence (Lansfore, 2018). On the contrary, Kristen (2018) opined that adolescent-parent conflict has more adverse effects on boys than girls. The author stressed that it makes male adolescents to be aggressive and have problems in behaviour and self-esteem. Burks (2013) said that dimensions of parenting may predict self-esteem for adolescent girls and boys differently. Umukoro (2009) said that male adolescents with high level of parent conflict performed poorer in school than female counter parts. DeHart etal (2017) observed that during adolescent-parent conflict, adolescent girls are more likely to experience academic difficulties, distress and dissatisfaction with the families’ situation. Whereas boys are more likely to show problem behaviour and self-esteem. However, the researcher is of the opinion that adolescent-parent conflict is not supposed to affect male and female adolescents differently. Both male and female adolescents could have the same influence of parent conflict since conflict affects individuals’ emotions and psyche. In any case, if adolescent boys and girls perceive parent-adolescent conflicts differently, this will be ascertained in this study.

Senior secondary school students are the adolescents mostly found in the secondary schools. The students happen to be at the peak of adolescence stage with a rapid increase in individual’s height and weight during puberty and teenage age, resulting from the simultaneous release of growth hormones. This is known as adolescent growth spurt (Steinberg, 2011). Male students experience their growth spurt about two years later on the average than females (Melissa and William, 2018). According to Sharon (2016), school constitutes a large part of an adolescent’s existence. Difficulties in almost any area of life manifest as school problem. Adolescents spend a large proportion of their day in school or pursuing school-related activities (Lansford, 2018).  The primary purpose of school is the academic development of students. Its effects on adolescents are far broader, which also encompass their physical and mental health, safety, civic engagement and social development. Further, its effects on all these outcomes are produced through a variety of activities including formal pedagogy, after-school programs, caretaking activities, such as, feeding and providing a safe environment as well as the informal social environment created by students and staff on a daily basis (Lansford, 2018).   However, in-school adolescents face personal social problems both in the school and at home. Their personal-social problems are interpersonal behaviours which in-school adolescents may embark upon. Such problems range from aggressions, projection of self and events beyond proportion. It also includes reaction formation, rebelliousness against parental authority that at times may result into conflict with parents in form of protests, fighting, assault and bullying (Lansfore, 2018).

Conflict is a struggle for power, property and a strong disagreement between people, group and communities that may result in angry argument. Conflict occurs when two people differ on their own values or beliefs (Grace, 2015). Conflicts are a regular phenomenon in family life (Joelle, 2014). It can be assumed that family-centered experiences are at the basis of the child’s development. According to Academic Leadership support (2015), conflict is a disagreement through which the parties involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests or concerns. It also can be seen as a serious disagreement between two or more people which may end in harmony or crisis.

Causes of conflict between parents and adolescents are seen in different ways. Conflict occurs when two people differ on their own values or beliefs (Grace, 2015). Parents and adolescents innately have many opportunities to have conflict. Conflicts are ever present on the part of all families at sometimes in their history. Conflict on the side of adolescents happen when parents are not providing the emotional support adolescents want or because parents believe adolescents are not meeting the expectations held for them. It can be lack of consensus about family or societal values. The reasons for conflict between parents and adolescents are multi-faceted. They seem to include contrasting and conflicting values. That is, adolescents embracing values that are different from their parents. Adolescents value freedom, friendship and fun. Peers have a direct influence in adolescents’ risk behaviours which constitute a lot of conflicts with their parents.  Peers may sometime determine strong preference in the way of dressing, speaking, using illicit substances, sexual behaviour, adopting and accepting violence, adopting criminal and anti-social behaviours and in many other areas of the adolescent’s life (Padilla and Bean, 2009). An example of this is that the main motives for alcohol consumption given by adolescents are related to social events, which usually take place in the company of friends. Adolescents see it that drinking makes holiday more fun, it facilitates approaching others, it helps relaxation and facilitates sharing experiences and feelings (Gina etal 2012). Adolescents also enjoy humor and sarcasm which parents could see as being disrespectful and leads to conflict, irritating and exasperating habits. At times many adolescents complain that their parents are too controlling, too organized and too critical. These could cause hidden, unrealistic expectations, mismatched expectations, ineffectual and negative communication patterns. They can also lead to strong words and aggressive actions which can infuriate both parents and their adolescents. Important changes in the family relationships could also occur because adolescents demand more independence and may want to test their parents’ absolute authority. Studies of (Grace, 2015; Howstuffwork, 2016) have shown that adolescent-parent conflict increases as the healthy adolescent pushes for more independence to grow and parents restrain that push in the interests of safety and responsibility. As a result, there has been an increase in parent-adolescent conflict. Adolescents are not always aware of potential dangers surrounding them and their new found individuality and freedom due to the period they are in. Therefore, parental control and authority are often challenged by the adolescents. This is a serious source of adolescent-parent conflict according to Howstuffworks (2016). These prompted Okulama in Wikipedia (2016) to describe adolescence as a period of stress and strain. However, the researcher is interested to find out how senior secondary school students’ conflicts with parents relate with their self-esteem and academic performance.



Adolescents are young people who occupy the adolescence period. Recently in Abia State, most parents and adolescents are always in conflict because parents set rules and adolescents break the rules to again their autonomy from the family. These adolescents separate from parents and families to create their own independent social world of friends, to give more guiding influence to peers and to establish more privacy from parents (Carl, 2009). Hence, the adolescents have more conflicts with parents over curfew, homework, housework, respect, reduced involvement with family, over increased activities with peers and secrecy of information.

Consequently, self-esteem and academic performances of the adolescents seem to be negatively affected as a result of adolescent-parent conflict. Issues resulting from truancy, poor academic performance, low self-esteem and drug abuse abound between the adolescents and their parents. This low self-esteem made them to face difficulties in achieving success, which indirectly increases their personal problems (Ill, 2013).

Parents are expected to show love to their adolescents in different ways such as to communicate well with them, spend time with them and show a genuine interest in their development and academic activities. By so doing, the adolescents will also learn from them how to care for and love others. Again, parents are expected to support their adolescents as they struggle to be accepted, both by the outside world and themselves (Cheryl, 2012).  They need praise when they have done their best from parents. They need encouragement to develop interest and good personal characteristics such as self-esteem and academic performance (Cheryl, 2012). Adolescents need parents who can consistently provide structure and supervision that are firm and appropriate for their age and development. Before now the rate of conflict between adolescents and parents was at minimal because adolescents fear and respect their parents. They need their parents’ advice and there was cordial relationship between them. This boast their self-esteem and they do well in their academics. When parents perform their roles very well and let the adolescents know that all the efforts to guide and sometimes restrict them is for their own good, the chances of getting into conflict with them will be reduced. The researcher is interested in finding the extent parents’ conflict with their adolescents relates with self-esteem and academic performance of the adolescents. Therefore, the problem of this study is: how does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with self-esteem and academic performance of adolescents in secondary schools? 


1.3.1 Main objective of the study

 The main objective of the study was to find out how adolescent-parent conflict correlates with the self-esteem and academic performance of senior secondary school students in Umuahia Education Zone.

1.3.2 Specific objectives the study

 1.        find out the causes of adolescent-parent conflict in Umuahia education zone.

2.         determine the correlation between adolescent-parent conflict and self-esteem of senior secondary school students.

3.         examine the correlation between adolescent-parent conflict and academic performance of senior secondary school students.

4.         find out the relationship between adolescent-parent conflict and male senior students’ self-esteem.

5.         find out the relationship between adolescent-parent conflict and female senior students’ self-esteem.

6.         find out how adolescent-parent conflict correlates with male senior students’ academic performance.

7.         find out the relationship between adolescent-parent conflict and female senior students’ academic performance.


The findings of this study will be of immense benefit to school administrators, education policy makers, parents, adolescents, school guidance counsellors, researchers and others if published.

The findings of the study will help parents and adolescents to understand how conflict affects self-esteem and academic performance of in-school adolescents.

 The results of the study will help educators and policy makers to identify those factors that constitute adolescent-parent conflict with a view to formulating policies that are adolescent friendly.

Parents will benefit because it will help them to identify the crisis early and be able to handle it. Also, they may adapt parenting styles that will result in better relationships with their adolescents. They will learn to understand their adolescents and maintain close relationship with them. This will reduce the chances of conflict between them and their adolescents.

The result of the study will help the adolescents to understand themselves and be able to check their own excesses. It will help them to understand the degree of negative implications of having conflict with their parents. They will learn to handle conflict between them and their parents with politeness in order to maintain cordial relationship which could aid high level of self-esteem and academic performance. The willingness to live in peace with the parents that could accrue from the findings would also create sense of loyalty in adolescents.

This study will assist in developing effective guidance and counseling strategies towards minimizing adolescent-parent conflict and enhancing academic performance of in-school adolescents in Abia State. It will help counsellors in counselling parents on the need to minimize conflict with their adolescents.

The findings of the study will help researchers to conduct further researches on the effects of adolescent-parent conflict. The society at large will benefit because people would have a clearer understanding of the causes of adolescent-parent conflict and its negative implications to the education sector. When the public is enlightened on the existing problems in our public secondary schools, they will contribute to its alleviation where and when necessary. The findings of this study will uncover new knowledge and add to the existing one thereby creating an area of interest for further researches.


The following research questions guided the study.

1. What are the causes of adolescent-parent conflict in Umuahia Education Zone?

2. To what extent does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with self-esteem of senior   

    secondary school students?

3. To what extent does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with academic performance  

    of senior secondary school students?

4. To what extent does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with males’ self-esteem?

5. To what extent does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with females’ self-esteem?

6. To what extent does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with male senior students’

   academic performance?

7. To what extent does adolescent-parent conflict correlates with female senior students’

   academic performance?

1.6       HYPOTHESES

 The following hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Ho.1: There is no significant relationship between adolescent-parent conflict and senior

           secondary school students’ self-esteem.

Ho. 2: There is no significant relationship between adolescent-parent conflict and senior

            secondary school students’ academic performance.

Ho.3:   There is no significant relationship between gender and the extent adolescent-parent conflict correlates with senior secondary school students’ self-esteem.

Ho.4:   There is no significant relationship between gender and the extent adolescent-parent conflict correlates with academic performance.



This study was delimited to adolescent-parent conflict as a correlate of self-esteem and academic performance of senior secondary school students. The content scope included causes of adolescent-parent conflict, relationship between adolescent-parent conflict, self-esteem, academic performance of senior secondary school students and influence of gender in determining parent-adolescent conflict. The geographical scope was the Umuahia Education zone which included secondary schools in Bende Local Government, Umuahia North Local Government, Umuahia South Local Government and Ikwuano Local Government Areas of Abia State. 

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