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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007371

No of Pages: 98

No of Chapters: 1-5

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Controlled burning of rice husks at 6000C gives rice husk ash (RHA) which is properly produced to Pozzolan that is amorphous silica (SiO2) which can be added to cement for building applications. Cement was mixed with laterite in proportion of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The concrete was cured for 7 to 28 days and also heat resistance was conducted. It was observed that 50% of cement provides the optimum strength with heat resistance of 10000C and above. Pozzolan was mixed with laterite in proportion of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The concrete was cured for 7 to 28 days and also heat resistance was conducted, and it was observed that 50% of Pozzolan provides the optimum strength with heat resistance of 10000C and above. Pozzolan was also added to cement with laterite in proportion of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%. The concrete was cured for 7 to 28 days and also heat resistance was conducted, and it was observed that 20% of Pozzolan added to cement provides the optimum strength with heat resistance of 10000C and above. The effects of different particle sizes of 75, 150, 212, 300, 425 and 600 Microns were tested using a compression test machine, it was indicated that 75 micron provides the optimum strength. Also a graph of average strength against particle size indicated 3.4 Nm-2 as the optimum strength at 75µm and 1.3 Nm-2 as the minimum at 150µm, which underlines the significance of the contribution of particle size to the desired strength. From the ash size distribution, the presence of grains of several different sizes was observed. The grains were weighed using a weighing machine and a graph of particle size against percentage plotted to determine the particle size distribution. This showed that rice husk ash (RHA) is coarse grain material. X – ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was performed to determine the content of various chemical oxides in RHA, which indicated Si, Mn, K, Mg, P, Ca, Ru, Fe, Zn, Mg, Cr, Ti, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Eu and Ba. X – ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated the presence of SiO2 in the sample, which is amorphous silica. The results from this work show that adding Pozzolan to cement improves the strength, quality and quantity of concrete, which can be use for building applications.


Declaration                                                                                                                  iii        

Certification                                                                                                                iv

Dedication                                                                                                                 v

Acknowledgements                                                                                                   vi

Table of Contents                                                                                                      vii

List of Tables                                                                                                            x

List Figures                                                                                                               xi

Abstract                                                                                                                    xii


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                             

1.1              Background to the Study                                                                               1

1.2               Statement of the Problem                                                                              5         

1.3               Aim and Objectives                                                                                       5

1.4               Scope and Limitations of the Study                                                              6

1.5              Significance of the Study                                                                               6         


CHAPTER 2:  LITERATURE REVIEW                                                

2.1       Related Review                                                                                              7

2.2       Hydraulic Cement                                                                                           17

2.3       Non-hydraulic Cement                                                                                   17

2.4       X-ray Diffraction                                                                                            27

2.5       Theory of X-ray Diffraction                                                                           28

2.6       Scherrer Equation                                                                                           30

2.7       X-ray Fluorescence                                                                                         31

2.8      Theory of X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy                                                   31

2.9      XRF Sources                                                                                                    34

2.10    Global Rice Production                                                                                   34

2.11    Rice Husk Ash                                                                                                 35

2.12    Rice Husk Ash as an Active Pozzolan                                                             36

2.13   Manufacturing Refractory Bricks                                                                     36

2.14  Silicon Chips                                                                                                      37

2.15 Tundish Powder in Steel Casting Industries                                                      38

2.16 Adsorbent for a Gold-Thiourea Complex                                                           38

2.17 Vulcanizing Rubber                                                                                            38

2.18 Soil Ameliorant                                                                                                   38

2.19 Pozzolanic Reaction                                                                                            39       

2.20 Amorphousness                                                                                                   40

2.21 Fineness                                                                                                              41

2.22 Typical Amounts of Pozzolan in Concrete by Mass of Cementing Materials    42                                                       

CHAPTER 3:  MATERIALS AND METHODS                                     

3.1       Materials                                                                                                         43

3.2       Methods                                                                                                          52

3.2.1    Husk Collection                                                                                              52

3.2.2    Ash and Concrete Production                                                                        52

3.2.3    Analysis                                                                                                          53

3.2.4    Procedure for XRD Analysis                                                                          53

3.2.5    Procedure for XRF Analysis                                                                           54



4.1       Strength at Various Mixed Ratio of Cement                                                  59

4.2       Strength at Various Mixed Ratio of Pozzolan                                                62

4.3       Strength at Various Mixed Ratio of Pozzolan with Cement                          65

4.4       Strength at Various Mixed Micron Sizes                                                        68

4.5       Strength at Different Particle Sizes                                                                71

4.6       Particle Size Distribution                                                                                74

4.7       Discussion                                                                                                       77



5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                      79

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                          79

References                                                                                                      80

Appendices                                                                                                     83












4.1       Ash Composition by XRF                                                                              54

4.2       Chemical Composition of Cement                                                                  55       

4.3       Chemical Composition of Laterite Soil                                                          56

4.4       Strength of Mixed Ratio of Cement                                                               58

4.5       Strength of Mixed Ratio of Pozzolan                                                             61

4.6       Strength of Mixed Ratio of Pozzolan with Cement                                       64

4.7       Strength of Mixed Ratio of Different Micron                                                            67

4.8       Strength of Different Particle Size                                                                 70

4.9       Particle Size Distribution                                                                                73





2.1       Deriving Bragg’s Law Using Reflection Geometry and Applying                29


2.2       Schematic of an X-ray Powder Diffractometer                                              29

2.3       The Principles of XRF and the Typical Detection Arrangement                    33

2.4       Pozzolanic Reactions                                                                                      39

3.1     Burning Furnace                                                                                               44

3.2       Sieve Machine                                                                                                 45

3.3       Mould                                                                                                             46

3.4       Hammer Mill                                                                                                   47

3.5       Weight Balance                                                                                               48

3.6       Electronic Balance                                                                                          49

3.7       Compression Testing Machine                                                                        50

3.8       Kiln                                                                                                                 51

4.1       Strength of Various Cement Mixtures against Number of Days                    59

4.2       Strength of Various Pozzolan Mixtures against Number of Days                  62

4.3       Strength of Various Pozzolan and Cement Mixtures against                                    

Number of days                                                                                              65

4.4       Strength at Various Pozzolan Sizes (in micron) against Number of

Days of Curing                                                                                               68

4.5       Strength against Particle size                                                                          71

4.6       Particle Size Distribution                                                                                74










Pozzolans are materials containing reactive silica and alumina which on their own have little or no binding property but, when mixed with lime in the presence of water, will set and harden like cement. Pozzolans are important addictive ingredients in the production of alternative cementing materials to Portland Cement, alternative cements provide an excellent technical option to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) at a much lower cost and have the potential to make a significant contribution towards the provision of low cost building materials and consequently affordable shelter. Pozzolans can be used in combination with lime and OPC. When mixed with lime, pozzolans greatly improve the properties of lime based mortars, concretes and renders for use in a wide range of building applications. Alternatively, they can be blended with OPC to improve the durability of concrete and its work ability, and considerable reduce its cost. A wide variety of siliceous or aluminous materials may be pozzolanic, including the ash from a number of agricultural and industrial wastes. The agricultural waste, rice husk has been identified as having the greatest potentials as it is widely available and, on burning, produces a relatively large proportion of ash, which contains 90% silica (Snellings, et al., 2012).

A general class of materials called pozzlans have the potential to reduce substantially the cost of building. These materials can be bland with lime (or Portland cement) to produce blended cements which can replace pure Portland cement commonly used in building materials such as concrete, masonry block, masonry mortar, bricks and other construction units. The energy required to manufacture a lime – pozzolan cement (LPC) is substantially less than that Portland cement; in some cases the pozzolan requires no preparation. The cost associated with the production of LPC is mainly due to the coal or oil used to produce the lime (Joseph, et al., 1989).

There are substantial advantages to be gained in performance if well chosen pozzolans are used in cement-base construction materials. They are found to improve quality of concrete, lower heat of hydration, lower thermal shrinkage, increase water tightness, improve sulphate resistance, improve seawater resistance, and reduce alkali-aggregate reaction. Use of poor quality pozzolans in practice, with resultant failures, is a principal reason why the confidence in the use of the materials is not high.

All pozzolanic materials when combined in some manner with lime generally show the same qualitative behaviour on both the fundamental and engineering levels. The differentiation between a good and bad pozzolan is in the quality of improvement in engineering properties such as strength and durability; economic consideration also play an important role in this differentiation (Joseph, et al., 1989).

Pozzolan is a siliceous and aluminous material which reacts with calcium hydroxide in the presence of water. This forms compounds possessing cementation properties at room temperature which have the ability to set even underwater. It transformed the possibilities for making concrete structures, although it took the Romans some time to discover its full potential. Typically it was mixed two to one with lime just prior to mixing with water. The Roman port at Cosa was built of pozzolan that was poured underwater, apparently using a long tube to carefully lay it up without allowing sea water to mix with it. The three piers are still visible today, with the underwater portions in generally excellent condition even after more than 2100 years (Joseph, et al., 1989).

Cement is a binder, a substance used for construction that sets, hardens and adheres to other materials, binding them together. Cement is seldom used on its own, but rather to bind sand and gravel together. Cement is manufacture through a closely controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminium, iron and other ingredients. Common materials used to manufacture cement include limestone, shells, chalk or marl combined with shale, clay, slate, blast furnace slage, silica sand and iron ore. These ingredients, when heated at high temperatures form a rock like substance that is ground into a fine powder is called cement (Hewlett, et al., 2003).

Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general use around the world as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, and non-specialty grout. It was developed from other types of hydraulic lime in England in the mid 19th century, and usually originates from limestone. It is a fine powder, produced by heating limestone and clay minerals in akiln to form clinker, grinding the clinker and adding 2 to 3 percent of gypsum. Several types of Portland cement are available.

The most common, called ordinary Portland cement (OPC), is grey in colour, but white Portland cement is also available. Its name is derived from its similarity to Portland stone which was quarried on the lsle of Portland in Dorset, England. It was named by Joseph Aspdin who obtained a patent for it in 1824.

However, his son William Aspdin is regarded as the inventor of modern Portland cement due to his development in the 1840s.Portland cement is caustic, so it can cause chemical burns, irritation or, with severe exposure, lung cancer, and can contain some hazardous components, such as crystalline silica and hexavalent chromium. Environmental concerns are the high energy consumption required tomine, manufacture, and transport the cement, and the related air pollution, including the release of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide), dioxin, SO2 and particulates.

The low cost and wide spread available of the limestone, shale’s, other naturally-occurring materials used in Portland cement make it one of the lowest-cost materials widely used over the last century. Concrete produced from Portland cement is one of the world’s most versatile construction materials (Dylan, 2014).

Rice husk are the natural sheaths that form on rice grains during their growth. These are removed during the milling of rice. Although these seem to have no commercial interest, however they can be made useful through a variety of thermo chemical conversion processes (Real, 1996). In a majority of rice producing countries, much of the husks produced from the processing of rice is either burnt or dumped as a waste. Rice husk is unusually high in ash compared to other biomass fuels; it has close to 20% of ash as by product (Adyolov, et al., 2003). Ash is 92 – 95% silica, highly porous and light weight, with external surface area. So with large ash content and silica content in the ash it becomes economical to extract silica from ash which take care of ash disposal (Adylov, et al., 2003).

`Rice husk ash (RHA) is a term describing all types of ash produced from burning rice husks which vary considerable according to burning techniques. According to (Kalapathy, et al., 2000), the silica in the ash undergoes structural transformations depending on conditions such as time and temperature of combustion. At 500℃ to 700℃ amorphous” ash is formed and at temperature greater than this, crystalline ash is formed (Joseph, et al., 1989). These types of silica have different properties and it is important to produce ash of the correct specification for the particular end use.



The disposal of rice husks create environmental problem that leads to the idea of producing pozzolan from rice husk as a comparison to cement. This will improves the strength, work ability, and durability of concrete.


The aim of this work is to compare Pozzolan produced in Nigeria with Ordinary Portland Cement with the help of a universal test machine and kiln which can be use for building applications.


  1. Determine the ash composition of rice husk (RH) at 600℃
  2. Determine the elemental composition of Pozzolan sample produced in Nigeria by X – ray fluorescence.
  3. Identify various types of compounds present in Pozzolan, with its respective structure using X – ray diffraction.
  4. Determine the elemental analysis of Ordinary Portland Cement use
  5.  Establish the elemental analysis of laterite use
  6. Determine their optimum strength of concrete mixed for various ratios.
  7. Determine their heat resistance.


This work is mainly concerned with pozzolan produced in Nigeria with respect to its strength, work ability, durability, various elements and compounds present in pozzolan that can be compare to ordinary Portland cement for building applications. Production of rice to obtain rice husk may be the limitation of this work and establishment of Pozzolan Company may also affect the actualization of this work.



An in-depth research of pozzolan as a comparison to cement for building applications will provide low-cost materials in construction; develop low-cost building materials in order that more of the lower-income sector of developing countries may obtain adequate housing.


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