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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00005167

No of Pages: 51

No of Chapters: 5

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This project was executed in order to investigate into level of service of Egbejila Road Ilorin west Local Government Kwara State and improvement options.

          It was carried out to determine the rigidity quality, traffic characteristics and traffic volume study of the road, which was put into consideration in order to know what really cause the failure and how to determine the improvement option for such road. It was also discussed; some of the possible effect of contraction which leads to structural failure of defect of potholes, washout, suited culvert, edge brake etc. The use of questionnaire was introduced to know the opinion of people in Egbejila Community on what are the problems faced regarding the specific road.

          It was also discussed; the common types of pavement failure in Egbejila road. Some pictures were taken from the road various types of failure on the road and the remedy option

          Recommendations were also made on how to rectify pavement failure in order to restore the road to good standard during use.      




Content                                                           Page No

Title page                                                       i

Certification                                                                                                ii

Dedication                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                       iv

Abstract                                                                                            v

Table of contents                                                                              vi

List of Table                                                                                      ix

List of Pates                                                                                      x

CHAPTER ONE         

1.0     Introduction                                                                                      1

1.1     Statement of the Problem                                                                  2

1.2     Aim and Objectives of the Research                                        3

1.3     Justification                                                                                      3

1.4     Scope of the Study                                                                            4

1.5     Description of the Study                                                                   5

1.6     Methodology                                                                           5


2.0     Literatures Review                                                                            6

2.1.0  Classification of Road                                                                       6

2.1.1  Classification according to the volume of traffic they handle 7

2.1.2  Classification according to the number lane in the road          7

2.1.3  Classification according to the area they travel                       7

2.1.4  Classification according to the east of the Road                      7  

2.1.5  Classification according to Rigidity of the Road                     8

2.2.    Factors Influencing the Selection of the type of Base Surfacing        10

2.3     Earth Road                                                                              10

2.4     Gravel Road                                                                                      11

2.5     Pavement Rehabilitation                                                                   13


3.0     Data Collection                                                                       14

3.1     Introduction                                                                            14

3.2     The Study Area                                                                       14

3.3     Nature of Transportation Service in The area                                   14

3.4     Method of Data Collection                                                      15

3.4.1  Failure observed on Egbejila Road Ilorin                                15

3.5     Limitation of the Methodology                                                         16

3.6     Traffic Volume Study                                                              16


4.0     Analysis and Discussion                                                                   28

4.1     Analysis of the Questionnaire                                                 28 

4.2     Pavement Defect/Failure                                                                   29

4.2.1  Types of Pavement Failure                                                      29

4.3     Effect of Failure                                                                       31

4.4     Causes of the road pavement in Egbejila Community area, Ilorin West LOCAL Government area Kwara State                             31

4.5     Traffic Characteristic                                                               32

4.5.1  Average Traffic Volume                                                          32

4.6     Summary and Discussion                                                                 36


5.0     Conclusion and Recommendation                                           38

5.1     Conclusion                                                                              38

5.2     Recommendation                                                                     38

          Reference                                                                                 40


LIST OF TABLES                

Table 3.3.1           Inventory of Road Defect along Egbejila Road in Ilorin 

West Local government Area of Kwara state       15

Table 3.3.1a         Traffic Volume Study on 18-04-2016 1st week    16

Table 3.3.2b         Traffic Volume Study on 20-04-2016                            17     

Table 3.3.3c         Traffic Volume Study on 23-04-2016                            18

Table 3.3.1b         Traffic Volume Study on 27-04-2016 2nd week    19

Table 3.3.2b         Traffic Volume Study on 29-04-2016                            20

Table 3.3.3c         Traffic Volume Study on 30-04-2016                            21

Table 3.3.1c         Traffic Volume Study on 03-05-2016 3rd week    22

Table 3.3.2b         Traffic Volume Study on 05-05-2016                            23

Table 3.3.3c         Traffic Volume Study on 08-05-2016                            24

Table 4.1              Traffic Characteristic can be Categories

into following in tabular form                              32

Table 4.2              The Definitions for Vehicular classes are provided       35

Table 4.3              Road Categories                                                   36



Main entrance of Egbejila road                                                         25

Potholes along the Road Chainage 0+200                               25

Road damage Chainage 20+400                                                       26

Potholes along the Road Chainage 39+500                                      26

Michael on Traffic Volume Study                                           27







Transportation and property are important physical and economic development of towns and cities all over the world. Level of service is qualitative measure used to relate the quality of traffic service. Level of service is used to analyze highways by categorizing traffic flow and assigning qualify level of traffic base on performance measured like speed density volume e.t.c. property and land value tend to increase in area with expanding transportation network, and increase less rapidly in areas without such improvements. Rapid and continued rise in housing and land prices are expected in cities with transportation improvement and rapid economic and population growth.

Road networks are observed in terms of its components of accessibility connectivity. Traffic density, level of service, compactness, and density of particular road Level of service is a measure by which the quality of service on transportation device or infrastructure is determined and it is a holistic approach considering several factor regarded as measures of traffic density and congestion rather than overall speed of the journey { Mannering, Walter, and Scott. 2004 }

The present position concerning Egbejila road which is in Ilorin west local government area of Kwara State, the only access road connecting villages and hamlets under the community, the road is about 40 kilometer and the entrance of the road is from Ilorin international airport road way. There are ditches of potholes at every spot of the road, the is un-tire and there is known drainage on the road side which water can pass through. A tour of the road revealed that about 10 village are under Egbejila community and include Boluwaji, Temidire, Obanisuwa, Egbejila, Ajegunle, Eru Oba, Budo Kawu among others. The long-strength road links to asa-dam area which has ditches of potholes too, it is against this background that this research analyzed the roads, determined the levels of accessibility, connectivity, traffic density of the road network is Egbejila community Ilorin.


Road connecting many of the settlement are narrow and un-tire road have broken surface with a lot of potholes and there is know drainage on the road side which water can pass through, the volume number of vehicle is very low, because of the present condition of the road.

Inadequate transport service is generally insufficient and mostly irregular. This problem is prominent in Egbejila Road. The level of motorization is low in Nigeria at 20 vehicles per 1,000 people. These motorcycles to play important role in transporting by providing about 70 of vehicle fleet

Poor condition of vehicle, another problem identified by the respondent is that old transport fleet resulting in incessant breakdown of vehicles, delays and other inconveniences. The few vehicles that are available in the area are mostly in poor condition.



The aim of this research is to analyze the network of arterial road and other explanatory variable and commercial property values in Egbejila, while the specific objectives are to:

{a}    analyze the arterial road network pattern in the study area.

{b}    examine the spatial pattern and trend of demand, supply and values of commercial properties

{c}    determine the traffic flow and the volume of the numbers of vehicles on the road.

{d}    determine the contribution of individual explanatory variables to variability on the road.

{e}    derive mode for predicting variability on the road in relation to the explanatory variables.


It is trait amongst earlier studies on accessibility in relation to road value that profitability and utility are determine by accessibility. The greater the accessibility of the location the greater the demand of the comparative advantage, and the greater of the comparative advantage the greater the demand for property at the location. The transport network and the location with good transport access to other areas have relative advantage are likely to be where transport route courage similarly estate surveyors wavers, with properties along major road and at point having greater value.

In addition, it is essential to establish a technique that may be useful for determine relative accessibility of location in the road network. Ever when relative advantage are determined, there is need to develop models that will be useful for predicting commercial property values in Nigeria.


Road may be classified as international, intercity or intra-city. International and inter-city road are usually major or arterial road, while intra-city road are routes within a city and may be minor or major. The study focused on investigation into level of service on a road in the intra-rural network of Egbejila. There are ten roads in Egbejila community and the entire road has the same problem.

Preliminary study revealed that there are three types of commercial properties in the study area. These are retail shop and petroleum station, and non-specific commercial properties. In respect of this research, focus was on shop and petroleum station of commercial uses.

          Road network analysis was carried out to determine the level of service and accessibility and connectivity of nodal point as well as road and traffic densities in the hope of predicting commercial properties value along axes in Egbejila area were the focus of the research to the exclusion of secondary connector road. While the relationship between roads and commercial properties in Egbejila area were examined.



Egbejila community is in Ilorin west local government Ilorin Kwara State Nigeria.

          In general contact, Kwara State is made up of Sixteen Local Government Area Egbejila road is a beehive of activities. It is largely populated by commercial motorcyclist popularly known as (Okada) who mostly ply the road from the junction to towns and villages in the area. A tour of the road revealed that about ten villages are under Egbejila community and this include Boluwaji,Eru Oba, Budokawa, Egbejila, Ajegunle, Temidire, Obanisuwa among others, no fewer than five filling station were suit along the road but only one is operating while the other are under lock and key for fear of attack by armed robbers because of the state of the road. The long-straightened road links to Asa Dam Area, the state House of Assembly and of Garage.


Consultation will be made to many textbooks, question to local government ministers officers, journal and use of internet  visits will also be made to the site in order to carryout survey on the road such as condition survey.

In orders to achieved this mission on condition survey the whole length of the road will be sighted to observed the on-site condition of the rural road such as the pavement measurement i.e the length, width and depth of the pavement, type of pavement failure on each point, surveying and collection of sample of map.

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