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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007338

No of Pages: 113

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The weight and the length of the test organism was taken and recorded. The weight of test organism (Tilapia guineensis) was 222.5 ± 2.11 mg while the length was 1.5 ± 0.03 cm. The physicochemical analysis of habitat water was carried out in order to establish if the habitat water can support life. All test organisms were first acclimatized for ten (10) days at room temperature (28 ± 2º̊C). Range finding test was carried out to establish a preliminary working range by obtaining the least concentration that gives no effect and the minimum concentration that gives 100 % death. Acute toxicity tests were carried out with the aquatic organism (Tilapia guineensis) by exposing them to test solutions (SDS and GC) containing various concentrations of the test solutions using the semi – static agitation test procedure as recommended by Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR). The number of test organism decreased with respect to time even at a particular concentration and also decreased as concentration increased. From the result, it was also observed that as % survival decreased with respect to time even at a particular concentration, % mortality increased with respect to time and also % survival decreased while % mortality increased as concentration increased. This could be attributed to the effect of GC and SDS on the test organism since the control did not follow this trend. This showed that the longer the time of exposure, the more the effect of GC and SDS on Tilapia guineensis. A comparative assessment of the two dispersants SDS and GC showed that GC was more toxic to the test organism Tilapia guineensis than SDS at the same concentration. This is because a slight concentration of 0.05 ml/L of GC gave 90 % mortality after 48 h exposure while 100 mg/L SDS gave 100 % mortality at the same duration. Also at 0.05 ml/L GC and 100 mg/L SDS  for exposure period of 72 and 96 h, GC and SDS gave same 100 % mortality. Hence gold crew should be treated as more toxic dispersant compared to SDS at various concentrations and exposure time.


Title page                                                                                                                  i

Declaration                                                                                                                ii

Certification                                                                                                              iii

Dedication                                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                    v

Table contents                                                                                                           vi

List of tables                                                                                                             x

List of                                                                                                                       xi

List of                                                                                                                       xii

Abstract                                                                                                                    xiii


1.1 Background to the study                                                                                      1

1.2 Statement of problem                                                                                           2

1.3 Aim and objectives                                                                                               2

1.4 Justification of the            study                                                                                      3

1.5 Scope and limitations                                                                                            3


2.1  Oil spill                                                                                                                 4

2.2 Impacts on aquatic and terrestrial wildlife                                                           6

2.2.1 Impacts on vegetation                                                                                        6

2.2.2 Impacts on benthic organisms                                                                            6

2.2.3 Impacts on animals                                                                                            7

2.2.4 Impacts on people                                                                                              7

2.3 Dispersants                                                                                                           8

2.3.1 Dispersants and formulations                                                                            9

2.3.2 Effectiveness of dispersants                                                                              10

2.3.3 Field Trials of dispersants                                                                                  12

2.3.4 Laboratory tests of dispersants                                                                          13

2.3.5 Impacts of non-dispersed remnants                                                                   14

2.3.6 Dispersant use policies in other countries of the World                        15

2.4  Examples of dispersants                                                                                       16

2.4.1 Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)                                                                       16

2.4.2 Gold crew                                                                                                          18 Brief history of gold crew as oil spill dispersant                                            18 Gold crew: cost effective and accelerates bioremediation                             20

2.5  Toxicity of dispersants                                                                                          21

2.5.1 Toxicity of sodium dodecyl                                                                               23 Morphological changes                                                                                   24

2.5.2 Toxicity of gold crew                                                                                        27

2.6 Type of toxicity tests                                                                                            27

2.6.1 Static and continuous flow or flow through                                                      29

2.6.2 Bioassay (Toxicity testing)                                                                                31 Types of bioassay techniques                                                                          32

2.7 Dose response relationship                                                                                    33

2.7.1 Dose effect relationship                                                                                     34

2.8 Probit analysis                                                                                                       36

2.8.1 Background                                                                                                       36

2.8.2 The Basics of probit analysis                                                                             36

2.8.3 Applications of probit analysis                                                                          37

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                    39

3.1 Materials                                                                                                               39  

3.1.1Reagent and chemicals                                                                                        39   

3.1.2 Equipment                                                                                                           39

3.2 Methods                                                                                                                  39                                                                             

3.2.1 Description of experimental location                                                                  39  

3.2.2 Preparation of stock solutions                                                                             39

3.2.3 Test methods and test concentrations                                                                  40 Static renewal (semi-static) test                                                                         40

3.3 Sampling and specification of test animals                                                              40

3.4 Acclimatization and selection of test organism                                                    41

3.5 Range finding test                                                                                                41

3.6 Test medium                                                                                                         41

3.7 Physicochemical analysis                                                                                      39

3. 7.1 pH (APHA 4500 H+)                                                                                        42

3.7.2   Electrical conductivity                                                                                     42

3.7.3 Salinity                                                                                                               43

3.7.4 Alkalinity                                                                                                           43

3.7.5 Hardness                                                                                                                        44

3.7.6 Total dissolve solid (TDS)                                                                                 44

3.7.7 Temperature                                                                                                       45

3.7.8 Dissolved oxygen                                                                                              45

3.8 Acute toxicity test                                                                                                45

3.8 .1 Steps in carrying out acute toxicity test include:                                              45

3.9 Methodology for determination of acute toxicity                                                            47

3.10 Histological study                                                                                               48

3.10.1 Process of staining paraffin section with H and E                                          50

3.11 Data analysis                                                                                                       51


CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                      52

4.1 Average weight of test organism                                                                          52

4.2 Average Length of Test Organisms                                                                      52

4.3 Physicochemical characteristics of fresh water                                                     52

4.4 The control test organism Tilapia guineensis result                                              53

4.5 Result of range finding test for SDS                                                                    54

4.6 Result of range finding test for GC                                                                      56

4.7 Acute toxicity of SDS                                                                                          58

4.8 Acute toxicity of gold crew                                                                                  61

4.9 Percentage mortality                                                                                             64

4.10 Probit mortality                                                                                                   65       

4.11 Lethal concentration                                                                                           66

4.12: Histological analysis of tissues and organs                                                        69

4.12.1 Gill histology for SDS samples                                                                        70

4.11.2 Gill histology for GC samples after 24 h                                                         71

4.11.3 Gill histology for GC samples after 72 h                                                         72

4.11.4 Gill histology for GC samples after 96 h                                                         73

4.11.5 Gill histology for GC samples after 21 day                                                     74

4.11.6 Muscle histology for SDS samples                                                                  75

 4.11.7 Muscle histology for GC samples after 24 h                                                  76

4.11.8 Muscle histology for GC samples after 48 h                                                   77

4.11.9 Muscle histology for GC samples after 96 h                                                   78

4.11.10 Muscle histology for GC samples after 21 days                                            79

4.11.11 Intestinal histology for GC samples                                                              80

4.11.12 Intestinal histology for GC samples                                                              81



5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                            82

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                82

       REFERENCES                                                                                                   83

       APPENDICES                                                                                                    91








 4.1: Some physicochemical characteristics of fresh water                                         51

4.2: Control with fresh water only using fresh water organism Tilapia guineenis     52

 4.3: Range finding test of SDS in fresh water using Tilapia guineensis                   53

4.4: Range finding test of gold crew in fresh water using Tilapia guineensis            55

4.5: Acute Toxicity of SDS                                                                                        57       

4.6: Acute Toxicity of Gold Crew                                                                              60

 4.7: Percentage mortality of SDS on Tilapia guineenis.                                            62

 4.8: Percentage mortality of Gold crew on Tilapia guineensis.                                 63

4.9: Probit mortality of SDS on Tilapia guineensis.                                                   63

4.10: Probit mortality of Gold Crew on Tilapia guineenis.                                        64

 4.11: Lethal concentrations (LC50) of toxicants on Tilapia guineensis                    65

 4.12: Probit survival Table for Gold Crew                                                                65










 1:  Gill: Control (a), 40mg/L SDS (b), 80mg/L (c) SDS                                            68

 2:   Gill: Control (a), 0.04ml/L (b), 0.05ml/L (c) GC after 24 h                                 69

 3:   Gill: Control (a), 0.04 ml/L (b) GC after 72 h                                                     70

 4:  Gill:  Control (a), 0.02 ml/L (b) GC after 96 h                                                     71

 5:  Gill: Control (a), 0.02 ml/L (b) GC after 21days                                                  72

 6: Muscle: Control (a), 40 mg/L (b) SDS, 80 mg/L (c) SDS                         73

 7: Muscle: Control (a), 0.05 ml/L (b) GC after 24 h                                                  74

8: Muscle:  Control (a), 0.04 ml/L (b) GC after 48 h                                                  75

 9: Muscle: Control (a), 0.02 ml/L (b) GC after 96 h                                                  76

 10: Muscle:  Control, 0.02 ml/L GC after 21days                                                     77

11: Intestine:  Control, 0.04 ml/L GC after 72 h                                                        78

12: Intestine:  Control, 0.02 ml/L GC after 21days                                                    79









 2.1: Hydrophobic tail and Hydrophilic head of SDS                                                            8

 2.2:  Structures of the different types of dispersants                                                15

 4.1: Percentage Mortality against Time for SDS                                                       58

 4.2:  Percentage Mortality against Concentration for SDS                                       58

 4.3:  Percentage Mortality against Time for Gold Crew                                            61

 4.4:  Percentage Mortality against Concentration for Gold Crew                             61

 4.5:  Probit Mortality graph for LC50 Calculation for SDS                                       66

4.6:  Probit graph for LC50 Calculation for Gold Crew                                              66









Cleanup of oil spill is important for the survival of both terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Oil spill environment can be cleaned up using dispersants. Dispersants are mostly regarded harmless on the basis of their biodegradability and their speculated low concentration. But studies on dispersants’ concentration worldwide reveal the fact that these chemicals are found in concentrations higher than their supposedly “no- effect concentrations” (Fingas, 2000; Gonzalez et al., 2012). Therefore, regarding dispersants as non-pollutants is a mistake. Records of visible surfactant toxicity are available and its effects on microbes, plants and animals has been documented (Ostroumov, 2006).

Gold crew (GC), Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and other dispersants have been found to be toxic to plants, animals and microbes. Dispersants from different sources affect the ecosystem and its inhabitants, the toxicity increasing down the trophic level. The potential chemical tool for effective management of crude oil spill in marine environment is dispersants. However, several factors are considered in deciding whether to use chemical dispersants or not. One of such factor is temperature which checks the physical effectiveness of the dispersant under expected conditions of use. The second factor is the toxicity of the dispersed oil and dispersant to local marine species. A third factor is the effect of chemical dispersants on the fate of spilled petroleum hydrocarbon products. Indiscriminate disposal of untreated chemicals including dispersants to the receiving environment (aquatic system) is a source of contamination and pollution to the receiving waters. Pollution causes unfavourable changes in the earth’s physical, biological and chemical features in such a manner which affects normal environmental processes (Luke and Odokuma, 2017).

Dispersants have been used increasingly for household, personal care and industrial applications.  A number of land-based waste products, notably dispersants, find their way into rivers and seas. Since the deep water Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010, British Petroleum (BP), operators of the platforms, has applied about two million gallons of dispersants, both on the surface and beneath the Gulf waters. Government agencies have accepted that this amount and the manner in which dispersants have been applied in the Gulf are unacceptable. It is also unacceptable on the application of dispersant at the source of the discharge, 1,524 m under the surface of the water.

Through enhancing the amount of oil that physically mixes into the water column, dispersants reduce the amount of oil that reaches shoreline habitats. Even although it is required  for in the oil pollution Act of 1990 (of Mexico) as a tool for minimizing the impact of oil spills, chemical dispersants are controversial (NRC, 2005) because of the toxicity of dispersed mixtures and their potential negative impacts on ocean life. Another point of controversy is that once oil is dispersed in deep water, it cannot be recovered. Oil, when combined with dispersants in the water column is more toxic to marine species than either oil or dispersant alone.

The possible toxicity of surfactants and oil dispersants has given rise to a number of researches aiming to find new, less toxic compounds. However, despite the research and the obvious usefulness of these chemicals, the notion that it exerts a harmless effect on marine life still exists. The toxicity of some dispersants can be assessed in the framework of studies aimed to assess the suitability of dispersants and sorbents to be employed for the decontamination of the aquatic environment after oil pollution (Gonzalez et al., 2012).


It has been discovered that the use of concentrated dispersants in containment of oil spill in the aquatic environment has been a source of environmental concern due to the toxic nature of these dispersants to aquatic lives. This problem can be addressed; hence this research is targeted at finding the solution by obtaining the least concentration of the dispersant that gives no effect on aquatic lives and the minimum concentration that gives 100 % death after an exposure period and thereby determining a synergy between the dispersant toxicity to aquatic lives and the cleanup concentration.   



The aim of this study is to determine effects of various concentrations of  two dispersants

(Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and Gold crew (GC)) on fresh water Tilapia guineensis.

The objectives of this study include:

1.         To determine the physicochemical parameters of habitat water.

2.         To carry out toxicity tests of the dispersants, SDS and GC on Tilapia guineensis.  

3.          To carry out a histological study on Tilapia guineensis.

4.         To determine the LC50 concentration of each dispersant and probit analysis on the   toxicity tests.


The environmental concern on the use of dispersants is the justification for this research. It has been discovered that in the bid to get rid of spilled oil on the surface and subsurface of aquatic environments, aquatic lives have been destroyed due to high concentration of dispersants used. This challenge which is contrary to the achievement of a sustainable environment and sustainable development goals prompted this research. Till date, there is no conclusive evidence that dispersants are not toxic to aquatic lives, hence the need for this research. Nigeria has a massive oil spill problem especially in the Niger Delta Region where vast areas of land and water are polluted. However, the use of dispersants for the cleanup of polluted water may be problematic due to the possible toxicity of these dispersants on aquatic organisms.


This research studies the toxicity of dispersants (Gold crew and SDS) on Tilapia guineensis in aquatic environment. The effectiveness of dispersants was quantified in controlled field. The limitations of the research include that it is restricted to only aquatic environment.



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