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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007547

No of Pages: 103

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The type of association between earnings quality management and financial performance of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria has been a concern in corporate governance literature recently. From financial uses’ standpoint, earnings quality management is an essential tool to the users of financial information because earnings of companies are generally important information components that must be presented in financial statements. The study examined the effect of earnings quality management on the financial performance of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study are; to examine the extent to which earnings quality management affect return on equity of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria, to determine the effect of earnings quality management on return on asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria, to determine the effect of earnings quality management on profit after tax listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria and to determine the effect of earnings quality management on return on asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Hence the study employed secondary data which is based on ex-post facto research design and made use of panel data set collected for forty (40) listed manufacturing firms listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the period of 2014- 2018. The data was analyzed using simple regression analysis technique. The study found out that earnings quality management has no significant effect on return on equity of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria; earnings quality management has no significant effect on return on asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria; earnings quality management has a significant effect on profit after tax of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria; earnings quality management has a significant effect on return on capital employed of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study recommends that stakeholders, especially managers and employees must endeavor to apply due diligence especially in corporate financial reporting and other day-to-day organizational activities which should never be detrimental to the real owners of the business (the shareholders); Investors and their advisers should understand the dynamics of earnings quality proxies as a guide in making informed investment decisions and portfolio diversifications strategies particularly in time of investment uncertainties; drafting a well-structured framework of accounting regulation; appropriate and proper measure should put in place for adequate evaluation, examination and scrutinisation of manufacturing firms financial statement.


Title page                                                           i

Declaration page      ii

Dedication                                                                     iii

Certification                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                              v

List of tables                                                        ix

Abstract                                                                       x


1.1        Background to the Study                                                                            1

1.2        Statement of Problem                                                                                                     4           

1.3        Objectives of the Study                                                                                                  5

1.4        Research Questions                                                                                                         5

1.5        Hypotheses                                                                                                                         6

1.6        Scope of the Study                                                                                                           6

1.7        Significance of the Study                                                                                                7           

1.8        Operational definition of Terms                                                                                   8

1.9        Limitations of the Study                                                                                                 8


2.1        Conceptual Review                                                                                                          10         

2.1.1     Concept, nature and scope of corporate reporting                                               11

2.1.2     Goals and objectives of corporate reporting                                                           12

2.1.3     Importance of corporate reporting                                                                            13

2.1.4     Corporate reporting quality                                                                                          13

2.1.5     Influences on corporate reporting quality                                                               14

2.1.6     Firm performance                                                                                                             15         

2.1.7     Measurement of financial performance                                                                   17

2.1.8     Concept of earnings quality                                                                                          18

2.1.9     Earnings quality measures                                                                                             20 Accrual quality                                                                                                                  20 Persistence                                                                                                                          21 Predictability                                                                                                                      22 Earnings smoothness                                                                                                       23 Value relevance                                                                                                                 25 Timeliness                                                                                                                           26 Conservatism                                                                                                                     28

2.1.10  Qualitative evidence on the concept of earnings quality                                           29

2.2        Theoretical Framework                                                                                                   29

2.2.1     Stakeholders theory                                                                                                        29

2.3        Empirical Review                                                                                                               30

2.4        Summary of Literature Review                                                                                     42

2.5        Gap in Literature                                                                                                               46


3.1        Research Design                                                                                                                48

3.2        Population of the Study                                                                                                  48

3.3        Sample Size and Sampling Technique                                                          48

3.4        Sources of data                                                                                                                 49

3.5        Method of Data Analysis                                                                                                50

3.6        Model Specification                                                                                                         50

3.7       Measurement of Variables                                                                              50

3.8       Decision rule                                                                                                   50


4.1 Data Presentation                                                                                                                                   52

4.2 Pre-estimation Tests                                                                                                               52

4.2.1 Stationarity/ Unit Root Tests                                                                                            52

4.3 Test of hypotheses                                                                                                                  55

4.3.1 Hypothesis one                                                                                                                     55

4.3.2 Hypothesis two                                                                                                                     58

4.3.2 Hypothesis three                                                                                                                                 61

4.3.4 Hypothesis four                                                                                                                    64

4.5 Discussion on Results                                                                                                             66



5.1 Summary of Findings                                                                                                              69

5.2 Conclusion                                                                                                                                  69

5.3 Recommendations                                                                                                                  70

5.4 Contribution to Knowledge                                                                                                  71

5.5 Areas of Further Research                                                                                                    71

References                                                                                                                                        73

Appendixes                                                                                                                                       78






2.1        Summary of literature review                                                                                      42

3.3        List of selected manufacturing firms                                                                         48

4.1         Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Test                                                           52

4.2         Descriptive Statistics of the Variables                                                                      53











The importance of delivering high-quality financial reports has received lots of attention recently all over the world. It is vital to include high-quality financial reporting evidence because it can favourably impact capital suppliers and other customers while making acquisition, credit, and other resource allocation decisions, thus improving overall business performance (International Accounting Standards Board, 2013). Relevance, faithful description, comparability, verifiability, timeliness, and understandability are examples of qualitative characteristics that make financial data useful. Relevance and transparency, which make knowledge valuable for policy makers, are the key metrics of financial information accuracy, according to the authors of accounting Standards (Nwaobia, Kwarbai, Kwarbai, and Ajibade, 2016).

According to the IASB (2013), conformity to the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting information is a key requirement quality in financial reporting for corporate information to be beneficial. Many financial and accounting analysts have reported the advantages and role of financial reporting quality (Jaballah, Yousfi, and Ali, 2014; Chan-Jane and Chae-Jung, 2015). They have also stated that poor financial reporting quality will negatively impact business quality and economic decisions (Jaballah, Yousfi, and Ali, 2014; Chan-Jane and Chae-Jung, 2015). This means that the consistency of financial reporting can affect managers' willingness to participate in inefficient practices. It will also help investors have greater leverage of their investment decisions. As a result, high-quality financial reporting is supposed to minimize unnecessary and wasteful expenditures (Biddle, Hilary, Rodrigo, and Verdi, 2009).

Several financial crises such as the Enron and WorldCom global scandals have drawn the attention of Analysts, Academics, and those concerned about the accuracy of financial data and published earnings. Studies have started to look at the conditions that influence the profits of publicly traded firms. Since the earnings of businesses are usually expected to be an essential information aspect offered in financial statements, previous scholars have indicated that earnings consistency is highly important to financial information consumers, practitioners and regulators, as well as accounting researchers (Boonlert-U-Thai, Meek, and Nabar (2006)). Users of financial statements may suffer negative consequences if earnings quality is too bad, so poor earnings quality may encourage investors to misallocate their assets, resulting in poor investment outcomes (Schipper and Vincent, 2003).

Strong earnings quality, according to Boonlert-U-Thai et al. (2006), is advantageous to investors. They discovered that countries with better structural characteristics for investor protection have more favourable earnings quality (higher recorded earning quality) than countries with poorer investor protection. Furthermore, higher earnings quality is thought to lead to better company performance. Companies with low performance are likely to post irregular profits more often than ones with high success, due to managers' relentless pressure to fulfil stakeholder demands to keep their company's stock price up. Companies with higher earnings quality, on the other hand, would do well on the long run. Various studies have found a positive relationship between earnings quality and corporate performance, while Gaio and Raposo (2011) offer statistical evidence of a positive relationship between earnings quality and corporate market valuation. These claims have contributed to the conclusion that earnings quality is critical in assessing the life cycle of a company and optimizing its output.

Previous research (Francis, LaFond, Olsson, & Schipper 2004; Boonlert-U-Thai et al., 2006; Laksmana & Yang, 2009) has hypothesized that certain characteristics of earnings quality are advantageous in the sense that they reduce knowledge risk and produce an obvious capital market advantage. Corporate reporting is an important component of a company's value and a key factor in improving quality. It works as a tool to reduce buyer anxiety and increase marketing quality and customer loyalty. Prior study has shown that the level of earnings has a favorable relationship with corporate success. Nonetheless, they primarily use the generalized linear model to investigate this interaction, which measures the impact of earnings quality on the conditional mean of corporate output. The different influencing ratios at different points of the conditional distribution of organizational output levels can be ignored by the generalized linear model. In a more sophisticated method—value relevance—it is possible to discover the relationship between earnings quality and corporate success.

Earnings quality, as previously said, is a cause of better corporate success. Furthermore, it is possible that the impact of corporate image on corporate performance is mediated by earnings quality. However, to the best of our understanding, the mediating effect of a company's earnings quality in the relationship between its credibility level and its performance has already been investigated in previous studies. This will help them improve the quality with which they manage their image and the consistency with which they produce financial performance. As a result, their businesses will be able to boost their performance.


Financial reporting scandals such as HealthSouth, Adelphia, Enron, and WorldCom have raised concerns about the quality of accounting data and the impact of such manipulations on firm performance, according to Nichols and Wahlen (2010). The failure of banks in Nigeria, as well as the stock market crash and depression that resulted in huge investment losses for investors raises serious questions about financial reporting and whets the appetite of researchers to investigate managers' actions and reported effects on firm performance. Internal and external stresses are two reasons why management would choose to control earnings. The cost of doing business is reduced by enhancing the accuracy of documents in financial accounts, improved accounting practices, and ethical behaviour.

Financial statement fraud and subsequent business failures are a common occurrence around the world. Okafor (2012) cites the case of Cadbury Nigeria PLC, where the financial reporting was overstated by nearly N13 billion. In developing markets, where many market imperfections persist, these concerns are seen as more severe. This is particularly true in Nigeria, where cases of misappropriation of funds and report manipulation to suit management interests continue amid all government attempts, as demonstrated by the issuance of corporate governance codes in 2003, 2011, and 2015, respectively. Furthermore, there is a paucity of empirical literature on evaluating the impact of earnings quality management on financial performance of manufacturing firms, as only a few studies have been conducted, especially in Nigeria, where this research is based. The study's aim is to close this scientific void.

As a result, the aim of this research is to assess the effect of earnings quality management on the financial performance of Nigerian manufacturing firms. The performance of this report will be examined to see if they are consistent with those of developing economies, and policy conclusions will be taken as a result.


The broad objective of the study is to assess the effect of earnings quality management on the financial performance of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives are:

1.              To ascertain the effect of earnings quality management on the Return on Equity of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

2.              To ascertain the effect of earnings quality management on the Return on Asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

3.              To examine the effect of earnings quality management on the Profit after Tax of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

4.              To evaluate the effect of earnings quality management on the Return on Capital Employed of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.


The research questions are thus:

1.              To what extent does earnings quality management affect Return on Equity of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria?

2.              To what extent does earnings quality management affect Return on Asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria?

3.              To what extent does earnings quality management affect Profit after Tax of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria?

4.              To what extent does earnings quality management affect Return on Capital Employed of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria?


In line with the research objectives and research questions, the research hypotheses are thus:

HO1:   Earnings quality management has no significant effect on Return on Equity of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

HO2:   Earnings quality management has no significant effect on Return on Asset of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

HO3:   Earnings quality management has no significant effect on Profit after Tax of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

HO4:   Earnings quality management has no significant effect on Return on Capital Employed of listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.


The report will be limited to forty (40) publicly traded manufacturing companies in Nigeria, from all industries that are listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. The research will last for five years, from 2014 to 2018. The reason for restricting the study to the forty (40) listed manufacturing firms and also the use of five (5) years is due to the availability of data as presented in annual reports of the selected firms. Manufacturing firms are drawing investors from all directions as a result of the new government strategy of redirecting investment into local manufacturing to support the economy.


The following are some of the implications of the research:

Users of financial services Observation: The analysis is important because it can provide consumers of financial data with more detail on the profitability, solvency, investment performance of the firm, enabling them to build confidence in financial reporting. It's also important because it'll provide insight into some of the regulatory provisions placed in place by related statutory bodies to improve the standard of financial reporting in Nigeria's publicly traded firms. The report would also provide investors with useful insights that will assist them in making an informed investment decision.

Investigators: It is also significant because it will act as a repository of information and a supplement to current literature and experience. The research is also important because it will provide management with data that will aid in the reduction of inaccurate financial statements.

Internal Audiences: Accounting officers, auditors, accounting practitioners, and senior managers in the studied firms and related organisations would benefit significantly from the performance of this report. This will provide them with a good view of the company's business place in terms of financial and non-financial success indicators.


Corporate reporting: This is the key instrument for disclosure of financial and non-financial information creating value for shareholders.

Quality: This is the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Financial Performance: Financial performance is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from its primary mode of business and generate revenues. The term is also used as a general measure of a firm's overall financial health over a given period.

Earning quality: This is the extent to which a firm's reported earnings accurately reflect income for that period. Firms using conservative accounting practices tend to penalize current earnings and are said to have high earnings quality.

Profitability (Return on Asset): This variable is used to measure the financial performance of an entity. In the scenarios of banks, it is usually derived by dividing the net income to the total assets of the banks at a time which is called Return on Asset (ROA).


Although this study was scientifically carried out, there are still potential limitations of the study that should be taken into consideration.

The current research is restricted only to the listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Furthermore, this research was mainly conducted based on the secondary data collection. The other data collection method like survey had not been considered. As a result they may not be 100% accurate. In addition to these, data representing the period of 2014 to 2018 were used for the study which are data prepared on historical basis.

More so, the data prepared on a historical basis is one of fundamental problem associated with presenting accounting information. This thus makes it impossible for current causation to be inferred.


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