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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007586

No of Pages: 97

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The study was conducted to assess the effect of fermentation period on the chemical properties of fluted pumpkin seeds. Fluted pumpkin seeds were processed as unfermented and fermented seeds and then ground into paste. These were divided into five categories, each weighed two hundred and fifty grams (250g), the first category was kept as control (unfermented seeds) while the other four categories were kept as the fermented samples. The fermented samples were collected from the seventh, eighth, ninth and the fourteenth day which was the end of fermentation period. Results show that moisture content, crude protein, fat, crude fibre, ash, carbohydrate, and dry matter content ranged between 39.54-, 42.22%, 21.51-24.63%, 24.19-26.77%, 1.70-1.93%, 2.08-2.32%, 4.95-8.18%, and 57.78-60.46%,  respectively while the energy values ranged between 1397.81Kcal/100g to 1495.24Kcal/100g. The samples of pumpkin seed analyzed were also observed to contain high amount of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and a trace amount of iron, selenium, copper, iodine, manganese and zinc. Beta carotene, vitamin B9 and vitamin C were quantitatively found to be the major vitamin constituent of the samples. Other vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 were found in trace amount in the samples of fluted pumpkin seed analyzed. In addition, all the samples analyzed contained tannin, saponion, flavonoid, oxalate, alkaloid and hydrogencyanide in some relatively small amount and ranged between 0.13-0.38mg/100g, 0.18-0.61mg/100g, 0.09-0.44mg/100g, 0.10-0.67mg/100g, 0.13-0.41mg/100g, and 0.19-0.84mg/100g,  respectively. Result showed that the concentrations of all the antinutrients present in the samples of fluted pumpkin seed reduced significantly (p<0.05) with an increase in the duration of fermentation days. This reduction in concentration in the fermented fluted pumpkin sample might be due to the method of fermentation procedure. Therefore fermentation is observed to reduce the antinutrient present in fluted pumpkin seed.


Title page   i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of content v
Lists of  tables viii
Abstract ix

1.1 Statement of  Problem 3
1.2 Objectives of the Study  5
1.2.1 General objective 5
1.2.2 Specific objectives 5
1.3 Significances of the Study  5

2.1 Nutrition Evaluation, Origin and Functional Properties of Fluted Pumpkin Seed   7
2.1.1 Nutritional Value of Pumpkins   8
2.1.2 Utilization And Health Benefits Of Fluted Pumpkin Seed    9
2.1.3 Health Benefits Derived From Telfairia Occidentalis 10
2.2 Fermentation   11
2.2.1 Nutritional Benefits Of Fermentations 12
2.2.2 Benefit Of Fermentation 13
2.2.3 Health Benefits Of Fermentation 14
2.2.4     Nigerian fermented foods 15 Fermented tubers 15 Fermented cereals 16 Fruits and vegetables 17
2.2.5 Types Of Fermentation Processes 20 Submerged Cultivation 20 Solid Substrate Fermentation 21
2.2.6   Ways to stop fermentation 21
2.3       Legumes 22
2.3.1 Benefits Of Legumes 22
2.4 Fermented Food Legumes. 22
2.4.1 Fermentation Of Pumpkin Seed. 22
2.4.2 Nutrient Composition Of Fermented Pumpkin Seed 23

3.1 Collection of Raw Materials 24
3.1.1 Preparation of Sample before Cooking 24
3.1.2 Fermentation Process 24
3.2 Preparation of fermented fluted pumpkin seed. 25
3.3 Proximate composition analyses of unfermented and fermented fluted 26
pumpkin seeds
3.3.1 Moisture content determination 26
3.3.3 Ash content determination 26
3.3.4 Fat content determination 27
3.3.5 Crude fibre determination 28
3.3.6 Crude protein determination 29
3.3.7 Carbohydrate determination 31
3.4 Mineral determination of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin seeds 32
3.4.1 Calcium and Magnesium determination 32
3.4.2 Potassium and sodium determination 33
3.4.3 Trace metals determination 34
3.4.4 Determination of phosphorous 35
3.5 Beta caratone content determination of unfermented and fermented fluted 36
pumpkin seeds
3.5.1 Beta carotene (Vitamin A) determination      36
3.5.2 Thiamin (vitamin B1) determination 36
3.5.3 Riboflavin (vitamin B2) determination 37
3.5.4 Niacin (vitamin B 3) determination 38
3.5.5 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) determination 39
3.5.6 Folic acid (Vitamin B9) determination 39
3.5.7 Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) determination 40
3.5.8 Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) determination 40
3.6 Phytochemical composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin seeds 41
3.6.1 Determination of Saponin 41
3.6.2 Alkaloid determination 42
3.6.3 Flavonoids 43
3.6.4 Tannin determination 43
3.7 Statistical analysis 44

4.1 Proximate and energy composition of unfermented and fermented fluted 45
pumpkin paste
4.2 Mineral composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin paste    52
4.3 Vitamins composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin paste 60
4.4 Photochemicals composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin paste 64

5.1 Conclusion 70
5.2 Recommendations 70


Table 2.1 Nutritional Value of Pumpkin   8
Table 2.2 Nutrient content and value of Telferia occdentallis seed and leaves 9 Table 4.1 Proximate and energy composition of unfermented and fermented fluted 48
    pumpkin paste
Table 4.2 Mineral composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin paste  54
Table 4.3 Vitamins composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin paste 61
Table 4.4 Phytochemicals composition of unfermented and fermented fluted pumpkin 66

Figure 2.1 Flow chart for the production of ogiri.                 18
Figure 2.2 Flow chart for the traditional preparation of okpehe.     19
Figure 3.1 Flow Chart for fermentation of fluted pumpkin seed  Production       25


The prevailing population pressure in Nigeria as in other developing countries has resulted in an increasing demand for wild underexploited nutritious plant products with aesthetic appeal in the daily diet (Emujigha,2005). The common edible portion of most underutilized plants are the seed, which in some cases are roosted cooked and eaten as snacks directly as snacks food while some are fermented for soup condiment (Shao, 2002).

In Nigeria there are several days of food  processing that enhances the nutrient content of the food like germination, fermentation, sprouting, soaking and other autolytic treatment (Agamator, 2005).
Fermentation is a food processing method that can be used to diversity the foods uses of some underexploited plant food like fluted pumpkin seed. Fermentation is an age long method of processing cereals and legumes with varying duration (2days, 4days, 7days and 14days). It increases the level of some nutrient, digestibility and bioavailability and also decreases level of antinutrient and increase nutrient density, nutritional value which may result to changes in the vitamin content (Pusztai, 1991). Foods fermented include African oil bean (Ugba), Castor seed (Ogiri), Fluted pumpkin seed (Ogiri Ugu), Soybean (Okpiye), Sorghum (Ogi) and others.

Fluted pumpkin (Telferia occdentallis) is a leaf and seed vegetable that is well known for high nutritional, medical and economical potential in the coast area of West Africa (Ajayi et al., 2006). It is called different names in Nigeria among the Ibo is known as ʽUguʼ , ʽUgwuʼ among the Hausa and among the Yoruba it is known as ʽEfuruʼ. The plant belongs to the planate kingdom Manoliopsid, order of cucurbitacea, Genus Telifaria and species of T.occidentates.  This plant is a dioeciously perennial that is usually grown as trellised (Agamator, 2005). The young shoot and leaves of the female plan are main ingredients in Nigeria soup. The seed are used for propagation, extraction of oil and as soup condiments in thickening fluid soup.  It is said to contain 93 essential Amino acids, 53 crude fat and 27 crude proteins (Agamator, 2005).  The fruit (Pod) of the Telferia occdentallis is large growing 10kg on full maturity and with 10 distinctive longitudinal ribs on the outside put the pod is inedible while the shoot is poisonous.

The large dark seed which is up to 5cm long, is an important part in human diet and are usually regarded as a good source of energy is also rich in fat, minerals, vitamin A, C  and protein and can be eaten whole, grounded into powder for another kind of soup or made into fermented porridge (Fegbemi et al., 2005). The significance of the seed in Nigeria’s diet is on the increase; firstly the seed has nutritive caloric value which makes them important.  The amount of energy provided with 1kg of fat or oil when fully digested is more than twice the energy provided by carbohydrates and protein (Fegbemi et al., 2005). The seeds are also used as raw material in local industries especially in chemical industry. In Nigeria there are various period of fermentation processes to enhances the nutrient content of fluted pumpkin seed but no one has taken the time to know the best period at which the  fermented seed to get the peak of the Nutrient. This study is designed to know the effect of different fermentation period on the chemical and antioxidant properties of fluted pumpkin seed.                                                                                                                           
One of the major public health problems in some part of the world including Nigeria and the west African sub region is protein energy malnutrition. This stems from the fact that starchy foods such as tubers and cereals are the major diets in these regions (Oluwamukomi et al., 2004; Aberoumand and Deokule, 2009). Due to insufficient supply of food in the world, it becomes necessary to collect food (especially proteins) from all available food sources in order to enhance food and nutritional stability. According to Padulosi et al., 2002, neglected and underutilized crops could be crucial in maintaining the poor rural African communities by raising their available food and protein source. Replacing food of animal source with legumes and other food from plant source of protein has been said to enhance the general well being of human beings (Guillion and Champ. 1996). Insufficient supply of animal protein in most third world countries has continued to arouse research interest in plant protein of suitable attributes. If the world is to have a shot at solving the problem of food shortage and protein malnutrition, novel and conventional sources of nutrients (especially protein) must be found. During the last decades, the consumption of Telferia occdentallis as well as the price of its various substrate in Nigeria which can serve as a good source of protein (27%) can be obtain locally but is underutilised and wasted annually (Fegbemi and oshodi 1991; oshodi and  Fegbemi 1992). 

Furthermore, many unfermented foods contain naturally occurring toxins and anti-nutritional compounds. These can be removed or detoxified by the action of microorganisms during fermentation. Fermentation process plays important roles in food technology in developing countries (Campbell, 2004). Also, many traditional method of food preparation such as fermentation, cooking, and malting increase the nutritive quality of plant food through reducing certain anti nutrients such as phytic acid, polyphenols and oxalic acid (Sarkar, and Nout, 2014). Anti nutrients are natural or synthetic components that interfere with the absorption of nutrient.

There have been previous work done on the chemical and nutritional composition of fluted pumpkin seed floor and concentrates ((Fegbemi and oshodi 1991; Giami and Isichei 1999; Fegbemi, 2007; Fegbemi et al., 2005) but there is limited information on the effect of fermentation period on the chemical and antioxidant properties of fluted pumpkin seed. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the effects of fermentation period on the chemical and antioxidant properties of fluted pumpkin seed.

1.2.1 General objectives of the study
This study was designed to assess the effect of fermentation period on the chemical and antioxidant properties of fluted pumpkin seeds.

1.2.2 Specific objective of the study
The specific objectives of the study are to:
i. fermented cooked pumpkin seed at different periods .

ii. determine the proximate composition of fermented fluted pumpkin seeds

iii. evaluate the mineral composition of fermented  fluted pumpkin seeds.

iv. analyze the vitamin content of fermented fluted pumpkin seeds.

v. determine the  phytochemical composition of fermented  fluted pumpkin seeds.

vi. monitor it using  different timing to know the best fermentation period  for highest nutrient content.

Studies on the effect of fermentation period on the chemical and antioxidant properties of fluted pumpkin seed will give an insight on the nutritive quality which will help researchers. The result of this study will help to lessen Nigeria total dependence on getting protein from only animal origin, as the data will serve as a guide to food industries to use fermented pumpkin seed as a source of protein.

Community health workers, nurses, nutritionist and dietitians can use the information to develop products for individuals. It aids the consumers to know the nutritional value of what they consume, this information can also be incorporated in food composition data in our country. The success of this work will help in eradicating malnutrition, protein energy malnutrition, mortality and morbidity in children through nutrient that are readily available in this new product.

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