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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00006209

No of Pages: 73

No of Chapters: 6

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Dairy goat farming is rising globally as an alternate climate smart livestock. This rise is attributed to its high drought and heat resilience, less methane emission and better disease resistance. According to KNBS (2019), the goat population in Kenya stands at 15 million with close to 400,000 being dairy goats mainly bred using rotation bucks thus predisposing them to reproductive challenges. This study was carried out to determine farmers attitudes and perception on artificial insemination (AI) in goats and to determine the optimal dose of prostaglandin (PGF2α) required for estrous synchronization in goats. A baseline survey was undertaken on 200 goat rearing households in Mukurwe-ini Sub County in Nyeri County using a structured questionnaire. This was followed by a controlled experiment at the Ol Magogo sheep and goat farm which involved 45 healthy cycling, non-pregnant dairy goats aged 1.5 to 3 years using a control randomized block. They were randomly allocated into three groups of 5 goats each, the control group received 500µg, group 2 received 250µg and group 3 received 125µg of Cloprostenol (estroPLAN) intramuscularly (IM) replicated three times. Double injection protocol of 11 days apart was used. The heat response, onset, intensity and duration were observed and recorded. Questionnaire data were analyzed using R software version 4.03 and comparisons done using Pearson chi-square test at 95% confidence interval. Experimental data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using R software and means separated using least square differences (LSDs). The results revealed that a majority of farmers use natural mating (98%) and a significant (p-<0.05) number of farmers were willingness to pay for AI. 71.4% of farmers though willing to pay, perceived this technology to be expensive. Whereas the heat response for group 1 and 2 were similar, a majority of group 2 goats had milky vaginal mucus between 60 and 72 hours and highest pregnancy rates (84.6%). It is concluded that goat rearing Goat rearing in Nyeri was through small scale practice involving 2-5 goats and most farmers were not members of goat associations. Breeding was done through rotation bucks and this practice was leading to inbreeding and reproductive venereal diseases. Goat AI practice was significantly low and mostly practiced by younger generation. Lowered dosage of PGF2α by half (250µg) was effective and efficient in synchronizing goats. It is recommended that Farmers be encouraged to join the goat associations for better management of goat farming. It is suggested that farmers do away with the use of rotation bucks to decrease venereal diseases and in breeding in goat farming. The other suggestion is that synchronizing of goats be done using 1ml (250µg) instead of 2 ml of PGF2α. It is suggested that the results of this study be used to inform policy that allows lower synchronizing dose be applied for synchronizing goats across the country and also to be part of the protocol to be integrated within the goat AI Centre in Ndomba for enhanced delivery of goat AI services in Kenya and beyond.
Key words: Artificial inseminations, goats, prostaglandins, synchronization


1.1 Statement of Problem and Justification 2
1.2 Study Objectives 3
1.2.1. General Objective 3
1.2.2 Specific Objectives 3
1.3 Research Hypothesis 3

2.1 Historical Background of Goats 4
2.2. Dairy Goat Industry in Kenya 4
2.2.1 Dairy Goat Trends in Kenya 5
2.2.2. Characteristics of Kenya Dairy Goat Breeds 6
2.3 Dairy Goats’ Climate Smart Livestock 8
2.4. Reproductive Physiology of Goats 8
2.4.1 Estrous Cycle in Goats 9
2.4.2 Hormonal Control of the Estrous Cycle 10
2.4.3 Heat in Goats 11
2.4.4 Heat Detection Techniques 11
2.4.5. Follicular Waves in Goats 11
2.5 Assisted Reproductive Technologies 12
2.5.1 Artificial Insemination in Goats 13
2.5.2 Synchronization of Estrous in Does 18

3.1 Study Area 24
3.2 Study Design 26
3.2.1. Study Design and Sampling for the Questionnaire 26
3.2.2. Study Design for the Experiment 27
3.2.3 Inclusion Criteria 27
3.2.4 Randomization and Treatment with Different Doses of PGF2α 28
3.2.5 Management of Experimental Goats 29
3.3 Data Management and Analysis 29

4.1 Farm Demographic Description 31
4.2 Goat Herd Size and Structure 32
4.3 Source of Breeding Goats, Production System and Goat Body Condition Scores 32
4.4 Dairy Goat Breeds and Breeding Practices 34
4.5 Benefits and Challenges of Using Artificial Insemination in Goats 35
4.6 Goat Response to Treatment with Varying Doses of PGF2α 37
4.7 Mucus Intensity 41


6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 52
6.1 Conclusions 52
6.2 Recommendations 52
Appendix 1: Questionnaire 60


Table 1: Experimental layout by groups and treatment administered. 28
Table 2: Results of farm demographics 31
Table 3: Goat herd size (mean±SD) and structure in Mukurwe-ini central and Rugi wards, in Nyeri County, Kenya 2020 32
Table 4:The table present results of source of breeding goats, production system and body conditions 33
Table 5: Dairy goat breeds and breeding methods 34
Table 6: Farmer perceptions on the benefits and challenges of adopting use of artificial insemination for breeding goats 36
Table 7: Mean heat response, onset time, duration and pregnancy response for goats treated with three different doses of PGF2α using double injection protocol 37
Table 8: Mucus intensity for the three doses at 48, 60 and 72 hours after the second PGF2α administration 41

Figure 1: Schematic NCSynch-TAI protocol representation in goats (Simões, 2016) 22
Figure 2: Map of Nyeri County showing Rugi and Mukurwe-ini central wards in Mukurwe-ini Sub County, 25
Figure 3: Map of Nakuru County showing OL Magogo farm, Naivasha sub-County 26
Figure 4: Estrous onset after the first PGF2α injection 38
Figure 5:Estrous onset after the second pgf2a administration 39
Figure 6: Estrous duration after the first estrous injection 40
Figure 7:Estrous duration after the second estrous injection 40


AI Artificial insemination
AV Artificial Vagina
ANOVA Analysis of variance
CIDR Control Internal Drug Releasing Device
CKL Cooper Kenya Limited
CL Corpus Luteum
DGAK Dairy Goat Association of Kenya
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FGA Flurogestone Acetate
Fig Figure
FTAI Fixed time artificial insemination
Freq Frequency
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone
GHG Green House Gas
GnRH Gonadotrophic releasing hormone
IM Intramuscular
IGAD Inter Governmental Authority on Development 
IVEP In vitro embryo transfer
KCSAP Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project
KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
LSD Least Significant Difference
MOET Multi ovulation and embryo transfer
MPA Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
MAP Methyacetoxy progesterone
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
PGF2α Prostaglandin F2α
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SCNT Somatic cell nuclear transfer
TAI Timed Artificial Insemination


Agriculture plays a significant role in sustaining the developing countries´ economy and attaining food security. Livestock sector in developing countries accounts for more than one third of Global Agricultural GDP (Alston and Pardey, 2014). This sector employs more than one billion people in the world of which 60% are from rural households (Ingabire et al., 2018). In Kenya, livestock contributes approximately 12% of the country’s GDP where goats form an essential component (Ndeke et al., 2015). The use of technologies in the livestock sector enhances productivity, reduces threats of diseases and ensures environmental sustainability in productive areas (Ingabire et al., 2018).
The world goat population was about 850 million in 2007 with 245 million of these found in Africa (Solaiman, 2010). Kenya has approximately 27.7 million in Kenya (KBNS 2009; out of which 400,000 are dairy goats (Kikwatha et al., 2020a). Goats too have become popular in recent years as a pathway out of poverty in Kenya due to its critical socio- economic role through meat, milk, and skin production (Ahuya et al., 2009). Goat breeds reared in Kenya are either local, exotic or their crosses with the majority being the indigenous found in the arid and semi- arid areas. The local breeds include the Small East Africa goat (SEAG) and Galla whereas the exotic breeds introduced to Kenya are Toggenburg, British and German Alpine, and Saanen (Kiema et al., 2020; Ndeke et al., 2015). The distribution of the local goat breeds in Kenya assumes some pattern with counties in the north having predominantly Galla goats while those in the rest of the country having the SEAGs. The exotic breeds are mainly concentrated around Mount Kenya region.
In recent years, goat farming has gained popularity as it’s seen to be a pathway of poverty eradication especially through the sale of milk and meat (Kiema et al., 2020). Despite this rise, goat farming system today is faced with many problems, key among them being poor breeding methods, poor nutrition and high disease and parasite burden. However, their rapid growth translates into quicker investment returns which makes this enterprise attractive amongst the youth and women.
This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the uptake of artificial insemination technology by testing the hypothesis that there are no factors affecting the uptake of artificial insemination in goat farming. The study also established through control experiments the optimal doses of PGF2α required for effectively synchronizing goats as a cost saving measure since this information is not readily available.

1.1 Statement of Problem and Justification
Goat milk has high nutritional value and medicinal advantages over the cow milk thus good for the children, the elderly, and those with terminal diseases like HIV. Producer prices of livestock products are expected to increase by 19% in 2027 from the year 2015 in response to the increasing world demand for animal products (Miller and Lu, 2019). This current situation of increased livestock pricing products, increased pressure on land resources, hunger, poverty and changing climatic conditions driven by international and domestic consumer demand present unpredicted development challenges in the developing countries. This has elicited the need for adoption of reproductive technologies like AI and synchronization that have been improved and are relatively cheaper to reduce the cost of production. However, in Kenya there is low uptake of AI in goats by dairy goat farmers which prompted the need to find out the factors affecting this uptake. The other theory is that the amount of pgf2a dose used for synchronizing goats is similar to what is used in cows thus being costly. With the reduction of the synchronization cost, then the adoption of goat AI technology stands a higher chance of uptake leading to improved dairy goat practice in the country. Improving dairy goat practice will enhance improved nutrition and food security thereby achieving the Kenya 2030 vision and the UN SDGs one, two, five and thirteen (Abubakar and Saeed, 2015).

1.2 Study Objectives
1.2.1. General Objective
To determine the factors affecting uptake of artificial insemination technology and establish the minimum dose of prostaglandin F 2α (PGF2α) required for synchronizing dairy goats.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives
1. To establish the factors affecting the uptake of artificial insemination, an assisted reproductive technology amongst smallholder dairy goat farmers.
2. To assess the willingness of smallholder dairy goat farmers on their willingness to adopt and pay for the assisted reproductive technologies.
3. To test and recommend the minimum effective dose of PGF2α required for optimal synchronization to achieve heat stimulation in goats.

1.3 Research Hypothesis
1. The uptake of artificial insemination technology amongst smallholder dairy farmers is low (Ho)
2. Smallholder dairy goat farmers are not willing to adopt for assisted reproductive technologies due to high cost (Ho)
3. A reduced dose of PGF2α is not effective in synchronization of goats for optimum estrous achievement (Ho)

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