• 0 Review(s)

Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008578

No of Pages: 60

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :



The purpose of this study is to examine strength training as a measure for the prevention of injuries among athletes, using the Ambrose Alli University athletics team as a case study. The population of the study consisted of 100 participants from the athletes at Ambrose Alli University. The study made use of self-structured questionnaires to elicit responses from the study participants, which were later analyzed using frequency counts and simple percentages. The study found, among others, that the rate of injuries among athletes at Ambrose Alli University is very low, the use of strength training can help in the prevention of injuries by strengthening particular muscle groups and acclimatizing muscles to specific workloads, and the perception of athletes towards strength training is generally poor among student-athletes at Ambrose Alli University. It also found that the major challenges affecting the execution of strength training among athletes are dislike for strength training, lack of training apparatus, lack of recovery time between training and competitions, and a popular belief among aerobic athletes (long-distance runners) that strength training is irrelevant for their sports. Following the findings of the study, the researcher recommends that injury, like tropical diseases, should be considered a significant public health problem in Nigerian universities, that there should be more focus on safety education aiming to educate this young population on how to prevent injury, and that policies should be formulated and enforced among athletes to prevent sports injuries.








Title Page-      -           -           -           -                       -           -           -            I

Certification-  -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            iii

Dedication-     -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            iv

Acknowledgement-    -           -           -           -           -           -           -            v

Abstract-         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            viii



Background to the Study-       -           -           -           -           -           -            1

Statement of problem-            -           -           -           -           -           -            -           4

Purpose of the Study- -           -           -           -           -           -           -            5

Research Questions-   -           -           -           -           -           -           -            5

Scope of the Study-    -           -           -           -           -           -           -            6

Limitation of the Study -                    -           -           -           -           -            6

Significance of the Study       -           -           -           -           -           -            7

Definition of Terms-   -           -           -           -           -           -           -            8



The importance of injury prevention in athletics.     -           -                       9

Background information on Ambrose Alli university athletics teams-            10

The concept of strength training for injury prevention         -           -            15

How strength training reduces injury             -           -           -           -            -           21

Implication for athletes in Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma-         -            25

Effectiveness of strength training intervention in reducing injury risk among athletes

Implementation of strength training programs within athletes setting             26

Summary of Review   -           -           -           -           -           -           -            28



Research Design of the study -           -           -           -           -           -            33       

Population of the study-         -           -           -           -           -           -            34

Sample and Sampling Technique-     -           -           -           -           -            34       

Research Instrument- -           -           -           -           -           -           -            35       

Validity -         -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            35       

Reliability Method of Data Collection -        -           -           -           -            36

Method of Data analysis -      -           -           -           -           -           -            36                                                          



Discussion of Findings -                     -           --         -           -           -            37       



Summary        -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            48

Conclusion-    -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            49       

Recommendations -    -           -           -           -           -           -           -            50       

REFERENCES-          -           -           -           -           -           -           -            53                       

Appendix-       -           -           -           -           -           -           -           -            58       











1.1       Background of the Study

In sports, engagement in athletics, whether at the amateur or professional level, exposes individuals to various risks of physical and mental harm, in other words, injuries.  The impact of these injuries not only influences the performance of athletes during sports activities but can also have long-term implications on their health and well-being. Among various strategies mapped out by various universities to mitigate the risk of injuries, strength training stands out as a very crucial and effective approach for Ambrose Alli University in this regard. As a fundamental component of athletic conditioning programs, strength training involves exercises designed to improve muscular strength, endurance, and overall physical performance (Suchomel, Nimphius, & Stone, 2016). It has a function of injury prevention, which results from its ability to enhance the structural makeup of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones, leading to an apt reduction of susceptibility to strains, sprains, and other common sports-related injuries. Its application has been utilized in athletics for centuries, but it gained prominence with a systematic application within universities and organized sports settings that began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Zatsiorsky, Kraemer, & Fry, 2020). Science and practice of strength training. Human Kinetics. Instances of its application date back to ancient Greece, where various forms of resistance were engaged by athletes as part of their training modules for the Olympic competitions. However, the modern view of strength training as a structured and scientific-initiated practice emerged in the late 19th century. Individuals, such as Dudley Allen Sargent, a professor at Havard University, and Dr Ernst Jokl, a German-American physician and physical education advocate, contributed massively to the promotion of the systematic use of resistance exercises for athletic development and physical fitness in the late 1980s (Stone et al, 2022). The relevance and importance of injury prevention have gained significant attention in the sports community in recent years, with the inclusion of universities such as Ambrose Alli University. A proper understanding of the efficiency of strength training in preventing injuries within the scale of sporting activities engaged by athletes is essential not only for optimizing performance but also for ensuring a healthy life for the individuals involved in athletic activities in various sports disciplines. Ambrose Alli University serves as a suitable setting for this study because of its inclusive, diverse athletic programs and the constant occurrence of sport-related injuries among its student-athletes. Through proper investigation within this academic environment, researchers can delve in a specific manner into the impact of strength training protocols and applications on injury incidence, severity, and recurrence among athletes on different sports teams. Furthermore, the essence of engaging in research within a university setting is to enable the integration of interdisciplinary perspectives, incorporating ideas from sports science, exercise physiology, biomechanics, and sports medication. The importance of this holistic approach for individuals and sports institutions is the ability to gain comprehensive insights into the multiplicities of the points of relationship between strength training and injury prevention among athletes.

1.2       Statement of the problem

The prevalence of injuries incurred during sports activities poses a great object of concern for every sporting institution, as it affects not only individual athletes but also team performance and morale. Although several sports medicine and training methodologies minimize the prevalence of injuries, injuries remain a significant concern, particularly among collegiate athletes. In this light, the endeavour of investigating the efficacy of strength training as a preventive measure against injuries among athletes is paramount. The core aim of this section is to establish the problem and reason for conducting a case study on strength training and injury prevention at Ambrose Alli University. In the context of Ambrose Alli University, the prevalent occurrence of injuries among athletes calls for immediate address and intervention. As an environment of learning with a holistic formation that encompasses sports discipline and athletic talent, the university faces a unique challenge in safeguarding the health and performance of its student-athletes. The injuries incurred by these student-athletes usually occur on the track, field, or court, and they are exposed to myriads of injury risks, necessitating the implementation of safety measures to mitigate those threats. Strength training therefore emerges as a suitable measure for injury prevention within collegiate sports programs. Muscular strength enhancement and endurance strength training can aid in the fortification of athletes’ bodies against the rigours of training and competition (Schott, Johnen, & Holfelder, 2019). On the other hand, despite the theoretical merits of strength training in injury prevention, the specific empirical evidence in the context of Ambrose Alli University is lacking.  In that sense, there is an emerging need for systematic research to evaluate the efficiency of strength training procedures in reducing the incidence of injuries, severity, and recurrence among university athletes to the lowest minimum. The bridge between theory and practice can thus enable the health, safety, and good performance of athletes in sports activities.

1.3       Purpose of the study

In essence, this study tends to explore how strength training prevents athletes’ injuries with a lens cast on Ambrose Alli University. In this light, the purpose of this study is to engage in a proper investigation of the current incidence and types of injuries among athletes at Ambrose Alli University across different sports disciplines. Examining to what extent strength training programs could be effective in reducing the risk of injuries among athletes involved in various sports, accessing the level of attitudes, perceptions, and compliance of athletes and coaching staff towards the implementation of strength training as a tool or technique for preventing injuries. Identifying possible barriers and obstacles related to incorporating strength training programs in the context of the university’s athletic programs, such as resource limitations and logistical constraints. Providing empirically certified recommendations for optimizing strength training protocols to enable effective prevention of injuries and foster overall athlete well-being within the university sports environment.

1.4       Research Questions

1. How often do injuries occur among athletes at Ambrose Alli University across different sports disciplines and what is the nature of the injury?

2. How efficient are strength training programs in mitigating the risk of injuries among athletes participating in various sports at the university?

3. What are the behavioural attitudes, perceptions, and compliance levels of athletes and coaching staff towards utilizing strength training as a preventive measure for injuries?

4. What are the obstacles and challenges experienced while implementing strength training programs within the university's athletic programs, and what strategic approach should be used to address them?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The distinct significance of conducting research on strength training as a preventive measure for injuries among athletes at Ambrose Alli University is its extension beyond the academic landscape. The most important aspect of collegiate athletics involves the dual movement of prioritizing athletic performance as it strives to ensure the safety and healthiness of athletes (Lopes et al., 2020). The significance of this study lies in its potential to contribute to both facets of this overarching goal. When the efficient scale of strength training in reducing injury is evaluated, researchers can offer evidence-based strategies for the development of athletic performance and longevity. Athletic injuries stand out as a significant burden on athletes, coaches, and sports organizations, both physically and economically. With a strict investigation, this study seeks to expose the preventive ability of strength training, which can further lead to the mitigation of the burden attached to injuries within Ambrose Alli University’s sports programs. If various sports irregularities such as injury incidence, severity, and recurrence are reduced, strength training protocols can alleviate strains on healthcare resources and enhance a sustainable platform for athletic programs. The athletes themselves are the most beneficiaries of the findings of this study, which aims at promoting their health, safety, and performance. Athletes gain valuable information and empowerment from this study to make informed decisions about their training routines through proper elucidation of the role of strength training in injury prevention. Moreover, researchers achieve valid findings by consulting and incorporating athletes’ perspectives and experiences, which will ensure that the preventive strategies agree with the needs and preferences of those they seek to benefit. Ambrose Alli University, which can be identified as an institution of higher learning, has an opportunity to lead by example in advancing sports discipline research and practice. Through this study, the university demonstrates its commitment to fostering excellence in athletics while ensuring primarily the welfare of athletes. Moreover, the outcome of this study can serve as a benchmark for future investigations, creating avenues for continuous advancement in sports injury prevention and performance optimization.

1.6       Scope of the Study

This study aims to explore how strength training stands to be a valuable measure for the prevention of injuries among athletes, using Ambrose Alli University as a case study. This implies that this study will primarily focus on the utilization of strength training strategies at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State.


1.7       Limitations of the Study

As this study on strength training as a measure for the prevention of injuries among athletes at Ambrose Alli University holds promising outcome, several limitations may influence the scope and generalizability of its findings: This study may encounter limitations in findings due to the size of the participation pool, thereby leading to an indefinite statistical representation. When a smaller If sample size is used as the determinant, it may restrict the ability to draw robust conclusions and hinder findings for broader athlete populations. There can be a risk of selection bias in the study if certain athletes or sports teams are more involved than others, leading to skewed results and inaccurate capture of the experiences and perspectives of all athletes at Ambrose Alli University. Certain external factors, such as changes in the coaching staff, training facilities, or environmental conditions that are beyond the control of the researchers, could influence injury rates and training outcomes during the study period. The applicability of findings to other academic institutions or sports settings with different contexts and demographics may encounter limitations as a result of the unique context of Ambrose Alli University in terms of its geographical location, athletic culture, and resources.

1.8       Definition of Terms

Strength: any form of physical training that enables individuals to exert force, resist external pressures, and endure challenges with or without apparatus.

Training is a systematic and organized process in which the end is to enhance physical fitness, develop specific skills, and improve performance in a particular activity or discipline.

Injury: a physical harm or damage inflicted on the body by external forces, trauma, overuse, or accident.

Athletes: Athletes refer to individuals who are involved in active participation in sports activities or athletic events.

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