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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00004024

No of Pages: 47

No of Chapters: 5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Title page

Certification                                                                                                i

Dedication                                                                                         ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                      iii

Table of content                                                                                v


1.0     Background of the study                                                                   1

1.1     Introduction                                                                            1

1.2     Statement of the problem                                                                  2

1.3     Objective of the study                                                             2

1.4     Significance of the study                                                                   2

1.5     Research hypothesis                                                                3

1.6     Scope and limitation of the study                                            4

1.7     Organization of the study                                                                 5

1.8     Definition of terms                                                                            6

Reference                                                                                           8


2.0     Literature review                                                                    9

2.1     Introduction                                                                            9

2.2     Theoretical frame work                                                         11

2.3     Current trend in thinking                                                                 14        

References                                                                                         16


3.0     Research methodology                                                          17

3.1     Sample and population of the study                                               17 

3.2     Sources of data and data collection                                      18

3.3     Method of data analysis                                                                 18

3.4     Research problem                                                                19


4.0     Data presentation analysis and interpretation of findings              21       

4.1     Introduction                                                                      21

4.2     Brief history of Moro local government                          21

4.3     Organizational structure of Ilorin east local government          23

4.4     Analysis of hypothesis                                                    25

4.5     Testing of hypothesis                                                       30

4.6     Summary of the data                                                       32

References                                                                                      33

CHAPTER FIVE          

Summary, conclusion, and recommendation.

5.1     Summary of findings                                                        34

5.2     Recommendation                                                            34

5.3     Conclusion                                                                         37






Local government is the classiest tier of government to the people. Local government is not only an institution for economic development but also the bedrock on which the growth and development rural areas by federal and state government superstructures are laid

Throughout West Africa, the history of local government introduced by the British Colonial administration to the former West African territories was imported from Britain experience in it Colony in India and had little or no relationship with the history and characteristics of our people. Though Community development is not new in Nigeria, it is the emphasis on it now which makes it almost a revolution.

However, community development as a process in which the inhabitants of a local government community organize themselves to provide social amenities on their own with or without government assistance.



The major problems that hinder the progress of the local government community development includes: Inadequate funding and withholding of local government funds by the control of federal government and joint account with the state government. Lack of local government autonomy over local affairs, selection rather than election of local government executives by state government. Corruption nepotism and favoritism.


In view of the importance of local government as agent of community development, this work will highlight the

Impact of the local government in community development. It will also examine the impact of local government area council in its social economic and political activities. This work will also examine the performance of local government on community development within it area of jurisdiction.


This work would be useful and beneficial not only in Moro local government, but to other agencies involved in grassroots development efforts. It will also help to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on Moro local government area of Kwara state and serve as a reference for future research work.


The local government administration objectives which are both political and administrative in nature can be streamlined to effectively mobilize local resource both human and material through the active in-conjunction with higher authorities’ i.e. federal and state government to Facilitate socio-economic and political development of these rural communities.

Local government can be a veritable agent for grassroots community development when and if the following issues are critically examined and adopted: The local government statutory powers and autonomy, if given prominence with institutional backing that would encourage civic consciousness, political participation and consultation on policy issues. It would not only bring enthusiasms on the part of the people, but reduce areas of friction and possible outbreak of violence.

Reliable system of funding devoid of corrupt Practice can facilitate quick response for local demand and aspiration for programs and projects that would have direct impact on inhabitants. Planning process and implementation carried out from local level would have absolute support of local community. The federal and state Government can interface through filed agencies with local communities by enlighten and educational campaign for easy implementation of policies of central government.

Local government would provide educational and skill acquisition (vocational) centers in rural communities. This would facilitate proper use of government properties like agricultural implement, school teaching data, Clinic and dispensary including other infrastructures. There would be proper utilization of available resources, prevent misuse, misappropriation and prevent acts that would be inimical to growth and development of rural communities.


This study presents the research on local government as agent of community development. It covers the role of Ilorin east local government as a catalyst for community development and the roles of various units of the local government in this regards. It covers in retrospect the period from the time of local government reform 1976 as a reference point till date. Taking into cognizance that the local government (Moro local government) under spotlight was created in December 1991.

This work would not cover certain areas such as secret files or documents to some documents as “classified documents” and secrete files. Time constraint was another factor as well as inadequate finance.


This research work is divided into five chapters.

Chapter one contains background of the study, introduction, statement of the study, significance of the study, research hypothesis, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and references.

Why chapter two contains literature review, introduction, theoretical frame work, current trend in thinking, summary of the chapters and references.

Chapter three contains research methodology, sample and the population of the study, source of data and data collection, method of data analysis and research problem.

Chapter four contains data presentation analysis and interpretation of findings, introduction, and brief history of Moro local government, analysis of hypothesis, testing of hypothesis, summary of the data and references.

Chapter five contains summary, conclusions and recommendations, summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations and bibliography.                   


Local government is a concept that carries a myriad of definition and meaning. There is no system of local government that is common to all countries of the world, hence no uniform structure, power and function for local government. Therefore it is difficult to find a common definition that fit ails.

Bello- Imam [1996] defines local government as that unit of administration with constitutionally defined territory and powers as well as an administrative authority with relative autonomy. Such administrative authority could be, be not always elected,

The federal republic of Nigeria [FRN] 1976 conceives kcal government as government at local level exercised through council established by law to exercise special’s powers within defined areas.

The report of the political Burien [2987]. Local government is widely acknowledged as a viable instrument for rural transformation and for delivery of social service to the people.

Rural communities generally refers to the country side and is demographically defined as that setting that has less than ten thousand people inhabiting a particular area or location. The economic activities of a greater percentage are farming.

Development, however, is a process of social transformation, which may manifest in visible change in the physical environment and or in the upward movement of such hid ices gross nation product, per capital income, declining maternal mortality and increase employment.

Rural community development world therefore be conceive as a process of rapid social transformation and increase level of per capital income in the rural community economic sector that would translate to a meaningful rise in the standard of living of the rural population.

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