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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007341

No of Pages: 132

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study is about the isolation, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of the secondary metabolites of the stem bark of Allophylus africanus Beauv (Sapindaceae). The plant has a wide distribution in West Africa, with Nigeria (Mambila Plateau, Calabar) inclusive. It has been used in communities for both its medicinal and economic importance. The stem bark of Allophylus Africanus was extracted by percolation using chloroform as solvent and allowed to concentrate by evaporation at room temperature. TLC was carried out after column chromatography and an Rf value of 0.87 was obtained at a solvent mixture of hexane: chloroform at ratio 1:4 from the finger column chromatography carried out on fraction AF3. Characterization using spectra analysis which include FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, H-H COSY, H-C COSY, 135 DEPT and Mass Spectra of A. africanus stem bark extract AF3 led to the elucidation of the structure of the proposed compound and proffer scientific basis for its use in the treatment of inflammatory disorders. FT-IR spectrum indicated that the compound could be an aromatic derivative with C-C stretching found at frequency 1465. Aromatic protons were seen at the chemical shift values of 7.25 ppm and Olefinic protons at 5.124 ppm, 5.146 ppm and 6.162 ppm appeared as doublets of doublets of doublets. COSY suggested the presence of –C=C-O-CH2-OCH2- moiety. Phytochemical screening revealed a predominance of tannins, saponins, flavonoids and alkaloids with little glycoside and no terpenes and steroid seen in the stem bark of A. africanus. The anti-inflammatory potency of the stem bark of Allophylus africanus P. Beauv were determined in vivo for suppressive and curative activities in rats using different doses of the extract (300 mg/kg & 600 mg/kg). The A. africanus extracts significantly reduced the increase in paw diameter induced by carrageenan at all doses (300 mg/kg & 600 mg/kg) as against normal saline treated group. The results suggest that the extract possesses considerable anti-inflammatory activity this shows that the plant possesses considerable therapeutic potential and thus provides some scientific basis for the traditional use of the stem bark in the treatment of inflammation and inflammatory disorders.


Title Page ……………………………………………… ……………...…..............i

Declaration ………………………………………… ………….…………............. ii

Certification …....................................... ............................  .................................   iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                    iv

Dedication …………………….……...…  ……………     ……….……….............v

Table of Contents……………………………… …………………………………. vi

List of Tables.………………………...……………   ……..……………                 xii

List of Figures…………………………..……………………..   ……… …...…      xiii

Acronyms                                                                                                                     xiv

List of Plates                                                                                                                xvi

Abstract …………………….…….………………………… ……..…… …....        xvii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

            Background of the Study                                                                               1

1.1       Statement of Research Problem                                                                      3

1.2       Justification of The Study                                                                              3

1.3       Aims and Objectives of the Study                                                                 3

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW                                                              5

2.1       Introduction of Family Sapindaceae                                                              5

2.1.2    Identification and Characteristics sapindaceae family into genera                5

2.1.3    Morphological characterisation                                                                       5

2.1.4    Key to genera of African sapindaceae                                                           6

2.1.5    Classification of sapindaceae family into genera                                           11

2.2       Distribution and Description of Allophylus Species                                       12

2.2.1    Occurrence and description of Allophylus species in Africa                          13

2.2.2    Occurrence and description of common allophylus species in Nigeria           14

2.2.3        Allophylus africanus                                                                                        14

2.2.4    Description of A. Africanus                                                                            15

2.3       Chemical Constituents of Allophylus Species                                                 15

2.3.1    Bioactive component                                                                                      16

2.3.2    Phytochemical constituents                                                                            17

2.4       Biological Activities of Allophylus Species                                                    19

2.5       Some Selected Family of Sapindeciae                                                           19        2.5.1             Allophylus serrattus                                                                                         19

2.5.2    Sapindus mukorossi                                                                                        21

            2.6       Inflammation                                                                                                  26

2.6.1    Concept of inflammation                                                                                26

2.6.2    Types of inflammation                                                                                    26

2.6.3    Causes of Inflammation                                                                                  27

2.6.4    Inflammatory disorders                                                                                  27

2.6.5    Drug treatment                                                                                                28

2.6.6    Plants as sources of anti-inflammatory agents                                                28

2.7       Phytochemicals with Their Medicinal Activity                                              29

            2.7.1    Alkaloids                                                                                                         29

2.7.2    Saponins                                                                                                          30

2.7.3    Flavonoids                                                                                                      31

2.7.4    Tannins:                                                                                                           32

2.7.5    Steroids:                                                                                                          32

2.7.6    Phenols:                                                                                                           33

2.7.7    Terpenoids:                                                                                                     33

2.7.8    Glycosides:                                                                                                     33

2.8       Chromatography                                                                                             34

2.9       Types of Chromatography                                                                              40

2.9.1    Column chromatography                                                                                41

2.9.2    Gas chromatography                                                                                       42 Analysis of a mixture by gas chromatography GC                                        43

2.9.3    Thin layer chromatography                                                                             44   Analysis of a mixture by thin layer chromatography TLC                           45   Identification by TLC                                                                                   45 Preparing to run TLC                                                                                     46

2.9.4    Application areas of chromatography in medicine                                        51

2.10     Nuclear Magnetic Resonance                                                            51

2.10.1  COSY                                                                                                                        54

2.10.2  C-H-COSY OR HETCOR                                                                             55

2.10.3  HMQC                                                                                                            55

2.10.4  HSQC                                                                                                             55

2.10.5  HMBC                                                                                                                        55

2.10.6  EXSY                                                                                                             56

2.10.7  NOESY, ROESY                                                                                           57

2.10.8  HOESY                                                                                                          57

2.10.9  HMBC Spectra                                                                                               58

2.10.10 NMR Spectroscopy of Carbohydrates                                                          58

2.10.11 Mass Spectroscopy (MS):                                                                              59

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                   62

3.1 Materials                                                                                                               62

3.2 Plant Collection, Identification and Preparation                                                  63

3.2.1 Sample Preparation                                                                                            63 3.2.2            Extraction of the Crude Plant Materials                                                         63 Extraction of Allophylus africanus                                                                 63 Concentration of chloroform Extract of the Stem Bark of

            Allophylus africanus                                                                                        64

3.3       Qualitative Analysis                                                                                        64

3.3.1    Preliminary Phytochemical Screening                                                 64 Preparing Dragendorff Reagent                                                                     64 Flavonoids                                                                                                      64 Tannins                                                                                                            65 Saponins                                                                                                          65 Phenols                                                                                                            65 Alkaloids                                                                                                         65 Cardiac Glycoside                                                                                          65 Terpenes                                                                                                          65

3.3.2    Animals                                                                                                           66

3.3.3    Drugs administration                                                                                      66

3.3.4    Groupings                                                                                                       66

3.3.5    Pharmacological Screening                                                                             66 Acetic Acid-Induced Writhing in rat                                                             66 Carrageenan-Induced Paw Oedema in Rats                                                   67

3.4       Statistical Analysis                                                                                          67

3.5       Thin Layer Chromatography                                                                           67

3.6       Column Chromatography                                                                               68

3.7       Finger Chromatography                                                                                  71

3.8       Spectra Analysis                                                                                             72

3.9       Anti-Inflammatory Activities                                                                         72

3.9.1    Invivo osmotic fragility effect compared to that of aspirin                            72

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                    75

4.1       TLC Results on Some Column Fractions                                                       75

4.2       Spectral Analysis of Isolated Extract AF3 From Stem Bark of

Allophylus africanus.                                                                                       75

4.2.1.   FT-IR analysis of the isolated chloroform extract (AF3) of stem

bark of Allophylis africanus.                                                                           75

4.2.2   Proton-NMR of AF3                                                                                      78

4.3      PROTON-PROTON COSY Spectrum                                                          80

4.4      CARBON-PROTON– HETCOR                                                                  82

4.5:     13 CARBON DEPT                                                                                        84

4.6      Mass Spectra Profile of The Isolated Chloroform Extract of

Allophylus africanus.                                                                                       88


Allophylus africanus                                                                                        94

4.8      Acetic Acid-Induced Writhing Test                                                               96

4.9      Carrageenan-Induced Paw Oedema in Rats                                                   96

            CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                           102

5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      102

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          103







2.0 Classification of sapindaceae                                                                               12

2.1 Medicinal uses of Allophylus serrattus                                                                 21

2.2 List of saponins isolated from Sapindus mukorossi                                              23

2.3 Terms in Chromatography                                                                        36

2.4 The commonly used chromatographic techniques                                                38

2.5 Common Problems in TLC                                                                                   48

3.1 Solvent system employed in the chloroform extract of the stem bark extract of

     Allophylus africanus.                                                                                              69

3.2 Solvent system employed in the Finger column chromatography on the

selected and pooled column chromatography of the isolates from stem bark

of Allophylus africanus                                                                                               71

4.1 IR absorption of the isolate from Allophylus africanus.                                       77

4.2 Absorption Regions gotten from the isolate                                                         79

 4.3 Chemical Shifts of the isolates and their Signals.                                                86

 4.4 Chemical Shifts of the isolates and their Signals                                                 87

 4.5 Qualitative phytochemical screening of Allophylus africanus                             94

4.6 Effect of chloroform extracts of Allophylus africanus on paw

circumference of wistar rats.                                                                               99








2.2 Some chemical compounds isolated from various Allophylus Species                 18

2.3 Structure of Sapimusaponins A-B and O-P.                                                         24

2.4 Structure of Sapimusaponins C-E.                                                                        24

2.5 Structure of Sapimusaponins F-J, Q-R.                                                                24

2.7   Gas Chromatography analysis                                                                            44

2.9 1-dimensional NMR spectra of carbon-13 and hydrogen.                                   53

2.10 Examples of 2-dimensional NMR spectra.                                                         56

3.1    Flow chart of methodology                                                                               74

4.1   FT-IR Spectrum of the isolated chloroform extract (AF3)

          of Allophylus africanus.                                                                                    76

4.2    Proton NMR (1H-NMR) of AF3                                                                       78

4.3    Proton-Proton COSY (H-H COSY) of AF3                                                     80

4.4    Proton-Carbon HETCOR NMR for the isolated chloroform extract of stem

bark of Allophylus africanus from AF3.                                                          82

4.5 13C-DEPT (135) NMR for the isolated chloroformic extract of stem

bark of Allophylus africanus from AF3                                                          84

4.6    Expanded 13C-DEPT (135) NMR for the chloroform extract of stem

bark of Allophylus africanus from AF3.                                                         85

4.7      Mass spectrum of the isolated ethanol extract of Allophylus africanus.        88

 4.8      Base Peak                                                                                                        89

4.9      Suggested fragmentation pattern of the mass spectrum analysis of

isolated compound of Allophylus africanus.                                                   92

4.10    Proposed structure from isolated compound of Allophylus africanus.           93

4.12    Carrageenan-Induced Paw Oedema in Rats                                                   97

4.13    % Heamolysis                                                                                                 97

4.14    % Inhibition of Oedema/Inflamation (15 min)                                               98

4.15    % Inhibition of Oedema/inflammation (30 min)                                            100

4.16    % Inhibition of Oedema/inflammation (1 hr)                                                 101

4.17    % Inhibition of Oedema/inflammation (2 hrs)                                                101










%: Percentage.

3D: Three Dimension

4D: Four Dimension

ANOVA: Analysis of Variance.

ASA: Acetyl Salicylic Acid.

B.P: British Pharmacopoeia.

CAM: Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

CM: Centimeter.

DAMPs: Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns.

DOSY: Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy.

DPPH: 1,1 – Diphenyl-2-2-picrylhydrazyl.

EXSY: Exchange Spectroscopy

FAA: Formalin Acetic Acid.

Fig: Figure

FT-IR: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

G: Gram

GC – MS: Gas Column Spectrophotometry.

H2SO4: Sulphuric acid.

HCl: Hydrochloric acid.

HETCOR: Heteronuclear Correlation

HMBC: Heteronuclear Multi-Bond Connectivity

HMQC: Heteronuclear Multi-Quantum Coherence

HOESY: Heteronuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy

HPLC: High Performance Liquid Chromatography

HSQC: Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence

IR: Infrared

KG: Kilogram.

L: Liter.

LD50: Median lethal dose.

ML: Milliliter.

MHz: Mega Hertz

MM: Millimeter.

NMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

N/S: Normal saline.

NOE: Nuclear Overhauser Effect 

NOESY: Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy

NSAIDs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

PAMPs: Pathogen-associated molecular patterns.

PPM: Parts per million

PRRs: Pattern recognition receptors.

Rf: Retention Factor.

SEM: Standard Error of Mean.

TOCSY: Total Correlation Spectroscopy

TLC: Thin layer chromatography.

UV: Ultraviolet Light.

W/W: Weight per weight.

WHO: World Health Organization.







Plate 2.1: Photographs of characteristic features of Sapindaceae                              9

Plate 2.6: Column Chromatography                                                                           42

Plate 3.1: Allophylus africanus Stem Bark and Leaves                                              73

Plate 3.2: Allophylus africanus Stem Bark                                                                  73








Traditional medicine can be said to be the various health practices, strategies, insights, knowledge or beliefs surrounding animal, plant and or mineral based treatments, and therapies both spiritual and physical, (WHO, 2002). Traditional medicine includes diagnosing treatment or prevention of illness as well as manual techniques and routines singularly applied or combined to sustain well-being. It is the sum total of practices and knowledge, whether feasible or not, used mainly in diagnosis, prevention, treatment and elimination of physical, mental or social imbalance and implicitly relinquishing the handed down practice from previous generations down to the present whether verbally or documented (WHO, 2002).

It is approximated that about 75% of the populace by choice solve their health problems by consulting traditional healers, (Adeshina et al., 2013). About 80% of the entire African population use traditional medicine to meet their health care needs, (Adeshina et al., 2013). Meanwhile, several developed countries and nations use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and thus its more popular. The percentage of the population which has used CAM at least once is 48% in Australia, 70% in Canada, 42% in United States of America, 38% in Belgium and 75% in France (WHO, 2003).

Most Nigerians especially those dwelling in rural communities, do not have access to orthodox medicine and still prefer to solve their health problems consulting traditional healers. This shows the relevance of traditional medicine to the majority of Nigerians. Many rural communities have great faith in traditional medicine, especially the explicable aspect which also recognize their socio-cultural and religious background which orthodox medicine seems to neglect. Different traditional medicine systems have played a vital role in providing information for drug discovery purposes. It is reported that several compounds about 122 with defined structures have been obtained from only 94 species of plants and have been used globally as drugs and shows that 80% of these have had an ethno medicinal uses similar or related to the present use of the active elements of the plant (Fabricant et al., 2001). Artemesinin, atropine, aspirin, camptothecin, codeine, digoxin, morphine and pilocarpine, are a few examples of useful plant drugs (Kumar et al., 2012). The only true medicines ever used initially are plants (Kadans, 1970). Using plants as medicinal agents has been in practice over several thousands of years with records as far back to Mesopotamia (Newman et al., 2003). Biologically active molecules can be obtained from plants and these serve as pioneer structures for the synthesis of modified derivatives. A number of chemically useful plant drugs have been identified from the lead provided by their ethno medical uses (Mate et al., 2008). The chemical constituents that the medicinal plants do have are indicative for their uses which may have the ability to alter specific physiological action on the human body. Flavonoids and other phenolic compounds, terpenes and alkaloids are some examples of the bioactive chemical constituents (Gurib-Fakin, 2006). Allophylus africanus is a specie of the genus Allophylus of the family Sapindaceae. A. Africanus has been reported to be used as not just for medicinal purposes but, also as food and horticulture (Burkill, 1985). In ethnomedicine, the leaves are primarily used for the treatment of numerous health conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, gout, haemorrhoids, dysentery, veneral diseases and malnutrition (Burkill, 1985), root and twig are used as chewing stick for dental and oral healthcare and diarrhoea treatment.



Chronic inflammation is an affliction of lifestyle which often serves as a precursor for chronic diseases such as arthritis (Gil, 2002). Most medicinal plants used in localities of various parts of Nigeria as well as those used by traditional medicine practitioners in management of inflammation and other ailments are not scientifically validated of which A. africanus is included. In the Northern part of Nigeria, A. africanus is used for the management of arthritis which is an inflammatory condition.



In Tropical African countries, although standard drugs for treatment and management of acute and chronic inflammation are readily available, but expensive and also their relief is short-lived and have various disturbing side effects. Therefore, the need to intensify research for plant based anti-inflammatory agents that are efficacious with low toxicity profile becomes necessary.



The aim of this study is to know components of the secondary metabolites in Allophylus africanus from Sapindecea families and also determine their anti-inflammatory potentials of its plants extract (Stem Bark)

Specific Objectives

1.      Extraction, isolation and purification of extracts from the stem bark of Allophylus africanus

2.      To characterize the compounds isolated using spectra analysis which include FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, H-H COSY, H-C COSY, 135 DEPT and Mass Spectra.

3.      To study the different biological activities of Allophylus africanus

4.      To determine the in-vivo anti-inflammatory potency of the crude extract of Allophylus africanus.




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