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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005925

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The primary aim of this research is to identify and analyse the motivational factors that enhance employee motivation within a business organization. The study focuses specifically on PZ Nigeria Plc, Lagos, to underline the significance of staff motivation and to propose recommendations that can improve motivation strategies in business organizations. The research seeks to explore how different motivational strategies impact employee performance and overall organizational productivity.


The research encompasses the entire staff of PZ Nigeria Plc, Lagos office, with a total population of forty-two (42) employees. This diverse group includes senior, intermediate, and junior staff, providing a comprehensive overview of motivational impacts across different levels of the organization. A simple random sampling technique was employed to ensure each member of the population had an equal opportunity to be selected. A sample of twenty (20) staff members was chosen, representing senior, intermediate, and junior staff levels. This method ensures a balanced and unbiased representation of the entire staff population, facilitating a more accurate analysis of the data collected.


The study utilized a combination of research questionnaires and interviews to gather reliable and detailed information. These instruments were designed to capture the perspectives and experiences of the employees regarding motivational factors and their effects on performance. The use of both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods enriched the analysis and findings of the study. Data collected from the questionnaires and interviews were meticulously edited, coded, and then transformed into statistical data for comprehensive analysis. The data were summarized into statistical tables and analyzed using percentages, averages, and descriptive methods. This approach facilitated a clear and concise presentation of the research findings, making them easily interpretable and actionable.


The analysis revealed that motivation significantly enhances productivity within PZ Nigeria Plc. Also, motivation boosts staff morale and is critical in improving job performance across various roles. Findings also showed that junior and intermediate staff are involved in decision-making processes to some extent, which enhances their engagement and motivation.


The study concludes that employee motivation is a pivotal factor in achieving higher productivity within business organizations. The findings indicate that a positive and supportive work environment, combined with various motivational incentives, significantly boosts employee morale and job performance. It is imperative for organizations to prioritize motivation strategies to enhance staff productivity and satisfaction.


Based on the study's findings, it was recommended among other recommendations that PZ should implement and sustain effective motivational strategies to foster higher productivity. Also, managers should utilize a range of motivational tools and regularly conduct seminars to enhance employee motivation.



Title Page                                                                                                  i

Certification                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                 iii

Acknowledgment                                                                                       iv

Table of Contents                                                                                       v



1.0      Introduction                                                                                     1       

1.1      Background of PZ. Nig. Plc                                                             1

1.2      Statement of Problems                                                                    3

1.3      Purpose of the Study                                                                       3

1.4      Objective of the Studies                                                                    4

1.5      Significance of the Studies                                                               4

1.6      Scope of the Study                                                                           5

1.7      Research Hypothesis                                                                       5

1.8      Research Methodology                                                                    6

1.9      Research Limitation                                                                         6

1.10    Definition of Relevant Terms                                                           7

1.11    Organization of Studies                                                                    7




2.0      Introduction                                                                                     9

2.1      Theories of Motivation                                                                     9

2.2      Nature of Motivation in Business Organization                                 15

2.3      Meaning and Scope of Motivation                                                     15

2.4      How to Motivate Employees in Business Organization                      16      

2.5      Other Motivational concepts                                                            20

2.6      Business Organization and staff motivation                                       21

2.7          Relevance of Staff Motivation in Pz Lagos                                        22


CHAPTER THREE                                                                  

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY                           

3.0      Introduction                                                                                     23

3.1      Methods of Data Collection                                                              23

3.1.1   Primary Sources of Data Collection                                                  23

3.1.2   Secondary Sources of Data Collection                                              24

3.2      Research Population                                                                         24

3.3      Sampled Population                                                                          24

3.4      Sampling Techniques and Size                                                         24

3.5      Research Instrument                                                                         25

3.6      Questionnaire Design                                                                       25

3.7      Questionnaire Administration, Distribution and Collection                      26      

3.8      Method of Data Presentation and Analysis                                       26


CHAPTER FOUR                                                          


4.0      Introduction                                                                                     27      

4.1      Data Presentation                                                                             27

4.2      Data Analysis and Interpretation                                                       28

4.3      Test of Hypothesis                                                                           38

4.4      Research Findings                                                                           39




5.1      Summary                                                                                        40                

5.2      Conclusion                                                                                      40

5.3      Recommendations                                                                           41

References                                                                                                 43

Appendix: Questionnaire                                                                            46













1.0      Introduction

Motivation is a common term used in human resources management, and it defined as the internal drive which moves a person towards a goal at meeting personal needs since motivation plays a major role in business organization to achieve the desired result through effective man power utilization. Many researchers in motivation summarizes that except man is motivated to an optimum level, the business organization will not meet the expected degree of productivity into an organization, money and material are also contributing factors. One of the greatest problem faced by most business organization is the total neglect of human motivation, this have often resulted into industrial disharmony. Another problem faced by business organization is the issue of motivation is inadequate welfare package, housing, transportation, opportunity for training and retraining, health care benefits, pension and gratuity, just to mention a few out of the so many motivational problems faced by a business organization. The above motivational problems are my observation in a business organization especially in the area of my case study (PZ. Nig. Plc) and it was based on the above that I choose the topic “The relevance of staff motivation and performance in a business organization (case study: PZ Nigeria Plc, Regional Office)


1.1      Background of PZ. Nig. Plc

This company had its beginning in sierra lone when Mr. G.B Zochonis and Mr. G.H Paterson met in Freetown and formed a trading company by the name of Paterson Zochonis and company limited, which was incorporated as a private company under English law in February 1884 with a registered office in Liverpool, England in 1886. The office was transferred from Liverpool to Manchester which has remained the headquarters of the group ever since.

The main business of the company was that of general merchant and was active for many years in the export of West Africa such as cotton, cassava and hides and skins. The company had a number of trading posts throughout West Africa which it served by operating four small coastal sailing schooners. The first branch in Nigeria was opened at Lagos in 1899. In 1903 a branch was established at Calabar and by 1912, the Nigerian branch in Nigeria was opened at Lagos in 1899. In 1903, a branch was established at Calabar and by 1912, the Nigeria branch included Ibadan, Oshogbo, Ilorin and Kano. At present, the company operates branches in all states of the federation including the Federal Capital of Nigeria Ilorin. Since the end of the last century, the company business has expanded throughout Nigeria and has been significantly diversified. The company’s operations are at present organized into three departments. Technical departments, general merchandize and the depot serviced department.

The Nigerian branch was incorporated in Nigeria in August (1969) as Paterson Zochonis Nigeria Plc and as a wholly owned subsidiary of Psaterson, Zochoris and co. ltd of Manchester England, and in 1973 offered 40% of us share capital to the Nigerian Public.

By a Scheme of arrangement under section 197 companies decree 1968 the company merged with PZ Industries Ltd, (formerly A. T L.) under the Scheme PZ Industries Ltd acquired the whole of the share capital of the company.


1.2      Statement of Problems

Motivational problems cut across all areas of human endeavors. These often affect the moral and productivity of individuals working in public and private enterprises.

Thus one deduced the following are the motivation problems seem in PZ. Nig Plc., Lagos office.

      i.         Inadequate information on Employment Policy.

    ii.         Inability to involve intermediate and junior staff in decision making process.

  iii.         Partial implementation of welfare packages such as housing etc.

   iv.         Inadequate facilities to enhance staff productivity lack of working facilities like machine operators.

     v.         Inadequate privilege given to staff to go for training and be retrained.

   vi.         Non-adherence to the implementation of workers compensation policy.


1.3      Purpose of the Study

The purpose of embarking on the project is to view those motivational factors that enhance staff motivational to employee.

The research will also highlight the relevance of staff motivation in business organization, particularly in PZ Plc., Lagos and make possible recommendation that can enhance staff motivation in business organization.

1.4      Objective of the Studies

The objectives of the study is to examine factors and relevant of staff motivation and performance in Peterson Zochonis (PZ) Nig. Plc Lagos among other things the study will seek

      i.         To ascertain the factors that militates against business management not to enhance staff motivation, example, funding, policy and politics.

    ii.         To explore the relationship between the business management and the entire staff.

  iii.         To identify whether the business management satisfy needs of their staff in regards to motivational packages.

   iv.         To look at the area of funding as its affect staff welfare.

     v.         To recommend bases on the outcome of the study areas that the management will improve its staff morale.


1.5      Significance of the Studies

      i.         It will enhance the under understanding of contents, policy and process of staff motivation in PZ Lagos.

    ii.         It will afford me an insight of the total concept of motivation.

  iii.         To provide opportunity for theory researchers to acquired knowledge and information on staff motivation.

   iv.         It will afford opportunity for the business management to improve in areas of staff motivational deficiency.

     v.         The study will provides bases for further implementation of motivational packages for staff.

   vi.         The study would provide the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma.


1.6      Scope of the Study

The scope of this study will cover PZ Nig. Plc., Lagos. The limitation of this research is based on the fact that there has been no periodic evaluation of staff motivation especially in PZ Nig. Plc., Lagos. This may be due to the fact that the degree of operational activities Coupled with little man power, the assumption is always that there is contentment among staff of the organization. I will therefore limit myself to few of the problem identified in PZ. Nig. Plc, Lagos and the effects on its workers. In the course of this study, the researcher encountered some problems. These were finance, time and scope of the study.


1.7      Rese4rch Hypotheses      

The research hypothesis will be analyzed using the null and alterative hypothesis.

Hypothesis One

Ho:     Motivation is an important factor that increases staff morale and performance in Business Organization.

Hi:      Motivation is not an important factor that increases      staff morale and performance in Business Organization.


Hypothesis Two

Ho:     Welfare package is relevant in enhancing staff motivation in Business Organization.

Hi:      Welfare package is not relevant in enhancing staff motivation in Business Organization.


1.8      Research Methodology

The research methods used in the research project is the sampling method. It is analyze using the random sampling method or technique because all the elements in population are given equal opportunity to be selected. The names of staff of PZ Nig. Plc Lagos under are obtained and written in piece of paper.


1.9      Research Limitat1on

The study is limited to PZ Nig. Plc Lagos state. The limitation of this research is based on te fact that there has been no periodic evaluation of staff motivation especially in PZ Nig. Plc Lagos.

This may be due to the fact the degree of operational activities coupled with few manpower, the assumption is always that there is contentment among staff of the organization. I will therefore limit myself to few of the problem identified in PZ Nig. Plc Lagos and the effects on its workers.

In the course of this study the researcher encountered some problems. These were finances, time and scope of the study.


1.10    Definition of Relevant Terms

Productivity: The rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces goods and the amount produced, compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them.

Leadership: The staff or position of being a leader. The          ability to be a leader or the qualities a good leader should          have.

Welfare: The general health, happiness and safety of a person.

Co-Operate: Connected with a co- operation.

Approval: Judgment of the value, performance or nature of work e.g.

Motivation: Is a general term applied to the entire class of drives, needs, wishes and similar forces.

Organization: A group of people with a special purpose        such as business, the arrangement on planning of part so as to form an effective goal.

Management: The people in charge of a company, industry, the art of practice of managing especially managing a business or money.

Staff Compensation: Is payment made to workers as a result of work hazard.

Policy: is a guide to action, shows direction policy is a means by which you achieve your aim.

PZ: Paterson Zochonis.


1.11    Organization of Studies

This research work comprises of five chapters: Chapter One usually include: Introduction, Statement of the Problems, Purpose of the Studies, Objectives of the Study, Significance of the Study, Scope of the Study, Research Hypothesis, Research Methodology, Definition of Relevant Terms and Organization of the Study. Chapter Two is comprised of the Literature Review which Analysis the Theories on Motivation, Nature of Motivation, Meaning and Scope of Motivation and Relevant of Staff Motivation in Business Organization etc. Chapter Three, is Devoted for Research Methodology where issues like the sources of Data Collection, Population Sample and Sampling Procedure, Sampled Size, Research Instruments. Questionnaire Design, Administration and Collection are also discussed. Chapter Four is Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretations. While Chapter Five is the concluding part of the Research Work where Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations shall be made.


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