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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005827

No of Pages: 91

No of Chapters: 5

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This research work aims at critically evaluating the process of production and the extent to which the unskilled capacity of Nigeria breweries is utilized.

In collecting data for the research two source of data collection were used. They are primary and secondary data sources. The primary data were got through personal outer view and observations while secondary data were collected from Nigerian breweries plc Enugu and other relevant materials and information centers from the analysis of the data collected. The following findings were made:

1.    There is problem with the acquisition of spare parts because of the prohibitive price of foreign exchange.

2.    Poor maintenance of frequent machines breakdown. Statistics are not kept on the performance of the machine.

3.    Inadequate of raw materials which is one of the factors of the full utilization of the installed capacity.

4.    Power failure breakdown on the production process. Despite the installation of 15-maga watts electric generating plants safeguard against intermittent power supply from national electric power authority (EEDC). The company still suffers from power supply problem.

Based on the above findings the following recommendations were offered after analyzing

1.    The rate of breakdown of machinery will prevent the purchase of out model recommendation of periodic maintenance of machine should be adopted to reduce incidence of breakdown.

2.    There is high cost of certain items. It was recommended that the company should be doing an objective pricing of its goods so that it does not price itself out of the market.

3.    There is not enough training and development of stuffs for the proper handling of the facilities of the production industries it was recommended that enough training and development of staff should be provided the company. It will enable them to shift emphasis on keeping track of manufacturing line cost to facilities of production.










TITLE PAGE                                                                                               i

APPROVAL PAGE                                                                         ii

DEDICATION                                                                                iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                              iv

ABSTRACT                                                                                     v


TABLE OF CONTENT                                                                vi


INTRODUCTION                                                                        1

1.1 BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY                                       2

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM                                     3  1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY                                             3

1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY                                                       4

1.5 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS                                                   5

1.6 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY                                           5

1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY                                             6

       REFERENCE                                                                           9




2.1 DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPT                                       10  2.2 PRODUCTION PLANNING                                              12

2.3 PROCESS PLANNING AND DESIGN                             16

2.4 MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING PROCESS DECISION DESIGN                                                                                     19 

2.5 CAPACITY UTILIZATION                                                   30



      REFERENCE                                                                          40




3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN                                                           41

3.2 AREA OF THE STUDY                                                        41

3.3 POPULATION OF THE STUDY                                        41

3.4 SAMPLE AND SAMPLING PROCEDURE                      42

3.5 INSTRUMENT FOR DATA COLLECTION                      43

3.6 VALIDATION OF THE INSTRUMENT                             44

3.7 METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION                                  44

3.8 METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS                                        45

       REFERENCE                                                                         46



4.1 DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                        47

4.2 TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS                                              59





5.1 DISCUSSIONS OF RESULTS/ FINDINGS                      72

5.2 CONCLUSION                                                                     73


5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS                                                            74


       BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                         77

       APPENDICES                                                                                79






The result of the tendency of people to consume is to increase the capacity of production in the various aspects of human need. There areas the separation of management from ownership in this production function. A further development is the growth, organization complexity and size. Thus large organizations, management is divided into production personnel management and finance as ideas as marketing. Other specifications are made as organization need for them arises.

Production management is essential and basic to all organizations whether it is manufacturing or service. It should be pointed out that the survivals of organization dependent on how its production processes are managed. Barry Shord explains operations management in his book thus “any organization which transforms inputs into output is engaged in production”.

Percentage of capacity utilization measure relates output measures to inputs.

The brewing industry in Nigeria has passed through a stage of total importation of foreign products to stage where some beer manufacturing companies now source their raw materials locally.

BARRY SHORE: Operation management MC Graw Hill- international company 1985.


Nigeria breweries PLC was incorporated first as Nigeria breweries limited on the commencement of operations in a second brewery in Aba in 1957. In accordance with the companies and Allied matters Act of 1990.

The name was again changed in Nigeria Breweries plc. Since the formal incorporated in 1946. 50 momentous years that saw the company grow from its modest beginnings into the giant company that it is today. The company now does five (5) breweries from which our highly refreshing quality brands are distributed to all the nooks and crannies of this great country.

The company of my case study, Nigeria breweries plc has kept place with the key international developments, thus ensuring that our systems, processes and operational procedures are always in the vision and professionalism demonstrates in the way the business has been managed in the past 50 years.

The company now has a portfolio of five high quality brands, stars, Guilder, maltina and Amstel drinks and legend extra stout. Together they have facilitated leadership’s position in the total brewed products markets in Nigeria. The outstanding quality and consumer franchise complements other companies and capabilities to set Nigeria breweries apart as the house of quality the house that star built. Alongside, there a development has been a corresponding growth in the property of company’s shareholders whose funds have appreciated into values for excess of their original investment. They have also had the good fortune of reaping excellent dividends on these blue chips shares year on year.


Productivity of this country Nigeria as a matter of fact is low and as such it is described as a developing economy, in countries have developed economies. In view of this, there search is set to examine the following problems;

1.    What is the extent of the utilization of the installed capacity in Nigeria Breweries plc?

2.    What are the resources of raw materials used in the production process in Nigeria Breweries plc?

3.    What are the steps in the production process of Nigeria Breweries plc?

4.    How are the inventories managed in Nigeria Breweries plc and what are the inventory management policies of the company?


The purposes of the research work are as follows;

1.    To ascertain the extent to which the installed capacity of Nigerian Breweries plc is utilized.

2.    To examine how the raw materials used in the production processes are sourced and sustained.

3.    To determine the process of production of Nigeria breweries plc.

4.    To find out how the company of study copes with the management of its industries.

5.     To make recommendations

1.4           SCOPE OF THE STUDY

The study is based on the Nigeria breweries plc Enugu and our data will be collected there, therefore the survey will specifically broaden on planning and controlling techniques and it is hoped that results arrived will be true of the Nigeria Breweries plc Enugu.

However, controlling system in profit seeking organizations are highly developed because of clear organization goals or objectives dominance by professional and difficult in the measurement of standard. As a resulting budgeted expenditure (standard expenditure) will be used to compare actual performance (actual expenditure) using the programme planning system and budget system.

This study like every other human academic quest is faced with problems of inadequacy of every resource. Taking into account, the academic standard of the researcher, the scarcity of information and unavailability of certain sophisticated control system in companies. This work will discussion only the easier and a standard of a students in the project writer status.




Ho: The Company’s process planning and design does not take by the advice of its technical partners.


The company’s process planning and design take place by the advice of its technical partners.


Ho: The level of product/ services quality is not high alternatives.

Ho: Capacity utilization is not slightly above average.


Hi: Capacity utilization is slightly above average


The significance of this study is to analyse and evaluate the processes of production and capacity utilization in Nigeria breweries plc as it seek to achieve a high degree of efficiency production. In a world of dwindling ventures questions revolving of efficiency of production and factors effecting its growth tends to attract the increasing interest of economists, industrialists and statisticians and researchers.

Prior to the attempt to analyse ways and methods by which efficiency or effectiveness of production are determine by and problems of its evaluations as mathematically conceived. It is needful to initially give at least a brief but well-conceived concept applicable to the topic under review.

There are needed many concept of efficiency, the term has practical significance not only in economics but also in sociology, ecology and other branches of science, the contents of its study on a particular are of study.

A research into production and capacity utilization is necessary because men’s existence on earth cannot be measured with production. Effective utilization of resources leads to less wastage of resource and elimination of idle facilities.

The research deems it pertinent and important to carry out an investigation of the processes of production and capacity utilization because of the aforementioned importance of production.


A study of this magnitude and scope could not be carried out without encountering problems that tends to hinder the progress of the study or the volume that would have been covered by the researcher.

These problems range from personnel to environmental constrains. A look at these problems will only tell so much about our level of under development.



 As a result of serious constraints of finance, the researcher would have done a critical comparative study of the firms narrow the study down to Nigerians Breweries plc with its factory here too. The financial constrains in this regard bordered a little far away from the base of the researcher.


Time was another problems encountered by the research so as he had to be doing the balancing act of missing her lectures so many days in search of data of Enugu and other places. Nigerian breweries plc been a public limited company operated between Mondays and Fridays and these are days of normal lectures go on in the campus. This created a great deal of problems for the researcher.

Also, in relation to the time constrains, the researcher sometimes made fulfill moves at getting at the respondents who either complained of being too busy to attend to the researcher or were not on seat.


Some of the respondents were not forthcoming with the information required by the researcher, the interview respondents’ hoarded information that they considered sensitive for the researcher for fear that such could get into the hands of their competitors. They added that if they consider the information non-sensitive they might release such to the researcher.

Attempt by the researcher to convince the respondents that the exercise was purely academic proved abortive. However, he kwas able to continue with the much he was given.

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