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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008827

No of Pages: 66

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This work present information on the storage stability of zobo drink blended with leaf extracts with local names; “Nchanwu” (Ocimum gratissimum), “Uziza” (P. guineense) and “Moringa” (Moringa oleifera). This study aimed at improving microbial quality of zobo drink thereby increasing its shelf life using natural spices. Zobo drink was prepared using hot water extraction method and the juice obtained was blended separately with aqueous extracts of M.oleifera, O.gratissimum and P. guineense leaves. Microbiological and physicochemical properties of the various blends of zobo were investigated at day 0, day 1, day 3, day 5 and day 7 during the one week duration of the study. The results obtained from this study showed that zobo samples contained different concentrations of ascorbic acid which ranged from 8.21 mg/100g to 28.75 mg/100g. The pH range was between 2.3 to 6.1 while the titratable acidity was between 0.25% to 0.89%. The bacterial counts of the different samples during storage showed that there was an increase in bacterial growth from day 0 up to day 5 but decreases at the 7th day of storage. In the control samples (Unblended zobo) values obtained throughout the period of storage ranged from 24.7 x 10to 42.0 x 103 cfu/ml. M25% values ranged from 24.7 x 104 – 21.3 x 103 cfu/ml, M50% values ranged from 24.3 x 103 – 4.3 x 103 cfu/ml. In the O25%, values obtained ranged from 24.3 x 103 – 26.3 x 10 cfu/ml, O50% values ranged from 24.7 x 104 – 11.3 x 10 cfu/ml and in P25% values ranged from 24.3 x 103 – 11.3 x 103, P50% values ranged from 24-0 x 103 – 2.7 x 104 cfu/ml. The sample containing P.guineense extract had the lowest bacterial count of 2.7 x 104 cfu/ml at the 7th day of the storage while the sample containing no extract (control) had the highest bacterial count of 42.0 x 103 cfu/ml within the same period of storage. Fungal count were also seen to be high in the unblended (control) samples than in the blended samples. The highest count of fungi was 24.7 x 103 cfu/ml which was seen in the unblended (control) samples and the lowest value was 16.7 x 103 cfu/ml obtained from P50% samples. Also, the microorganisms present in the samples were identified using staining and biochemical techniques. The bacterial organisms identified include Staphylococcus aureusPseudomonas sp, Escherichia coliBacillus sp, Lactobacillus sp and Proteus sp while the fungal organisms identified were Aspergillus sp and Saccharomyces sp. However, the samples containing P.guineense were better rated in terms of parameters tested. The results of this study indicate that incorporation of P.guineenseO.gratissimum and M.oleifera leaves into zobo drink could be an effective means of improving quality (microbial) and extending the shelf-life of zobo drinks. The study shows the possibility of large scale production of zobo using treatment with these leaves as a safe, low cost means of preservative.


Cover page

Title page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                            ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                                iv                                                                                       

Table of contents                                                                                                                    v

List of Figures                                                                                                                         ix

List of Tables                                                                                                                          x

Abstract                                                                                                                                   xi                                                                                             


1.0   Introduction                                                                                                                    1

1.1   Aims and Objective                                                                                                        4


2.0   Literature review                                                                                                            5

2.1   An Overview of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Zobo) Drink                                                       5

2.2    Bacteriological Quality of Beverages                                                                           6

2.2.1 Control of Microbiological Quality of Beverages                                                         7

2.2.2 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)                                                 9

2.3 Uses of Hibiscus sabdariffa                                                                                             11

2.3.1 Traditional culinary use                                                                                                 11

2.3.2 Use in Local and Traditional Food and Medicine                                                         11

2.3.3 Animal Feed                                                                                                                  12

2.3.4 Cosmetic                                                                                                                        12

2.4 Phytochemistry of Hibiscus sabdariffa                                                                            12

2.4.1 Nutritional Value                                                                                                           12

2.4.2 Bioactive Constituents                                                                                                   12

2.5 Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Hibiscus sabdariffa                                    13

2.5.1 Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiparasite Activity                                                     13

2.5.2 Antioxidant Activity                                                                                                      13

2.5.3 Hepatoprotective Activity                                                                                             14

2.5.4 Cancer-Preventive Activity                                                                                           15

2.5.5 Anti-Diabetic Activity                                                                                                   15

2.6 Overview of Some Important Leaves with Antimicrobial Properties                                    15

2.6.1 Piper guineense                                                                                                             15

2.6.2 Moringa oleifera                                                                                                           17

2.6.3 Ocimum gratissimum                                                                                                     20


3.0 Materials and Methods                                                                                                     24

3.1 Collection of Samples                                                                                                      24

3.2 Preparation of Zobo drink                                                                                                24

3.2.1 Blending of Zobo drink with leaf extracts                                                                    25

3.3 Storage of samples                                                                                                            26

3.4 Sterilization of materials                                                                                                  26

3.5 Microbiological analysis                                                                                                  26

3.5.1 Bacterial isolates                                                                                                           26

3.5.2 Fungal isolates                                                                                                               27

3.6 Biochemical tests                                                                                                              27

3.6.1 Catalase test                                                                                                                   27

3.6.2 Coagulase test                                                                                                                27

3.6.3 Oxidase test                                                                                                                   28

3.6.4 Sugar fermentation                                                                                                        28

3.6.5 Spore staining test                                                                                                         29

3.6.6 Gram staining                                                                                                                29

3.7 Lactophenol cotton blue stain reaction                                                                            30

3.8 Physicochemical analysis                                                                                                 30

3.8.1 pH determination                                                                                                           30

3.8.2 Determination of titratable acidity (%)                                                                         30

3.8.3 Determination of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)                                                                  31




4.0 Results                                                                                                                              32



5.0 Discussion, conclusion and recommendation.                                                                 42

5.1 Discussion                                                                                                                         42

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                        45

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                            45








Fig 1: Diagram for the preparation of zobo drink









Table 4.1: Bacterial counts of the different zobo blends during storage

Table 4.2: Fungal counts of different zobo blends during storage

Table 3: Changes in titratable acidity of zobo drinks during storage

Table 4: Changes in pH of stored zobo drinks

Table 5: Changes in vitamin C content of stored zobo drinks

Table 6: Identification of isolated bacteria: Result of cultural, morphological and biochemical              test

Table 7: Identification of fungal isolates












Zobo drink, a non-alcoholic local beverage, it is produced from the dried petals of Hibiscus sabdariffa. Zobo drink has been shown to be a good source of natural carbohydrate, protein and vitamin C (Ogiehor et al, 2007). It is locally called “zobo rodo” (Hausa), the Yoruba call the leaves “Amukan”, while the flower is called “Isapa”. The Igbos call it names like “Ojo”, “Akwaroazo” and sorrel in English and is a delicacy in many parts of Nigeria (Adebayo-Tayo and Samuel, 2008). The H.sabdariffa plant, commonly called Roselle, while native to India and Malaysia is now found in many tropical and subtropical countries of Africa, Asia and the Americas (Bola and Aboaba, 2004). It is a dicotyledonous plant belonging to the subclass Archichlamydea, order Malvale and family Malvaceae (Shivali and Kamboj, 2009).

Zobo drink is prepared first by boiling the dried leaves of the Roselle, followed by cooling and filtration. The filtrate, which is red in colour maybe taken hot as tea or sometimes sweetened to taste with pineapple, apple, orange or sugar and spiced up with ginger depending on choice. It is further allowed to cool and is best served chilled (Egbere et al, 2007).

Due to Economic, increased religious and health campaigns against alcoholic beverages in Nigeria and the consequent increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages in certain areas; zobo drink has great potential as a local alternative to imported red wines in particular and alcoholic beverages in general (Egbere et al, 2007). Moreover, production of this and similar local beverages has become the main source of income in many homes in the rural communities and more recently in the urban areas where these have grown to cottage business properties due to support from the government through the poverty alleviation schemes, thereby alleviating poverty among the people (Essien et al, 2011).

Phytochemical analyses of extracts of various parts of the Roselle plant reveal the high nutritive and medicinal value of this plant. The flower is reported to contain carbohydrates and sugars like sucrose and mannose. It also contains proteins, fats and vitamins with other acids. The seeds contain starch, cholesterol, cellulose, some acids (Oleic acid, Formic acid) and alcohols. The leaves contain alcohols, malic acid, fibre and ash. The fruit contain acids (formic acid, acetic acid), alcohols, pectin and minerals. The roots contain tartaric acid and saponin (Shivali and Kamboji, 2009).

Medicinal value of aqueous extracts from the Roselle plant has been reported to include anti-hypersensitive, antiseptic, astringent , diuretic and purgative activities, remedy for cancer, abscesses, cough, dysuria, laxative, scurvy and fever (Osueke and Ehirim, 2004). In spite of its health and nutritional benefit, zobo drink is often contaminated with enteropathogenic microorganisms with as much as 2.49 x 104cfu, which could be harmful to persons who consume large quantities of the drink (Bukar et al, 2009). Major points of contamination of the zobo drink include: the packaging material, as most retailers package the drink in already used plastic bottles and polythene bags, which are not properly disinfected prior to packaging (Nwafor and Ikenebomeh, 2009). The dried calyces are also a major point of contamination as they harbor spoilage organisms such as Penicillum and Aspergillus sp. (Amusa et al, 2005) and the retailers, who seldom prepare the drink under aseptic conditions and often do not do enough boiling to reduce the microbial load in the preparation of the beverage. Some of the microbes commonly found in the drink include Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus sp. amongst a host of other (Nwachukwu et al, 2007). The shelf life of the zobo drink depend on various factors such as the packaging material, contamination during preparation and refrigeration to mention a few, however, it has an average shelf life of 24 to 48 hours after which spoilage organisms may begin to reduce the quality of the zobo (Nwafor and Ikenebomeh, 2009).

Despite the fact that the popularity of zobo juice is increasing, one of its greatest limitation for large scale production is that it has very short shelf life if not refrigerated (Omemu et al, 2006). Therefore, there is urgent need to explore various preservation methods that could be employed to extend the shelf life of this product. Dougheri et al. (2007) employed some chemical preservatives to improve the shelf life of zobo drink. They reported that only samples treated with benzoic acid remained organoleptically attractive after 14 days of storage. However, the problem with the use of chemical preservatives in food is that they tend to have adverse effects on the health of consumers (Adesokan et al, 2010). Therefore, naturally occurring plants with proven antimicrobial properties will be preferred in food preservation (Kolapo et al, 2007). The use of natural preservatives has become more popular as compared to synthetic antimicrobials and antioxidants (Aliu et al, 2007). Moreover, the extracts of traditional natural spices have been shown to have a broad spectrum antibacterial activity, including effects on Escherichia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, Clostridium, Mycobacterium and Helicobacter species (Groppe et al., 2002: Sagdic, 2003; Shan et al., 2007). These magnitude of success observed in vitro have not been reported in vivo particularly in food items that must be cooked before eating. For example,  Bello and Osho (2012) reported some measure of antimicrobial activity of spices on spoilage organisms isolated from moin-moin in vitro, Ayoade et al., (2012) however observed no effects of these spices on the progression of spoilage in this food item in vivo. The absence of antimicrobial effect in vivo was ascribed to the sustained heat used in cooking the moin-moin which is thought to have a suppressing effect on the antimicrobial properties of these spices. This kind of wide differences observed in vivo and in vitro is not expected in food items like zobo where no cooking is required. Transitioning zobo from a locally marketed to commercial product status is hampered due to its poor shelf life of 24 to 48 hours, which would require little inventory.

1.1           AIMS AND OBJECTIVE

This work is aimed at improving the microbial and physicochemical quality of zobo drinks, thereby increasing the shelf life using leaf extracts namely Moringa oleifera, Ocimum gratissimum, and Piper guineense.


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