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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008651

No of Pages: 103

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The bacteriological and physico-chemical analyses of some of the borehole water within Amaoba in Ikwuano Local Government Area Abia State were carried out. The bacteriological analysis was carried using spread plate method and MPN (most probable number) technique for coliform and faecal count. Five bacterial genera Escherichia coliStreptococcus species, Klebsiella species, Salmonella species and Shigella species were isolated. The mean of total viable count (TVC) gave a range of 2.18×103 –12.93×103cfu/ml while Salmonella-Shigella count (SSC) gave a range of 3.08×103 – 7.78×103cfu/ml. The total coliform count (TCC) gave a range of 3.95 – 7.90MPN/100ml and total faecal count, a range of 2.38 – 10.13 MPN/100ml. The total coliform count did not exceed the standard requirement of 10 TCC MPN/100ml for Cheesbroug, WHO and NSDWQ except TVC, SSC and TFC. For the bacteriological analysis, there was no significant difference(s) (P>0.005). For the physico-chemical, the odour, colour, taste, conductivity, total suspended solids, total dissolved solid, temperature, sulphate, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, and carbondioxide were in compliance with WHO, NAFDAC, NSDWQ, and USEPA except pH that was in variations, only Umuolu, Umuoshotulu, and Umuawuru that met the standards for drinking water. From the physico-chemical result, there was significant difference(s) (P<0.05) for pH while for others there was no significant difference(s) (P>0.05). Treatment of this water sources is essential for the water to be safe for drinking.


Title page                                                                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                                                      iv

Table of contents                                                                                                                                                        v

List of figures                                                                                                                                                             xii

List of tables                                                                                                                                                               xiii

Abstract                                                                                                                                                                      xiv


1.0 Introduction                                                                                                                                           1

1.1 Justification                                                                                                                                           5

1.2 Aims and Objectives                                                                                                                             6


2.0       LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                                             7

2.1       Sources of Water                                                                                                                    7

2.1.1    Surface Water                                                                                                                         7

2.1.2    Groundwater                                                                                                                           8 Borehole Water                                                                                                                      9

2.2       Sources of Groundwater Pollution                                                                                         10

2.3       Groundwater Remediation                                                                                                     11

2.3.1    Groundwater treatment Techniques                                                                                      11 Biological Treatment Technologies                                                                                      12 Chemical Treatment Technologies                                                                                       14 Physical Treatment Technologies                                                                                         17

2.4       Pathogens Survival in Groundwater                                                                                       18

2.5       Microbiological Analyses of Water                                                                                       19

2.5.1    Indicator Organisms                                                                                                               21 Criteria for Indicator Organisms                                                                                            22 Coliforms                                                                                                                                22 Faecal Coliform                                                                                                                      23 Escherichia coli                                                                                                                      24 Faecal Streptococci                                                                                                                25 Other indicators                                                                                                                      26 Pseudomonas aeruginosa                                                                                                      27

2.6       Contaminants in Water                                                                                                           27

2.6.1    Microbial Contaminants                                                                                                         27

2.6.2    Radiological Contaminants                                                                                                    28

2.6.3    Organic Chemical Contaminants                                                                                           28

2.6.4    Inorganic Contaminants                                                                                                         29

2.7       Water Treatment and Purification                                                                                          29

2.7.1    Sedimentation                                                                                                                         29

2.7.2    Aeration                                                                                                                                  29

2.7.3    Coagulation                                                                                                                            30

2.7.4    Softening                                                                                                                                30

2.7.5    Filtration                                                                                                                                 30

2.7.6    Adsorption                                                                                                                              30

2.7.7    Chlorination                                                                                                                            31

2.7.8    Sanitation Assessment of Ground Water Quality                                                                  31

2.8       Physico-Chemical Properties of Water                                                                                  32

2.8.1    Physical Properties                                                                                                                 32 Appearance/Colour                                                                                                               32 Odour                                                                                                                                     33 Taste                                                                                                                                      33 Cloudiness/Turbidity                                                                                                             33

2.8.2      Chemical Properties                                                                                                             33 Electrical Conductivity                                                                                                  33 pH Value                                                                                                                         33 Temperature                                                                                                                   34   Total Suspended Solids (TSS) mg/l                                                                              35 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/l                                                                                 35 Total Hardness                                                                                                                 35 Carbondioxide                                                                                                                37 Total Alkalinity                                                                                                              37 Chloride                                                                                                                          37 Sulphate                                                                                                                         37 Nitrate                                                                                                                            38 Oxygen                                                                                                                          38 Calcium                                                                                                                         38 Magnesium                                                                                                                    38 Iron                                                                                                                                39 Lead                                                                                                                                39

2.9       Current Registration and Surveillance of Drinking Water                                              39

2.9.1    Microbiological Aspects                                                                                                  39

2.9.2    World Health Organization and NAFDAC Standards                                                    40


3.0       MATERALS AND METHODS                                                                                   44

3.1       Study Area                                                                                                                       44

3.2       Sample Collection                                                                                                           44

3.3       Bacteriological Water Analysis                                                                                       45

3.3 1    Media Preparation                                                                                                           45

3.3.2    Sample Preparation                                                                                                         45

3.3.3    Enumeration of Bacteria Count                                                                                       46

3.3.4    Isolation and Identification of Heterotrophic Bacteria of the Water Samples                  46 Cultural Examination                                                                                                     47 Gram Staining And Microscopic Examination                                                               48 Test for Motility                                                                                                              48

3.3.5 Biochemical Tests                                                                                                              48 Catalase Production Test                                                                                                 48 Oxidase Test                                                                                                                    49 Coagulase Test                                                                                                                49 Indole Test                                                                                                                       49 Citrate Utilization Test                                                                                                    50

3.3.6    Test for Coliforms                                                                                                           50 Presumptive Test                                                                                                             50 Confirmed Test                                                                                                                51 Completed Test                                                                                                                51

3.4       Determination of Physico-chemical Analyses of Borehole Water                                         51

3.4.1    Organoleptic or Physical Parameters of the Borehole Samples                                         51 Colour Determination                                                                                                    51 Taste Determination                                                                                                         52 Odour Determination                                                                                                      52

3.4.2    Chemical Parameters of the Borehole Water Samples                                                    52 Conductivity Determination                                                                                            52 pH Determination                                                                                                            52 Temperature Determination                                                                                            53 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Determination                                                                 53 Total Suspended Solids                                                                                                   54 Sulphate (SO4) Determination                                                                                        54 Total Hardness Determination (THD)                                                                            55 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Determination                                                                            55

3.5       Statistical Analysis                                                                                                          56


4.0       RESULTS                                                                                                      57


5.0       DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION                                                61

5.1       Discussion                                                                                                                               61

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                              64

5.3       Recommendation                                                                                                                   65

          References                                                                                                          66






FIGURE         TITLE                                                PAGE

1          Bar chart showing the mean bacterial counts of the different waterVsample  from  different locations    58


TABLE             TITLE                                       PAGE

 1         Classification of water by hardness content                                                               36                                                

 2         WHO and NAFDAC Microbiological Standards for Drinking water               41

 3         WHO and NAFDAC Physical Parameters Standards for Drinking Water              42

4          WHO and NAFDAC Chemical Parameters Standards for Drinking Water              43

5          Biochemical properties and cultural characteristics of bacterial isolates                        58


6          Ranked means and standard deviation of the physicochemical parameters                  60







The health of the people depends on the quality of water available for consumption. The health aspects of environmental quality were among the first to receive scientific consideration through the recognition of water borne disease (Olawuyi, 2006).Water is one of the most important and most precious natural resources. It is essential in the life of all living organisms from the simplest plant and microorganisms to the most complex living system known as human body (Onifade and Ilori, 2008).

The quality of drinking water is a powerful environmental determinant of health (WHO, 2010). Water is the most important nutrient essential to the survival of all humanity because it is involved in everybody function and makes up about 75% of total body wealth (Shryer, 2007); Mack and Nadel, 2011; Offei-Ansah, 2012).

Water is fundamentally important to all plants, animals and man (Ajewole, 2005).The ensuring of good quality drinking of water is a basic factor in guaranteeing public health, the protection of the environment and sustainable development (Ranjini et al., 2010).

The provision of potable water to the rural and urban population is necessary to prevent health hazards (Okorafor et al., 2012).

Water is combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, with a chemical formular H2O and known to be the most compound (70%) on earth surface (Osei, 2005). And because of the unique of the blinding, water is a solvent for many minerals and can be referred to as a universal solvent. It can exist in three states as liquid, gas (at 100OC) and as solid at freezing temperature of<4% (Nelson, 2002).

Historically, (Okonkwo et al., 2009) water scarcity has led to severe migration and change in agricultural patterns.

In Nigeria, majority of the rural populace do not have access to sufficient potable drinking water  supply and sufficient water to maintain basic hygiene and  therefore, depend on well, stream and river water, for domestic (Shittu et al., 2009; Owama et al., 2013). Furthermore, 2.4 billion people lack adequate sanitation worldwide (WHO, 2003). In developed countries, thousands of children under five years die every day due to drinking contaminated water (WHO, 2003). Thus, lack of safe drinking water supply, basic sanitation and hygienic practices are associated with high morbidity and mortality from excreta related diseases.

Water-borne pathogens infect around 250 million people each year resulting in 10 to 20 million deaths worldwide. As estimated, 80% of all illness in developing countries resulted to water and sanitation and 15% of all child deaths under the age of five years in developing countries results from diarrhoeal diseases (Thompson and Khan, 2003).

As a result, most water sources are therefore unfit for consumption unless given some forms of treatment (Welch et al., 2000; WHO, 2007; Ajayi and Adejumo, 2011).

However, for water to be potable it must be microbiologically safe in order to achieve this, an approach that will eliminate pathogenic organisms from the source of water supply must be ensured (Retra, 2002).

Water is useful to man in many ways for example, it serves as a source of transportation (in bringing goods from one country to another, i.e. seas, oceans and rivers), recreation such as sporting activities (swimming, skating). It is also used for generating electricity for domestic purpose such as washing, cooking, bathing etc.

Since the beginning or record history, water has been recognized as a potential carrier of germs and diseases (Retra, 2002).

Microorganisms play a major role in determining water quality. The most dangerous form of water pollution are caused when faecal contaminants like Escherichia coli enters the water supply (Faparusi et al.,2011), pathogens such as Salmonella species, Shigella species, Vibro specie, Escherichia coli that are shed into water body through faecal contamination perpetuate many diseases (Muchuweti et al., 2006; Faparusi et al.,2011; Sanjeeda, 2012).

Studies have shown that bacteria remain the most important causal agent of enteric disease in Nigeria. Other causal organisms are viruses and helminthes (Raji and Ibrahim, 2011).

To attain safe water supply for various communities, an understanding of water that is microbiologically and chemically certified safe is therefore imperative.

Above all, to ensure that the microbiologically and characteristics of drinking water are satisfactory for human consumption, the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and control in association with the World Health Organization (WHO, 2003). Recommended that the acceptable limit of coliforms in portable water for human consumption should be zero coliforms per 100ml (0 cfu/100ml). Therefore for technical and economic reason, analytical procedures for the detection of harmful organisms are impractical for routine water quality surveillance common feature of all route screening procedure is the primary analysis for indicator organisms (Okpokwasiki and Akujuobi,1996; FAO, 1997;APHA, 1998; Cheesbrough, 2002; SCA, 2002; Prescott et al., 2008).

Indicator organisms are bacteria that are very common in the human and animal gut (Chukwurah, 2001; Ibe and Okplenye, 2005; Prescott et al., 2008).

Presence of Escherichia coli indicates presence of faecal contamination and the possibility of contamination by pathogenic microorganisms (EPA, 2002; Ibekwe et al., 2004; Shittu et al., 2008).

Drinking water is tested for the presence of two groups of bacteria; Total Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli Bacteria (Fecal Coliform). Total Coliform Bacteria always present in the animal waste and sewage but are not also found in soil and vegetation (Onuh and Isaac, 2009; Ajayi and Adejumo, 2011; Manjula et al., 2011) Escherichia coli bacteria are also found in the intestinal content of warm blooded animals and tents to die more rapidly outside the body (Prescott et al., 2008). Consequently their presence indicates relatively recent contamination and a warming signal that more dangerous bacteria may be present.

Water pollution result in transmission of infectious diseases such as dysentery, cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, shigellosis, salmonellosis and varieties of other bacteria as well as fungi, viral and parasitic infection (Nwachukwu and Ume, 2013).

Chemical and physical parameter includes heavy metals, trace metals, total suspended solid (TSS) and turbidity. These trace elements present in virtually potable water, some of which play a role in metabolism. Major ions in drinking water are correlated with palatable mineralization that affects the quality of drinking water (Delphia et al., 2009).  Some water born life threatening diseases are also reported like cancer, hepatitis etc. because of   certain highly toxic heavy metals in water like arsenic etc. (Ayaz et al., 2013). Many people in rural and urban communities rely on ground water as a source of drinking water and other purpose (WHO,2003).


Borehole water is a sole source of drinking water in the study area (Amaoba in Ikwuano Local Government Area,Abia State).

People obtain their consumable water from borehole water sources which could be polluted by biological or chemical contaminants (Shafiq et al., 2013). There has beenreport of borehole water contamination through many domestic waste sewage when deposited near the borehole may travel with percolating rainwater directly into the borehole or may travel along the well-wall or surrounding materials of the drill-hole (WHO, 2003; Obi and Okacha, 2007). The possibilities of such contaminations justify the purpose of this work. However, borehole water available to the public may be contaminated in the storage tanks since the water does not undergo any form of treatment before consumption.

 Therefore, this study is intended to identify the possible sources of contamination of borehole water in the study area and thus proper meaningful solutions to these.

Furthermore, to safeguard the health of the residents, it is imperative to monitor the physiochemical and bacteriological quality of water supplies in the study area in other to highlight the quality of water supply and to provide the impetus for sustained government intervention (EU 1998; Adebola, 2001;Edema and Fapetu, 2001; WAN, 2012).

This research work is exceptionally important because borehole water is the only stable source of water in the study area supply owing to the absence of pipe bore water.


The objective of the bacteriological and physico-chemical analyses of some borehole water samples within Amaoba in Ikwuano Local Government Area Abia State include:

·       To determine the bacteriological qualities of some boreholes as a major source of drinking water.

·       To determine the physico-chemical qualities of the drinking water supply.

·       To identify possible sources of contamination associated with such untreated water used as drinking water.



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