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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008444

No of Pages: 100

No of Chapters: 5

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Communication is a very crucial and significant element in an organization and it is necessary for creating collaboration amongst workers and allowing the organization to function effectively. The flow of information and communication within an organization has its own effects on employees‟ performance and decision making and hence a study on internal communications‟ influence on employee performance towards attaining organizational objectives is thus essential. This paper seeks to demonstrate the influence of internal communication on employee job performance in an organization by looking at certain internal communication elements. A survey instrument (questionnaire) was used to assess employees‟ perceptions of the communication climate, quality of information and communication, communication channels and discretionary effort. A qualitative\quantitative approach was used to describe and analyze data collected for the study from 17 respondents out of a sample population of 25 participants. The findings of the research revealed that internal communication has a significant impact on the overall performance and productivity of employees. Additionally, face to face communication or oral communication was an often utilized communication channel or form. From the study it was also discovered that employee performance in the organization was at certain times stifled due to communication structures that were poor and inadequately utilized and the non-involvement of all employees in the decision making process.

However, the research also revealed a controversy between rhetoric and actual communication practices. Nonetheless some recommendations were offered by the researcher which included improving the quality of communication resources and designing a communication plan and strategy that will take into consideration the essential parameters of whom, how, when and what information is to be communicated so as to create a conducive and reliable communication environment that will get the best out of employees.








Table of

Listof Tables.............................................................................................ix

Listof Figures.............................................................................xi



1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1

1.1 Background Information........................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem.....................................................................2

1.3 Research Question...................................................................................................3

1.4 Research Hypothesis…............................................................................................3

1.5 Objectives of the Study…........................................................................................3

1.6 Scope of the Study……………....................................................................................3

1.7 Definition of Terms......………………….......................................................................4

1.7.1 Motivation.……................................................................................................................4

1.7.2 Financial Motivation.............................................................................................4

1.7.3 Organizational Goals……………………………………………………………………..............4

1.7.4 Performance…................................................................................................................4

1.7.5 Efficiency.........................................................................................................................4




2.1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….........

2.2Conceptual Framework…................................................................................................................5

2.2.1 Motivation….....................................................................................................................5

2.2.2Motivational Theories..........................................................................................................................6

2.2.3 History and Explanation of Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs..…………………..….9 Factors Explanation……………………………….....................................................10 Criticisms of Maslow‟s need theory…………………………................................12

2.3 Empirical studies of Employee motivation using Maslow’s model..................13



3.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................16

3.2 Background of the Study Area………………………...........……..…………..................16

3.3Methods of Data collection...……………………………….…………..............................16

3.3.1 Sources of Data Collection……………………………..………………......…..................17

3.3.2 Instrument for Data Collection………………………………..…………......................17 Questionnaires............................................................................................................17 Administration of the Instrument................................................................18 Validation of Data and Instrument...............................................................19 Pre-Testing of Research Instrument...........................................................19 Reliability of Research Instrument...............................................................20

3.4 Method of Data Analysis……………………………………………....................................20

3.5 Limitations...................................................................……………………….................21



4.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................43

4.2 Presentation of Data from Questionnaire administered to Respondents....43

4.2.1 Identification of Respondents................................................... ......................44

4.2.2 Analysis of Findings..……………………………………….............................................49

4.3 Presentation of Data from Discussion with Management..............................65





5.2Summary of Research………………………………………………..............................71

5.3 Research Conclusions……………………………………………..................................72

5.4 Recommendations………………………..……………….............................................73

5.5Recommendations for Future Research..........................................................76



List of TABLES

Table 1: Situation of Respondents..........................................................................14

Table 2: Response Rate of Questionnaire Administered.....................................43

Table 3: Respondents Participation According to Gender.................................44

Table 4: Educational Qualification of Respondents..........................................45

Table 5:Employees‟ Years of Service in the Organization.....................................47

Table 6: Age Distribution of Respondents...........................................................48

Table 7: Reasons why employee effectively carry out assigned task................50

Table 8: Employees participation in decision making process in the Organization..51

Table 9: Employees perception about management towards their job..............52

Table 10: Effect of poor motivation policies on Employee performance.......53

Table 11: Employees reasons for putting in extra efforts to perform tasks.......54

Table 12: The appropriate measure for employee motivation…. ......................55

Table 13: Employees performance level.........................................................56

Table 14: Employees perception about the physical outlook of the organization..58

Table 15: Work motivation and employee satisfaction..................................59

Table 16: Reasons for low performance............................................................60


Figure 1: Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs…………………......................................16


BAMCULL: Bambui Cooperative Credit Union Limited.

MFI: Microfinance Institution

SHRM: Shareholder Risk Management.







This research stems from the researchers‟ desire to understand the impact of communication on organizational performance. More specifically, certain aspects or constituents of communication such as communication climate, quality of information and communication etc are explored in order to fully comprehend the potential impact of communication on organizational performance. This will be realized by looking at previous literature on communication and analyzing data obtained from a local non-governmental organization that serves as the case organization in this study.

1.1. Background to the Study

In today’s corporate world, one of the key factors to attaining high levels of organizational effectiveness is sound and effective communication. A major constituent of communication in any organization is internal communication and this is implicitly elucidated by Bartlett and Ghoshal in a statement in which they refer to internal communication as being the lifeblood of an organization.

This is in effect to ascertain that it is very important for every organization to have an effective internal communication because it can act as a source of exchanging Knowledge and ideas given that information is the basis of communication.

In this regard, just as the flow of money creates wealth, the rapid and steady flow of information enriches and empowers the development of an organization.

The importance of communication within an organization goes far beyond the training of employees with effective communication skills to also addressing the communication needs and challenges being experience by organizations. As outlined by Zaremba (2003), “Communication is a central and not a peripheral component of organizational effectiveness. It is not a frill. It is vital;

Communication is a pervasive activity in organizations. It is not something that only some people in organizations must do or something that occurs infrequently; communication is multifaceted and obviously simple matter”. Operationally, the term communication is defined as the technology and systems used for sending and receiving messages and may include channels such as newsletters, circulation materials, surveys, face-to- face interactions, email, hotlines, suggestion boxes, Intranet, Internet, telephone calls, videoconferences, memos, letters, notice boards, formal presentations, reports, open forums, blogs, and wikis(Yates,2006).On the other hand organisational communication has always been viewed as the exchange of information both formal and informal between management and employees within an organization. Most organizations today have realized that organisational communication invariably determines and affects the level of employee’s performance on the job, thereby enabling organization to achieve its goals collectively.

Significantly when people work in any given organization or enterprise, they are bound to develop certain formal and informal relationships with each other. It is true that people are of different personalities and natures; they have different viewpoints and perceptions of things and it will be entirely difficult for them to comprehend each other if they fail to communicate.

Consequently if employees in an organization are not told or informed about the organization’s strategies and their responsibilities, they cannot perform effectively. Effective communication increases the efficiency, performance and overall productivity of an organization and its employees.

It is no secret that contemporary research has illustrated that effectual and well-organized communication positively relates to the job satisfaction, performance and positive attitudes of employees.

The concept of communication is immeasurable in modern management, and it seeks to give a clear understanding between management and the employees. It is in fact the exchange and clear provision of information, commands and directions between management and employees with the purpose of rendering the organization effective and enabling employee performance by ensuring that the latter are well aware about their responsibilities and duties.

When there is no communication, employees are not clear about their everyday jobs, management cannot get reliable and needed information and group leaders and executives cannot lead and direct their employees. Through communication we can better understand each other’s feelings, opinion, beliefs and principles. Communication makes it possible for the organizations to perform their daily management functions e.g. organizing, planning, controlling and leading. Coordination is an essential element to carry out the organizations‟ activities and lack of an effective communication, will invariably lead to low productivity and low performance in the organization.

Employees need to understand what they are doing and how they are supposed to do what they do; but if information is poorly communicated to them or if they lack the capacity to communicate themselves, they would definitely not properly and completely perform the tasks for which they have been assigned to. In certain situations there seem to be little understanding between management and the employees. So when ever problem occurs, there is general acknowledgement that such issue is a communication problem. Organisational communication thus plays a vital role in enabling organizations design responsibilities, regulations, terms of reference/job specifications and presenting them to the members of the organization.

More importantly, today’s employee has different kind of values, needs and expectations. According to Argenti (2007) today’s employees are well educated and have higher expectations of what they would get out of their careers and want to understand more the companies they work for5. Merely communicating with employees and transmitting information and messages to them does not necessarily mean they will perform their jobs and roles well. Rather, implementing a sound internal communication policy will inherently be instrumental to improving the accuracy and speed with which employees perform their tasks, coupled with improvements in structures that will facilitate the ease of access and flow of communication, thereby having as end result highly focused employees disposed to carry out their jobs well.

In this regard therefore, internal communication is very essential for employees to be able to carry out their tasks diligently while contributing to the overall success and achievement of the organization. Current organizational work structure requires organizations to focus more on the organisational communication processes in order to be effective and to increase employee performance which in turn will create a positive impact on the overall organisational performance. Communication has proved to be the basic and most important activity of an organization. It is becoming more complex in today’s organizations due to more complex work activities, multicultural environment, and high speed transmission medium.

With the above prevailing complexities of organisational communication within an organization, a lot of research has been conducted on the importance of today’s organizational communication but very limited studies have been made on the significant impact of internal communication factors on individual job performance. Inherently, the raison d’être of this study lies in the researchers‟ interest to find out how internal communication factors influence levels of employee performance in the execution of assigned tasks.


1.2. Statement of the Research Problem

Most organizations having poor communication mechanism and long internal communication chains caused by the highly structured nature of such organizations have witnessed employees become less productive in the jobs thereby affecting their overall performance in the organization. Coupled to this is the fact that every organization has its own culture and patterns on the basis of which they conduct their functions and activities. Past research has focused on and provided information on the relationship existing between communication on one hand and general organizational effectiveness and employee job performance on the other. Most past research has shown how communication influences an individual job performance, and has made little reference or completely neglected its impact on overall organisational performance.

Based on this backdrop, the main problem of this study lies in finding out the impact and extent to which internal communication affects organisational performance. The reason for developing this problem lies on the fact that a lot of research has been conducted on the importance of today’s organizational communication, but studies or research on its significant impact on Organisational performance are very few in numbers. Many researchers have conducted research on organizational communication, but quite a handful of their studies neglected to discuss impact of communication on organisational performance.

From a managerial perspective, it is important to discuss the relationship between management and employees with reference to communication given that there are many factors which relates to communication and enhance employee performance in the organization, example, Co operation, job satisfaction and employee motivation. Keeping this in mind, the study of communication, employees education on effective communication and managerial behaviour will thus require an in-depth analysis of all those circumstances in which the functions of the organization takes place.

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The main purpose or objective of this research is to describe and explain how communication within an organization impacts on or affects organisational performance. More specifically this study is aimed at:

·  Determining the existence of a significant relationship between organisational communication and organisational performance.

·  Finding out whether internal communication elements such as the quality of information, communication climate and communication channels have a positive effect on employee productive effort.

·  Identifying the challenges of organisational communication facing employees in organizations.

·  Presenting suggestions and recommendations which will serve as a practical guide to management practitioners and professionals in the field of public relations on the necessity of understanding the importance of organisational communication and its effect in an organization.

·   Identifying the organisational communication mechanism and its effectiveness.

1.4. Significance of the Study

This study is important because from the researchers‟ findings, the obstacles and problems of communication in an organization which may bring about low levels of employee Performance and productivity will be exposed.

Secondly, the recommendations that will be provided by the study will likely go a long way to benefit public relations practitioners who will know what and how to get the best out of the workers or employees of an organization thus improving upon their efficiency.

Besides, this study will be relevant to top management workers in an organization who are involved in the decision making process as it will enable them to decipher and determine what communication strategy or policy may bring about increased employee performance and hence generate overall organizational performance

In the academic domain, this study will also serve as a reliable source and reference point for other researchers and scholars interested in organizational internal communication and its implications within an organizational setting.

Sound internal communication supports learning, teamwork, discretionary effort, clear definition of responsibility, employee’s communication education and quality decision making as it enables the communication trend to tend to move towards the employees. This study will be very vital as well to human resource managers who will be able to understand what workers want and be able to use internal communication as a strategic tool for ensuring employee engagement and commitment to the organizations‟ goals.

In addition, this study, to some extent, will be useful to contemporary organizations and their top management executives to establish communication strategies and networks that take into Consideration the diverse perspectives of the organizations in general.


1.5. Research Questions

In order to provide a possible answer to our main problem and give a clear structure for the dissertation, the following research questions have been formulated to guide the study;

·    What is the relationship or link that exists between internal communication and employee Performance in De Angelo Hotel and Resort?

·    Do organizational communication elements have an effect on employee productive towards organizational performance and its impacts in De Angelo Hotel?

·    What are the challenges of internal communication facing employees in De Angelo Hotel?

·    How can organizations improve on their communication processes and resources in order to enhance employee performance in De Angelo Hotel?

·       How can the management of De Angelo Hotel and Resorts motivate and improve employees so as to enhance effective communication?


1.6. Hypotheses of the Study

Based on the research problem outlined and the related research questions posed, the following research hypotheses have been formulated to guide the study:

·    There is no significant link or relationship between internal communication and employee Performance in De Angelo Hotel and Resort.

·    Elements of internal communication have a positive effect on employee productive efforts in De Angelo Hotel and Resort.

·   Employee communication difficulties are as a result of poor communication structures in De Angelo Hotel and Resort.

·   The implementation of an efficient communication plan will largely enhance and improve organisational performance in De Angelo Hotel and Resort.

The management of De Angelo Hotel and Resort have poor motivational package for their employees.


1.7. Scope of the Study

This study covers De Angelo Hotel and Resort, a local Hospitality organization based in Enugu North local government, Enugu State, Nigeria. The estimated sample size used for this study is 26 respondents drawn from all departments of the organization that includes Managing Director, General Manager, Marketing Manager, Maintenance Manager, The Accountant and other Heads of Departments, who constitute the supervision and decision making body of the organization. More so, employees who execute daily tasks.

Implicitly, given that the factors that affect organizational performance may vary, the interest of this study as regards organizational communication will be to determine those elements of communication which may contribute to an employee’s performance and productivity which in turn enhances organizational performance. Imperatively thus, this study will attempt to tackle the impact of communication on organizational performance with issues such as communication climate, employee discretionary effort, communication channels and mediums as well as feedback mechanism. The research will also probe into the quality of communication and information disseminated to employees by management to ascertain whether poorly disseminated and how unclear information affects organizational performance.


1.7.1. Limitations of the Study

The fact that this study focuses on a single non-governmental organization may be seen as a limitation because though the researchers‟ focus is a local non-governmental organization, the results may not be directly applicable to other types of organizations due to differences in structural arrangement though it is my firm belief that the issues raised in this study may be equally relevant to complex organizations.

Again, this study examines only internal communication within an organizational context. Internal communication here includes all forms of communication that take place inside an organization. Such may be formal or informal, planned or unplanned. All forms of external communication that is communications with non members of the organization are excluded from the scope of this study though external communication may also influence internal communication hence affecting an employee’s‟ performance on the job.

Besides, given the way certain concepts in this study may be utilized or operationalized, certain limitations here too must also be kept in mind. Internal communication is argued to be a multifaceted concept occurring at different levels in an organization and in various forms. It would have been a great deal to study this concept in its entirety but adopting such an approach is beyond the scope of this study plus it will require considerable time, effort and resources which are not be at the disposal of the researcher.


1.8. Definition of Terms

The researcher has provided definitions for some major concepts that are used concurrently in this study in order to give readers a broader understanding of the research focus and the significance of the impact of communication on organizational performance in De Angelo Hotel and Resort.


1.8.1. Communication

The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines communication as the act of communicating with people and the various methods of sending information between people and places, especially official systems such as postal systems, radio, telephone, fax, etc. There is

communication when an individual or organization takes the initiative to address another with the intention of sending a message or exchanging information either orally, written, visual, audiovisual; through various means with the aim of informing, explaining and convincing in order to get a reaction, action or feedback10. Another definition of communication is provided by (Bratton and Gold, 1994) who define it as the process by which information is transmitted between a sender and a receiver, adding that communication is an event, a process11. However for the purpose of this study communication will simply comprise the process of exchanging information between two or more persons.


1.8.2. Internal Communication

The term internal communication has been used interchangeably in the communication literature which the alternatives include employee communication, internal public relations, staff communication and the overall organizational communication. However, Bove´e and Thill (2000) define internal communication as the exchange of information and ideas within an organization. But to suit the purposes of this research, the researcher will dwell on the definition provided by the following authors. Argenti (2003), on the other hand states that internal communication is, in essence, about creating an atmosphere of respect for all employees within the organization. To him, communication from management should come directly from one manager to the next, and from supervisor to employee, but as organizations grow larger and become more complex, this often becomes more difficult – hence the need for the internal communication function.

1.8.3. Organizational performance

This involves analyzing a company’s performance against its objectives and goals. Organizational performance comprises the actual output or results of an organisation as measured against its intended outputs. According to Richard et al, organizational performance encompasses three specific areas of firm outcomes; financial performance, product market performance and shareholder return.

In view of this study, effective organisational communication enhances the overall organizational performance. Employee’s performance on the job is enhanced when there is an effective and workable organizational communication structure which ideally promotes the organizational performance. Organization cannot perform effectively and efficiently if the organization’s communication structures are not well organized, maintained and well communicated to the employees. If also the organization’s communication structure fails to meet its desired and expected standard, the organizational performance will be very poor and ineffective thereby making it difficult for the organization to actualize its corporate objective.

1.8.4. Organization

A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations are open systems--they affect and are affected by their environment.

1.8.5. Efficiency

The term originated from the Latin word “efficientia” meaning “the power to accomplish something”. Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time, effort or cost is well used for the intended task or purpose. It is often used with the specific purpose of relaying the capability of a specific application of effort to produce a specific outcome effectively with a minimum amount or quantity of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. According to the Free Online Encyclopedia Wikipedia, efficiency can also mean to be the state or quality of being competent in performance and the ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time, energy and resources.

1.8.6. Effectiveness

This is the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are resolved. It is also the capability of producing a desired result. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.

1.9. Structure of the Study

This study is divided into five main chapters:

Chapter one includes the background information of the study, provides a brief overview of the research questions, the reasons for undertaking the research, the objectives of the research, and the context of the study.

Chapter 2 presents an overview of previous research on organizational communication with a focus on internal communication and employee performance.

An account of the methodology used, the research approach and description of the empirical study is provided in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4 reports on the data obtained from the questionnaire administered; discussions, document analysis and observations. It also presents major findings of the study.

Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the research findings and discusses them in relation to theory and practice while stating the overall contribution and implications of this study for the future.

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