The study focused on comparative analysis of the adoption of internal marketing among selected public and private universities in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are; ascertain the effect of adoption of employee motivation on performance among the selected universities, evaluate the effect of customer orientation on customer satisfaction among the selected universities, determine the effect of internal function co-ordination on industrial harmony among the selected universities, and to analyse the effect of employee’s job satisfaction on the employee performance among the selected universities. To achieve the objectives of the study, correlational research design was adopted. A total of 120 questionnaires were administered to the respondents of which 90 were completely filled and returned which represent 92% of the administered questionnaire. The researcher adopted both primary and secondary data in getting the required information. In testing the hypothesis, Ordinary Least square regression Techniques and correlation model was used. The findings revealed that Employee motivation has no positive significant effect on employee performance among the selected universities. The findings also revealed that Customer orientation has no positive significant effect on customer satisfaction as indicators of internal marketing among the selected universities and Internal function co-ordination has no positive significant effect on employee performance among the selected universities The researcher recommends that There should be effective employee’s motivation among the private and public universities in Nigeria. The payment of salaries and other financial and non financial rewards should be integrated to achieve employee performance increase and organizational productivity. The researcher also recommends that there should be effective organizational structure, designed to enhance effective coordination of internal functions with efficient communication mechanism to achieve organizational performance.
Title Page i
Certification ii
Declaration iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of
Content vii
List of Table xi
Abstract xiv
1.1The Background of the Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 The objective of study 5
1.4 Research Question 5
1.5 Research Hypotheses 6
1.6 Significance of the Study 7
1.7 Scope of the Study 8
Operational Definition of Terms 8
1.9 Limitations of the Study 9
2.1 Conceptual Framework
Employee’s motivation and satisfaction 11
2.1.2 Customer Orientation and
Purchase Satisfaction 13
2.1.3 Internal Function Co-ordination 16 Various Administrative Controls 18
2.1.4 Industrial Action in Nigerian
Universities 21
2.1.5 Internal Marketing 24
Effect of Internal Marketing 24
2.1.8 Internal
Marketing and University Performance 32
Theoretical Framework 33
2.2.1 Theory of Internal Marketing 34 View of other Theorist about
Internal Marketing 35
2.2.2 Theory of Motivation 38
Empirical Framework
Internal Marketing Practices and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from a Nigerian
University Setting 43
Managing The Performance of Nigerian Universities For Sustainable Development
Using Data Envelopment Analysis 43
2.3.3 Comparative Analysis of The Use of Internal Measures for Quality
Assurance in Public and Private Universities in South East Nigeria 44
2.4 Summary
of Literature 46
3.1 Research Design 47
3.2 Area of Study 47
3.3 Population of the Study 48
3.4 Sampling Plan 48
3.5 Sample Size 48
3.6 Method of Data Collection 48
3.7 Data Analysis 48
3.8 Model specification 49
3.9 Validity 50
3.10 Reliability 50
4.2 General
Data 55
4.3 Hypotheses Testing 64
5.1 Summary 78
5.2 Conclusions 78
5.3 Recommendations 79
Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration 51
Table 4.2: Qn.
2: Sex of the Respondents 51
Table 4.3 Qn.
3: Age of the Respondents 52
Table 4.4: Educational qualification 53
Table 4.5: Position of the respondents 54
Table 4.5: 6 Years of Experience of the respondents 54
Table 4.7: The payment of salaries of staff can affect
the output the Universities would achieve within period of time 55
Table 4.8: The payment of salaries of employees can
help the staff on Universities to teach at ease 56
Table 4.9: The payment of salaries of staff in the
Universities can help in increasing their job satisfaction 57
Table 4.10: The payment of salaries of employees helps
in employee retention in the Universities 58
Table 4.11 The use of
student orientation can help in student retention in the Universities 59
Table 4.12: The use of staff seminars, workshops etc
can help increase employee output of the Universities 60
Table 4.13: The use of staff relations can help
increase the understanding between the Universities and the staff 61
Table 4.14: Effective communication helps in
motivating the employee for getting students for the Universities 62
Table 4.15: Job design for job satisfaction can help
to increase employee loyalty for the Universities 63
Table 4.16: Giving employee fringe benefits can help
to increase commitment by the employee in the Universities 64
Table 17: Model Summary of the simple regression for
employee motivation on employee performance among the selected universities 65
Table 18: Coefficients of regression of employee
motivation on employee performance among the selected universities 66
Table 19: Model Summary of the simple regression of
customer orientation on customer satisfaction as indicators of internal
marketing among the selected universities 67
Table 20: Coefficients of regression of customer
orientation 68
Table 21: Model Summary of the simple
regression of internal function co-ordination has no positive significant
effect on employee performance among the selected universities 69
Table 22: Coefficients of regression of Internal
function co-ordination 70
Table 23: The relationship between internal marketing and
organizational performance 71
Table 24:
Reliability coefficients of research measures 71
Table 25: Comparative Analysis of the relationship
between the adoption of employee motivation, satisfaction and organization
performance in the public and private universities 72
Table 26: Comparative analysis of the relationship
between the adoption of customer orientation and customer satisfaction Madonna
and Uniport in Nigeria 73
Table 27: Comparative analysis of the relationship
between internal function coordination and organizational performance 74
Background to the Study
Stating People as the fifth P in the marketing mix is
consistent with the concept of internal marketing. Internal marketing is
associated with relationship marketing that involves inter-function
coordination and communication as well as the development of organizational
competence for effective implementation of marketing strategies (Lings, 2004).
The idea of internal marketing was first introduced by
Berry (1981) who observed that for any organization to be successful there
would be need for such organizations to fulfil the needs of its employees. The
implication is that an employee is satisfied by his organization will most likely
deliver quality service to the external customers. Most especially in this era
that most of the service organizations are striving to exceed the expectation
of its customers in order to promote satisfaction and loyalty among the
stakeholders. (Ballantyne, 1995). It has been noted in the literature that
internal marketing program has tremendous potential to enhance service quality
delivery of service organizations (Ballantyne, 1995). This position was
precipitated upon the fact that most of the organizational problems are
internal. It is believed that the implementation of an internal marketing
program has capacity to eliminate departmental walls, integrate members
organization wide (Ahmed and Rafiq, 2003, Lings, 1999; Hogg, Carter, and Dunne,
1998), and this will eventually lead to improved quality delivery (Lings and
Brooks, 1998; Prasad and Steffes, 2002).
The human resource perspective examines the
relationship between companies and employees (Lings, 2004). This line of
internal marketing fails to meet the definition developed by Parasuraman,
(1991) and a review of past literature demonstrates strong interest in this
line of inquiry. This method stresses the motivation and satisfaction of
employees in order for organizational success to occur (Lings, 2004). Ideas
consist of training, strategic rewards, job designs, and operational changes
are discussed which exist outside of marketing (Ahmed et al., 2002; Ballantyne,
1995; Hogg, 1998; Lings, 1999; Parasuraman, 1991; Varey and Lewis, 1999). Many
studies in this area were conducted from human resource perspective. In a
study, Novatorov. (1998) examined how wages, work conditions, benefits, raises
and rewards affected the external marketing programs that existed. It is
pertinent to note that the rationale behind internal marketing is the belief
that by satisfying the needs of internal customers, an organization will
strengthen its human capital and in turn will be in a better position to
deliver quality service to satisfy external customers. Implicit in this
reasoning is the assumption that fulfilling internal employees’ needs enhances
employees’ aspiration, motivation and retention and results in higher degree of
job satisfaction and performance (Gundlach, 1995).
Measurement of public sector performance, especially
in provision of services in organizations such as universities, is a complex
issue. It involves comparing public resources in terms of total amount of money
expended, the personnel and other resources, with outputs such as students’
academic performance, graduation rate and quality of research. Blanchard (2004)
opined that good performance in higher education is expected to bring positive
In particular, universities are established to produce
skilled manpower required for national development. They are centers of
excellence for technological and scientific advancement, skill development,
production of quality entrepreneurial graduates, and strategic researches for
development. Therefore, this study will be looking at comparative analysis of
internal marketing in the performance of selected Nigerian Universities.
Statement of Problem
Employee definitions discuss the need to recruit,
train, attract, motivate, communicate and retain all employees through
awareness in order to meet their wants and needs, one author even stated as the
need to “woo” employees (Cahill, 1995). If these are not met then the
satisfaction of external customers is difficult, if they are met then employees
become committed, co-operative, and enthusiastic about the organization. This
is accomplished by treating employees as internal customers. This process
involves the use of marketing techniques to sell the product internally and
employees become customers of the organization when they purchase products or
services. This allows them to experience the service firsthand, develop a
perception of service quality, and provide immediate feedback (Ahmed., 2002;
Ballantyne, 2003; Berry, 1981; Cahill, 1995; Lings and Brooks, 1998; Mudie,
2003; Prasad and Steffes, 2002; Rafiq and Ahmed, 2000; Varey and Lewis, 1999).
The organizational approach described the utilization
of TQM techniques and the need to improve satisfaction through organizational
actions. Internal marketing allows the organization to create an identity that
stresses customer focus in order to develop goodwill for the company. The
ultimate goal for the organization is to increase external marketplace
performance in the long-run (Ahmed, 2002; Ballantyne, 1995; Lings, 1999; Mudie,
2003; Varey and Lewis, 1999). When both staffs and organization’s needs are
well taken care of in the university setting, all will ensure a quality output
in respect of teaching, research, community service quality of graduates and
subsequently higher level ranking both in the nation and across the globe.
However, Nigerian universities are far behind this
level when compared with many universities in Europe and America. They are
often beset with enormous challenges at national and global levels. To achieve
their goals, their inputs and production process must be properly managed for
efficiency and effectiveness. This paper, therefore, examines the comparative
analysis of internal marketing in the performance in Nigerian universities. It
also stresses the need to adopt Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a tool for
evaluating the universities in their responses to the needs and aspirations of
the society for sustainable development.
Objectives of the Study
The main objective of this study is to carry out
comparative anaylsis of the adoption of internal marketing practice among
selected public and private universities in Nigeria, using University of
Port-Harcourt and Madona Universities as a case studies. The specific
objectives are to:
ascertain the effect of adoption of employee motivation on
performance among the selected universities.
evaluate the effect of customer orientation on customer
satisfaction among the selected universities.
determine the effect of internal function co-ordination on
industrial harmony among the selected universities.
analyse the effect of employee’s job satisfaction on the
employee performance among the selected universities.
1.4 Research
The following research question were
stated to guide the study:
To what extent does adopting employee motivation affect
What is the effect of customer orientation on customer
satisfaction among the selected universities?
What is the effect of internal function co-ordination on
industrial harmony among the selected universities?
What is the effect of employee’s job satisfaction on the
employee performance among the selected universities?
1.5 Research
The following null hypotheses were stated to guide the
There is
no significance relationship on adoption of employee motivation on performance
among the selected universities.
There is
no significance relationship on customer orientation on customer satisfaction
among the selected universities.
There is
no significance relationship on internal function co-ordination on industrial
harmony among the selected universities.
There is
no significance relationship on employee’s job satisfaction on the employee
performance among the selected universities.
Significance of the Study
Thus, sustainable development would
involve all citizens of the nation whose knowledge and skills are essential for
solving today’s problems and preparing for future challenges.
Education is expected to play a
central role in the production of these human resources.
Particularly, university education is
to intensify and diversify ‘its programmes for development of high level
manpower within the context of the needs of the nation. In the light of this,
for Nigeria to attain a sustainable political, economic, social educational and
technological development, universities’ operations must be in line with
national goals and aspiration. Moreover, performance of units and departments
should be properly managed in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.
Internal marketing will therefore
enhance the performance of staffs and lecturers to output quality human
resources (graduates) that will lead to sustainable development and increased
standard of education in the country.
Effective internal marketing will
enhance the teaching performance of lecturers thereby improving the performance
of students in the area of learning, understanding and overall academic
Manpower which is output of
university system will emerge a tool for economic development, because it
contribute to increase in GDP, improve management performance and also improve
political and economic activities of the nation.
1.7 Scope of
the Study
The study is restricted to comparative analysis of the
internal marketing in the performance of selected public and private
universities in Nigeria, using University of Port-Harcourt and Madona
Universities as study areas. The management and staff of this universities were
selected due to their relevance in data collection for the study.
Operational Definition of Terms
Internal marketing is the promotion of a company’s objectives, products and
services to employees within the organization. The purpose is to increase employee engagement with the company’s
goals and fostering brand advocacy.
Motivation: Internal and external
factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested
and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal.
Orientation: Customer orientation is defined as an approach to sales and
customer-relations in which staff focus on helping customers to meet their
long-term needs and wants.
Limitations of the Study
During the research work, many problems stemmed up in
which some of them are:
The population selected cannot be used to generalize
the performance of universities in Nigeria.
Financial Constraints: As a student, there was not enough
capital to spend in transport and fact finding and borrowing of necessary
literature that would have helped in the writing of this research work.
Time Constraints: The time specified for the completion and submission
of the project is considered inadequate by the researcher.
Academic Work-Load: The study coincided with the period
the researcher was preparing for examinations.
Management Constraints: The respondents in the institutions
did not co-operate as was expected. The staffs were reluctant in answering some
of the questions asked.
All these problems notwithstanding, the researcher
still made a concerted effort in giving the work a good attempt.
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