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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008990

No of Pages: 82

No of Chapters: 5

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This study examines the relationship between distribution strategies and customer loyalty of food and beverages firms. The Researcher adopted a descriptive survey design. The target population of the study consisted of Nineteen (19) registered Food and Beverages Firms, which was obtained from business unit of the Rivers State Ministry of Commerce and Industry in 2023, while the entire population was adopted using total enumeration method. Primary data were collected using questionnaire. The Hypotheses were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The findings revealed that there is a strong and positive relationship between intensive distribution, selective distribution, exclusive distribution and word of mouth, repeat purchase of Food and Beverages Companies. It was concluded that intensive distribution, selective distribution and exclusive distribution significantly enhances word of mouth and repeat purchase. Based on the findings, it was recommended amongst others that; the management of food and beverages firms should target specific regions where there is high demand or potentials for growth, tailoring distribution strategies to local preferences and implement loyalty programs to retain existing customers and encourage repeat purchase.








1.1 Background to the Study - - 1

1.2 Statement of  Problem - - 8

1.3 Objective of the Study - 10

1.4 Research Questions- - - - 11

1.5 Statement of the Hypothesis 12

1.6 Significance of  Study - 13

1.7 Scope of the Study - - 14

1.8 Definition of Key Terms - 15


2.1 Introduction - - - - 18

2.2 Conceptual Framework - - 33

2.3 Theoretical Framework - - 45

2.4 Empirical Review - - - 50


3.1 Research Design -- 56

3.2 Population of the Study - 57

3.3 Sample Size - -- 57

3.4Sampling Technique - 58

3.5 Method of Data Collection - 58

3.6 Technique for Data Analysis - 59

3.7 Model Specification and Variable Definition -59

3.8 Measurement of Variables - - 59


4.1 Presentation of Data - -- 60

4.2 Discussion of Findings - - 79


5.1 Summary - - 80

5.2 Conclusion - -- 80

5.3 Recommendations - 93

References - - 95

Appendix - - 98





1.1 Background of the Study

The financial organization is considerably one of the largest industries in Nigeria providing employment for an estimated twenty two thousand people nationwide and generating 9% of the annual GDP  of the country. Nigeria is considered to be one of the fastest growing telecommunication nations in Africa, investing heavily in ICT and related information technology Chiemeke et al (2006). One of its major investors  has been the  banks, however, with their  major investments, the use  ICT  has  arguably has an effect in efficiency and has  made  operations faster nevertheless there has been no  major evidence that indicates  that they have increased profitability, profitability has  an important factor for  banks  and other  organization as it  can help drive  economic  and organizational growth and most importantly help organization increase their  profit.

This study delves into the  realms of the  financial organizations industry in Nigeria in an attempt to discover  the impact of the use of ICT   has led  on profitability. This study will  incorporate primary and secondary  research in an attempt to determine  if the  use of  ICT  has  improves profitability  in the  financial organizations industry and also to get a better  understanding of the  industry or not and their  ICT practices. The outcome will be a set of recommendations aimed at suggesting possible  ways  to use ICT to improve profitability . this  study aims at informing and advising the people in the  Nigerian financial organization industry  considering the  use of ICT can be further used  to improve profitability  as well as  academics who seek to broaden their  insight of the  industry in such light. The research and discussion  will be  condensed  to a set of recommendation.

The motivation behind conducting this research into the impact of the use of  ICT has on profitability in the Nigeria financial organizations industry comes from the lack of  such research in the Nigerian financial region as  a series of similar studies have been carried  out in other developed countries. Nigeria is often regarded  as  the giant of Africa more so they are said  to be  highest investors in the use  of information communication technology in Africa, the use  of ICT  has no doubt contributed to the  growth of the  various industries  in the  country however there is  no direct knowledge as to if the use  of ICT  has increased profitability in the  financial organizations industry, thus the  purpose  of this study is to  investigate  the impact of the  use of ICT in the  Nigerian Financial Organization Industry on  profitability.


1.2   Statement of the Research Problem

Nigeria is faced with enormous problems of information access. These problems, especially that of low  level telephone  penetration and uneven access appear to be  insurmountable. The  penetration rate in  Nigeria in the  twentieth century  was  less than one line per 1000 population. In spite of efforts made  by successive  governments in Nigeria to improve  on the  penetration rate the  country had  continued  to nose-dive as a result of fresh challenges  in terms  of building information and communication technology (ICT) related management and communication infrastructure. This has  resulted  in almost negative benefit, both to the economy  and the  society as a  whole.

It is  quite  evident that  Nigeria at  present lacks  innovation, capacities and  capabilities in  information technology (IT) management and hardware maintenance. This notwithstanding, the  country has been and will continue  to import and  use a  wide range  of durable  consumer electronics, computers and  telecommunication equipment. It must therefore  being  to  accumulate the  capabilities to repair and maintain these vintages.

Indeed, if  Africa is not to be  left behind in  global trade and development, it  must be able to  master  certain basic  capabilities  in ICT. In addition, the  rate  of  technical obsolesce is the  natural technologies  (such as  steel, textiles and  petrochemicals). The  technological followers in Africa may therefore face the difficulty of sourcing for  parts, components and  peripherals unless they  begin to  accumulate the  capacity for component manufacture.

Available technology is largely obsolete electro-mechanical switching system. Presently, some countries are  engaged  in  massive  modernization efforts, Nigeria for instance, has  at present, about 500,000 lines with about 160,000 lines  just  added through the  on-going digitalization programme.

Technology absorption and mastery takes more than importation of technology; learning which demands explicit  investment is  a  perquisite for building the  technical and  managerial capabilities.

Given the foregoing, the diffusion of ICT will have widespread, albeit differentiated impact on all countries, industries and sectors. Policy must therefore begin to look at variable  such as:

· Change in the  structure of industry and services

· Employment structure, training and manpower

· Industrial organization and management

· Production processes and  products

· Telecommunication infrastructure and revolution of service delivery of existing infrastructure, especially power  system

· Information technology supply

· How the accelerating growth impact in trade and  long-term competitiveness and maturation of African industry.

These are  some of the key issues, which from the  focus  of this study. This study also examine the impact of ICT  in the  light of these  variables, starting with the  services and the  manufacturing  sectors, its organizational  profitability. While the importance of manufacturing is generally accepted, the services sector has not always received  as  much attention. There are several reasons why a  systematic study  of ICT  impact on the  sector is important. First, the services are easily and more readily targeted for  reforms.

There is very  little  in terms  of  a  systematic study on the impact of ICT  adoption on these  sectors in Nigeria. Hence, the  decision to examine  how  ICT been adopted  and  diffused in the  two sectors. In  manufacturing, the  emphasis is on the  petroleum, pharmaceuticals, textiles, foods and beverages, and  metal working sectors, since  these contribute significantly to value added. The  services chosen are hotel and tourism, broadcasting, aviation, transport, (railway) insurance and the  capital market, as  significant contributors to the  quality  of life  of the  people.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study project is to  answer  the question “does  the use  of ICT improves profitability in financial organization in Nigeria” in order to meet this aim, this study seeks accomplish the  following objectives; they are  to  

1. Identify if the use of ICT improved profitability in Nigeria  organization

2. Determine how ICT can be used effectively to impact on profitability of organization.

3. Identify the benefits of ICT in organization

4. Identify the problems of ICT in  organizations.

1.4 Research Questions

i. Has the  use of ICT  improved  profitability in Nigeria financial organizations?

ii. How can ICT be  used effectively to impact profitability?

iii. How can the befits of ICT in organization be identified?

iv. How can the  problems  of ICT in organization be  identified?

1.5 Significance of the  Study

The study is expected  to provide  a basis for  comprehensive information on the  process of acquisition, availability and use of ICT gadgets in Nigeria.

The study will attempt to document the  available skills and capabilities  to ensure sustainable diffusion of ICT in the Nigeria industries.

How ICT has  changed  the  composition and structure of knowledge and employment;

How industrial and service organizations and  management have been altered  by emergence of ICT.

How much of ICT is being  employed  in  production and manufacturing services outputs, to make  significant impact.

The strategies adopted by different firms in services and  manufacturing sectors to  acquire ICT –based technologies.

The role and attitude of the  Nigeria state  (using the  proxy od state policies) in encouraging easy acquisition of ICT technologies by operating firms in the  economy.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study was scaled down from the original proposal and Limited to the  South and Eastern zones of Nigeria due to  budgetary constraints on the part of the African Technology policy Studies( ATPS).

The study will establish the  advantages or otherwise of the  adoption of ICT in the  operation of the  organization in the  industrial and  services  sectors in Nigeria.

The  output of the  research will serve  as  a blue print for policy makers and  stake holders to chart the  right course  of action for the  development of ICT facilities and  infrastructure in Nigeria.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

In the study course of  writing this project, a few  constraints where met as  predicted in the  project initiation documents, this  constraints include:

Access to information: facts and information where  needed and they couldn’t be gotten off the  internet as sucj they  has to be  physically collected from the  office of the  central bank of Nigeria and relayed  back via  email.

Falling ill: in the  process of writing this project, the researcher fell ill two times leaving the pro-unattended to for a total  of three weeks

Lack of prior knowledge: the researcher had no prior knowledge  of the  point that will be  discussed in this  study as such  the researcher has to  carry out  extensive research and  reading so as  to  broaden the gap of knowledge.

1.8 Definition of Terms

ATPS: - African Technology Policy Studies

CAD: - Computer Aided Design

CAN: - Computer Association of Nigeria

CRS: - Computerized Reservation System

GSM: - Global  Service Mobile Communication

ICT: - Information Communication Technology

ISPs: - Internet Service Providers

IT: - Information Technology

NITEL: - Nigeria Telecommunication Limited

OECO: - Organization for Economic Cooperation and    Development

R&D: - Research and Development

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