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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007501

No of Pages: 125

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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This study examined the effect of petroleum profit tax on Nigerian economy using some selected economic performance indicators between 1986 and 2019. It specifically: i. determined the effect of petroleum profit tax on per capita income (PCI) of Nigerians; ii. Examined the effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on government expenditure on the education sector; iii. Evaluated the effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on government expenditure on the agricultural sector and iv. assessed the effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on government expenditure on the health sector. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design as data were already in existence and was sourced from relevant publications the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletins, and the releases of the National Bureau of Statistics. The exogenous variable for the study is Revenue from Petroleum Profit Tax while the endogenous variables are per capita income, government expenditure on education, government expenditure on health, and government expenditure on agriculture. Simple Linear Regression was used to test the hypotheses. The result obtained showed a positive beta coefficient for petroleum profit tax as against per capita income at 1% statistical significance. The result gave residual statistics to support the strength and relevance of the regression estimate such as the r-squared of 89% approximately and f-statistics which has a significance of 1%. The analysis of the second hypothesis also revealed that petroleum profit has significant impact on government expenditure on education. The result further showed that petroleum profit tax impacts positively and significantly on agriculture expenditure at the lag of 6 years. The regression result was further strengthened by the residual outcomes which reflected r-squared of 73% and f-statistics that has probability of 1%. The result obtained from the fourth hypothesis showed that petroleum profit tax has significant impact on health expenditure in Nigeria. The result is premised on the positive outcome of the beta coefficient for petroleum profit tax as against government expenditure on health at the lag length of 2 years. The residual statistics supported the regression estimation by showing a goodness of fit since the r-squared is 86% and probability of the f-statistics is at 1%. Based on the findings reported during tests of all four hypotheses raised in this thesis, the study therefore concludes that there is a positive and significant association between petroleum profit tax revenue collected and the four test variables used in this study. In other words, government revenues from petroleum profit tax flows in the same direction as per capita income of Nigerians, expenditure on education, Agriculture and health as a measures of the nation’s economic performance. The study therefore concludes that there is a positive effect of income from petroleum profit tax and the economic indices investigated. The study therefore recommends that the attitude of Nigerians to taxation should be encouraged to grow into voluntary compliance to tax since it has been proved in this study that petroleum profit tax and by extension tax revenues has significant positive impact on various government expenditures. The Nigerian government should endeavor to solve adequately the current national problem of mono-economy. This is because robust regression estimate obtained for petroleum profit tax and various government expenditures suggest that petroleum profit tax may account for a large part of total government income obtained via taxation. And this reflects a picture of more than proportionate dependence on the oil sector of the economy to generate national income.






Cover Page                                                                            i

Title Page                                                                              ii

Certification                                                                               iii 

Declaration                                                 iv 

Dedication                                                                               v

Acknowledgements                                                               vi

List of Tables                                                                        viii

Abstract                                                                                 ix



INTRODUCTION                                                                                                       13

1.1   Background to the Study                                                                                      16

1.2   Statement of the Problem                                                                                     17

1.3   Objective of the Study                                                                                          18

1.4   Research Questions                                                                                              18

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                                                                             18

1.6   Significance of the study                                                                                      19

1.6   Scope of the Study                                                                                               19

1.7   Limitation of the study                                                                                         20



 Review of Related Literature                                                                                       21

2.1   Conceptual Issues                                                                                               21

2.1.1 Concept of Taxation                                                                                           21

2.1.2 Tax Administration in Nigerian                                                                          25

2.1.3 Brief History of Tax revenue System in Nigeria                                                  29

2.1.4 The Nigerian Tax Structure and tax System                                                         30

2.1.5 Federal Government Collectible Taxes in Nigeria                                                34

2.1.6 Petroleum Profits Tax                                                                                        35

2.1.7 Role of Tax revenue in Economic Growth and Development                                     37

2.1.8 Contributions of Petroleum Industry to Growth of the Nigerian Economy           37

2.2 Theoretical Framework                                                                                         45

2.2.1 Theories of Taxation                                                                                          45

2.2.2 Theories of Economic Growth                                                                            46

2.3   Empirical Reviews                                                                                             47

2.3.1 Effect of Taxation on Economic Growth                                                            47

2.3.2 Effect of Petroleum Profit Tax on Economic Growth                                          50

2.4 Summary and Gap In literature                                                                             56



3.0 METHODOLOGY                                                                                               57

3.1 Research Design                                                                                                  57

3.2 Area of Study                                                                                                      57

3.3 Source of Data                                                                                                     58

3.4 Research Variables                                                                                              58

3.4.1 Dependent variables                                                                                          58

3.4.2 Independent Variables                                                                                       58

3.5 Method of Data Collection                                                                                   59

3.6 Method of Data Analysis                                                                                      59

3.7 Model Specification                                                                                             59

3.8 Data Estimation and Evaluation Technique                                                           62



4.0 Results and Discussions                                                                                         63

4.1 Descriptive Analyses of Variables                                                                          63

4.2 Unit Root Tests                                                                                                      66

4.2.1 Unit Root at Level                                                                                               66

4.2.2 Unit Root at First Differencing                                                                            67

4.3 Co-integration Analysis of Variables                                                                      68

4.4 Granger Causality Tests                                                                                         70

4.5 Tests of Hypotheses                                                                                               73

4.5.1 Test of Hypothesis 1                                                                                           73

4.5.2 Test of Hypothesis 2                                                                                           75

4.5.3 Test of Hypothesis 3                                                                                           77

4.5.4 Test of Hypothesis 4                                                                                           79

4.6 Discussion of Findings                                                                                           81



5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations                                                         84

5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                             84

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                            85

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                 86

References                                                                                                                 89

Appendix 1                                                                                                                                   93

Appendix 2                                                                                                                                   95












Table 1: Descriptive Analyses of Variables                                         66

Table 2: Unit Root Test Results at Level                                            70

Table 3: Unit Root Test Results at First Differencing                           71

Table 4: Co-integration Test Result                                                      72

Table 5: Granger Causality Test Result                                               74

Table 6: Regression of Petroleum Profit Tax on Per Capita Income of Nigerians                          77

Table 7: Regression of Petroleum Profit Tax on Government Expenditure on Education of  Nigerians                                                   79

Table 8: Effect of Petroleum Profit Tax on Government Expenditure on Agriculture           81

Table 9: Effect of Petroleum Profit Tax on Government Expenditure on Health                   83

Table 10: Appendix I Research data                                             93








1.1  Background to the Study

Every nation of the world is faced with the responsibilities of providing adequate security, sound health facilities, education facilities, infrastructure and other welfare packages to its citizenries. To carry out these primary and other functions, adequate funding is need.

Over the years, Nigerian economy has been dependent on revenue from Oil and gas industry. Since oil and gas was discovered in 1967, crude oil and gas has become the pivot of the economy having witnessed a shift from the agricultural sector. The dominance of the economy by the petroleum sector from the late 1960s to the early 1970s reduces the contribution of agricultural sector to the nation's economy; but how much oil and gas sector has contributed to economic development of Nigeria is the main thrust of this study as there is no much improvement in the life of her citizens (Azaiki & Shagari, 2007).

Previous studies on the impact of this sector to the development of Nigerian economy in the last decades indicated that the petroleum industry has been playing a dominant role and occupies a strategic position in the economic growth of Nigeria (Azaiki & Shagari, 2007). But how this has translated to the improvement of lives of the citizens especially, with the continued increase in the nation's population and the recent fall in the price of crude oil still remained unanswered.

Nigeria can be arranged as a nation that is fundamentally rustic, which relies upon essential item sends out, (particularly oil items) to subsidize its formative projects. Unrefined petroleum revelation has affected the Nigeria economy both emphatically and unfavorably. On the negative side, this can be considered as for the encompassing networks inside which the oil wells are abused.


A portion of these networks still endures natural corruption, which prompts hardship of methods for occupation and other monetary and social variables. Albeit enormous continues are gotten from the household deals and fare of oil-based goods, its impact on the development of the Nigerian economy as respects returns and profitability is as yet flawed. The disclosure of oil in Nigeria additionally proclaimed oil tax collection approach.

The Policy utilized both as a monetary strategy and pay creating apparatus is broadly utilized by the government in both creating and created nations. The administration at different occasions settles on what level of assessments that can be forced on the benefits earned by oil outfit. The assessment framework is an open door for the government to gather extra income required in releasing its squeezing commitments (Nwete, 2004).

An expense framework offers itself as one of the best methods for assembling a country's inside assets and it fits making a situation helpful for the advancement of financial development. Oil is the predominant wellspring of government income, representing around 90 percent of the absolute fares, and this approximates 80 percent of all-out government incomes.

The significant wellsprings of oil salary are the clearance of unrefined petroleum and gas (oil income), Petroleum benefits expense and sovereignties, authorizing charges and different miscellaneous items as appeared in CBN Statistical Bulletin (2017). The principle focal point of Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT) is the upstream part of the Petroleum business, which manages oil investigation, prospecting, improvement, and creation (EPDP). Oil Profits Tax pulled in 85% assessment rate on the fare and 65.75% on household clearance of oil and gas and this record for a piece of income that gathers from the expense in Nigeria.


In spite of the fact that numerous investigations showed that income from this part had a positive effect on the Nigerian economy, one may ask why different areas of the economy that assume to uncover the viability of the commitment keeps on the affliction. The job of oil area towards the procedure of national advancement should be found in the part of business age, outside trade profit, pay age, industrialization, infrastructural advancement, great wellbeing, rural improvement and improvement in other financial factors.

While the real financial specialists in the oil business are the global oil organizations, the legislature controls oil tasks in Nigeria through the Petroleum Profit Tax Act (PPTA) of 2007 as altered, with its primary monetary instrument as the Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT), through which Petroleum income accumulate to the administration. As indicated by Nwete (2004), the goals of oil tax collection incorporate; accomplishing government's goal of practicing right and power over the open resource, just as managing the number of members in the business and debilitating its fast exhaustion so as to ration some of it for a future age.

An expense framework offers one of the best methods for activating the nation's interior assets, and it fits making a situation favorable for the advancement of financial development. Since there is no target measuring stick for sharing monetary riches between the different gatherings associated with the oil movement, a discussion will consistently exist among speculators and the host government.

Duty rates that are set too low can leave the legislature or the country, the proprietor of the asset, with a little and biased segment of the expense income. Be that as it may, if expense rates are excessively high, the venture can be disheartened in both new extends and in continuing the capital speculation required to augment future worth included from existing activities (Joanne, Lester & Hunt, 2011).

Thus, there ought to be an ideal duty rate that won't discourage ventures and will create a genuinely necessary income to create other basic parts of the economy. This will be conceivable to decide when an observational examination on the effect of oil charge on monetary execution markers has been set up and this is the primary point of this investigation.


1.2   Statement of Problem

A decent charge framework causes the administration to assemble income to release administration to her natives and create other significant divisions of the economy. Of the considerable number of kinds of expenses in Nigeria, oil benefit duty has the most elevated expense pace of 85% charged on the assessable pay of organizations engaged with the upstream part of the oil business. This infers oil benefit charge (PPT) represents the bigger extent of assessment income in Nigeria.

A few contentions have trailed the spot of oil benefit assesses as a device for upgrading infrastructural improvement in Nigeria. Some have presented that oil benefit duty has enormously helped the income base of the legislature and accordingly bolster monetary development. Others have it that the expenses have not altogether influenced financial development in Nigeria.

These studies failed to reveal how revenue realized from petroleum profit tax translate to the improvement of the citizens lives. For example the standard of living of the citizens has continue to be in a poor state, education sector, agricultural sector, health sector are in poor states and other infrastructural facilities has nothing to write home about.

The over dependence on the oil sector as revealed by previous researchers is also a threat to the stability of Nigerian economy especially of the fact that there is wide speculation that the oil deposit which is major determinant of petroleum profit tax will dry up in future. Hence, if Nigerian economy is driven by revenue from the oil and gas sector, one begin to wonder what will happen if the oil dries up? One would have thought that since there is this prediction of oil drying up in the near future, the nation ought to have utilized the revenue generated from oil to develop the revenue potentials of the other critical sectors; but this appears not to be so.

Another problem worthy of looking into is the lack of developmental effect felt by other sectors living the entire nation's economy in a perpetual ailing state despite the huge revenue realized from petroleum profit tax over years with no practical effect of economic growth witnessed in the other real sectors of the economy? Furthermore, the failure of previous researchers to use economic indicators that would reveal the practical developmental effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on the other real sectors of the economy, aside the traditional GDP which is mostly an economic growth indicator, cover up the developmental contributions of petroleum profit tax revenue on those other real sectors. It is in view of this that this study is conducted to establish the effect of petroleum profit tax on Nigerian economic development using some selected economic performance indicators such as government expenditure on education, health, agriculture, per capita income.


1.3   Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of this study is to examine the effect of petroleum profit tax on Nigerian economic performance between 1986 and 2019.

The specific objectives therefore are to:  

1. Determine the effect of petroleum profit tax on per capita income (PCI) of Nigerians

2. Examine the effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on government expenditure on the education sector.

3. Evaluate the effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on government expenditure on the agricultural sector.

4. Assess the effect of petroleum profit tax revenue on government expenditure on the health sector.


1.4   Research Questions

Arising from the above objectives are the following Research Questions:

1. To what extent does Petroleum Profit tax revenue affect per capita income (PCI) in Nigeria?

2.  To what extend does petroleum profit tax revenue exert impact on government expenditure in education?  

3. To what extent does petroleum profit tax revenue affect government expenditure in agriculture?

4. How does petroleum profit tax revenue affect government expenditure in health?


1.5   Research Hypotheses

The accompanying speculations are figured and were exactly tried in the investigation:

HO1: Petroleum Profit Tax does not fundamentally have effect on per capita income of Nigerian

HO2: Petroleum Profit Tax does not have noteworthy effect on government expenditure in Education

HO3: Petroleum Profit duty does not have significant effect on government expenditure in Agriculture

HO4: Petroleum profit Tax does not have huge effect on government expenditure in Health


1.5  Significance of the Study

In Nigeria, oil benefit expense is a noteworthy wellspring of income to the central government (Jerry, 2005). The Petroleum Profit Tax gathered by the government empowers the administration to do its arranged spending plan and consumption, in this way converting into monetary development.

The examination discoveries would be of significance to strategy creators at national level as they structure arrangements planned for upgrading monetary development and improvement through a superior assessment income framework. Arrangement producers, particularly the Federal Inland Revenue Service will utilize the result of the examination to measure its exhibition, and decide the degree of information it would need to make to impact decidedly to the Nigerian economy.

Understudies, academicians and different researchers who wish to embrace further explore on oil benefit charge and monetary execution will discover the writing, discoveries, ends and suggestions emerging from this investigation to be of incredible worth, as it will be added to the current writing.


1.6  Scope of the Study

This study covers the impact of petroleum tax revenue on selected economic indices over a period of 33 years (from 1986-2019).

The focus was based on data obtained from the federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin and National Bureau Of statistics of the respective periods. The choice of the date is informed by the fact that it covers period of increasing revenue as a result of oil boom. The dependent variables are four economic indices/sectors of Nigeria: per capita income of Nigerians, Federal Government expenditures on Health, Education and Agriculture


1.7   Limitations of the study

The research despites the success recorded just like other research works is not free from some setbacks and challenges which were battled through. Prominent among these limitations are:

 1.  Time: The challenges of sharing the limited time between this study and office schedule has not been easy.

 2. Financially resource: Another major setback encountered during the course of this study is the finances involved which was not sufficient especially with the current state of the nation's economy.

3. Office Pressure: This accounted for the major setback of the study; these involves scheduling the researcher for special assignment and even posting out to a far station without consideration for the programme under study thereby leaving the researcher spending most of his time travelling from North and west to East for the programme.

4. Difficulty in material gathering is also a setback suffered during the course of the study.

5. Distance of the study centre 

Despite all these challenges, the study was made possible through borrowing, pleading with my boss in the office to accord the researcher time, proper time management and liaising with friends to access data for this work. At certain places tips were given for data to be released.


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