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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008416

No of Pages: 50

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Biofilms are aggregates of microbial cells embedded in self –produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) and adhering to non-living or living surfaces. The purpose of this research on microbial communities developing biofilms in drinking water sources in MOUAU was to determine the presence of pathogenic organisms that are present in the water which causes the contamination of the water system and to know their tendency in biofilm formation. The morphological characteristics, Gram reaction and Biochemical tests were carried out to characterize them. The study reveals the percentage of occurrence E. coli as 10 (38.5%), P. aeruginosa - 8 (30.8%), P. vulgaris - 6 (23.0%) and S. aureus – 2(7.7%) and biofilm detection test was carried out using qualitative biofilm detection method (tube method). The screening for the biofilm forming organisms using the tube method revealed E. coli, P. aeruginosa and P. vulgaris to have strong biofilm formation while S. aureus gave moderate positive result.


Title                                                                                                                                        i

Certification                                                                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                    v

List of Tables                                                                                                                          viii

List of Figure                                                                                                                          ix

Abstract                                                                                                                                   x



1.1       Background of the Study                                                                                            1

1.2       Objectives of the Study                                                                                              3

1.3       Problem Statement                                                                                                     3



2.1       Definition of Biofilm                                                                                                  4

2.2.      Biofilms Formation and Development                                                                       5

2.2.1  Factors Affecting Biofilm Formation                                                                           6 Substratum Effect                                                                                                       7 Conditioning Film                                                                                                      7 Hydrodynamics                                                                                                           7 Characteristics of Aqueous Medium                                                                          7 Horizontal Gene Transfer                                                                                           8 Quorum Sensing                                                                                                         8

2.3.      Biofilm Structure and Function                                                                                  9

2.3.1    Extracellular Polymeric Substances                                                                           9

2.3.2    Protein                                                                                                                        10

2.3.2    Interaction of Particles                                                                                               11

2.4.3    Community: biofilms and communal behavior                                                          11 Biofilms as multicellular organisms                                                                           11 Division of the metabolic burden                                                                               13  Selfless behavior                                                                                                        13

2.5       Environmental factors influencing biofilm development                                           14

2.5.1    Effect of pH                                                                                                                14

2.5.2    Rheological and adhesive properties of biofilms                                                       15

2.5.3    Effect of temperature                                                                                                  16

2.6       Water                                                                                                                          17

2.6.1    Sources of Water                                                                                                        17 Surface Water                                                                                                             17 Ground Water                                                                                                             17

2.6.2    Sources of Contamination Water                                                                                18

2.7       Biofilms of Drinking Water Distribution Systems                                                     18

2.8       Effect of long storage of water on Biofilm Formation                                               19




3.1       Sample Collection                                                                                                      20

3.2       Preparation of Media and Sterilization                                                                       20

3.3       Sample Inoculation                                                                                                     20

3.3.1    Isolation of Bacteria                                                                                                   20

3.4       Identification of the Isolates                                                                                       21

3.4.1    Macroscopic Examination                                                                                          21

3.4.2    Microscopic Examination (Gram Staining)                                                               21

3.5       Biochemical Tests                                                                                                       21

3.5.1    Catalase test                                                                                                                21

3.5.2    Citrate Utilization Test                                                                                               22

3.5.3    Coagulase Test                                                                                                            22

3.5.4    Oxidase Test                                                                                                               22

3.5.5    Motility, Urease and Indole (MUI) Tests                                                                    22

3.5.6    Methyl Red- Vogus Proskauer Test                                                                            23

3.5.7    Sugar Fermentation Test                                                                                             23

3.6       Detection of Biofilm using Tube Method                                                                   24


RESULTS                                                                                                                   25



5.1       Discussion                                                                                                                   30

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                      33

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      33

References                                                                                                                  34       




Table    Title                                                                Page

4.1:      Morphological Identification and Biochemical characteristics                         27

            of the Bacterial Isolates                                                                                             

4.2:      Percentage of Occurrence of Bacterial Isolates                                              28

 4.3:     Qualitative Detection of Biofilm formation                                                   29


Figure    Title                                                                Page

4.1:      The screening of biofilm forming bacteria using the Tube Method                        26





Water is essential to sustain life and a satisfactory (adequate, safe and accessible) supply must be available to all (WHO, 2004). The quality of life depends on the key elements such as the quantity and the quality of water available for consumption. A rational use of resources considering the support capacity of the ecosystems in which we live indicates a sustainable society. Strategies such as the management and protection of water sources, effective treatment methods, the proper distribution and handling of water are intended to be implemented worldwide. Trends to increase productivity are evident in water sectors, as well as in food industry, in order to provide indispensable consumer products for a continuously growing population.  Drinking water is not only a liquid for hydration. It interacts with all industrial, agricultural, economic, social and cultural components characterizing the human society (Ancuţa, 2012).


Drinking water distribution systems have an intake of suspended bacteria from different sources as such the bacteria present in groundwater and raw surface waters which is not removed even after the treatment, the bacteria yielding from the treatment processes such as biofilters and/or bacteria which is introduced by water is obstructed from other aquatic environments. Many problems in drinking water distribution systems (DWDS) are microbial in nature, including biofilm growth, nitrification, microbially mediated corrosion and the occurrence and persistence of pathogens (Regan et al., 2003; Beech and Sunner, 2004; Camper, 2004 and Emtiazi et al., 2004).


Microbial adhesion to surfaces and biofilm formation occur in environment, on board ships (potable water systems, water-treatment facilities; air-conditioning equipment). Biofilms represents a protected mode of growth, allowing microorganisms to survive in hostile environments. Depending on the environment in which the biofilm has developed, noncellular materials such as minerals, crystals, corrosion particles, clay or silt particles, or blood components may also be found in the biofilm matrix (Donlan, 2002). Biofilms grow on nearly every surface that is in contact with water, even at extremely low nutrient concentrations. One possible survival strategy for microorganisms is the colonization and growth on solid surfaces. The advantages of bacterial adherence are the greater availability of nutrients attached to these surfaces (Marshall, 1989) and the possibility of optimal long-term settlement supported by the secretion of extracellular polymer substance (EPS). EPS are organic polymers of microbial origin which in biofilm systems is frequently responsible for binding cells and other particulate materials together (cohesion) and to the substratum (adhesion) (Characklis and Wilderer, 1989). Researchers have described this organic polymer matrix as a trap for nutrients from the water (Mittelmann and Geesey, 1985). Biofilm formation protects embedded bacteria against such environmental influences as antimicrobials and other bioactive compounds (Fletcher, 1991; LeChevallier, 1991).


The presence of biofilm has a number of negative effects, such as biofouling of filters and biocorrosion and biocontamination of drinking water distribution network, but it also has positive effects. For example, biofilm reactors employ an important role in the degradation or production of chemical substances in the wastewater treatment process (Sutherland, 1998; Geesey and Bryers, 2000; Geesey et al., 2000; Lazarova and Manem, 2002). According to Krampitz and Hollander (1991); Evans et al., (2009); Kim and Han (2011), biofilms may have a self-cleaning function in tanks and many regulate microbial quality in stored rainwater. The nature of a biofilm is determined by the specific microbes that are produced and live within. In addition, the properties of the bulk fluid (nutrient concentration, flow velocity, pH and oxygen) and the substratum (texture or roughness, hydrophobicity and conditioning film) also influence biofilm development (Donlan, 2002).


The problems associated with the presence of biofilms in drinking water sources are as follows:

·             They may be responsible for a wide range of water quality and operational problems

·             They can be responsible for loss of distribution system disinfectant residuals, increased bacterial levels, reduction of dissolved oxygen, taste and odour changes

·             Microbial-influenced corrosion, hydraulic roughness and reduced materials life


1.3                   OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

·               To determine a bacterial contaminant that is present in drinking water

·               To identify and characterize bacteria isolated from drinking water sources in MOUAU.

·               To investigate the bacteria that has the tendency of forming biofilms in drinking water sources


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