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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00009447

No of Pages: 54

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The study focused on Human resource planning and development strategy in three selected hotels in Port Harcourt with reference to hotel Presidential, 1804 hotel and & Arriva hotel and suite. The objectives of the study was to identify the human it-source planning and development strategies used by hotels in Port Harcourt. To achieve the objective of the study, survey research design was adopted. A total of 286 questionnaires were administered to the selected staff of the hotels. Data collection with questionnaire were analyzed using simple percentage. The findings in chapter four revealed that there is a significant relationship existing between human resource development programme and the performance of hotel employees. The researcher recommended that the human resource department should develop and implement a comprehensive career development training programme for the staff. This would make them proactive and resilient, and effectively propagate government policies. The researcher also recommend that seminars and workshop should be conducted in order to change the mentality of every employee in a hotel industry.











Title Page                                                                                                                                i

Certification                                                                                                                           ii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                  iv

Abstract                                                                                                                                  v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          ix


INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                1

1.1     Background of the Study                                                                                              1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                           3

1.3     Objectives of Study                                                                                                      4

1.4     Research Questions                                                                                                      4

1.5     Research Hypotheses                                                                                                    5

1.6     Significant of Study                                                                                                      5

1.7     Scope of Study                                                                                                              5

1.8       Limitation                                                                                                                   6

1.9     Definition of Terms                                                                                                      6


2.0       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                    7

2.1       Conceptual Framework                                                                                              7

2.1.1    Human Resource Planning                                                                                         7

2.2       Factor that Determine Human Resource Planning                                                     8

2.2.1    Macro Human Resource Planning                                                                              10

2.2.2    Principles and Techniques of Planning                                                                       10

2.2.3    Prerequisites for Effective Human Resource Planning                                              11

2.2.4    Integrating Human Resource Planning with Hotel Strategy Plan                            12

2.3       Objective of Human Resource Planning                                                                    13

2.4       Two Types of Human Resource Planning                                                                  13

2.5       Development                                                                                                               16

2.6       Step in Human Resource Development                                                                      16

2.7       Developing Human Resource Strategy                                                                      17

2.8       Strategies                                                                                                                    18

2.9       Human Resource Planning and Development                                                            18

2.10     Essence of the Human Resource Planning and Development Strategy                       19

2.11     Effect of Human Resource Planning and Development Strategy                            20

2.12     Role of Strategic Human Resource Planning                                                                         20

2.13     Empirical Frame Work                                                                                               22

2.14     Theoretical Framework                                                                                              23

2.14.1  Human Resources Theories                                                                                        23

2.15     Summary of Literature Review                                                                                  24


3.0       METHODOLOGY                                                                                                   26

3.1       Research Design                                                                                                         26

3.2       Area of Study                                                                                                              26

3.3       Population for the Study                                                                                             27

3.4       Sample Size and Sampling Techniques                                                                      27

3.5       Instrument for Data Collection                                                                                   29

3.6       Validation of Instrument                                                                                             29

3.7       Reliability of the Instrument                                                                                       29

3.8       Data Collection Techniques                                                                                        29

3.9       Data Analysis Techniques                                                                                          30



4.1       Data presentation                                                                                                        31

4.2       Discussion of Findings                                                                                               36


SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                         37

5.1       Summary                                                                                                                    37

5.1.1    Restatement of the Research Problem                                                                        37

5.1.2    Major Findings                                                                                                           38

5.2       Conclusion                                                                                                                  38

5.3       Recommendations                                                                                                      39

References                                                                                                                  40

Appendix                                                                                                                    42








Table 4.1:       Number of respondents                                                                                   31

Table 4.2:       Human resource planning and development strategies                                33

Table 4.3:       Are there any relationship existing between human resource

development programme and the performance of hotel employees

working in your hotel.?                                                                                  34

Table 4.4:       Problems associated with Human Resource Planning and Development in your Hotel                                                                                                   34

Table 4.5:       Are there relationship between the level of satisfaction among the hotel staff and their performance.                                                                  35

Table 4.6:       Can employees be developed in order to increase their productivity.   35

Table 4.7:       Are there strategies employed by your hotel in human resource planning and development?                                                                           36









1.1     Background of the Study

The hotel sector is a segment within the tourism industry consisting of building containing guest rooms for sleeping (Hayes and Ninermeties, 2007). In the narrowest sense, the definition is correct. However, today traveling public have a wide variety of lodging alternatives and the definition just cited has limited user Hotel is a home away from home" it is a place where the tourist stops being a traveler and becomes the guest (Sheela, 2008). A hotel usually offers a full range of accommodation and services, which may include; suites, public banquet facilities, living and entertainment facilities.


Smritee (2008) refers to hotel as a place where accommodation and food are provided to the visitor or tourist on the payment of money. David (2010), broadly defines   hotel   as   an   establishment held   out by   a proprietor providing accommodation, foods and beverages, to any traveler presenting his/her self who is willing and able to pay for the services rendered by the hotel. Human resource planning is the process that identifies current and future human resources need for an organization to achieve its goals. Human resources should serve as a link between management and the overall strategic plan of an organization. Normal Price, (2002) defined human resource planning as the process where organization identified and plan are made for these requirements. 


Reilly (2003) define human resource planning as a process in which organization attempts to estimate the demand for labour and evaluates the size, nature and source of supply which will be required to meet the demand. According to Appleby (2000), human resource planning seeks to maintain and approve on organizational ability to achieve corporate objectives by developing strategies which are designed to increase the present and future contribution of human resource.


Ibekwe (2004) defines human resource development as a systematic process of training and growth by which individual gains and applies knowledge, skills, insight, and attitude and manage work and personnel effectively. This involves the estimation of demand for the supply of management staff for the organization in future. Human resource development is the process of intellectual and emotional achievement through providing the means by which people can grow on their job. It relate to series of activities, which embark upon to improve its managerial capacity (Graham, 2001).


Fayana, (2002) stated that human resources planning is systematic and continual process of analyzing  organizations’  human resource needs under mutating conditions and developing personnel policies appropriate for long term effectiveness of the organization. It is essential part of the business planning and budgeting procedure. Since human resource cost and forecast influences are affected by long-term corporate plan. Many workers failed in the hotel sector in expectation because the development strategies where not identified. Development helps build confidence in worker and make them more effective and efficiently. All hospitality organizations meet to have a sense of direction which is put into action through a plan. This plan refers to as business strategies. This emphasis on human resource planning and development is influenced by the belief that it is now desirable to focus more attention on areas which in the past had been relatively neglected. Every organization regardless of its size must provide for the need, interest and desires of its employee within the work environment if it earns loyalty, dedication, involvement and commitment necessary to complete effectively.


In other words, the success of any hospitality industry depends on the ability and expertise of those who operate it both at managerial and lower level of operation. Such abilities and expertise usually stem from the knowledge they acquired.

The main objective of setting up industry is to make profit and to achieve the organizational goals. Adequate human resource planning and development strategies should be put in place to enhance performance.

The word "strategies" come from the Greek word for generalship like good general. Strategy gives overall direction for an initiative. A strategy is a way of describing how you get things done, it is less specific than action plan (which tells the who, what, when); instead, it tries to broadly answer the question, how do we get there from here? (Do we want to take train? Fly? or walk?).


A good strategy will account existing barriers and resources (people, money, power, materials e.t.c) and also stays with the overall vision, mission and objective of initiative. Often, an initiative will use many different strategies providing resource to achieve its goal. Strategy helps an organization to determine how to realize their vision and objective through the nitty-gritty work of action.


1.2       Statement of the Problem

Many factors serve as deterrents to the application of Human Resource planning and development. Jasrotia (2004) looked at the trends in the field of human resource planning and development and he came up with some factors that deter the progress in the area and the application of the concept are low level of awareness and acceptance of human resource planning and development, absence of an industry standard, extensiveness of the research involved, dynamism of some industries like the information technology are very dynamic due to frequent discoveries and technological advancement. Also, the human resource planning and control is a concern in the hospitality industries due to the improper utilization of human resource planning and development strategies, the way and manner employees are managed, inadequate right number of people and improper promotion of staff in the hotel industries. 


1.3     Objectives of Study

1.         to identify the human resource planning and development strategies used by hotels in Port Harcourt.

2.         to identify the problems militating the effective performance of employees in hotel operations.

3.         to determine the relationship between human resource development programme and staff performance.

4.         to ascertain the relationship between the level of satisfaction among hotel staff and their performance.

5.         to determines various ways to develop hotel staff to increase their production.

6.         to determine if planning and development programme is capable of effectively improve the performance of employees in terms of quality and productivity in hotel industry.


1.4     Research Questions     

1.         What strategies employed by hotels in Port Harcourt in their human planning and development?

2.         What are the problems militating the efficient and effective performance of employees in hotel operations?

3.         What is the relationship between human resource development programme and performance of hotel employees working in Port Harcourt?

4.         What is the relationship between the level of satisfaction among the hotel staff and their performance?       

5.         How can employees be developed in order to increase their productivity hi hotel?

6.         Is the application of planning and development programme as a tool in managing hotels capable of effectively and efficiently improving the performance of employees in the hotel?


1.5     Research Hypotheses

1.         Ho:      There is no significant relationship existing between human resources development programme and performance of hotel employees.

2.         Ho:      There is no significant relationship between the level of satisfaction among hotel employees and their performance.

3.         Ho:      There is no significant relationship between developing the hotel staff and increase in their productivity in hotels.


1.6     Significant of Study

It is believed that this study when completed will be beneficial to the followings:

Firstly, the study will be of immense benefit to the hotels under, study hotel Presidential, 1804 hotel and Arriva Hotel and Suite in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. It will help them know that they have to consult the previous human resource planning and development strategic plan before determining whether to prepare new human resource planning and development.

Secondly, the study shall be of great help to manager in gathering information that will help them while planning for the human resource and its development.

Thirdly, this study will serve as an aid academically to when the knowledge of the researcher in the field of business and it will serve as a reference source by future researchers.

Lastly, this study will also help the government in making their human resource planning and development budget estimates on yearly bases.    


1.7     Scope of Study

This study is limited to Presidential Hotel, 1804 Hotel and Arriva Hotel & Suite all in Phalga Local Government area of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. It will focus on human resource planning and development strategies in the hospitality industries. This study focuses on the improper utilization of human resource in hotel as regards to planning and development strategies.


1.8       Limitation

The problem encountered by the researcher in the course of generating data for this project and they are;

i.          Secrecy of Respondents: The higher rate of secrecy manifested by the respondents in releasing of information as concerns the operations of the organizations contributed to the limitation.  

ii.         Deprived Access: The researcher was been deprived to some departments and limited access to some important information.

iii.        Finance: Finance constraint was another problem faced by the researcher in the course of the study, as a result of the poor state of economy.


1.9     Definition of Terms

Human resource: The human resource of a business concern. These include unskilled, supervisory and management staff of a company.

Planning: This is setting objectives and deciding on the best way of achieving the objectives.

Development: This is the process concerned with people's capacity in a defined and over a period to manage and involve positive change, and reduce or eliminate unwanted change.

Strategies: A method or plan chosen to bring about desire future, such as achievement of goals.


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