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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008348

No of Pages: 82

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Microbiological and physicochemical quality of borehole water from Agbama Housing Estate, Umuahia was studied. A total of fifty water samples were collected and analyzed comprising ten samples from each of the five areas, A-E. The microflora of the borehole water showed the presence of seven specie of bacteria with varying levels of occurrence including Escherichia coli (80%),Staphylococcus aureus (42%), Pseudomonasspp. (26%), Shigella flexneri(10%), Salmonella typhi (6.0%), Serratia marsecens (4.0%)and Proteus mirabilis(10%), while the fungi flora recorded different species including Apsergillus niger (22%), Aspergillusfumigatus (6.0%),Mucoralternaria (40%) andRhodotorula spp. (4.0%). The total heterotrophic bacteria count was between 5.03x104cfu/ml to 6.09x104cfu/ml with a mean value 2.5.53x104cfu/ml while the total Staphylococcal count had a mean value of 3.83x104cfu/ml with a range of 3.07x104cfu/ml to 4.67x104cfu/l. The mean fungi population was between 3.26x102cfu/ml to3.94x102cfu/ml with a mean value 3.61x102cfu/ml while the coliform count was in the range of 7.0 cells/100ml to 9.5cells/100ml and a mean value of 8.0cols/100ml. Physicochemical analysis showed there were variations in the physicochemical properties of the water as the pH varied from 6.40 to 6.76, turbidity 0.86 to 1.06 NTU and Total Solids 17.87mg/ml to 22.88mg/ml. The total hardness was in the range of 43.33mg/ml to 51.89mg/ml, calcium and magnesium contents ranged from 27.12mg/ml to 55.56mg/ml and 3.17mg/ml to 4.99mg/ml respectively. It was observed that there is need for improvement in the personal and environmental hygiene of dwellers within the borehole sites to reduce external influence on the quality of the water.


Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgments                                                                                                                  iv

Table of contents                                                                                                                    v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

Abstract                                                                                                                                  ix


Introduction                                                                                                                            1

1.1       Aim and Objectives of the Study                                                                               5

1.1.1    Aim                                                                                                                             5

1.1.2    Objectives of the Study                                                                                              5



Literature Review                                                                                                                   6

2.1       Pollution                                                                                                                     6

2.1.1    Forms of Pollution                                                                                                      6

2.2       Water                                                                                                                          9

2.2.1    Chemical and Physical Properties of Water                                                               10

2.2.2    Uses of Water                                                                                                             12

2.3       Water Pollution                                                                                                          13

2.3.1    Groundwater Pollution                                                                                               14

2.3.2    Causes of Water Pollution                                                                                          15

2.3.3    Effects of Water Pollution                                                                                          16

2.3.4    Remedies of Water Pollution                                                                                     17

2.4       Water Quality                                                                                                             18

2.4.1    Bacteriological Water Quality                                                                                    19

2.4.2    Indicator Organisms of Water Quality                                                                       20 Coliform Organisms (Total Coliform) as Indicator of Water Quality                        21 Thermo-tolerant (Faecal) Coliform Bacteria as Indicator of Water Quality                        21

2.5       Microbiological Parameters for Determination of Water Quality                                    22

2.5.1    Heterotrophic Plate Count                                                                                          22

2.5.2    Total Coliform Plate Count                                                                                        22

2.5.3    Total Faecal Coliform Count                                                                                      23

2.6       Use of Bacteria as Indicators of Pathogenic Organisms in Water                                    23

2.7       Water Borne Pathogens and Diseases                                                                        24

2.8       Physicochemical Water Quality                                                                                 26

2.8.1    Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)                                                                                    26

2.8.2    pH                                                                                                                               27

2.8.3    Turbidity                                                                                                                     28

2.8.4    Temperature                                                                                                               29

2.9       Microbiological Water Analysis                                                                                30

2.9.1    Methods of Microbiological Water Analysis                                                             30 Multiple Tube Fermentation Method                                                                         31 ATP Testing Method                                                                                                  31 Plate Count Method                                                                                                    32 Membrane Filtration Method                                                                                     32 Pour Plate Method                                                                                                      33



Materials and Methods                                                                                                           34

3.1       Study Area                                                                                                                  34

3.2       Collection of Water Samples                                                                                      34

3.3       Materials Used                                                                                                            34

3.4       Preparation of the Media                                                                                            35

3.5       Microbiological Analysis of Water Samples                                                             35

3.5.1    Total Viable/Heterotrophic Count                                                                              35

3.5.2    Enumeration of Total Coliform                                                                                  36 Confirmative Tests                                                                                                     36 Completed Tests                                                                                                         36

3.5.3    Total Fungal Count                                                                                                     37

3.6       Characterization and Identification of Bacterial Isolates                                           37

3.7       Biochemical Tests for Identification of Bacterial Isolates                                         37

3.7.1    Gram Stain Test                                                                                                          37

3.7.2    Catalase Test                                                                                                               38

3.7.3    Coagulase Test                                                                                                           38

3.7.4    Oxidase Test                                                                                                               38

3.7.5    Indole Test                                                                                                                  39

3.7.6    Citrate Test                                                                                                                 39

3.7.7    Motility Test                                                                                                               39

3.7.8    Carbohydrate Fermentation Test                                                                                40

3.8       Characterization and Identification of Fungal Isolates                                              40


Results                                                                                                                                    41       


Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation                                                                      56

5.1       Discussion                                                                                                                   56

5.2       Conclusion and Recommendation                                                                             60

References                                                                                                                              62

Appendix I                                                                                                                              68

Appendix II                                                                                                                             72












Identification of Bacteria Isolated from Borehole Water Samples from Agbama Housing Estate



Identification of Fungi Isolated from Borehole Water Samples from Agbama Housing Estate



Occurrence of Microorganisms in Borehole Water from Agbama Housing Estate, Umuahia



Microbial Load (cfu/ml) Borehole Water in Agbama Housing Estate



Coliform Count (MPN) of Borehole Water Samples from Agbama Housing Estate



Physiochemical Analysis Borehole Water Samples from Agbama Housing Estate



Microbial Load of Borehole Water From Area A, Agbama Housing Estate



Microbial Load of Borehole Water From Area B, Agbama Housing Estate



Microbial Load of Borehole Water From Area C, Agbama Housing Estate



Microbial Load of Borehole Water From Area D, Agbama Housing Estate



Microbial Load of Borehole Water From Area E, Agbama Housing Estate










Water of good drinking quality is of basic importance to human physiology as well as indispensable to man’s continued existence (Idowu et al., 2011). The Greek philosopher Pindar described water as the “best of all things”.  This view is not surprising since the need for water, throughout human history, has always been appreciated (Biswas, 2008). Water is one of the most abundant and essential resources of man, and occupies about 70% of earth’s surface (Eja, 2002).Although the earth contains an abundance of water, it is known that only a small percentage of it is fresh water. A smaller amount of this freshwater is accessible and usable by humans and animals (Matthew, 2009). As the human population grows rapidly, the amount of freshwater available per person shrinks. The relatively small amount of available free water demonstrates how critical it is for everyone to help maintain clean healthy water sources (Roberts, 2010).Water is literally the source of life on earth. People begin to feel thirsty after a loss of only 1% of body fluids and risk death if fluid loss near 10% (Park, 2002).

Water is a basic human right. Without good quality of domestic water supply, man and other living things may eventually die (Joanne, 2000). An adequate, safe and accessible supply must be available to all. Improving access to safe water can result in significant benefits to health. Every effort should be made to achieve a water quality as safe as possible (Cabral, 2010). Man can go without food for twenty eight days, but only three days without water, and two third of a person’s water consumption per day is through food while one third is obtained through drinking (Muyi, 2007). Basic household water requirements have been suggested at 50 litres per person per day excluding water to gardens (Boss, 2004). In addition to human consumption and health requirements, water is also needed in agriculture, industrial, recreational and other purposes. Water is also considered a purifier in most religion. The provision of water in the past was solely a government affair; however, the inability of the government to meet the daily demands of water for the people has forced some private individuals and communities to seek alternatives and self-help measures of providing water (Akin-Osanaiye et al., 2018).

Many people struggle to obtain access to safe water. A clean and treated water supply to each house may be the norm in Europe and North America, but in developing countries such as Nigeria, access to both clean water and sanitation are not the rule, and waterborne infections are common (Fenwick, 2006). On a global scale, groundwater represents the world’s largest and most important source of fresh potable water. Groundwater provides potable water to an estimated 1.5 billion people worldwide daily and has proved to be the most reliable resource for meeting rural water demand in the sub-Saharan Africa. Due to inability of governments to meet the ever-increasing water demand, most people in rural areas resort to groundwater sources such as boreholes as an alternative water resource. Thus, humans can abstract groundwater through a borehole, which is drilled into the aquifer for industrial, agricultural and domestic use (Palamuleni andAkoth, 2015).

However, groundwater resources are commonly vulnerable to pollution, which may degrade their quality. In addition, human activities can alter the natural composition of groundwater through the disposal or dissemination of chemicals and microbial matter on the land surface and into soils, or through injection of wastes directly into groundwater. Industrial discharges, urban activities, agriculture, groundwater plumage and disposal of waste can affect groundwater quality (Bello et al., 2013; Govindarajan and Senthilnathan, 2014). Pesticides and fertilizers applied to lawns and crops can accumulate and migrate to the water tables thus affecting both the physical, chemical and microbial quality of water. In rural Africa, where the most common type of sanitation is the pit latrines, this poses a great risk on the microbial quality of groundwater. For instance, a septic tank can introduce bacteria to water and pesticides and fertilizers that seep into farmed soils can eventually end up in the water drawn from a borehole. Poor sanitary completion of boreholes may lead to contamination of groundwater. Proximity of some boreholes to solid waste dumpsites and animal droppings being littered around them could also contaminate the quality of groundwater (Bello et al., 2013). Therefore, groundwater quality monitoring and testing is of paramount importance both in the developed and developing world. The key to sustainable water resources is to ensure that the quality of water resources are suitable for their intended uses, while at the same time allowing them to be used and developed to a certain extent (Palamuleni and Akoth, 2015).

Two and a half billion people have no access to improved sanitation, and more than 1.5 million children die each year from diarrheal diseases(Fenwick, 2006). As populations increase, the problem of obtaining safe water becomes more serious and as such, water can endanger the health and life of human beings because when polluted by faecal materials it becomes a potential carrier of pathogenic organism (Miller et al., 2011; Weitz and Wihelm, 2012).Good water quality is important in many settings, including those found for all drinking water systems, during food production and bathing activity. In water systems with inadequate quality control and sanitation, water could act as a vehicle for pathogenic microorganisms that originate from the faeces of wildlife including birds, livestock and pet animals, as well as humans. In particular, the spread of enteric viruses, e.g. Noroviruses, are repeatedly related to poor water quality (Adams and Moss, 2008; Grøndahl-Rosado et al., 2014). Globally, huge efforts are put into improving and monitoring water safety, but still it is estimated that 1.1 billion people have water sources regularly contaminated with faecal microorganisms (Bain et al., 2014).

According to the WHO, the mortality of water associated diseases exceeds 5 million people per year. From these, more than 50% are microbial intestinal infections, with cholera standing out in the first place. In general terms, the greatest microbial risks are associated with ingestion of water that is contaminated with human or animal faeces (Cabral, 2010).Acute microbial diarrheal diseases are a major public health problem in developing countries. People affected by diarrheal diseases are those with the lowest financial resources and poorest hygienic facilities. Children under five, primarily in Asian and African countries, are the most affected by microbial diseases transmitted through water (Seaset al., 2000). Microbial waterborne diseases also affect developed countries. In the USA, it has been estimated that each year 560,000 people suffer from severe waterborne diseases, and 7.1 million suffer from a mild to moderate infections, resulting in estimated 12,000 deaths a year (Medemaet al., 2003).The human pathogens that present serious risk of disease whenever present in drinking water include Salmonella species, Shigella species, pathogenic Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Yersinia entercolitica, Campylobacter species, various viruses such as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E, Rota virus and parasites such as Entamoebahistolytica and Giardia species and so on. Public and environmental health protection requires safe drinking water, which means that it must be free of pathogenic bacteria (Kumar et al., 2013).

To assess the microbial water quality in an easy and reproducible way, standard methods (e.g.ISO – theInternationalOrganization for Standardization) have been developed. Such methods apply detection of certain groups of bacteria that function as indicators for faecal contamination, a principle that had already been suggested in the 19th century (Svanevik and Lunestad, 2015). The rationale for examination of faecal indicator bacteria in water is as follows: (i) they do not inhabit the aquatic environment naturally, (ii) they are initially abundant in faeces from warm-blooded animals, (iii) if they are not present, it is unlikely that other harmful organisms of faecal origin will be present, and hence the water is safe, and (iv) if they are present, there is the possibility that other potentially harmful microorganisms of faecal origin are present, and hence the water cannot be considered safe. The most commonly used groups of indicator organisms include coliforms, thermo-tolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli and enterococci. However,theenterococci are known to survive better in the environment and may therefore be an indicator for older faecal contamination (Noble et al., 2004). The criteria for water quality are set by authorities,e.g.theEuropeanCommission(EC)and theNorwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA), where directives are set for water used for direct human consumption, in preparation of foodstuff and for bathing(Svanevik and Lunestad, 2015).

1.1       Aim and Objectives of the Study

1.1.1    Aim

The study was aimed at carrying out the microbiological examination of borehole water at Agbama housing estate, Umuahia.

1.1.2    Objectives of the Study

1.     To determine the total viable counts, total coliform counts, total fungalcount and total Staphylococcal counts from the collected borehole water samples.

2.     To isolate, characterize and identify bacterial and fungal isolates from the borehole water samples.

3.     To evaluate the distribution of the isolates in the collected borehole water samples.

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