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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007325

No of Pages: 134

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Adsorption is the process of transferring materials from liquid phase to solid phase. In this study, a series of batch laboratory  experiments were conducted in order to investigate the feasibility of oil palm trunk fiber (PTF) based inactivated and activated adsorbent for the removal of heavy metals by adsorption process. The influence of contact time, pH, adsorbent dose, initial metal ion concentration and temperature were investigated. The results of were analyzed using langmuir and freundlich isotherm model, freundlich model gave the best fit for Cd (II),Pb (II) and Cr(III) adsorption with regression value R2> 0.9, for both inactivated and activated oil palm trunk fiber adsorbent. The kinetics of the adsorption of Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cr(III), were studied using Pseudo-first-order and Pseudo-second-order. The surface chemical nature of the inactivated and activated adsorbent were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) which showed functional groups on adsorbent surface.The results showed that palm trunk fiber could be used as an adsorbent for Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cr(III) ions.



COVER PAGE                                                                                                                      i

TITLE PAGE                                                                                                             ii

DECLARATION                                                                                                                   iii

DEDICATION                                                                                                                       iv

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                                 v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                                                    vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                      vii

LIST OF TABLES                                                                                                                 xi

LIST OF FIGURES                                                                                                               xii

ABSTRACT                                                                                                                           xiv

CHAPTER ONE                 

o        Introduction                                                                                                               1

o         Statement of the Problem                                                                                        3

1.3       Justification of the Study                                                                                        3

1.4       Aim and Objectives                                                                                                             4

1.5       Objectives                                                                                                                 4

1.6       Scope of the Study                                                                                                   4

1.7       Significance of the Study                                                                                        5


(a)    Literature Review                                                                                                         6

2.10    Oil Palm (Elaeis guineesis)                                                                                    6

2.1.2   Propagation of oil palm tree                                                                                   7

2.1.3   Industrial uses and application of oil palm trunk                                               8

2.1.4   Chemical composition of oil palm trunk                                                              8

2.1.5   Metal uptake ability                                                                                                            10

2.1.6   Heavy metal pollution                                                                                             10

2.1.7   Sources of heavy metal contamination                                                                11

2.1.8   Conventional techniques for heavy metal removal                                            12

2.1.9   Adsorption                                                                                                                15

2.2       Types of adsorption                                                                                                             16

2.2.0   Characteristics of an adsorption                                                                            17

2.2.1   Modification of adsorbents                                                                                                19

2.2.2   Mechanism of adsorption                                                                                       20

2.2.3   Ion exchange                                                                                                             20  

2.2.4   Microprecipitation                                                                                                   21

2.2.5   Chelations                                                                                                                 22

2.2.6   Complexation                                                                                                           23

2.2.7   Factors influences binding strength                                                                      23

2.2.8   Covalent binding                                                                                                      24

2.2.9   Ionic (electrostatic) binding                                                                                   24

2.3       Hydration effects                                                                                                     24

2.3.0   Factors influencing heavy metal adsorption                                                       25

2.3.1   Presence of anions (ligands)                                                                                  25

2.3.2   Temperature effect                                                                                                  26

2.3.3   Biomas dosage/loading                                                                                           26

2.3.4   Influence of pH                                                                                                        27

2.3.5   Time                                                                                                                           29

2.3.6   Adsorption mechanism                                                                                           29

2.3.7   Adsorption isotherms                                                                                              30

2.3.8   Langmur isotherm                                                                                                    30

2.3.9   Freudlich isotherms                                                                                                             31

2.4       Sips isotherm                                                                                                            32

2.4.0   Tempkin isotherm                                                                                                    33

2.4.1   BET isotherm                                                                                                            33

2.4.2   Adsorption kinetics                                                                                                             34       



3.0       Materials and methods                                                                                            38

3.1.0   Reagents used                                                                                                           38

3.1.1   Equipments and apparatus                                                                                     38

3.1.2   Methods                                                                                                                     38

3.1.3   Collection and preparation of sample                                                                  38

3.1.4   Activation of adsorbent                                                                                          39

3.1.5   Adsorption study                                                                                                     40

3.1.6   Fourier transform-infra red (ft-ir)                                                                         41

3.1.7   Determination of effect of optimum ph on adsorption                                      41

3.1.8    Determination of effect of contact time on adsorption                                              42

3.1.9    Determination of effect of adsorbent dose on adsorption                                         42

3.2       Determination of effect of temperature on adsorption                                               42

3.2.0   Determination of effect of initial metal ion concentration on adsorption      43

3.2.1   Adsorption isotherms                                                                                              43

3.2.2   Kinetic study                                                                                                            44

3.2.3   Pseudo first order-langergren model                                                                    44

3.2.4   Pseudo-second order model                                                                                   45


4.0    Result and discussion                                                                                                            46

4.1    Forrier transform infra red (ir) study                                                                      46

4.2    Effect of contact time on adsorption                                                                       60

4.3 Effect of ph on adsorption                                                                                           63

4.4 Effect of adsorbent dose                                                                                              67

4.5 Effect of temperature                                                                                                    71

4.6 Effect of initial metal ion concentration                                                                    75

4.7 Equilibrium isotherm parameters                                                                               78

4.8 Kinetic parameters                                                                                                        86


5.1 Conclusion and recommendation                                                                               94

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                     94

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                         96

REFERENCES                                                                                                                    97

Appendix A                                                                                                                           106

Appendix B                                                                                                                           109

Appendix C                                                                                                                           112

Appendix D                                                                                                                           115

Appendix E                                                                                                                           118





Table: 2.0 Chemical Compositions of Different Parts in Oil Palm Tree     8

Table 4.1: The FT – IR Spectra characteristics of activated palm trunk                                fibre before and after adsorption of Cd(II),Pb(II),Cr(II) and Cu(II).           53


Table: 4.2: Isotherm parameters table for Adsorption of Cd (II), Cu (II),                             Pb (II) and Cr (III) using inactivatedoil palm trunk adsorbent.                            84


Table: 4.3: Isotherm parameters table for Adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cr(III) using  activated oil palm trunk adsorbent.                                        85


Table 4.4: Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cr(III) using oil palm trunk fiber inactivated adsorbent .                                      88


Table 4.5: Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cr(III) using oil palm trunk fiber activated adsorbent.                                89






Fig. 3.0: Palm Trunk Fiber sample (PTF) adsorbent.                                                  39

Fig.4.1: FT-IR spectra of inactivated Palm trunk fibre before metal adsorption.                  48

Fig.4.2: FT-IR spectra of inactivated Palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Pb (II).         49

Fig.4.3: FT-IR spectra of inactivated palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Cd (II).         50

Fig.4.4: FT-IR spectra of inactivated palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Cr (III)         51

Fig.4.5: FT-IR spectra of inactivated Palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Cu (II)          52

Fig.4.6: FT-IR spectra of activated palm trunk fibre before metal adsorption.                      54

Fig.4.7: FT-IR spectra of activated palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Pb (II).             55

Fig.4.8: FT-IR spectra of activated palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Cd (II).            56

Fig.4.9: FT-IR spectra of activated palm trunk fibre after metal adsorption Cr (III).           57


Fig.4.10: FT-IR spectra of activated palm trunk fiber after metal adsorption Cu (II)           58


Fig. 4.11: Effect of contact Time graph for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                       61

Fig. 4.12: Percentage of metal ion adsorbed vs. contact time for the adsorption of Cd                    Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu(II) and Cr(III) by activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent                   62       

Fig. 4.13: Effect of pH graph for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) metal ion using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                                   65


Fig. 4.14: Effect of pH graph for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) metal ions using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                          66


Fig. 4.15: Effect of dose graph for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (II) using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                             69


Fig. 4.16: Effect of dose graph for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (II) using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                                     70

Fig. 4.17: Effect of temperature plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (II) using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                                  73


Fig. 4.18: Effect of temperature plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (II) using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent                                                                              74

Fig. 4.19: Effect of initial metal ion concentration on the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) graph using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                     76


Fig. 4.20: Effect of initial metal ion concentration on the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) graph using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                         77


Fig. 4.21: Freundlich isotherm plot for the adsorption of Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cr(III) using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                             80


Fig. 4.22: Langmuir isotherm plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                             81


Fig. 4.23: Freundlich isotherm plot for the adsorption of Cd(II), Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cr(III) using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                                         82


Fig. 4.24: Langmuir isotherm plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb(II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                                                         83


Fig. 4.25: Pseudo-first order plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) using inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent                                                                              90


Fig. 4.26: Pseudo-first order plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) using activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent                                                                                          91

Fig. 4.27: Pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) adsorption on inactivated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                          92


Fig. 4.28: Pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of Cd (II), Pb (II), Cu (II) and Cr (III) adsorption on activated palm trunk fiber adsorbent.                                                             93








Adsorption process uses physical method in its treatment. (Karger et al., 1973).In this technique, adsorbate molecules accumulate on the top of the sorbent material. Sorption process is a powerful and efficient technique in taking up of metals ions in aqueous medium. These metal ions in the environment have adverse effect ranging from damages to habitats and adverse health challenges (Karger et al., 1973). Most of the heavy metals are soluble in aqueous medium leading to the formation of ions in aqueous solution which makes physical separation of the ions very difficult (Karger et al., 1973).

          The health risk of heavy metal ingestion is of great concern. Chromium causes irritation, nausea and vomiting at low concentration or low level of exposure while kidney, liver, circulating and nerve tissue damages occur at long term exposure; lead causes damage to nervous, circulatory, blood forming and reproductive systems; cadmium causes renal dysfunction, hypertension, hepatic injury, lung damage and equally has teratogenic effects (Hajialigol et al., 2006) while long term exposure to nickel causes decrease in body weight, heart and liver disease (Hajialigol et al., 2006).

          Heavy metal pollution is a serious global issue, although severity and level of pollution differ from place to place (Hajialigol et al., 2006). Conventional approaches for removal of these metals in waste water mainly include precipitation, oxidation – reduction, evaporation, ionic exchange, electrochemical treatment, membrane separation techniques (Hajialigol et al., 2006). The main drawbacks of these methods lie with relatively low treatment efficiency, complicated operation, high cost and possible secondary pollution (Hajialigol et al., 2006). Another powerful technology in heavy metal removal is sorption using activated carbon for domestic and industrial waste water (Horikoshi et al., 1981). However, due to expensive cost of activated carbon and its inability/loss to regenaration makes it not widely applied (Bailey et al., 1999). Since 1990’s the adsorption of heavy metal using low cost agricultural waste absorbents became imperative (Bailey et al., 1999).

          The search for a relatively and easily available low-cost sorbent material has channeled research towards recycling material of agricultural origin as an effective metal ions adsorbent material (Pagnanelli et al., 2001; Sheth and Soni, 2004). Agricultural materials particularly those containing cellulose show potentials for metals biosorption capacity (Pagnanelli et al., 2001). The basic components responsible for their adsorption capacity includes hemicelluloses, lignin and other components like lipids, proteins,  sugars, water and starch which have varying functional groups that helps in metal complexation and also in the removal of heavy metals (Baily et al., 1999). For lignocelluloses containing agricultural adsorbents it is especially the lignin and acids contained e.g humic acids that are involved in the chemical bonding of heavy metals during adsorption

Process (Brown et al., 2000; Babel and Kurnaiwan 2002).


In the present time, metal ion removal by industries has been done with activated carbon as adsorbent (Bailey et al., 1999). The high cost of activated carbon and difficulties associated to activated carbon regeneration have changed research trend towards looking for alternative low cost adsorbent.

Presently, these are large number of low-cost availably adsorbents which have been used for heavy metal ion removal (Babel and Kurniawan, 2002). Irrespective of the numerous available low-cost adsorbent, the search for the ones that will have high adsorption capacities continues, making the search still an interesting area for research.


Consequent upon the increased rate of heavy metal pollution in aqueous medium from industrial activities, the need arises for a cost effective technique and adsorbent for these metal ion removal.

The use of low-cost and easily assessed agricultural waste as adsorbents formed the basis of this research in the removal of metal ion from aqueous medium. Therefore urgent need in exploring more agro-based inexpensive adsorbent and its feasibility in metal ion removal should be studied further.


Aim is to study the adsorption of heavy metals in aqueous solution using activated and unactivated palm trunk adsorbent.


·        To determine the effectiveness of activated and unactivated palm trunk as heavy metals adsorbents.

·        To determine the potentials of activated and unactivated palm trunks as heavy metals adsorbents.

·        To carry out kinetic and isotherm studies of removal of heavy metals in aqueous solution.



·        To study  effects of various experimental parameters on adsorption like

Ø Effect of contact time

Ø Effect of temperature

Ø Effect of pH

Ø Effect of adsorbent dose

Ø Effect of initial metal ion concentration.

·        Adsorption kinetic study

·        Adsorption isotherm study

·        IR adsorption study.




The result of the research is useful due to the following:

Ø It can help industries that generate effluents containing metal ions in effective treatment.

Ø This research can input useful information on the reuse of plant wastes as effective agro-wastes dye adsorbent on related industries.

Ø This study can give contribution to the existing data on aqueous solution metal ion removal through adsorption mechanism with the palm trunk adsorbent.



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