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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008060

No of Pages: 56

No of Chapters: 5

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The reserch is aimed at evaluating the rate of acceptance and its adoption in Nigeria especially in the rural area. The study look into the relationship between e – marketing components, e – pricing, e- payment, e- purchase and e – display and level of adoption of e-marketing. The researcher adopted survey method of descriptive research. Tables and percentages were used in data analysis while Sperman Rank Correlation and t – test statistics were used in hypothesis testing. It was fund out that e- buying system has great impact on the level of adoption of e – marketing in Nigeria and that the adoption of employment does not significantly influence the adoption of e – marketing in Nigeria. It was deducted that e – marketing adoption and practices is very low in Nigeria. The researcher recommends that wide education and orientation should be given to e – marketing operators and adequate facilities should be provided.



Title page  i

Certification                                                        ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgements iv

Table of Contents  v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Abstract viii



1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem s 2

1.3 Objectives of the Study 2

1.4 Research Questions 3

1.5 Research hypotheses 3

1.6 Significance of the Study 4

1.7 Scope and limitations of the Study 5

1.8 Assumption of the Study 6

1.9 Definition of Terms 6



2.1 Overview of E – marketing 7

2.1.1 Benefits of e-marketing 7

2.2 Components of E-marketing 9

2.2.1 E-payment 9

2.2.2 E-pricing 9

2.2.3 e- purchasing/Sourcing 10

2.2.4 E – display 10

2.3 Conceptual Framework of e- marketing 11

2.4 Overcoming E – marketing Obstacles 12

2.5 Empirical Study 13

2.6 The Benefits of Internet marketing 15

2.6.1 Importance of Internet Marketing 15

2.7 Top 10 reasons why internet marketing is so important to the

success of businesses 18

2.8 Overcoming Obstacles to internet (Electronic) Marketing 20



3.1 Research Design 25

3.2 Area of the Study 25

3.3 Research population and sample size/Sampling techniques 25

3.4 Instrument for Data Collection 26

3.5 Methods of data collection 26

3.6 Sampling Techniques 27

3.7 Data Analysis Techniques 27



4.1 Data analysis 29

4.2 Discussion of findings 38






5.2 Summary 40

5.3 Conclusion 41

5.4 Recommendations 42

References 43




Table2.1: Adoption Distribution 14

Table4.1: Questionnaire distribution and return 29

Table4.2: E-buying in the practice of e-marketing 31

Table4.3: Impact of e – purchasing on e – marketing 33

Table4.4 E-payment percentage acceptance rate and e – marketing

      percentage acceptance rate. 35

Table4.5: E – display and marketing 37















1.1 Background of the Study

Electronic marketing, the latest form of marketing has come to give marketing a left to greater height. It was created to ensure easy and timely transaction and for evenly coverage of customers or clients scattered all over the world. It is a real form of globalization in business which rely on education and technology.

It is defined by Danielson (2011) as the use of electronic and internet based medium application and platform to reach customers despite distance. It also covers the payments system and other forms of transaction, for easy, convenience, timely and straight business. Jikens (2010) opines that the rate of adoption of e – marketing is high in developed countries of the world scattered in Europe, America etc. but it is very low in the underdeveloped and developing countries of the world. Accounting to Jikens, the reason for high adoption and acceptance is due to advancement in technology and mind set development. In the other hand Jikens (2010) said that the low adoption rate is as a result of backwardness in technology, inadequate, amenities, infrastructures, high illiterate level and a host of other factors.

Watizk (2011) opines that in Nigeria which belongs to the developing countries, its level of acceptance is low, it only flourishes in the metropolitan cities, Abuja, Lagos , Port Harcourt etc. and only few people are wealthy and interested.

Uwa (2011) adds that the low level of e – marketing adoption in Nigeria is as a result of many people reside in the rural areas where internet facilities are not available or are in inadequate in supply. Uwa (2011) went further to buttress that even in the urban areas most people especially the aged are not used to computer and internet facilities or application.

This study will seek to evaluate the rate of adoption of electronic marketing and its operations in Nigeria given the educational, income and awareness levels which may make and mar the process. It will give special reference in appraising the problem of highly rural based, highly illiterate level, low level of income, inadequacy of technological facilities.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The rate of adoption of e – marketing highly depends on considerable factors which must be given a serious thought and efforts. Hence, can be considered to be complex and problematic.

E – marketing faces the problem of low education, low income level, inadequate infrastructure, age etc, which need to be addresses. Electronic marketing is affected by social, cultural and environmental factors that make or mar the acceptance and or practice in Nigeria.

 The rate of adoption is very low given the poor or inadequacy of technology, highly rural base population and considerable number of illiterates, poor income and low level of awareness of the e-marketing benefits.


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is the evaluation of the acceptance rate of e–marketing  practices in Nigeria.

The specific objectives are:

i. To determine the degree of association between acceptance rate of e – pricing and level of adoption of e – marketing.

ii. To ascertain the effect of e – purchase on the rate of adoption of e – marketing

iii. To assess the relationship between e – payment and the acceptance level of e – marketing

iv. To ascertain the relationship between e – products display and the acceptance level of e – marketing.

1.4 Research Questions

The following as research questions gave the study a direction:

1. what is the degree of association between acceptance rate of e-pricing level of adoption of e –marketing.

2. To what extent does e-purchasing affect the rate of adoption or acceptance level of e–marketing.

3. What is the degree of association between e -payment and the level of e- marketing.

4. What is the degree of association between e–product display and level acceptance of e – marketing.

1.5 Research hypotheses

The following null hypotheses formed the thrust of the study:

HO1: There is no significant difference between the opinion expressed by consumers and sales personnel on the impact of e-pricing on e-marketing.  

HO2: There is no significant difference between the opinion expressed by consumers and sales personnel on the impact of e- purchase on the rate of adoption of e-marketing.

HO3: Adoption of e-payment does not significantly influence the adoption of e-marketing.

HO4: The practice of e- display of market offer does not have significant effect on the acceptance rate of e-marketing practice among firms.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research, on completion will be of benefit to the manufacturing firms, marketers and consumer alike as they in one way or the other derive a solution to electronic marketing in Nigeria.

The manufacturing firms through this study will know proper and acceptable way to reach their consumer by improving on the strategy and process to offer products through e – marketing and also be able to look into the problem of low rate of adoption.

The marketers like the manufacturers will learn the problems of low adoption rate and be able to proffer solution that will help them reach their teeming consumers fast and continuously.

The consumer with an improved environment for electronic marketing will now appreciate and adopt the modern marketing approach highly and be able to adapt to modern techniques and technology.

The students of marketing and business will acquire the new idea or concept e-marketing as part of their requirements and be able to appreciate their profession.

Future researchers will have a sigh of relief as they will anchor on this study in their future research endeavors on similar topic and come out with improved findings.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study shall cover the concept of e – marketing and its rate of adoption in Nigeria given inadequacy of infrastructure and technology, highly rural base and illiteracy in relationship to the components or concepts of e-marketing such as e-price, e-purchase, e-products display. However, this study is limited to its scope as a result of the following constraints.

î That electronic marketing is a new concept in Nigeria where there is considerable rural and illiterate levels of people

î Abia State is the area of focus or restriction. The researcher believed that what is obtainable will serve for majority of other States.

î The researcher is working on an entirely new area which may pose some challenges to her.

î Inadequacy of some research resources such as time, materials etc. affected this study but due to good resources management the researcher was able to move on.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Electronic Marketing: This is the process of marketing products with the aid of computer, internet and communication facilities.

Internet: This is a global information high way to provide millions of users with information across the world.

Runway: This is a platform for transacting business with internet networks.

Rural base: This implies the inclination to undeveloped part of a state or nation.    

Product Elusion: This implies inability of consumers not to get the product timely and promptly.


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