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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008205

No of Pages: 68

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This study attempted to examine the determinants of satisfaction and loyalty of these products (bread biscuits and snacks). The main objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of customer loyalty and satisfaction in bakery enterprises in Abia state, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to: analyze the socio-economic characteristics of the consumers of bakery products; examine the customers according to their preferences in bakery products consumption; rating and analyze the customers according to level of satisfaction with bakery products; examine the extent of influence of some factors on customers’ satisfaction and loyalty; determine the relationship existing between customer satisfaction and customer Loyalty. About 250 bakery consumers were randomly selected from 6 local governments within the state and data collected with the administration of well-structured questionnaires. Subsequently, the data were analyzed using descriptive (charts, tables and frequencies) and inferential (logit, multiple regression and correlation models) statistics. The results show that majority of the consumers were still young. 50% of the consumers received a monthly income of N 10,000 – 100,000. Bakery products’ consumption was highest among civil servants (contributing 50% of the entire sample). Majority (48%) of the consumers preferred bread over the biscuits and snacks. The result also showed that 47% of biscuit consumers were satisfied while 44% and 9% were strongly satisfied and indifferent respectively. The logit result Nagelkerke Rshows that 45.5%, 61.2% and 58% of changes in the satisfaction levels derived from the consumption of bread, biscuits and snacks respectively were accounted for the independent variables included in the model. Age negatively affected the satisfaction from all the products at 5% significant levels respectively. Education level was positively significant at 10% for biscuits and 5% for snacks. Product quality was positively signed at 10% for bread and snacks respectively indicating that consumers derived more satisfaction by consuming quality products. Product size was positively significant at 1% for biscuits indicating that consumers derived more satisfaction by consuming products that are large. Packaging had a positive correlation with satisfaction derived from bread and biscuits consumption at 1% respectively. Brand image positively affected the satisfaction derived from bread consumption at 10% significant level. Taste affected biscuit and snacks consumption and satisfaction at 1% level of significance respectively. Satisfaction derived from biscuits and snacks was positively correlated with product availability. A multiple regression analysis result showed that the F-ratios were significant at 1% for the three products. Rshows that 54%, 64.1% and 69% of changes in the frequency of repeat buying (customers’ loyalty) was accounted for by the changes in the model variables for bread, biscuits and snacks respectively. A very strong and positive correlation of r = 0.872 existed between customers’ satisfaction and loyalty at 1% significant level. The study revealed that customers’ satisfaction and loyalty were jointly affected by consumers’ age, product quality and packaging. In line with the findings of the study, it is recommended that: these firms must develop strategic means of reaching all their customers’ needs. Product packaging and quality must be given serious consideration if the bakery firms are to retain and satisfy their customers. These commodities should be sold at affordable prices.


Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i


Certification -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii                                                                                                         

Dedication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv                                                                                                        


Table of contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi                                                                                            

List of tables------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix

List of figures-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x                                                                                                          




1.1   Background of the study------------------------------------------------------------------------------1                                                                                            

1.2   Statement of problem----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3                                                                                                

1.3   Objectives of the study -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.4   Research Questions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------6                                                                                                    

1.5   Research Hypothesis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7                                                                                                  

1.6   Significance of the Study------------------------------------------------------------------------------7                                                                                            

1.7   Scope of the study --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7                                                                                                        

1.8    Limitations of Study------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7    


CHAPTER TWO:  REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                                                                           

2.1 Over view of customer satisfaction------------------------------------------------------------------8                                                                             

2.2 Customer satisfaction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------9                                                                                                

2.2.1 Dynamic nature of customer satisfaction---------------------------------------------------------13                                                                  

2.4 Customer loyalty---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13                                                                                                    

2.5Determinants of customer satisfaction---------------------------------------------------------------16                                                                        

2.5.1 Product------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16                                                                                                                    

2.5.2 Packaging---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17                                                                                                                  

2.5.3 Prices--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17                                                                                                                          

2.5.4 Promotions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20                                                                                                                

2.5.5 Brand image-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20                                                                                                              

2.5.6 Taste--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21                                                                                                                         

2.6 Determinants of customer loyalty-------------------------------------------------------------------21                                                                                

2.6.1 Product quality---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21                                                                                                          

2.6.2 Price---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21                                                                                                                           

2.6.3 Promotion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23                                                                                                                 

2.6.4 Customer satisfaction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------23                                                                                               

 2.6.5 Price of substitutes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24                                                                                                

2.6.6 Brand Image-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24                                                                                                            

2.7 Relationship existing between customer satisfaction and loyalty---------------------------------25        



3.1 Research Design-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26                                                                                                          

3.2 Study area ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26                                                                                                                  

3.3  Population of study -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27                                                                                                   

3.4 Sampling techniques -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------27                                                                                                   

3.5 Method of Data Collection-----------------------------------------------------------------------------27                                                                                        

3.5.1 Questionnaire design---------------------------------------------------------------------------------28                                                                                               

3.6  Method of data analysis--------------------------------------------------------------------------------28                                                                                            

3.6.1Model specification------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28       



4.1 Data presentation and analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------30                                                                                  

4.2 Socio-economic characteristics of the respondents-------------------------------------------------30                                             

4.2 Consumers’ preferences of bakery products in Abia State ----------------------------------------35                                 

4.3 Consumers’ level of satisfaction with bakery products--------------------------------------------36                                       

4.4 Factors Influencing Consumers’ satisfaction with Bakery product-------------------------------39                            

4.5 Factors Influencing Consumers’ loyalty to Bakery products -------------------------------------42                             

4.6 Relationship Existing Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-----------------45                                                           


5.1 Summary-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46                                                                                                              

5.2 Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48                                                                                                            

5.3 Recommendations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------48                                                                                               









Table 1 Distribution of questionnaires-----------------------------------------------------------------30                                                                                 

Table 2 Frequency Distribution of Bakery Products’ According to Age--------------------------30

Table 3 Frequency distribution of respondents according to gender-------------------------------32                   

Table 4 Frequency distribution of respondents according to marital status-----------------------32

Table 5 Frequency distribution of the consumers by level of education---------------------------33

Table 6 Frequency distribution of respondents according to household size----------------------34              

Table 7 Frequency distribution of enterprises by yearly income-----------------------------------34                                 

Table 8 Frequency distribution of respondents by occupation--------------------------------------35                                    

Table 9 Logit regression result for factors affecting customers satisfaction to the

               consumption of selected bakery products---------------------------------------------------40

Table 10 Regression result for factors affecting customers’ loyalty to the consumption of                                       

                  selected bakery products --------------------------------------------------------------------44                                                                                      

Table 11 Correlation result of effect of Customers’ satisfaction on loyalty------------------------45







List of figures

Figure 1           Consumers’ preferences of bakery products in Abia State                               36

Figure 2           Consumers’ Level of Satisfaction with Biscuits                                                37

Figure 3           Consumers’ level of satisfaction with bread                                                      38

Figure 4           Consumers’ level of satisfaction with snacks                                                     39









1.1 Background of the study

The bakery industry which has been increasing steadily in the country is among the largest processed food industries in Nigeria. The two major bakery industries viz bread and biscuit account for about 82% of the total bakery products. BFW, (2005).This industry in Nigeria comprises of organized and unorganized sectors. The organized sector consists of large, medium and small scale manufacturers who produce packaged biscuits and bread. The unorganized sector consists of small bakery units, cottage and household type manufacturing goods and distributing their goods in the surrounding areas (World Bank; 2000; BFW, 2005 and Warren 2003).

Bakery product contain high nutritive value and are manufactured from combinations of wheat or other flours, sugar, baking powder, condensed milk, fat (ghee), salt, jelly, dry fruits, various essences and flavoring.

Different types of bakery products can be classified as dry bakery products and moist bakery products. Dry bakery products include soft biscuits, hard biscuits, cookies, crackers, fancy biscuits and cream wafer biscuits.

Moist bakery products include sweet bread, milk bread, masala bread, wheat bread, cassava bread, garlic bread, various types of buns, cakes, pastries, muffins etc. these products are available in various sizes, shapes and forms (Indian food industry, 2001; beverage and food world 1998)

The current demand for biscuits is likely to exceed 2.2 million times considering their leading role as one of the major sources of energy, protein, iron, calcium and several vitamins. Some commercial bread and biscuits contains around 7.5% to 7.8% protein respectively. In terms of cost, biscuits are amongst the lowest cost processed food in the country when compared to other salted snacks. Most of the bakery products are easy to use during travel or at home because of its availability in variety as a luxury tea-time snacks but essentially daily food component for an average Nigerian household. Onwumere et al..,(2012).

In the contemporary global and highly competitive economy it is fatal for a business organization to be non-customer oriented. Indeed to survive organizations need to produce products and services of very good quality that yield highly satisfied and loyal customers (Fecikeva, 2004). For many years customer satisfaction has been a major goal of business organization, since it has been deemed to affect customer retention and companies market share (Hansemark and Albinsson, 2004).

Customers are the key elements for any business because if you have no customer then you have no business.

Satisfaction is an overall customer attitude or behaviour towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction towards the difference between what customers expect and what they receive, regarding the fulfilment of some desire, need or goal (Hansemark, & Albinsson, 2004; Kotler, 2000; Hoyer, & MacInnis, 2001).

 Customer satisfaction is the one element which can measure the business worth as well as business growth. Customer satisfaction is very important in any business because it can lead your business in profit side or loss side.

Customer satisfaction is a business philosophy which tends to the creation of value for customers anticipating and managing their expectations and demonstrating ability and responsibility to satisfy their needs (Dominici and Guzzo 2010).

Qualities of service and customers satisfaction are critical factors for the success of a business.  Customer satisfaction depends on the products perceived performance relative to a buyer's expectations (Kotler and armstrong 2010).

Customer satisfaction is the heart of marketing. The ability of an organization to satisfy customers is vital for a number of reasons. For example, it has been shown that dissatisfied customers tend to complain to the company and in some cases seek redress from them more often to relieve cognitive dissonance and bad consumption experiences (Oliver, 1997)

Outstanding companies go out of their way to keep customers satisfied. most studies shows that higher levels of customer satisfaction leads to greater customer  loyalty, which in turns results in better company performance. Customers are the actual agents or stakeholders for determining or best judging the success of any product.

Evans and Lindsay (1996) stated that companies with satisfied customers have a good opportunity to convert them into loyal customers who purchases from those firms over an extended time period.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty among products can be determined by demographic attributes of the consumers, product quality and reliability, price, promotion, taste, brand image and availability/ distribution.

1.2 Statement of problem

Competitors prospering in the new global economy recognized that measuring customer satisfaction is the key. The basis of consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction lies in mankind’s ability to learn from past experiences. The customer satisfaction can be measured by various ways one of the way of measuring the customers satisfaction is the expectation of customers about the benefits and the cost association depends upon the experience of the past suggested by Mouri (2005), and the other way is through the life cycle of the relationship of the customer proposed by the Spath and Fahnrich (2007)

One of the major factors which influence the customer satisfaction is the quality of product; Quality of product is an important factor of customer satisfaction in manufacturing industries. The customer’s satisfaction and trust are influenced by the perceived quality of the product. The high quality of a product will have a positive impact on the customer satisfaction. When the customers will not get the quality of product which they were expecting before the purchase their trust will shake which in turn makes the customer dissatisfied and this ends up in the customer switching to other products. For building long term good trust worthy relation with the customers the firms should provide the customers what they need and want.

 The customer satisfaction is also directly influenced by the price factor. The price fairness effect the customer satisfaction in a positive way but the perceived price fairness can be negatively affected by the customer’s vulnerability (Herrmann, Xia, Monroe & Huber, 2007). The customer perceives the price in accordance with the quality whose result end up in satisfaction or dissatisfaction (Oliver, 1997). Price reasonability also plays an important role in creating the customer satisfaction. The reason for a consumer to switch to any other product is the price reasonability from where they get it they went there (Imran, Safwan, Rehman, Afzal, Ali, & Ali, 2010).The high, unreasonable and unreliable pricing policies affect the customer satisfaction negatively. Customer wants the good quality products with reasonable prices which they can afford easily and if any firm provides this to the customer it will build long term good relation with the customer (Peng& Wang, 2006). 

Brand image also play a role in creating the satisfaction of the customers. (Brady et al, 2005) proposed that the perception of the customer about the characteristics of the product and service is influenced by the Perceptions about the brand and branding. The vital aim of the brand and product management is to build strong brand image which in turn generate the huge short term and long term profit (Aaker, 1997).The brand image is negatively influenced by the brand extensions (Arslan and Altuna 2010). So there is a positive impact of brand image on the customer loyalty and commitment towards the offerings of the market.

Promotion is one of the factors through which you can enhance the satisfaction level. According to (Khan 2012) promotion of product and services helps to build the relationship with customers. 

The bakery industry has shown a tremendous growth rate in current years. Numerous new competitors have entered in this sector to gather the advantages of this sector. So, every company is now striving hard to launch attractive and innovative products and services in order to attract the new customers. Those firms which consist of large number of customers are trying to retain their customers. Therefore the main issue of firms is not only to attract the new customers and earn huge profit but also to retain their customers for the longer period of time. And this retention is possible when the customers are satisfied with the bakery product.

Despite numerous studies, we still do not have a full understanding of how determinants influence customer satisfaction and loyalty and which are the central ones that managers should focus on (Brady et al, 2005). In this study, we have selected a group of commonly used perceptual determinants. The aim is to further explore the nature and influence of these selected determinants.

So, the objective of this study is to find the impact of brand image, price, and product quality, taste, promotion, product size, packaging and other demographic factors on the customer satisfaction with bakery products.


1.3 Objectives of study

The main objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of customer loyalty and satisfaction in bakery enterprises in Abia state, Nigeria.

The specific objectives are to:

      i.          analyze the socio-economic characteristics of the consumers of bakery products.

     ii.         examine the customers according to their preferences in bakery products consumption.

   iii.         rating and analyze the customers according to level of satisfaction with bakery products.

   iv.         examine the extent of influence of some factors on customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.

     v.          determine the relationship existing between customer satisfaction and customer Loyalty.

1.4 Research questions

The following research questions are to be addressed by this study:

      i.         What are the socio-economic characteristics of consumers of bakery products?

     ii.         What are the preferences of the customers in bakery products?

   iii.         How can the customers be rated and analyzed according to level of satisfaction and loyalty in bakery products?

   iv.         What is the extent of influence of some factors on customers’ satisfaction and loyalty?

     v.         Does a significant relationship exist among customer satisfaction and customer loyalty?


1.5 Research hypotheses

HO1:  There is no significant influence of these factors on customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.

HO2: There is no significant relationship existing between customer’s satisfaction and customer Loyalty.

1.6 Significance of study

A thorough understanding and knowledge of the factors that have impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty are very useful in guiding bakery owners and managers to design and deliver the right offering to their consumers. Also, it can determine the mediating role of customer satisfaction and its impact on brand or customer loyalty.

The result of the study will be beneficial to consumers, traders, bakery owners, scholars and others that might be interested in the subject matter. Finally, the study will serve as a further spring board for those researchers that will like to research in other related areas of the subject matter.

1.7 Scope of study

The scope of this study is to investigate the determinants of customer’s satisfaction and loyalty among bakery products in Abia State Nigeria. Studying the whole Abia state will be too unmanageable. Therefore the scope was further reduced to six (6) Local Government Areas in Abia State namely: Aba North, Aba South, Osisioma, Umuahia North, Umuahia South and Ikwuano Local Government Areas.

1.8 Limitation of study

In a study of this nature, a lot of problems are bound to appear. It was then a task for the researcher to strive to achieve the best I could in spite of these problems.

This study however, was limited by lack of relevant material. Past studies in this area of study are very scanty and difficult to come by

Finance: The researcher was constrained by lack of finance . A lot of expenses were also incurred in questionnaire typing and interview schedule. This constraint also posed a problem

The researcher being a graduating student had to allocate the available time between lecture hours and appointment schedule with these respondents. Even some of the educated people were reluctant filling their questionnaires. 

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