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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007321

No of Pages: 219

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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The inhibition efficiencies of the two Schiff bases 2[2-diethylamino) ethyl methyl amino)-4-methy1-5-3 (3-methyl sulfanyl propy1 amino) methyldiene cyclohexdien-1-one (DEMS) and [1-(azepan-1-yl)2-2-[4-(2-tert-butyl sulfanyl ethyl piperazin-1-yl] ethanone (ATSP) synthesised from  linoleic and benheric acids on mild steel and aluminised steel in 1 M HCl solutions were investigated. Their inhibition performance was tested by gasometric, weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and quantum chemical techniques and were characterised using FTIR spectroscopy. The FTIR spectra showed that the synthesised Schiff bases contained heterocyclic compounds with heteroatoms (N, S, and O) which had conjugated double bonds, indicating the presence of π- electrons. The results obtained from the weight loss method showed that inhibition efficiencies increase with increase in concentration of the Schiff base molecules and with the highest inhibition efficiency observed at the optimum concentration of 2.0 g/l. The inhibitor, DEMS showed inhibition efficiency of 81.14% while the inhibitor, ATSP showed inhibition efficiency of 71.21% for mild steel while for the aluminised steel, inhibition efficiencies were 88.64% (DEMS) and 86.90% (ATSP) respectively. Inhibition efficiencies were also found to decrease with increase in temperature. The following adsorption isotherms were employed in the study: Freundlich, Temkin and Langmuir isotherms with Langmuir showing best fit to the experimental data (R2=0.99). Thermodynamic studies of the inhibition process showed that the ΔGads values for DEMS and ATSP were both negative indicating the spontaneity of the reaction and the values were less than -20 kJmol,-1 indicating that the mechanism of adsorption is physiosorption. The negative entropy values for both inhibitors on mild steel and aluminised steel denote increase in disorderliness on the surface of the coupons as concentration of inhibitors increases. The enthalpy values were positive showing that the reaction was endothermic. The potentiodynamic polarisation results showed that the inhibitors were mixed type because the displacement obtained in the Ecorr value for both DEMS and ATSP were -15 mV and -63 mV respectively and these values were less than 85 mV. The highest inhibition efficiency values of the Nyquist plots obtained at 2.0 g/l from EIS for mild steel were 80.40% (DEMS) and 66.59% (ATSP) while 82.13% and 81.09% were obtained for aluminised steel for the inhibitor molecules, DEMS and ATSP respectively. These suggest the formation of protective layer by the inhibitor molecules. Molecular simulation studies were carried out using semi- empirical PM3 method to optimize the structure of the inhibitors. The results obtained from the chemical studies showed that there exists a relationship between the inhibitors’ efficiency and the energy gap (ΔE), energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital (E Homo), energy of the lowest occupied molecular orbital (E Lumo), dipole moment (μ), softness (σ) as well as the hardness (η) of the inhibitor molecules. Fukui function was used to determine the site where adsorption can occur on the inhibitor molecules. The inhibition efficiency trend of the Schiff base molecules follows DEMS > ATSP. 


Title page                                                                   

Certification                                                                                                                          i

Declaration                                                                                                                            ii

Dedication                                                                                                                            iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                              iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                 vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                        xii   

List of figures                                                                                                                       xv

Abstract                                                                                                                                xxiii


1.1 Background of the Study                                                                                                1

1.2 Statement of Problem                                                                                                      2

1.3 Justification of the Study                                                                                                 3

1. 4 Aim and Objectives of the study                                                                                     3

1.4.1 Specific Objectives                                                                                                        3

1.5 Scope of the Study                                                                                                           4


2.1 Definition of Corrosion                                                                                                   5

2.2 Factors that Affect the Corrosion of Metals                                                                   6

2.2.1 Water                                                                                                                            6

2.2.2 Temperature                                                                                                                  6

2.2.3 Condition and composition of the metal surfaces                                                         6

2.2.4 Air                                                                                                                                  7

2.2.5 Micro-organisms                                                                                                8

2.3 Types of Corrosion                                                                                                           8

2.3.1 Uniform corrosion                                                                                                          8

2.3.2 Localised corrosion                                                                                                        8 Pitting corrosion                                                                                                          9 Crevice corrosion                                                                                                        9 Intergranular corrosion                                                                                                9 Galvanic and thermo-galvanic corrosion                                                                    10 Selective leaching                                                                                                       10 Erosion corrosion                                                                                                        10

2.3.3 Stress or cracking corrosion                                                                                           10 Fatigue            corrosion                                                                                                        11

2.4       Inhibition of Corrosion                                                                                               11

2.4.1    Inhibitors                                                                                                                     11

2.4.2    Uses/ application of inhibitors                                                                        12

2.4.3    Interaction of the inhibitor with water molecules and metals                                   13

2.4.4   Classification of inhibitors                                                                                           13 Passivation/anodic oxidizing inhibitor                                                                        13 Adsorption/cathodic Inhibitor                                                                                   13 Surface reaction product inhibitor                                                                              14 Volatile corrosion inhibitor                                                                                        14 Organic corrosion inhibitor                                                                                         14 Green inhibitors                                                                                                       15 Amino acids as corrosion inhibitor                                                                          17 Drugs as corrosion inhibitor                                                                                     19 Schiff bases as corrosion inhibitor                                                                           19

2.5 Schiff Bases                                                                                                                      19

2.5.1Synthesis of Schiff base                                                                                                 20

2.5.2 Co-ordination chemistry of Schiff base                                                                        20

2.5.3 Mechanism of Schiff base inhibitors                                                                             20

2.5.4 Review of current literatures on uses of Schiff base as inhibitors for

corrosion                                                                                                            22

2.6 Literature Review of Quantum Chemical Methods Used in the Study of

Corrosion                                                                                                                          25

2.7 Methods of Used in Observing the Progress of Corrosion                                               27

2.7.1Gasometric method                                                                                                         28

2.7.2 Gravimetric technique parameters                                                                                 29

2.7.3 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technique                                         30

2.7.4 Electrical resistance probe technique                                                                             30

2.7.5 Scanning electronic technique                                                                                       31

2.7.6 Thermometric technique                                                                                    31

2.7.7 Electrochemical measurements (Polarisation)                                                                31

2.7.8 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)                                                           32

2.8 Calculation of Activation parameters                                                                               32

2.8.1 Activation energy                                                                                                          32

2.8.2 Entropy and enthalpy                                                                                                    33

2.8.3 Gibbs Free energy (ΔG)                                                                                                 33

2.9 Adsorption Consideration                                                                                                34

2.9.1 Mechanism of adsorption                                                                                              34

2.9.2 Adsorption isotherm                                                                                                      35 Langmuir adsorption isotherm                                                                                    35 Temkin adsorption isotherm                                                                                       35 Flory Huggins adsorption isotherm                                                                            36 Frumkin adsorption isotherm                                                                                      36 Freundlich adsorption isotherm                                                                                  36 Thermodynamic parameters                                                                                        37

2.10 Computational Chemistry and Corrosion Study                                                            37

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                              

3.1 Materials                                                                                                                           39

3.1.1 Metal Coupons                                                                                                               39

3.1.2 Reagents/chemicals                                                                                                        39

3.2 Methods                                                                                                                            40

3.2.1 Preparation of fatty acid hydrazine                                                                               40

3.2.2 Preparation of thiosemicarbazide                                                                                   40

3.2.3 Preparation of Schiff base                                                                                             40

3.2.4 Preparation of washing solution (22% NaOH and 22 g/l zinc dust)                             41

3.2.5 Preparation of inhibitor solutions                                                                                   42

3.3 Corrosion Studies                                                                                                             42

3.3.1 Weight loss technique                                                                                                    42

3.3.2 Gasometric technique                                                                                                    43

3.3.3 Electrochemical polarization measurement                                                                    43

3.3.4 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)                                                           44

3.3.5 Quantum chemical calculation                                                                                       44

3.3.6 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy                                                                     46


4.1 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy                                                            47

4.2 Gasometric technique                                                                                                       70

4.2.1 Effect of Immersion Time                                                                                             70

4.3 Weight loss method                                                                                                          74

4.3.1 Effect of exposure time on the rate of corrosion                                                           74

4.3.2 Effect of concentration on corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency                              77

4.3.3 The effect of temperature on corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency                         87 Kinetics                                                                                                                       90

4.4 Activation Parameters                                                                                                       100

4.4.1 Activation energy (Ea) of the corrosion process                                                100

4.4.2    Enthalpy (∆Hact), entropy (∆Sact) and free energy of activation (∆Gact)                      103

4.5 Adsorption Isotherms                                                                                                       108

4.5.1 Temkin adsorption isotherm                                                                                          108

4.5.2 Langmuir isotherm                                                                                                         112

4.5.3 Freundlich isotherm                                                                                                       117

4.5.4 Thermodynamic parameters                                                                                           120

4.6 Potentiodynamic Polarisation Measurements                                                                   123

4.7 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy                                                                       129

4.8 Quantum Chemical Study                                                                                                133

4.8.1 Global molecular reactivity                                                                                            136 Homo energy (EHomo)                                                                                                  136 Lumo energy (Lumo)                                                                                                    136 Energy gap (∆E)                                                                                                         137 Dipole moment (µ)                                                                                                      137 Softness (δ)                                                                                                                 137 Hardness (η)                                                                                                                138 Electronegativity (X)                                                                                                  138 Electrophilicity Index (ω)                                                                                           138 Number of transferred electrons (∆N)                                                                        139

4.8.2 Mulliken charges                                                                                                            139


5.1 Conclusion                                                                                                                        143

5.2 Recommendations                                                                                                            145

      REFERENCES                                                                                                                146

      APPENDICES                                                                                                                 156











4.1: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

        FTIR absorption of methyl ester of linoleic acid                                                48

4.2: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

       FTIR absorption of synthesised fatty acid hydrazine of linoleic acid                 51


4.3: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for FTIR

        absorption of the synthesised Thiosemicarbazide of linoleic acid                      54          


4.4: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

        FTIR absorption of the synthesised Schiff base (DEMS)                                  57       


4.5: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

        FTIR absorption of methyl ester benheric acid                                                  60


4.6: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

       FTIR absorption of the synthesised fatty acid hydrazine of benheric acid         63


4.7:  Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

        FTIR absorption of the synthesised Thiosemicarbazide of benheric acid          66


4.8: Peaks, intensities and assigned functional groups for

       FTIR absorption of the synthesised Schiff base (ATSP)                                    69


4.9: Inhibition efficiencies and degree of surface coverage of the various

concentrations of DEMS inhibitor on mild steel and aluminised

steel in 1 M HCl                                                                                                  73


4.10: Inhibition efficiencies and degree of surface coverage of the various

concentrations of ATSP inhibitor on mild steel and aluminised steel

in 1 M HCl                                                                                                         73


4.11: Calculated values for corrosion rate (CR), surface coverage (θ) and

inhibition efficiencies (%) of mild steel in 1M HCl solution in the

presence and absence of different concentrations of inhibitor (DEMS)

at temperatures 303-343 K                                                                                79


4.12: Calculated values for corrosion rate (CR), surface coverage (θ) and

inhibition efficiency (%) of mild steel in 1M HCl solution in the presence

and absence of different concentrations of inhibitor (ATSP)

at temperatures 303-343 K                                                                                81


4.13: Calculated values for corrosion rate (CR), surface coverage (θ) and

inhibition efficiencies (I%) of aluminised steel in 1M HCl solution in

he absence and presence of different concentrations of inhibitor (DEMS)

at temperatures 303-343 K                                                                               83


4.14: Calculated values for corrosion rate (CR), surface coverage (θ)

          and inhibition efficiencies (I %) of aluminised steel in 1M

          HCl solution in the absence and presence of different  

          concentrations of the inhibitor (ATSP) at temperatures 303- 343 K                85


4.15: Activation energy (Ea) for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface

of mild steel                                                                                                       101


4.16: Activation energy (Ea) for the adsorption of ATSP on the surface

of mild steel                                                                                                       101


4.17: Activation energy (Ea) for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface

of aluminised steel                                                                                             102


4.18: Activation energy (Ea) for the adsorption of ATSP on the surface

of aluminised steel                                                                                             102


4.19: Thermodynamic parameters (∆Hads, ∆Sads and ∆Gads) for the adsorption

of DEMS on the surface of mild steel                                                               105


4.20: Thermodynamic parameters (∆Hads, ∆Sads and ∆Gads) for the adsorption

of ATSP on the surface of mild steel                                                               106


4.21: Thermodynamic parameters (∆Hads, ∆Sads and ∆Gads) for the adsorption

of DEMS on the surface of aluminised steel                                                     106


4:22: Thermodynamic parameters (∆Hads, ∆Sads and ∆Gads) for the adsorption

of ATSP on the surface of aluminised steel.                                                    107


4.23: Temkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of mild steel                                                                                         111


4.24: Temkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of mild steel                                                                                           111


4.25:  Temkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of aluminised steel                                                                               111


4.26: Temkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of ATSP

on the surface of aluminised steel                                                                    112


4.27: Langmuir adsorption parameters for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of mild steel                                                                                         115


4.28: Langmuir adsorption parameters for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of mild steel                                                                                         115


4.29: Langmuir adsorption parameters for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of aluminised steel                                                                                 116



4.30: Langmuir adsorption parameters for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of aluminised steel                                                                               116


4.31: Frumkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of mild steel                                                                                         119


4.32: Frumkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of mild steel                                                                                           119


4.33: Frumkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of aluminised steel                                                                                 120


4.34: Frumkin adsorption parameters for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of aluminised steel                                                                                 120


4.35: Enthalpy of adsorption and entropy of adsorption of the inhibitors

mild steel and aluminised steel                                                                          124


4.36: Electrochemical kinetic parameters obtained from potentiodynamic

polarisation curves of mild steel electrode in 1 M HCl in different

concentrations of DEMS and ATSP                                                                 128


 4.37: Electrochemical kinetic parameters obtained from potentiodynamic

polarisation curves of aluminium metal electrode in 1M HCl in different

concentrations of DEMS and ATSP.                                                               128


4.38: Electrochemical Impedance Parameters for the corrosion of mild

steel in 1M HCl containing different concentration of DEMS and ATSP

at 303 K                                                                                                             132


4.39: Electrochemical Impedance Parameters for the corrosion of aluminised

steel in 1M HCl containing different concentrations of DEMS and ATSP

at 303 K                                                                                                             132


4.40: Derived quantum chemical parameters from semi – empirical (PM3)

method for the Schiff bases DEMS and ATSP                                                 135




 4.1: The FTIR spectrum of methyl ester of linoleic acid                                                       47                      

 4.2: Structure of methyl ester of linoleic acid                                                                        49

 4.3: The FTIR spectrum of the synthesised fatty acid hydrazine of linoleic acid                 50


 4.4: Structure of fatty acid hydrazine of linoleic acid                                                          52

 4.5: The FTIR spectrum of the synthesised Thiosemicarbazide of linoleic acid                   53


 4.6: Structure of Thiosemicarbazide of linoleic acid                                                 55                 

 4.7: The FTIR spectrum of the synthesised Schiff base of linoleic acid (DEMS)                56


4.8: Structure of the synthesised Schiff base of linoleic acid (DEMS)                                  58


 4.9: The FTIR spectrum of methyl ester of benheric acid                                                     59


 4.10: Structure of methyl ester of benheric acid                                                                   61


 4.11: The FTIR spectrum of the synthesised fatty acid hydrazine of benheric acid            62


 4.12: Structure of fatty acid hydrazine of benheric acid                                                      64


4.13: The FTIR spectrum of the Synthesised Thiosemicarbazide of benheric acid               65


 4.14: Structure of Thiosemicarbazide of benheric acid                                                        67


 4.15: The FTIR spectrum of the synthesised Schiff base of benheric acid (ATSP)             68


4.16: Structure of the synthesised Schiff base of benheric acid (ATSP)                               70


4.17: Variation of volume of hydrogen gas evolved with time for the corrosion

of mild steel in various concentrations of DEMS in 1 M HCl solution                         71


4.18: Variation of volume of hydrogen gas evolved with time for the corrosion

of aluminised steel in various concentrations of DEMS in 1 M HCl solution              71


4.19: Variation of Volume of Hydrogen Gas Evolved with Time for the Corrosion

of Mild Steel in Various Concentrations of ATSP in 1 M HCl Solution                      72


4.20: Variation of volume of hydrogen gas evolved with time for the corrosion

of aluminised steel in various concentrations of ATSP in 1 M HCl solution                72


4.21: Variation of weight loss (g) of mild steel versus time (h) in the absence

and presence of different concentrations of DEMS at 303 K                                       74


 4.22: Variation of weight loss (g) of mild steel versus time(h) in the absence

and presence of different concentrations of ATSP at 303 K.                                      75


 4.23: Variation of weight loss (g) of aluminised steel versus time (h) in

the absence and presence of different concentrations of DEMS at 303 K.                 75


 4.24: Variation of weight loss (g) of aluminised steel versus time (h) in the

absence and presence of different concentrations of ATSP at 303 K.                                    76


 4.25: Variation of weight loss (g) of mild steel versus time (h) in the absence

and presence of different concentrations of DEMS at 303 K.                                                77


 4.26: Variation of weight loss (g) of mild steel versus time (h) in the absence

and presence of different concentrations of ATSP at 313 K.                                      77


 4.27: Variation of inhibition efficiency versus different concentrations of DEMS

on aluminised steel at temperature ranges of 303-343 K                                             78


 4.28: Variation of inhibition efficiency versus different concentrations of ATSP

on aluminised steel at temperature ranges of 303-343 K.                                            78


 4.29: Plots of log CR versus 1/T for the corrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl

containing various concentrations of DEMS                                                               87


 4.30: Plots of log CR versus 1/T for the corrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl

containing various concentrations of ATSP                                                                 88


 4.31: Plots of log CR versus 1/T for the corrosion of aluminised steel in 1M

HCl containing various concentrations of DEMS                                                        88


4.32: Plots of log CR versus 1/T for the corrosion of aluminised steel in 1M HCl

containing various concentrations of ATSP.                                                                89


 4.33: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

303 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl.                     90


 4.34: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

313 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                      90


 4.35: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

323 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                      91


 4.36: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

333 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                       91


 4.37: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

343 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                      92


 4.38: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

303 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                       92


 4.39: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

313 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                        93


 4.40: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

323 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                       93


 4.41: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature

333 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                       94


 4.42: Plots of -log weight loss of mild steel against time at temperature 343 K in

the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                                       94


 4.43: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

303 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                       95


 4.44: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

313 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                       95


 4.45: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

323 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                       96


 4.46: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

333 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                       96


 4.47: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

343 K in the presence of various concentrations of DEMS in 1M HCl                       97


 4.48: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

303 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                        97


 4.49: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

313 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                        98


 4.50: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

323 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                        98


 4.51: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

333 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                        99


 4.52: Plots of -log weight loss of aluminised steel against time at temperature

343 K in the presence of various concentrations of ATSP in 1M HCl                        99


 4.53: Plots of log (CR/T) versus 1/T for the corrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl

containing various concentrations of DEMS                                                               103


 4.54: Plots of log (CR/T) versus 1/T for the corrosion of mild steel in 1M HCl

containing various concentrations of ATSP                                                                 104


 4.55: Plots of log (CR/T) versus 1/T for the corrosion of aluminised steel

in 1M HCl containing various concentrations of DEMS                                             104


 4.56: Plots of log (CR/T) versus 1/T for the corrosion of aluminised steel

in 1M HCl containing various concentrations of ATSP                                               105


 4.57: Temkin adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface

of mild steel at various temperatures                                                                            109


 4.58: Temkin adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ATSP on the surface of

mild steel at various temperatures                                                                               109


 4.59: Temkin adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface of

aluminised steel at various temperatures                                                                      110


 4.60: Temkin adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ATSP on the surface of

aluminised steel at various temperatures                                                                      110


 4.61: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface

of mild steel at various temperatures                                                                            113


4.62: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ATSP on the surface of

mild steel at various temperatures                                                                                113


 4.63: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface of

aluminised steel at various temperatures                                                                      114


 4.64: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of aluminised steel at various temperatures                                                     114


 4.65: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of DEMS on the surface

of mild steel at various temperatures                                                                            117


 4.66: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ATSP on the surface

of mild steel at various temperatures                                                                            118


 4.67: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of DEMS on the

surface of aluminised steel at various temperatures                                                     118


 4.68: Freundlich adsorption isotherm for the adsorption of ATSP on the

surface of aluminised steel at various temperatures                                                     119


 4.69: Plot of log Kads versus 1/T for the corrosion process of mild steel in 1M HCl

containing the inhibitor DEMS                                                                                    122


 4.70: Plot of log Kads versus 1/T for the corrosion process of mild steel in 1M HCl

containing the inhibitor ATSP                                                                                      122


 4.71: Plot of log Kads versus 1/T for the corrosion process of aluminised steel

in 1M HCl containing the inhibitor DEMS                                                                  123


 4.72: Plot of log Kads versus 1/T for the corrosion process of aluminised steel

in 1M HCl containing the inhibitor DEMS                                                                  123



4.73: Polarization curves of mild steel in 1 M HCl with different concentrations

of DEMS at 303 K                                                                                                       125


 4.74: Polarization curves of mild steel in 1 M HCl with different concentrations

of ATSP at 303 K                                                                                                        126


 4.75: Polarization curves of aluminised steel in 1 M HCl with different

concentrations DEMS at 303 K                                                                                   126


 4.76: Polarization curves of aluminised steel in 1 M HCl with different

concentrations of ATSP at 303 K                                                                                127


 4.77: Nyquist plots for mild steel in 1M HCl in the absence and presence

of different concentrations of DEMS                                                                          129


 4.78: Nyquist plots for mild steel in 1M HCl in the absence and presence

of different concentrations of ATSP                                                                           130


 4.79: Nyquist plots for aluminised steel in 1M HCl in the absence and presence

of different concentrations of DEMS                                                                          130


 4.80: Nyquist plots for aluminised steel in 1M HCl in the absence and presence

of different concentrations of ATSP                                                                           131


 4.81a: Optimised geometry of DEMS Schiff base (inhibitor)                                               133

 4.81b: Molecular orbital of DEMS Schiff base showing LUMO and HOMO                     133

 4.82a: Optimised geometry of ATSP Schiff base (inhibitor)                                    134

 4.82b: Molecular orbital of ATSP Schiff base showing LUMO and HOMO                       135

 4.83: Mulliken charge network showing the sites for electrophilic and nucleophilic

 attacks for the Schiff base molecule (DEMS).                                                            140


4.84: Mulliken charge network showing the sites for electrophilic and nucleophilic

attacks for the Schiff base molecule- ATSP.                                                               141






Metals are common substances that are widely used in everyday life. They are utilised both at home and in the industries. Their usage ranges from extraction industries, manufacturing industries and production industries and as well as production of machines used in various forms of industrial purposes, but their susceptibility to rusting in humid air and their very high dissolution rate in acidic or alkaline medium are the major obstacles for their uses on larger scale.

Steel, which is an alloy made from the combination of two or more metallic elements and/or non-metallic element, is commonly made from the fusing of iron and carbon together, and with varying amount of other elements (such as vanadium, chromium, tungsten, aluminium etc.). The presence of these alloying elements determines the properties such as hardness, ductility and tensile strength possess by a particular steel metal (Umoren et al., 2008b).

Steel when compared with pure iron has more resistance to rusting and has a better weld ability. Most times, other metals are incorporated to iron/ carbon mixture in order to affect the properties of the steel produced. Metals such as manganese and nickel help to improve the tensile strength of steel, while chromium helps to improve the hardness and elevate melting point. When compared to aluminum, steel is more malleable and it is used in the manufacture of different types of tools, utensils, automobiles, weapons and building materials. The expanded industrial applications of this metal based on its properties has been recognized by researchers (Eddy and Odoemelam, 2008b; Dadgarinezhad and Baghaei, 2011; Oguzie et al., 2006a). Despite the economic and industrial importance of metals, the problems linked with corrosion still remain a cause of concern to all as corrosion tends to reduce life span of metals if not properly protected.


Over the years, corrosion of metals has led to huge losses of artificial and natural resources annually. In the gas and oil industries, most of the reported cases of pipelines failure are attributed to corrosion. For example, about 162 cases of oil spill resulted from the corrosion of pipelines between 2002 and 2004 (Ajayi, 2003; Eddy and Odoemelam, 2008b) and in 2016 NACE international impact estimated the global cost of corrosion to be US2.5 trillion www.impact.nace.org. These deterioration processes took place because of exposure of these metals to aggressive acidic and basic environments by industries and individuals that utilize them.

Corrosion of metal is a major industrial problem that has attracted much attention and researches (Abiola et al., 2007; Arora et al., 2007; Kumar, 2008; Umoren and Ebenso 2007, 2008). Corrosion is one of the common ways by which metals degrade. Most metals corrode when in contact with moist air, water, solutions such as acids, bases, salt, aggressive polishes as well as gaseous materials such as acid vapours, formaldehyde gases, ammonia gases and sulphur containing gases.



The effort to limit the problem of corrosion does not only lie on the type of inhibitor used to control it but also on the effect of the inhibitor to the environment. Inorganic and synthetic inhibitors which are mostly lead, chromium and cadmium based compounds have been considered to be environmentally unfriendly and in some cases attack either cathodic or anodic corrosion sites. They are considered to be unsafe for usage. Schiff bases, which are environmentally friendly organic inhibitors double up as mixed- type inhibitors, which make them more preferred to inorganic inhibitors. This forms the basis of this research, which involves the use of Schiff bases, in the control of corrosion.


The damage caused to industrial installations by corrosion is unimaginable and this attaches huge cost for remediation. Brown (1999) estimated the cost of damages resulting from corrosion to be $170b. This showed an astronomical increase from the estimate $17.9b spent on remediation of damage resulting from corrosion in 1998 (Wanlin et al., 2005).

In 2016, NACE international impact estimated the global cost of corrosion to be US $2.5 trillion (Shell Imperial Aim Centre). As the global quest for industrialization through technology and metals utilization increases, the cost of management of damages due to corrosion also increases. Corrosion is a problem threatening metal installations including cars, engines, bridges, buildings and in factories such as oil and gas, fertilizer industry, textile industry, etc.



The aim of the study is to investigate the inhibition potentials of the Schiff bases:  2[2-diethylamino) ethyl methyl amino)-4-methy1-5-3 (3-methyl sulfanyl propy1 amino) methyldiene cyclohexdien-1-one (DEMS) and [1-(azepan-1-yl)2-2-[4-(2-tert-butyl sulfanyl ethyl piperazin-1-yl] ethanone (ATSP) synthesized from  linoleic acid and benheric acid on mild steel and aluminised steel in 1M HCl solutions.

1.4.1 Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study include:

(i)                 To synthesise the two Schiff bases to be used for the study from linoleic and benheric acids.

(ii)               To study the inhibition potentials of the two synthesised Schiff bases on mild steel and aluminised steel

(iii)             To characterise the inhibition properties/mechanism of the two Schiff bases on mild steel and aluminised steel in HCl solution.

(iv)             To investigate the correlation between the inhibitive effect and molecular structure of the inhibitors (Schiff bases).



Organic compounds are known to contain nitrogen, oxygen or sulphur in their conjugated systems, which serve as sites for adsorption of their molecules on the surfaces of metals creating barrier to substances which may cause corrosion (Wang et al., 2007; El Ashry et al., 2006; Ebenso, 2003a). Schiff bases which are organic inhibitors are also known to contain functional groups with high electron densities which enable them to adsorb onto metal surfaces. These molecules possess hetero atoms in their functional groups (-C=O, -N=O, -NR2, SH) as well as π-electrons in their double bonds which enable them to donate lone pair of electrons to metals with vacant sites. These functional groups contribute to the effectiveness of the Schiff base inhibitors. Corrosion inhibition studies of the two Schiff bases (DEMS and ATSP) on mild steel and aluminised steel in acidic media (HCl) is a work that has not yet been reported.

The inhibition efficiencies of the two Schiff bases were carried out using gasometric technique, weight loss method, potentiodynamic polarisation measurement, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and quantum studies. The characterization of the Schiff bases was done using FTIR spectral analysis. The thermodynamic properties of the Schiff bases were also studied and the adsorption properties of the Schiff bases on the mild steel and the aluminised steel coupons were determined from various adsorption isotherms models.

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