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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006957

No of Pages: 170

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study investigated the effects of concept mapping and team pair solo instructional strategies on students' academic achievement and retention in Biology in secondary schools in Abia State. Six research questions were posted and six hypotheses formulated. 3x2 factorial quasi experimental design was utilized. The population of the study was 6,781 SS 1 Biology students in 2017/2018 academic session in Aba Education Zone, Abia State. A multi-stage sampling techniques was used to sample 87 SS1 Biology students in three randomly selected intact classes served as the sample. The instrument used for data collection was Biology Achievement and Retention Test (BART) which comprises of 60 multiple choice items. The instrument was validated by three experts. The reliablity coefficient of the BART using K-R20 was 0.75. Mean and standard deviation was used to analyse the research questions while Analysis of co-varience (ANCOVA) was used to test the Hypothesis. Results of the data analysis revealed that the students achieved and retained better in Biology when taught using Team pair solo strategy, than when taught with Concept mapping and Lecture method. The female achieved and retained significantly better than the male students when taught Biology using Team pair solo strategy than those taught using Concept mapping and Lecture method. There was a significant difference in the achievement and retention mean scores of male and female students in Biology when taught with the three strategies in favour of the female taught with team pair solo strategy. Recommendations were made among which are the need to give more emphasis in the Biology teacher's training programs on the use of Team pair solo instructional strategy; also teacher's should deliberately encourage the students to participate with full interest to innovative methods such as Concept mapping and Team pair solo Instructional strategies in order to be relevant in his students centered and Information age, least they are relegated to the background.


Title page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv                    

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    v

Table of contents                                                                                                        vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              viii

Abstract                                                                                                                      ix



1.1       Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                               8

1.3       Purpose of Study                                                                                            9

1.4       Research Questions                                                                                         10

1.5       Hypotheses                                                                                                     11

1.6       Significance of the Study                                                                               12

1.7       Scope of the Study                                                                                         15



2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                   16

2.1.1    Biology                                                                                                           16

2.1.2    Academic achievement in biology                                                                  22

2.1.3    Concepts of retention                                                                                     26

2.1.4    Different methods of teaching                                                                       28

2.2       Theoretical framework                                                                                    41

2.2.1    Theory of Ausubel's, Vygogsky and Brunner                                                 41

2.2.2    The concept of innovation and its rationale in biology teaching and

            learning processes                                                                                           45

2.3       Related Empirical Studies                                                                              48

2.3.1    Studies on concept mapping instructional strategy                                        48

2.3.2    Studies on team - pair - solo instructional strategy                                         53

2.3.3    Gender and science education                                                                                    55

2.4       Summary of Literature Review                                                                      61



3.1       Design of the Study                                                                                        63

3.2       Area of the Study                                                                                           64

3.3       Population of the Study                                                                                  65

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique                                                                    65

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                       66

3.6       Validation of the Instruments                                                                         67

3.7       Reliability of the Instruments                                                                         67

3.8       Method of Data Collection                                                                             68

3.9       Method of data Analysis                                                                                72



4.1    Results                                                                                                               73

4.1.1 Research question one                                                                                       73

4.1.2 Research question two                                                                                       74

4.1.3 Research question three                                                                                     76

4.1.4 Research question four                                                                                      78

4.1.5 Research question five                                                                                       80

4.1.6 Research question six                                                                                         81

4.2    Hypotheses                                                                                                        82

4.2.1 Hypothesis one                                                                                                  84

4.2.2 Hypothesis two                                                                                                  84

4.2.3 Hypothesis three                                                                                                            85

4.2.4 Hypothesis four                                                                                                 86

4.2.5 Hypothesis five                                                                                                  87

4.2.6 Hypothesis six                                                                                                    89

4.3    Summary of the Findings                                                                                  90

4.4    Discussion of the Findings                                                                                91



5.1.   Conclusion                                                                                                         96

5.2.   Recommendations                                                                                             96

5.3    Educational Implication of the Study                                                               98

5.4    Limitations of the Study                                                                                                99

5.5.   Suggestions of Further Studies                                                                          99

5.6     Summary of the Study                                                                                      100


References                                                                                                                 102

Appendices                                                                                                                110










4.1:                  Mean and standard deviation in achievement scores of

                        students taught Biology using concept mapping, team pair

                        solo and lecture method                                          73


4.2                   Mean and standard deviation in retention scores of students

                        taught biology using concept mapping, team pair solo and

                        Lecture method                                             75


4.3:                  Mean and standard deviation in achievement scored of male

                        and female students taught biology using concept mapping,

                        team pair solo and lecture method                               76


4.4:                  Mean and standard deviation in retention mean scores of male

                        and female students taught Biology with concept mapping,

                        team pair solo and lecture method                                                      78


4.5:                  Mean and standard deviation on the interaction of teaching

                        strategies and gender on mean achievement scores of students in biology                 80


4.6:                  Mean and standard deviation on the interaction of teaching

                        strategies and gender on mean retention scores of students in

                        biology                                       81


4.7:                  Analysis of co-variance of the achievement mean scores of

                        students taught biology using concept mapping, team pair

                        solo and lecture method                  82


4.8:                  Result of multiple comparison analysis for students achievement scores (x) teaching strategy using turkey least significant difference (LSD) method                         83


4.9:                  Analysis of co-variance of the retention mean scores of students taught Biology using the concept mapping, team pair solo and lecture method                                       84


4.10:                Analysis of co-variance of the influence of gender on the mean                               achievement scores of students taught Biology using the concept                         mapping, team pair solo and Lecture method                                                86


4.11:                Analysis of co-variance of the influence of gender on the

                        retention mean scores of students taught Biology using the

                        concept mapping, team pair solo and lecture method                         87


412:                 Analysis of co-variance of the interaction of teaching strategies

                        and gender on the mean achievement scores of students in

                        biology                                                                                                88


4.13:                Analysis of co-variance of the interaction of teaching strategies

                        and gender on the mean retention scores of students in Biology       89








Science is seen as the bedrock of National development, and a nation that is not scientifically advanced is regarded as a backward nation. The importance of science cannot be over emphasized because it contributes to medicine, hydrology, agriculture, technology, education, transportation, healthcare, and so on. Science is the process of making inquiry about living and non- living things in our environment. Biology is one of the science subjects taught in secondary schools.

Biology is a very important subject, and is a requirement for careers such as Nursing, Food technology, Forestry and others. Biology is the study of living things both plant and animal. It is a facilitating study that ranges from microscopic-cellular molecules to the biosphere that encompasses the earth's surface and its living organisms (Sarogini, 2010). Biology is very important to humans because it tells about our body, it helps us to develop cures and treatments of many diseases. Biology also tells us about plants and how they can be beneficial to human life.

Biology as a science subject, helps human life in increasing production of food, combating diseases and also aids in protecting and conserving our environment. Knowledge of Biology has helped humans to understand similarities between all forms of life and to effectively teach the subject towards enhancing students’ achievement in Biology.

Students’ achievement is usually determined through tests and examinations which could be written, oral, or practical projects. A student whose academic achievement is high or impressive in a particular subject is rightly assumed to have learnt much in that subject. The understanding an individual derives from a learning situation depends on both ideas and knowledge, individual's organization of the knowledge and deliberate re-structuring of his pre-existing conceptual framework. Learning becomes effective when students are actively involved in the teaching-learning process that takes place in the classroom.

It is logical to say that if there is poor academic achievement in any educational system or subject area, then little/insufficient learning has taken place in that educational system or subject area. According to Igbokwe in Anidu (2007), what is learnt is expressed as academic achievement, and so the method of teaching learners becomes an important issue in teaching and learning. The purpose of teaching at any level of education is to bring fundamental change on the learner (Tebabal and Kahssay, 2011).

Teaching is the process of carrying out those activities that experience has shown to be effective in getting students to learn (Smith, 2011). Teaching and learning constantly endeavor to examine the extent to which different teaching methods enhance knowledge in students' learning.

One cardinal aim of learning is to acquire useful information and skill which could be applied in solving day-to-day problems. When these skills are applied, there arises the need to be able to remember those important principles in various situations where they may be appropriate. There is no need teaching if what is learnt cannot be retained and recalled.

Retention is the ability to store or hold unto what has been taught/learnt and what had been stored in the memory. According to Bichi (2002), retention is the ability to retain and later remember information or knowledge gained after learning into memory. Retention can also be defined as an ability to retain things in mind; especially a preservation of the after effects of experience and learning that makes recall or recognition possible. It is a state of being retained. It therefore implies that the students' retention plays complementary roles in determining academic achievement in any subject area or discipline.

Student's achievement in Biology in Senior Secondary Certificates Examination (SSCE) has not been satisfactory over many years as supported by Chief examiners report of 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 where students' passes range from 40.28%, 37.57%, 35.19% and 47.48% respectively. Different reasons have been raised by scholars to this problem of poor achievement of students.

For (George, 2008 and Nwagbo, 2006), the teaching of Biology without instructional materials may certainly result in poor academic achievement and could also be attributed to many factors such as low interest of students in biology, inadequate motivation from teacher, poor incentives to biology teachers, lack of adequate supply of instructional material, lack of qualified teachers, use of teacher centered instructional strategies, inadequate use of instructional materials and use of abstract standardized materials. Among these factors, teachers use of teacher centered instructional strategies is considered as an important factor where mastery of Biology concepts might not be fully achieved without the use of instructional strategies that the students will be fully abreast with.  Folorunso (2004) observed that there is lack of adequate and appropriate instructional resources for effective teaching of Biology in schools.  Ibitoye and Fape (2007), traced the poor achievement in science to poor usage of instructional resources in teaching and learning, poor state of infrastructure facilities, large class size, poor teaching, use of faulty assessment practice, and inadequacy of quality teachers. Dinah (2013) conluded that availability of text books, laboratory apparatus and other learning resources contributes significantly to the performance of students in Biology examination, also students with positive attitude towards the subject register better performance because it motivates them to work hard and this reflects in their good marks than those who had a negative attitude. Okebukola (2004) the poor state of laboratory facilities, inadequate use of instructional materials and inability to use different kinds of instructional methods has constituted a cog in the wheel of students achievement in Biology in the Senior School Examination. The verbal exposition does not promote skill acquisition, objectivity, and critical thinking abilities that will enable the child to function effectively in the society.

The report of West African Examination Council (WAEC) on the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) (2013), on student enrolment and performance in Nigeria by subject, grade, and sex revealed low academic achievement in biology and other science subjects. It also revealed the persistent poor achievement of students in biology at senior school certificate examination. This leaves one in doubt about the effectiveness of instructional materials and teaching methods popularly used by the biology teachers for the teaching and learning of biology. On this note, resources are seen as materials which help in successful teaching and learning. Chief examiner's report of 2013-2016 reveals some Biology topics that pose difficulty for Biology students. Among these are flowering plant structure, Cell/Respiration, Bone/human vascular system, Plant physiology/structure and Genetics. When concepts in these areas are not meaningfully understood by students, they tend to shy away from answering questions set on them during Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) and sometimes perform poorly in these areas. This study used Cell and Respiration as one of the difficult concepts identified that has resulted to poor performance of the Secondary School Students in Biology.

 In order to grapple with these challenges, Katerine (2015) advised that teachers should teach the same concepts or procedures using various methodologies in different tasks, subjects and physical settings that will help students find similarities between school context, scientific, cultural or social context. Moreover, when it comes to applying knowledge and also foster teaching on the understanding of abstract concepts and processes, learners need to be active participants in the knowledge acquisition process rather than memorizing data.

It is quite remarkable that consistent poor academic performance by most students is fundamentally linked to application of ineffective teaching methods used by the teacher's in imparting knowledge to learners (Adunola, 2011). Research on the effectiveness of teaching methods indicates that the quality of teaching is often reflected by the achievement of learners. For effective teaching, teachers need to be conversant with numerous teaching strategies. Many innovative strategies have been developed to bring about improvements in teaching and learning of science. Such strategies include cooperative learning, concept mapping, jigsaw etc. This study will consider Concept mapping and Team pair solo Instructional strategies.

 Concept mapping is a meta-learning strategy based on the Ausubel-Novak-Gowin theory of meaningful learning (Wasonga, 2015). Its advantage lies on the fact that learning new knowledge is dependent on what is already known. It upholds that new knowledge gains meaning when it can be largely related to a framework of existing knowledge rather than being processed and stored in isolation. It mainly emphasizes the meaningful relationships between variables or sub-concepts in the main concept. Concept mapping based instruction is one of the instructional strategies advocated by Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA) as a learner-centered learning approach (Makoba, 2012). It is considered an active rather than passive learning task, and it serves as an elaborative study activity when students are guided to construct concept maps in the presence of the materials they are learning. It requires students to enrich the material they are studying and encode meaningful relationships among concepts within an organized knowledge structure. Instructional concept maps also serve to reinforce students' understanding, and assess their achievement, among other educational applications.

The concept mapping teaching strategy presents a concept in a hierarchical organized manner reflecting the psychological structure of knowledge. Concept maps graphically arrange key concepts to show meaningful relationship among the selection of concepts or ideas being studied. Thus, when new knowledge is consciously, explicitly and deliberately linked with relevant concepts which the learner already knows. The most general concepts are placed high up in the hierarchy while the concrete or specific concepts are placed below. Then, these concepts are connected with arrows showing relationships. The construction of concept maps can be regarded as a creative activity, which makes learning learner-centered. A good concept map resembles a road map. Ajaja (2011), advocated that concept mapping encourages students to learn difficult concepts based on the ideas of meaningful learning. It has also helped students to retain biological knowledge longer and to determine relationships as well as critical thinking. Various researches carried out in the past support the fact that this modern strategy of teaching leads to higher academic achievement and retention more than conventional lecture method of teaching. Such modern strategy is Team pair solo instructional strategy

Team-pair-solo is a strategy of cooperative learning where students are grouped into teams first, they solve problems as a team, then with a partner and finally on their own, individually (Kagan, 2009). It is designed to motivate the students to tackle and succeed at problems which initially were beyond their ability. Then all students take individual (solo) quizzes on the material, at this time they must not help each other. It was based on the simple notion of mediated learning. It has also been recently advocated that when teaching students a skill, they should try it first as a team, again in pairs and finally on their own (Spring, 2007). For instance, Patel and Jain (2008) advocated that Team pair solo helped the students to interact actively in class activity and also stimulate them to think and change in their thinking. Thereby improving them in their academic achievement especially in their reading processes.

When the students are taught with team pair solo and concept mapping strategies, it tends to equip them with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values which also lead to adequate coverage of the syllabus by the teacher, which is one of the guiding principles of education in Nigeria. In other words, the decisions of the teacher to use lecture method is not predicated on its effectiveness in enhancing academic achievement or consideration for gender of the students the lesson is meant for.

Gender as a factor in science academic achievement and retention has for some time generated a lot of concern for science educators. For instance, Egbo (2005) observed that female students had higher achievement score than male students in science (Biology). Owolabi and Etun-Irien (2009) and Zember and Blume (2011) observed that male students had higher scores than female students in terms of cognition and logical reasoning. Amedu (2015), observed that male students gained more scores than female students in the use of jigsaw in Biology. Wasonga (2015) found that females achieved better than male. This study investigated on the influence of gender on students' academic achievement and retention, using Concept mapping instructional strategy and Team pair solo instructional strategy.


There has been continuous poor academic achievement of students in Biology. Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination conducted by West African Examination Council (WAEC) and National Examination Council (NECO) between 2013 and 2016 has consistently revealed poor achievement and retention in Biology. This raises doubt on the efficacy of the teaching techniques and strategies used by Biology teachers in schools. There is a need therefore to explore other ways of presenting difficult Biology concepts to the students in order to enhance meaningful academic achievement and retention. This calls for the need to find and adopt an effective strategy in order to improve the situation with a view to enhance achievement and better retention in Biology.

 Gender disparity in biology achievement still persists in virtually all the schools in the country. The problem with gender difference could be that the students are having low self esteem as they do not believe in themselves that they can do better no matter the type of gender. Favouritism in the aspect of the teacher could also be another problem: this is a situation whereby the teacher take sides in making sure that a particular gender understands or get the sum better than the other gender, thereby leaving behind the other gender to suffer the ignorance due to lack of attention on the part of the teacher. Finally, several research has been carried out on the effect of gender on academic performance in Biology but there has been no research carried out on the effect of gender difference on the academic achievement and retention of Biology students in Aba Education Zone in Abia State.

The question then is: Does gender have influence on students' achievement and retention when taught Biology using concept mapping or team pair solo instructional strategies?


The purpose of this research work was to investigate the relative effects of Concept mapping and Team pair solo instructional strategy on students’ academic achievement and retention in secondary schools in Biology in Abia State. Specifically, the study intended to achieve the following objectives:

1)      Determine the mean achievement mean scored of students taught Biology using Concept Mapping instructional strategy, Team pair Solo instructional strategy and Lecture method.

2)      Determine the mean retention scores of students taught Biology using Concept Mapping instructional strategy, Team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method.

3)      Determine the influence of gender on the mean achievement scores of students taught Biology using Concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method.

4)      Determine the influence of gender on the mean retention scores of students taught Biology using Concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method.

5)      Determine the interaction of teaching strategies and gender on mean achievement scores of students in Biology.

6)      Determine the interaction of teaching strategies and gender on mean retention scores of students in Biology.


1)      What are the effects of concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method on the mean achievement scores of students in Biology?

2)      What are the effects of concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method on the mean retention scores of students in Biology?

3)      What are the influence of gender on the mean achievement scores of students in Biology when taught using concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method?

4)      What are the influence of gender on the mean retention scores of students in Biology when taught using concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and Lecture method?

5)      What is the interaction of teaching strategies and gender on mean achievement scores of students in Biology?

6)      What is the interaction of teaching strategies and gender on mean retention scores of students in Biology?

1.5       HYPOTHESES

The following four null hypotheses were formulated for analysis at .05 level of significance:

Ho1:     There is no significant difference between the mean achievement scores of students           taught Biology using the concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo     instructional strategy and those taught with Lecture method.

Ho2:     There is no significant difference between the mean retention scores of students taught Biology using the concept mapping instructional strategy, team pair solo instructional strategy and those taught with Lecture method.

Ho3:     There is no significant influence of gender and teaching method on the mean         achievement scores of students in Biology.

Ho4:     There is no significant influence of gender and teaching method on the retention mean      scores of students in Biology.

Ho5:     There is no significant interaction of teaching strategies and gender on the mean    achievement scores of students in Biology.

Ho6:     There is no significant interaction of teaching strategies and gender on the mean    retention scores of students in Biology.


This study has both theoretical and practical benefits:

Theoretically, this study will be used to carry out the belief of David Ausubel's theory of Subsumption, Vygosky theory of social development and Brunner's theory of learning by discovery.

Ausubel's posits that teachers start to examine a central topic required before adding new topics and sub-topic to represent ideas and create relationship between the main idea and other information derived by the learner so as to progress at its own step on the learning continuum, in his own way and at his own time.

Vygosky emphasized on social interaction, proximal zone of development and more knowledgeable, where someone in respect to a particular task, the learner have higher ability than the other, skill or context. It creates critical, motivated and independent learner. Brunner theory of learning by discovery emphasized that learners build their own knowledge by drawing previous experience and present ideas to reveal facts, relationship and new information. These theories maintains that learners should play a central role in mediating and controlling learning. Conducive opportunities, tools, environment encourages self-analysis- regulations. They also encourage critical thinking and cooperate learning among students in relation to concept mapping and Team pair solo instructional strategies

Practically, the findings of the study will benefit students, teachers, school supervisors, teacher educators, science teachers association of Nigeria (STAN) and other professional bodies. For instance, in the students (learners), the findings will expose them to better and student centered instructional strategy that improve their understanding of the concept being taught which are usually the central focus in every educational curriculum planning. This is why it is generally said that education is child centered. Thus, curriculum objectives have always specified what the learners should be able to do after passing through the curriculum. In this present study, this research work intends to examine the achievement and retention of Biology students in the senior secondary schools. Thus, the findings from this study will expose the better instructional strategy which the teacher should use in teaching Biology so as to improve the students' achievement and retention in Biology. To this effect, the problem of poor result in the WAEC/NECO senior school certificate exams in Biology might come to an end.

To the teachers, the findings would reveal the two instructional strategies they can use so as to make teaching more meaningful to the students. The way each of the strategies will be employed in the study would enable the teachers not only understand what each of the strategies entails, but also show how to employ each of them correctly. This study will therefore clear any form of doubt that may be in the mind of the teachers about what strategies to use and how to employ them. The efficacy of the two instructional strategies would be revealed from the findings of this study. It will equip teachers with better effective ideas/strategies of teaching the students. This among other things would save them from the monotony of the non-effective traditional lecture method. More so, the desire to achieve better result with the new instructional strategy will be very high in the teachers. As students pass out with good results in biology in their senior school certificate exams, the credit goes to the teachers and they will definitely derive joy and satisfaction for the job well done and thus put in more efforts. This may also earn the teachers favorable assessment by their employers.

To the supervisors of schools, the finding would make them to be aware of the teaching skills or strategies they should be looking for during their supervision in schools and the teaching strategy they should direct the biology teachers to use for improved teaching and learning as well as for increased achievement and retention in Biology.

 To teacher eductors, they should encourage teachers who are not using the new strategies to use them in teaching biology and to be aware of the better instructional strategies that would enhance students’ achievement and retention and then utilize such strategy in the teacher education programme for the trainee Biology teacher.

Finally to Professional bodies such as the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN) and the Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN) who have interests in science education in Nigeria can organize workshops and seminars for science and mathematics teachers based on the findings of this study since it would reveal to them the efficacy of the strategies. Such workshops or seminars would be aimed at re-training the serving teachers and equipping them in the knowledge and skills of applying the preferred instructional strategy.


This study was limited to the secondary schools in Aba Education Zone. The study was restricted to Senior Secondary School 1 (SS1) Biology students. The content coverage chosen for the study was: The Cell and Respiration which are part of the topics the students performed poorly in their WAEC Biology examination as identified by WAEC chief examiners report of 2013-2016.Appendix XI. (Pg. 162)

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