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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007043

No of Pages: 117

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study is on information provision for reduction of road traffic accidents: a survey of public enlightenment unit of the Federal Road Safety Corps in Abia State, with the purpose of examining the information provision activities of the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC for reduction of road traffic accidents in Abia state. Seven research questions that guided the research were developed by the researcher. The study was a descriptive survey and area of study is Abia State. A snowball technique was used to draft the sample size of 316 from the total population of 580 respondents. The instrument used for data collection was structured questionnaire developed by the researcher. The instrument was validated by three validates and Cronbach-alpha was used to established the reliability and the coefficient of 0.204 was obtained. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. The finding from the study reveals that road users require information on basic rules of the road, safety guideline and for enforcement of law. The type of information provided to road users by the public enlightenment of the FRSC for reduction of road accidents in Abia State are information on vehicle maintenance, special and safe driving. The type of information sources used for information provision to road users by the Public enlightenment Unit of FRSC are both print and non print information sources yet most road users are not interested to be directed on the right thing to do while on the road becomes the major challenge to the provision of information for reduction of road accidents in Abia State.


Cover page                                                                                                                

Title page                                                                                                                   i

Declaration                                                                                                                ii

Certification                                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                     v

Table of Contents                                                                                                      vi

List of Tables                                                                                                             ix

Abstract                                                                                                                     x

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                          1

11. Background of the Study                                                                                   1

1.2. Statement of the Problem                                                                                  10

1.3. Purpose of the Study                                                                                         11

1.4. Research Questions                                                                                            12

1.5. Significance of the Study                                                                                   12

1.6. Scope of the Study                                                                                             14

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                              15

2.1. Conceptual Framework                                                                                  15

2.1.1. Concept of information                                                                                  16

2.1.2. Concept information provision                                                                      17

2.1.3. Concept of road users                                                                                     18

2.1.4. Information need of road users                                                                     22

2.1.5. Public enlightenment                                                                                      24

2.1.6. Overview of road traffic accident                                                                  26

2.1.7. Challenges associated with provision of information for the control

            of road accidents.                                                                                          37

2.1.8. Ways of reducing road accidents by the public enlightenment unit

            of the FRSC.                                                                                                  38

2.2   Review of Empirical Studies.                                                                           40

2.3   Summary of Literature Review.                                                                      43

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY                                                                          44

3.1. Research Design                                                                                                 44

3.2. Area of Study                                                                                                     44

3.3. Population of the Study                                                                                     45

3.4. Sample and Sampling Techniques                                                                    46

3.5. Instrument for Data Collection                                                                         46

3.6. Validation of Instrument                                                                                   47

3.7. Reliability of the Instrument                                                                             48

3.8. Method of data Collection                                                                                 48

3.9. Method of data Analysis                                                                                    49


4.1 Data Presentation                                                                                                50

 4.2 Summary Findings                                                                                             63

4.3 Discussion of Findings                                                                                        65

4.3.1 The types of information required by road users for reduction of

road accidents                                                                                                65

4.3.2 The types of information provided to road users by the public                  

enlightenment unit of the FRSC for reduction of road accidents 66

4.3.3 The types of information sources and channels used for information

provision to road users by the Public Enlightenment Unit of FRSC

for reduction of road accidents                                                                    67       

4.3.4 The extent public enlightenment unit of the FRSC has reduced

 road accidents in Abia State                                                                        68       

4.3.5 The challenges associated with information provision for reduction

of road accidents  in Abia State                                                                   69

4.3.6 The possible ways for enhancing information provision for reduction

of road accidents                                                                                           69


5.1 Summary of the Study                                                                                        71

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                           72

5.3 Implication of Findings                                                                                       74       

5.4 Recommendations                                                                                               74

5.5 Limitation of the Study                                                                                       75

5.6 Suggestion for Further Study                                                                            76

REFERENCES                                                                                                        77

APPENDICES                                                                                                          85





4.1:      Response Rate                                                                                               50

4.2:      Type of Information Required by Road Users for Reduction of            

Road Accident in Abia State (n=288)                                                          51

4.3:      Type of Information Provided to Road User by the Public Enlightenment

Unit of the FRSC for Reduction of Road Accidents (n=288)                   53

4.4:      The Type of Information Sources and Channels used for Information

Provision to Road Users by Public Enlightenment Unit of FRSC

for reduction Road Accidents (n=288)                                                        55

4.5:      The Extent Public Enlightenment Unit of FRSC has reduced

Road Accidents: (n=288)                                                                              57

4.6       Challenges Associated with Information Provision for Reduction of Road

 Accidents: (n=288)                                                                                       59

4.7       The Possible ways for Enhancing Information Provision for Reduction

 of Road Accidents: (n=288)                                                                         62       








       1.1                BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

The growing number of deaths and injuries as a result of road traffic accident is a global phenomenon that all countries of the world are grappling with, which has led to the search of information for the reduction of this road traffic accidents. It is essential for all road users such as drivers, passengers and pedestrians to have good road safety knowledge by having access to the information for reduction of road traffic accidents, as this has been shown to influence driving behaviours and practices.

Information is a powerful tool for both human beings and animals for their existence in this planet earth. Starting from the time of birth to the time of death, information has been a tool necessary for man’s survival. The word information was derived from a Latin word “information” meaning to instruct or teach. According to Hornby (2000) information is the fact or detail about somebody or something. Information could be used to save life, for planning and decision making, examination and promotion purposes.

Obodoeze (2004), states that information is used to describe mankind accumulated knowledge derived from all subjects in all form and all sources that could help its user to reduce their level of uncertainty. While Ezinnia (2004) sees information as data structured or processed to be valued in planning and decision making for the execution, monitoring and evaluation of public and private sector programmes of any nation. For information to be successful, the following principles according to Ndagana (2000) must be observed:

Information is also defined by Chimah and Nwokocha (2013) as the result of processing, manipulation and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the receiver, while Magaji (2017) sees information as an important resource to individuals and organisations.  Bergdahl (1989) also opines that information has become a precious gift, because it is the resolution to uncertainty which deals with data and knowledge that answer the question of uncertainty. Information about the road safety is of great importance to drivers, riders (bicycle, motorcycle and tricycle riders), passengers and pedestrians for reduction of road traffic accidents, lives and property safety.

Information provision according to Obodoeze (2004), is the process within which information is provided to users or user community without any individualization of the content or purpose – specialization of the information or the delivery process.

Information provision as regard to road accidents is the provision of fact or details about road accidents and its prevention which are readily available in FRSC handbook, manuals, yearly report CD’s and flyers in all the public enlightenment units of the  Federal Road Safety Corps commands, (FRSC, 2016). Information about road safety should be provided to road users regardless of status and location at all time through workable channels to all road users in Abia State.   This information is seriously needed by drivers, riders, passengers and pedestrians both old and young who constantly make use of roads for their daily activities.

Road user comprises of different people from different background with different state of mind and belief who may be reckless and dangerous in driving without license, excess speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, faulty pedestrian attitude such as crossing the road in a hurry without proper look on both sides of the road, etc. Some road users may have be battling with one health challenges or the other such as Vision, hearing, physical, psychological, mental and environmental challenges (FRSC, 2014). This may directly or indirectly affect the reaction of such road user on different categories of traffic situations while on the road. Base on the observation about road users, FRSC (2015) suggests that every driver should always see every other person on the road as mad persons while he is the only normal person. Atubi (2009) is of the opinion that road accidents are totally depended on driver’s vision towards the object as well as traffic control and will reduce accident time if vision is clear and accurate. These group of people (drivers, riders passengers and pedestrians) need to know the precautions to take to avoid road accidents on our roads, which can only be possible when the safety rules and regulations through road safety education are provided to road users, then they can partake actively in the fight against road accident.

Information provision according to Nwalo (2003) is the process through which information is supplied to individuals that are in need of particular information either by radio/television broadcasting, mailing, posting, face to face discussion or giving direction to the information using catalogue card and other information retrieval sources. Information also can be provided through seminar and workshop, public enlightenment education which the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC always carried out to provide important information to road users on ways to reduce road traffic accidents in our societies.

In FRSC, road users always require information that will help to save their lives and that of their passengers. Information required by road users includes right to life, safe guide- line for exposed road users, the motorist sharing the road with other road users’, basic rule of the road and special driving situation (FRSC, 2016). Drivers also require information to overcome over-confidence, speeding, lack of concentration, tiredness, drinking, drugs, poor vehicle care and indiscriminate parking which may lead to avoidable road accident if controlled, while passengers require information to minimize distraction and I don’t care attitude of most passengers which may lead to avoidable road accidents, as we all know that road accident claims more passengers’ life than drivers, (FRSC 2014). Road users also require information on the safety guide-line for pedestrians, motorcyclist, and bicycle riders so that they will know the right path to take while walking and driving at a particular point as well as using rider’s protection like helmet and seatbelt while driving. Information require by road users according to Adrian (2006), includes basic rules of the road and the use of traffic control signs, signals, road marking, overtaking, road junction, walking, parking and using the road with other road users. FRSC (1997) also adds that special driving situations are important information required by road users which must be provided by the public Enlightenment unit of the FRSC in all States including Abia State.

 This information according to FRSC (2016) is provided to road users through the production and circulation of high way code manual, distribution of flyers, insisting on attending driving schools from recognized driving schools before issuing driving license to drivers using channels like radio/ television broadcast, operation catch them young, sound check exercise and drivers manuals. Even regular patrol to identify and correct black sports and road violators to reduce road traffic accident on our roads is one of the channel through which the Public enlightenment unit of the FRSC provides information to road users.  Akpomera (2011) reported that information for reduction of road accidents is provided through the invention of traffic communication tools (such as; traffic signs, road marking, and traffic signals) using radio and television programmes.

Despite the effort of the Public enlightenment unit of the FRSC in providing information for reducing road traffic accidents, road users are still adamant about the information provided by not using safety belt, road design and compliance to the road safety rules and regulation, and the traffic mix on roads and other factors which still contribute to the high rate of accidents in Abia State which are reflective of economic austerity thereby using resources that would have been used for other things to treat accident victims, ( Adrian, 2006). This means that information for reduction of road traffic accident is provided to road users but the compliance by road user is still low resulting to high rate of road traffic accidents in Nigeria and Abia state in particular.

Krug ...etal (2000), states that road traffic accident has been a major issue to both developed and developing countries throughout the world. It has been observed that one of the major concerns of any nation’s transport sector is how to curb road traffic accidents in such countries. The growing number of deaths and injuries as a result of road traffic accident is a global phenomenon that all countries of the world are grappling with.

For more clarification, on this research work, road as defined by Hornby (2000) is a hard surface built for vehicles to travel on while Aderian (2006) sees road as a way between two places especially one with a prepared surface where vehicles can use. He also defines traffic as the vehicles that are on the road at a particular time, while accident is an unpleasant event especially in a vehicle that happens unexpectedly and causes injuries, damages and death. Therefore, road traffic accident simply refers to any unpleasant events involving vehicles, tricycles or bicycles on the road. ( Atubi, 2008).

One of the major concerns of any nation’s transport sector is how to curb road traffic accidents in such countries. In the recent time, road traffic accidents due to recklessness and other aggressive behaviours of drivers has led to accidents as confirmed by Rodrigue and Notteboom (2009), in their statement that once an accident is initiated, injuries and damages of various degrees of severity are sustained on the infrastructure, vehicles, drivers and passengers.

It is important to note that Nigeria is a high risk region with average of 32 traffic death per 1000 people (Filani and Gbadamosi, 2007). This is very high compared with the United States of America which is 1.6 traffic deaths per 1000 population, while United Kingdom is 1.4 deaths per 1000 population, (Trinca, 1988). In terms of traffic safety, there is an average of 320 accidents per 10,000 vehicles in Nigeria. This is far in excess for United State of America’s accident rate of 2.7 per 10,000 vehicles and United Kingdom’s accident rate of 3.2 per 10,000 vehicles, ( Obinna, 2007). Road accidents started in Nigeria at Lagos and ever since then it has been a public health concern based on the number and magnitude of persons killed and injured.

According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2012), road traffic accidents and death are global diseases sweeping through the world gradually. As a result of constant increase in the case of road accident and loss of human lives and properties, Chidoka (2009) suggests that the idea of mobile court is to facilitate the trial of road traffic offenders thereby ensuring discipline on the highways, because drivers and non compliance with speed limits has been the major cause of most road accidents in our country, (Wang, 2012).

The rate of accidents in Abia State shows about 86 cases of accidents where 41 people were killed while about 292 were injured annually in 2014 resulting to 333 cases. It has also been observed that Enugu-Portharcourt express way has been the highest number of accidents followed by Aba-Umuahia, then Aba-Ikot Ikpene roads, (FRSC, 2014 and 2015). The level of compliance with the basic road rules and regulations among drivers, motorcyclist, tricycles (keke) riders and bicycle riders and pedestrians will as well reduce the level of cases of road traffic accidents in Abia State. FRSC (2017), also reported that the major cases of road accidents in Abia State between 2016-2017 were speed violation (SPV), lost of control (LOC) and slight light violation (SLV), while cars has the highest number that was involved in accidents which mostly occur between 12pm-6pm.


           ABIA STATE

The federal Road Safety Corps Abia State (FRSC) is a Government Agency with the vision to eradicate Road Traffic accidents and create safe monitoring environment in Nigeria. FRSC was established in February 1988 with Decree No. 45 as was amended by Decree 35 of 1992 which was eventually re-enacted as Federal Road Safety Corps (establishment) Act 2007. The Corps were saddled with the statutory functions of preventing or maintaining accidents on highways, clearing obstructions on any part of the highway, educating drivers, motorists and other members of the general public on the proper use of highway, designing and producing the drivers license to be used by various categories of vehicle operators and determining from time to time the requirements to be satisfied by an applicant for driver’s license.

FRSC is also responsible for the designing and producing of vehicle number plates, standardization of the highway traffic codes, giving prompt attention and care to victims of road traffic accidents, conducting researches into causes of motor accidents and methods of preventing them and putting into use the result of such researches, determining and enforcing speed limits for all categories of roads and vehicles, and controlling the use of limiting devices, co-operating with bodies or agencies or groups engaged in road safety activities for the prevention of accidents on highways, producing roadside and mobile clinic for the treatment of accident victims free of charge, regular use of seat belt and other safety devices and regulating the use of mobile phones by motorist (FRSC, 2007).

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Abia State Command is a branch of the FRSC Nigeria with the Head office at Abuja. The establishment of FRSC in Abia State came as a result of the mandate given to the FRSC Nigeria to establish its branches in all the States in the country which must be loyal to the head quarter at Abuja. As a result of this mandate, Abia State FRSC was established along side with other states in the country. In Abia State, FRSC is located at No 57 Asaba Street, behind the General Sani Abacha Recreation Park Amuzukwu, in Umuahia. Abia State Road Safety Command also has branches at both Aba and Ohafia all in Abia State. The command is also mandated to adhere strictly to the FRSC (Establishment) Act 2007 and report all the activities of the command to the head quarter, (Adamu, 2002).

In order to achieve the vision of zero tolerance for road traffic accidents of the FRSC Nigeria, the command regulates, enforces and co-ordinates all Road Traffic and Safety Management activities in Abia State through the following means:

·         Sustained public enlightenment

·         Promotion of stack holders’ cooperation

·         Robust data management

·         Improved motor vehicle administration

·         Prompt rescue services

·         Effective patrol operation.

The Federal Road Safety Corps in Abia State and other states of the country is mandated to create a safer monitoring environment through the compliance with the FRSC (Establishment) Act 2007, other traffic laws and quality management system standard with a view to continually improving its mode of operation which includes frequent night patrol by the FRSC staffs (FRSC, 2009).

The public Enlightenment unit is a unit under the policy, Research and Statistics (PRS) department, which provides information to Federal Road Safety Staff and other people that may be undergoing a research on FRSC. In agreement to the above statement (Dike, 2010), said that special libraries are set up to serve the information need of its parent body. The information resource available in this unit includes  textbook, FRSC manuals, conference journals, calendars, newspapers and non-print materials such as CDs, flash and computers which carry information about the deeds and done of the FRSC in Abia State.

The functions of the Public Enlightenment / library Unit of the FRSC in Abia State is to collect, process, preserve and provide information to support the services of the FRSC in reduction of road traffic accidents in the state and as well provide information for the specialised users who may be conducting research on road traffic accidents and its reduction. They also provide in-depth and comprehensive services to their users through selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) and current awareness Services (CAS).

Information provided by the FRSC can save lives and properties and as well put lives and properties in danger when received wrongly or lacking. Therefore if the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC will be able to provide the right information regarding to accidents reduction and road safety to all road users on daily bases through good workable channels like radio and television daily network news broadcast, sending bulk short messages through network providers like MTN, Airtel, Etisalat, etc road traffic accident will be reduced.

Despite the problems of power failure, network problems in Nigeria, and road users always on transit, road users need to contribute their own quota to ensure that road safety guide is maintained, if all road users do their own part on road safety by obeying the traffic rules by attending driving school before driving, avoiding distraction from cell phone, passengers and CDs, never drink and drive, maintain speed limit, remove obstructions from the road, while FRSC officers join in implementing the road safety laws without fear or favourism, I think road traffic accident will be reduced to a minimal.


Information provided by the FRSC through radio and television broadcast goes a long way to direct and teach road users on the right thing to do while on the road and in danger, plan for the day and as well save lives of drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Whenever accident is prevented, economy is increased by 1%, health regained and life span expanded. FRSC (2016) also states that where there is no public enlightenment in FRSC, road users are at risk because they may not be away of dangers on the road especially where there are black and plan sports, blocking of the road by vehicles and road diversion, thereby putting lives and properties in danger.

Presently, the rate of road accidents in Abia State is alarming; it is a daily affair among commercial and private motorists and tricyclists which often result to major or minor injuries. No matter the type of accident that occurred, there must be damages, waste of resources and lost of lives in some cases (chikodoka, 2009). The pathetic feelings of people involved in road accidents in our roads motivated the researcher to see how accidents can be reduced in Abia State through information provision.

Information for reduction of road traffic accidents in Abia State is very important for the safety of lives and properties in the state. Information on reduction of road traffic accidents will make road users both drivers, passenger and pedestrians  master of the road even in the mist of the lapidated roads they will know what do so as to prevent the avoidable accidents because knowledge is power. From my research work, it was observed that most researchers have only touched the accidents and safety management, the commonest period accidents occurs, and compliance to the basic road traffic regulation but little or nothing has been written on information provision for reduction of road traffic accident, channels through which this information is provided by the Public Enlightenment unit of the  FRSC and the activities of the public Enlightenment units of the FRSC for reduction of road traffic accidents,  which the researcher tend to cover in this research work.


The main purpose of the study is to examine the information provision activities of the Public enlightenment unit of the FRSC in the reduction of road traffic accidents in Abia State. The specific objectives of the study include to;

1.  identify the type of information require by road users for  reduction of road accidents;

2. identify the type of information provided for road users by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC;

3. identify the type of information sources and channels used for provision of information by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC;

4. determine the extent to which information provision has reduced the level of road accident in Abia State;

5. find out challenges associated with information provision to road uses in the reduction of road accidents in Abia State; and

6. proffer solution to challenges associated with information provision in reduction of road accidents in Abia State.


The study is set to provide answers to the following questions.

1. What are the types of information required by road users for reduction of road accidents?

2. What are the types of information provided for road users by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC?

3. What are the types of information sources and channels used for information provision by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC for reduction of road accidents in Abia State?

4. To what extent has information provision by the public enlightenment of the FRSC

     reduced road accidents in Abia State?

5. What are the challenges associated with information provision for reduction of accidents in Abia State?

6. Ways of enhancing information provision by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC for reduction of road accident?


This research work will be beneficial to all road users, which comprises drivers of all kind of cars; commercial and privates, tricycle riders, motorcycle riders, bicycle riders, passengers and pedestrians. FRSC, Government, private organizations, religious bodies and institutions will as well benefit from this study. Road users will be exposed to the essence of compliance to road safety regulations for the purpose of lives and properties while on the road.

Drivers will be made to know the importance of information about their route before embarking on a journey as this will expose them to information about the black sports, road diversion, speeds control and the kind of food to take before embarking on a long journey. Drivers will know the driving skills to apply when on a bad road to avoid causing accident. This research work will always give drivers the boldness to face FRSC officials rather than dodging them whenever they are on road patrol because the driver knows the road rules and has the road safety requirements as a driver in his car.

Passengers will be made to understand that they can contribute immensely towards the reduction of road traffic accidents by advising the driver on what to do when trapped on a traffic holdup without causing accidents and lost of lives and properties only when the passenger is conversant with the road traffic rules and regulation. This study will also help passengers to be mindful of their attitude, conversation and   reaction towards the driver while on steering to avoid distracting the driver and as well avoid accident (De Boer, etal 2015).

This research work will also educate pedestrians on the dangers of not using the walkways, pedestrian’s crossing, walking in a group and in dark to avoid being  knocked down by a vehicle,  while tricycles (keke), motorcycles and bicycles riders will be guided on the right path and precautions to take when riding on a high way.

The FRSC will specially benefit from this research by knowing the new methods and techniques to embark on, so as to ensure that information provided to road users will yield positive result in road accident reduction. All the stakeholders such as Government establishment, private organizations, institution and religious bodies will be aware of the importance of compliance to the road safety rules for the benefit of the nation as a whole. The findings of this study will as well help religious bodies and institutions to understand the importance of information provision for reduction of road traffic accident by analyzing the effect of accident in our country because road traffic accident in Africa is expected to rapidly increase over the next four decades to become a major public health challenges across the continent if nothing is done about it (Eshbaugh et al, 2012). This finding will portray how 42 million road traffic deaths would be prevented, 144 million years of productive healthy life saved and $234 billion would be added to the continental GDP by 2050 through the information and services provided by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC Abia State (Johnson, 2010).

In this study, better methods of management, enforcement of road traffic rules and speed check will be suggested to enhance reduction of road traffic accident for the benefit of Government and all road traffic enforcement agencies especially the FRSC. Finally, this study will enable the Government to develop policies and strategies to reduce road traffic accidents in the country for the overall goals of the country’s development.


The scope of this work will be limited to information provision for reduction of road traffic accidents: a survey of the Federal Road Safety Corps public enlightenment unit in Abia State. The study will examine the type of information required and provided to road users by the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC, and the channels through which this information is provided to road users to ensure reduction of road traffic accidents in Abia State. Geographically, the study is limited to the public enlightenment unit of the FRSC in Abia State and three other selected registered parks within the state.    


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