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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007311

No of Pages: 129

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study was designed to ascertain the bio-sorbent potential of plantain peels on some selected inorganic anion pollutants in brewery effluent. Four different concentrations comprising of 0 (untreated), 5, 10 and 20 mg/ml of 0, 2, 4 and 8 g of ground plantain peels dissolved in 400 ml of brewery effluent were prepared. Qualitative and quantitative determination of chloride ion (Clˉ), Nitrate ion (NO3ˉ), Phosphate ion (PO4) and Sulphate ion (SO4) on treated and untreated effluents were carried out after 1 hour, 5 hours, 10 hours, 15 hours and 20 hours using standard laboratory techniques including spectrophotometric method. Results showed that decrease in concentration of the selected anions is time and concentration dependent when both ripe and unripe plantain peels adsorbents were used but it is more significant in the unripe plantain peels. Therefore, both ripe and unripe plantain peels could serve as novel bio-sorbents waste water treatment. Analysis of inorganic anions (Cl-, NO3-, PO43-and SO42-) concentrations of untreated brewery effluent samples were within the range of 5.27mg/l – 529mg/l with nitrate ion (NO3-) recording highest and phosphate ion (PO43-) having the lowest value. After treatment, their concentrations decreased within the range of 430.07mg/l – 3.87mg/l (nitrate – phosphate respectively) for the ripe plantain and 521.40mg/l – 4.36mg/l (nitrate – phosphate respectively) for the unripe plantain. This is an indication that unripe plantain absorbed more of the inorganic anions from the water body than the ripe plantain. The Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms were used to determine the suitability of the adsorption process. The Freundlich isotherm was the most suitable model for this sorption system and it suggested that the adsorption sites were non-uniform and non-specific in nature. The Freundlich isotherms exhibit extremely high R2 values indicating, superficially at least, that it produces a considerably better fit compared to the Langmuir isotherm. 


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Declaration                                                                                                                  ii

Certification                                                                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      v

Table of Contents                                                                                                       vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              ix

List of Figures                                                                                                             xii

Abstract                                                                                                                      xiv

1`.0      CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION                                                        1

1.1       Background of the study                                                                                1

1.2       The scope of the study                                                                                    3

1.3       Problem statement                                                                                          3

1.4       Significant of the study                                                                                  5

1.5       Aim and objectives of the Study                                                                    6

1.6       Justification of the study                                                                                7


2.0       CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW                                          9

2.1       What is Effluent?                                                                                            9

2.2       Legislation and Environmental Management System                        10

2.3       Industrial Effluent                                                                                          11

2.4       Brewery Effluent                                                                                            19

2.5       Wastewater Treatment                                                                                    21

2.6       Brewery: An Overview                                                                                   21

2.7       Brewing Process                                                                                             22

2.8       Sources of Effluent from Brewery Plant                                                        26

2.9       Characterization of Brewery Effluent                                                                        27

2.10     Composition of Brewery Wastewater                                                            27

2.11     Conventional methods of pre-treating Brewery Wastewater                         28

2.11.1  Physical Methods of wastewater treatment                                                    34

2.11.2  Chemical Methods of wastewater treatment                                                  34

2.11.3  Biological Methods of wastewater treatment                                                 35 Aerobic biological wastewater treatment                                                     36 Anaerobic biological wastewater treatment                                                  37

2.12     Treatment method of Brewery wastewater for reuse                                     39

2.13     Absorbent                                                                                                       39

2.14     Plantain (Musa Paradisiaca) peels as an adsorbent                                        40

2.15     Adsorption isotherm                                                                                      45

2.15.1  Basic Adsorption Isotherm                                                                            45

2.15.2  The Langmuir Isotherm                                                                                 47

2.15.3  The Freundlich Isotherm                                                                                47


3.0       CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS                          49

3.1       Collection of Industrial Effluent Samples                                                      49


3.2       Source of the Plantain peels                                                                            50

3.3       Preparation of Bio–sorbent Precursor                                                             50

3.4       Experimental Procedure                                                                                  51

3.5       Determination of Inorganic Anions                                                                52

3.5.1    Determination of Chloride ion (Argentometric Method)                               52

3.5.2    Determination of Nitrate ion (Colorimetric Method)                                     52

3.5.3    Determination of Phosphate ion (Ascorbic Acid Method)                             53

3.5.4    Determination of the Sulphate ion (Turbidometric Method)                          54

4.0       CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT AND DISCUSSION                                 55

4.1       Result Presentation                                                                                         55

4.2       Data Comparison                                                                                            63

4.3       Efficiency Calculation                                                                                    67

4.4       The results of the isotherms                                                                            71

4.5       Discussion                                                                                                       87


5.1       Conclusion                                        91

5.2       Recommendation                                                               92

References          93

Appendix 1 Descriptive statistical analysis of the effect of ripe and unripe plantain treatment of effluent from pabod brewery                   102

Appendix 2 Raw Data                                                107

Appendix 3 Data for adsorbtion isotherm calculation                        112



Table 2.1         Analysis of parameters of untreated brewery effluent                       28

Table 2.2         Characteristics of Brewery wastewater                                              29

Table 2.3         Wastewater treatment unit operations and process                            31

Table 2.4         Generic advantages and Disadvantages of conventional and non-

conventional wastewater treatment technology                                 33

Table 2.5         Anaerobic treatment as compared to aerobic treatment                     38

Table 2.6         Proximate composition of dried plantain peels                                   43

Table 2.7         Mineral content analysis of dried plantain                                          44

Table 4.1         Result of chloride ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe plantain peels for different time                     55

Table 4.2         Result of chloride ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of unripe plantain peels for different time                 56

Table 4.3         Result of nitrate ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe plantain peels for different time                     57

Table 4.4         Result of nitrate ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of unripe plantain peels for different time                 58

Table 4.5         Result of phosphate ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe plantain peels for different time                     59

Table 4.6         Result of phosphate ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of unripe plantain peels for different time                 60

Table 4.7         Result of sulphate ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe plantain peels for different time                     61

Table 4.8         Result of sulphate ion concentration in brewery effluent treated with

varying masses of unripe plantain peels for different time                 62

Table 4.9         Comparison of chloride ion concentrations of effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe and unripe plantain peel at varying times       63

Table 4.10       Comparison of nitrate ion concentrations of effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe and unripe plantain peel at varying times       64

Table 4.11       Comparison of phosphate ion concentrations of effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe and unripe plantain peel at varying times       65

Table 4.12       Comparison of sulphate ion concentrations of effluent treated with

varying masses of ripe and unripe plantain peel at varying times       66

Table 4.13       Efficiency Calculation of the ripe plantain in percentage                   67

Table 4.14       Efficiency Calculation of the unripe plantain in percentage               68

Table 4.15       Comparisons of the efficiencies of the varying masses of ripe and

unripe plantain peels at varying times all percentage                          69







Figure 2.1: Flow Diagram of a Typical Brewery Industry                                              25

Figure 2. 2: Beer production and brewery wastewater treatment                                   26

Figure 2.3: Basic Adsorption Isotherm                                                      46

Figure 3.1: Aerial mapping showing the location coordinates of Pabod Brewery International, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria                     49

Figure 3.2: Milling Machine                                                         51

Figure 4.1: Langmuir isotherm for chloride ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels          71

Figure 4.2: Langmuir isotherm for chloride ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels     72

Figure 4.3: Freundlich isotherm for chloride ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels        73

Figure 4.4: Freundlich isotherm for chloride ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels   74

Figure 4.5: Langmuir isotherm for nitrate ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels             75

Figure 4.6: Langmuir isotherm for nitrate ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels         76

Figure 4.7: Freundlich isotherm for nitrate ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels           77

Figure 4.8: Freundlich isotherm for nitrate ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels       78

Figure 4.9: Langmuir isotherm for phosphate ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels      79

Figure 4.10: Langmuir isotherm for phosphate ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels80

Figure 4.11: Freundlich isotherm for phosphate ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels   81

Figure 4.12:Freundlich isotherm for phosphate ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels82

Figure 4.13: Langmuir isotherm for sulphate ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels         83

Figure 4.14: Langmuir isotherm for sulphate ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels   84

Figure 4.15: Freundlich isotherm for sulphate ion adsorption on ripe plantain peels     85

Figure 4.16: Freundlich isotherm for Sulphate ion adsorption on unripe plantain peels 86









Effluents from industries in developing countries like Nigeria and most other African countries are in most cases discharged into the adjoining environment affecting the water bodies and the habitants. Many at times, this wastewater are untreated or inadequately treated before being released, which has become a perturbing occurrence due to its impact on environmental health and safety. The quality of wastewater effluents is responsible for the degradation of the receiving water habitants.

Since large amounts of wastewater effluents are being passed through sewage treatment plants on a daily basis, there is a need for correction in order to diminish the overall impacts of these effluents in the receiving water bodies. More importantly, there is need for adequate treatment of this wastewater before they are discharged in order to comply with wastewater legislations and guidelines.

The need to treat this wastewater is very important as the discharged water is used for domestic purposes in the environment where they are released. Chemical agents frequently used in the treating of industrial waste water constitute potential health hazards to both aquatic and human lives. The use of natural, biodegradable biological agents have proved to be environmental friendly.

Ions like sulphate in water causes catharsis (which is releasing, cleansing, purging or purification of feelings and emotions) in adult males (Cocchetto and Levy, 1981; Morris and Levy, 1983); chloride increases the electrical conductivity of water and thus increases its corrosiveness. In metal pipes, chloride reacts with metal ions to form soluble salts, thus increasing levels of metals in drinking-water. Phosphate ion when it is too much of it in water, it can speed up eutrophication (a reduction in dissolved oxygen in water bodies caused by an increase of mineral and organic nutrients) of rivers and lakes. However, excess levels of nitrates in water can create conditions that make it difficult for aquatic insects or fish to survive.

Like any other industry, the brewing industry is subject to extensive government regulations. Furthermore, the management of environmental issues is of growing interest nowadays. There is a need to understand the important environmental impacts on the community and then consider the advantages and disadvantages associated with various levels of environmental management.

In recent years, there is greater environmental awareness on the need to treat wastewater effluent before discharging into receiving water bodies. This has necessitated methods for the removal of contaminants from wastewater (Zahra, 2012). Emphasis is placed on the treatment of industrial wastewater effluent since local and international authorities require that wastewaters from industries be treated and made to meet set standards before they are discharged into the water bodies. The need of safe and economical methods for the removal of inorganic ions and other contaminants in waters has developed interest towards the search for low cost treatment alternatives. There is therefore need for agro-based, in-expensive adsorbents to be explored and their feasibility to remove these contaminants, studied (Uttam and Rajesh, 2013).

In recent years, several natural products, usually considered waste, such as peanut shells, corn cob, plantain peels, coconut shell, banana peels and apple waste, have been reported to be used in the removal of inorganic ions (Namasivayam and Sangeetha, 2005; Castro et al., 2011). Okereke et al., (2013), however suggested other devices like resin ion – exchanger, sand – bed filter, activated carbon filter, micron filter, reverse osmosis membrane filter, ozonator and UV – sterilizer in purifying water in homes and industries. There is the paucity of information on the removal efficiency of inorganic anions from brewery effluents using ripe and unripe musa paradisiaca (plantain) peels, hence this study.



The coverage of this study is to evaluate to what extent or level can plantain (musa paradisiaca) peel be used as a form of adsorbent of the selected anions from brewery effluent. This informed the graduation of the concentration of the adsorbent under the observation of varying time. Time index is of a great importance in this study as absorption of any substrate is proportional to time of exposure.



Nigeria’s brewery industry has been identified as an important sector under the government’s economic recovery strategy. The industry is at the maturity stage of its life cycle but still remains one of the striving industries in the Nigerian manufacturing sector. The brewery industry has a high potential for commodity development to address pertinent issues of socio economic importance, which impact on rural development, employment and wealth creation. Nigeria’s brewery industry has shown an increase of tanneries over the years, a sign that the industry is poised for growth. However, with tanneries being identified with the highest levels of water consumption and as one of the largest noxious industrial sectors, appropriate technologies are required for optimized water use and environmental quality control.

Wastewaters from these brewery industries are high contents of anions, alkaline and organic substances. If this wastewater is discharged without adequate treatment it ends up in water resources causing pollution to adjacent rivers, streams as well as groundwater. This would result in serious environmental impacts including toxicity to microorganisms, plants, animals and humans (Hlihor and Gavrilescu, 2009). Although conventional and advanced methods of anions removal like precipitation and coagulation, ion exchange and reverse osmosis are available (Rawat and Singh, 1992), these technologies are not practical for low income countries because of their high investment, operation and maintenance costs. The most common method of treatment used in Nigerian’s brewery is the chemical precipitation method. Chemical precipitation is however expensive due to the high operating costs and also results in large amounts of sludge which creates a challenge in its disposal.

Adsorption technology is recognized as one of the most effective purification and separation technique used in industry especially in water and wastewater treatment (Al- Ashesh et al., 2000). Although the commercially available adsorbents are efficient in removal of heavy metals, they are high cost and some cannot be regenerated and recycled. A number of approaches have been recently studied for the development of cheaper and more effective adsorbents for metal removal. Many non-conventional low cost adsorbents, including natural materials, bio-sorbents, and waste materials have been studied and proposed by several researchers (Bailey et al., 1999; Dakiky et al., 2002; Demirkas et al., 2004; Kilonzo et al., 2012). In Nigeria however, some research work have been done to explore different materials (adsorbents) that may be employed in adsorption for the treatment of brewery wastewater. In line with this, the thought of exploring the adsorbent potential of plantain (musa paradisiaca) peel on brewery effluent.



The constituents of brewery effluent fluid can be classified as: physical, chemical and biological. The important chemical characteristics of effluent fluid are determined by the pH value, chloride content, nitrogen, fat and grease content, sulphides, sulphates, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand.

The significance of this study presents the need to remove these anions of interest from brewery effluent fluid to a great extend in order to keep the discharged water after brewery processes save for plants and the ecosystem.

Cheap agro bio-sorbent as plantain (musa paradisiaca) peel, can significantly contributes to the management of pollution and at the same time it is environmental friendly. In line with the management of the ecosystem and improvement of the quality of water released to the environmental water body, plantain (musa paradisiaca) peel serves as a good bio-sorbent. By this, quality of life is improved and life is being preserved.



The aim of this research work is to ascertain the bio-sorbent potential of plantain (musa paradisiaca) peels on some selected inorganic anion pollutants in brewery effluent.


Specific objectives:

  1. To prepare the bio-sorbent precursor (ripe and unripe plantain peels)
  2.  To qualitatively identify the present of some selected inorganic anions present in brewery effluent before and after treatment
  3. To also quantitatively determine these inorganic anions in brewery effluents before and after treatment using spectrophotometric method as described by APHA (1998).
  4. To determine the physico-chemical characteristics of plantain (musa paradisiaca) peels as adsorbent materials.
  5. To evaluate the effect of contact time, initial concentration on removal of anions by adsorption on plantain (musa paradisiaca) peels.
  6. To determine the effect of time and adsorbent depth in anion removal from brewery wastewater.
  7. To investigate the effectiveness of plantain (musa paradisiaca) peels for the adsorption of specific anions from brewery effluent solution using adsorption isotherm models.
  8. To use the adsorption isotherm curves through the isotherm equations to determine the suitability of the isotherm equations to describe the adsorption process.



Efficient methods of anion removal from brewery wastewater are important to attain environmental quality standards. Adsorption has been identified as one of the most promising technology for removal of dissolved anions from wastewater. It has an edge over other conventional methods due to its sludge free clean operation. Although commercial adsorbents are available for use in adsorption, they are very expensive, resulting in various new low cost adsorbents being studied by researchers. A lot of research has gone on the review of the technical feasibility of various low-cost adsorbents for anion removal from wastewater and concluded that the use of low-cost adsorbents may contribute to the sustainability of the surrounding environment and offer promising benefits for commercial purpose in the future.

Constructed wetland utilization in treatment of brewery wastewater has been observed to be an effective method. Thus this study sought to explore the potential of using plantain (musa paradisiaca) peel as adsorption media for anion removal from brewery wastewater. These materials, having been utilized in removal of other heavy metals from aqueous solution (Zahra et al., 2013), were selected for this particular study to test them for the removal of anions. Research studies on effect of pH, contact time, initial ion concentration and temperature on the adsorptive capacities of chromium using different adsorbent materials have also been conducted (Vinodhini and Nilanjana, 2009).

Understanding how these parameters affect different adsorbents is key in evaluating the optimum adsorption conditions for the different adsorbents. This study hence sought to understand the effect of contact time and concentration on adsorption of anions by plantain (musa paradisiaca) peels.

The results of this study provide valuable insight into the behavior and nature of these selected anions uptake by plantain (musa paradisiaca) peels, and hence help in development of techniques and methods of increasing adsorptive capacities of the anions. The knowledge acquired from this study also provides valuable information for brewery industries and researchers on potential use of low cost adsorbent technologies of treating the wastewater.


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