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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008322

No of Pages: 57

No of Chapters: 1-5

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This research The effects of Customer Service on Customer Loyalty: A Study of First bank Plc, Umuahia. The general objective of the study was to determine the effects of customer service on customer loyalty in the Nigerian banking industry while specific objective were to determine the extent to which speed   of  service   affects   customer   loyalty   to   the   bank,   to determine   the extent to which prompt attention to customers complaints  contribute     to  customer loyalty to  the  bank.   In order    to    solve    the    research    problem    hypotheses    were formulated    and    tested    using    chi-square statistical tool. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaire. The respondents comprised of the customers' of the bank. Tables, frequencies and percentages were used in analyzing the data collected. Data  interpretation  gave   the   following findings, speed of service affects customer loyalty to the bank, accuracy affects customers' loyalty to the bank, while prompt attention to customers' complaints   contribute to their loyalty. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made, that banks should start to widening their clientele base by providing anywhere, anytime, any channel banking service to customers and  that human resource development standard should be maintained in  the recruitments, at all level and all times. The effects of the findings, is  that any  bank  that  does not meet up with customers wants  and  expectations in a competitive  market situation will be losing its customers to its competitors gradually.



Title page                                                                                                                                i

Approval page                                                                                                                        ii

Certification Dedication                                                                                                         iii

Acknowledgment                                                                                                                   iv

Abstract                                                                                                                                  v

Table of Contents                                                                                                                   vi

List of Tables                                                                                                                          vii


CHAPTER ONE:                              INTRODUCTION   

1.1    Background of the study                                                                                                1

1.2    Statement of the Problem                                                                                              2

1.3    Objectives of the Study                                                                                                 3

1.4    Research Questions                                                                                                       3

1.5    Statement of Hypotheses                                                                                               4

1.6    Significance of the Study                                                                                              4

1.7    Scope of the Study                                                                                                         5

1.8    Limitations of the study                                                                                                 5


CHAPTER TWO:                            LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1    Introduction                                                                                                                   6

2.2    Empirical Review                                                                                                          6

2.3    Operative Quality of a Service Organization.                                                               8

2.4    Determinants of Customer Service in Banking                                                             9

2.5    Relationship Marketing, a Strategy in the Banking Industry                                      10

2.6    Some Variables that Enhance Relationship Marketing in the Bank Industry      11                     

2.7    Relationship Marketing Investments as a Key Issue in Banking Industry           14                           

2.8    Customer Satisfaction a. Major Antecedent of Customer Loyalty in Banking

Industry                                                                                                                       15

2.9    Theoretical Framework                                                                                                 17

2.10 Summary of Literature Review                                                                                      18

        Suggestion for Further Studies                                                                                       18


CHAPTER THREE:                        METHODOLOGY

3.1    Introduction                                                                                                                   19                                                     

3.2   Research Design                                                                                                                         19

3.3   Area of Study                                                                                                                  19

3.4   Population of Study                                                                                                        19

3.5    Sampling and Sample Size Determination                                                                   19

3.6    Sources of Data                                                                                                             20

3.7    Instrumentation                                                                                                              20

3.8    Validation of Research Instrument                                                                                20

3.9 Reliability of Research Instrument                                                                                   20

3.10 Data Analysis                                                                                                                  21


CHAPTER FOUR:                           FINDINGS

4.1       Questionnaire Analysis                                                                                               22



5.1    Summary                                                                                                                       39

5.2    Conclusion                                                                                                                     40

5.3   Recommendations                                                                                                          40

        References                                                                                                                      42

        Appendix                                                                                                                        40




Table 1:     Response on the Number of Questionnaire distributed and Returned by Customers.          

Table 2:     Response: On The Age Range Of Respondents.   

Table 3:     Response On The Gender Of Respondents       

Table 4:     Response on Occupation of Respondents

Table 5:     Response On Marital Status Of Respondents

Table 6:     Response on Whether Respondents Have An Account

Table 7:     Response on How Long Respondents Have Operated With The Bank.

Table 8:     Response on How Long It Took The Bank To Open Respondents Account.

Table 9:     Response On How Respondents Rate The Reliability Of The Bank Services

Table 10: Response On Whether Bank Listens To Customers Complaints

Table 11:   Response On How Fast Bank Responds To customers complaints

Table 12:  Response On The Basis Customers Receive Statement Of Accounts      

Table 13:   Response On How Fast they Issue Customers Statement Of Account.

Table 14:   Response On Whether Customers Has Intentions To Leave The Bank.      .

Table 15:   Response On/Whether Customers would Introduce The Bank To Friends.

Table 16:   Response On Whether Customers Have To Queue Whenever They Want To Obtain A Service                    

Table 17:  Response On Whether Customer agree That speed of Service Affect Customer  Loyalty.                                                                   

Table 18:  Response On Whether  Customers agree that Accuracy Affects Customer  Loyalty.   .             

Table 19:  Response On Whether Customers agree that prompt attention to Customers Complaints Contribute To Customer Loyalty.         




Marketing has been defined as organizational function and set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationship in ways that benefits  the  organization and its  stakeholders.  And the marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals is more effective than competitors in creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value to the chosen target market. (Kotler and kelier, 2009).

To  enhance  the  level  of customer  service  deliverable  to  the target audience,  marketers  are exposed to various  strategies aimed at ensuring that the bundle of economic, functional and psychological benefits derivable from transaction by the customer far exceeds expectations. One sure ways of achieving this is through the implementation of effective customer service

programme. Customer service simply connotes all the "Extra" services rendered to the customer in the process or after exchange relationships to enhance his level of satisfaction.

Such   services   would   also   be   offered   to   delight   the   target audience and retain them as loyal customers. In the banking industry where services are rendered to customers' coupled with the similarity of products, the only differentiating strategy becomes the crafting of customer service. Gremler and Brown (2009) notes that when the physical product cannot easily be differentiated, the key to competitive success may lie in adding value services and improving the quality. They identify the, main service training, customers' consulting and so on.  Commercial banks rendering services are therefore expected to improve on  their   service   quality  in   order   to   satisfy   their  numerous customers'.   In   addition   Cittomer   (2008)   specified   that   the

challenge is not to produce satisfied customers' but to produce delighted and loyal customers'. And this is where   Kotler (2001) maintained   that  profitable   organizations   are   those   that   are shifting from the marketing concept to the customer concept by shaping separate offers, services and messages to suit individual taste and preferences. From the foregoing therefore it becomes imperative that the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction be recognized and appreciated, because of its significant value to service providers such as banks. It is in the light of the foregoing that the study is attempting to examine the effects of customer service on customer loyalty in the Nigeria banking industry with First bank plc Umuahia in focus.


It is observed   that banks in Nigeria are not emphasizing on quality of customer service. Customer service quality relates to customer perceptions or judgment of service (Harrison,2003). In view of the fact that banks do not provide tangible products, their service quality is usually assessed by measures of the service provider's relationship with customers, speed of service, expertise, accuracy in the issue of statement of account and so on. This is often very discouraging in the Nigerian banking industry.

Moreover, one also notices that customers will wait for long hours in the banking hall just to obtain a service, despite the adoption of modern technology.

Moreover, bank management are not giving much attention to bank staff skill possession, knowledge acquisition, prompt attention to customer's complaints and their needs, offering of fast and efficient services, they are not giving their staff regular training especially in the area of relationship marketing skills and their attitude to customers services generally. This has affected the quality of service customers receive.

Many banks have failed to recognize that service loyalty is determined by the degree to which a customer exhibits repeat purchasing behaviour, possesses a positive attitudinal disposition toward the provider and considers using only the provider when a need for such service arises.

Unfortunately to the banking industry, today's customers are more enlightened, better educated and aware of their needs, they are approached by other competitors with equal or better offers to provide such services. The big challenge to banks is not to get customers but, to produce delighted and loyal customers that will be happy for doing business with them at any point in time.


The general objective of 'the study is to examine the effects of customer service on customer loyalty in the Nigerian banking Industry. The specific objectives of the study are as follows:

1.     To determine the extent to which speed of service affects customer  loyalty in the Nigerian banking industry.

2.     To    determine    the    extent   to   which    accuracy    affects customer loyalty.

3.     To   determine the extent to which prompt  attention  to customers' complaints contribute to customer    loyalty.

1.4   RESEARCH QUESTIONS.            

The  following research  questions  are  formulated  in  order  to achieve the research objectives of this study

1.     To what extend does  speed of  service affects  customer loyalty in the Nigerian banking industry?

2.     To what extent does accuracy affects customer loyalty?

3.     To what extent does prompt attention to customers complaints contribute to customer loyalty?


1.      Ho:     There is no significant relationship between speed of service   and  customer loyalty in First Bank.

         Hi:      There is significant relationship between speed Of service and  customer loyalty in First Bank

2.     Ho:   There is no significant relationship between accuracy  and customer loyalty in First Bank.

        Hi:     There is significant relationship between accuracy and customer loyalty in First bank

3.    Ho:   There is no significant relationship between prompt attention to customers' complaints and customer loyalty in First bank.

        Hi: There is significant relationship between prompt attention to customers' complaints and customer loyalty in First bank..


The study helped the researcher to apply his knowledge of marketing in the practice of marketing in the marketplace. The researcher also benefited from the study as it qualifies him to earn  a Bachelor degree  from  the  university.   Customers;  The study will be of great benefit to customers as it will improve their knowledge in area of interpersonal relationship. It will also

assist them adjust their  behavioural disposition to their own advantage. First bank; It will help the bank to develop more customer service programmes capable of engendering customer satisfaction and hence customer loyalty. This will help to reduce customer deflection.  The public who dislike banking owing to poor customer service will be more attracted to the bank for their services.


This study was limited to First Bank Nigeria Plc located in Umuahia metropolis and their customers.


The following constraints were encountered by the researcher in carrying out this study. Unco-operative  attitude of  bank customers’ coupled with their illiteracy level which made it difficult for them to respond to the questionnaire and also getting the true customers of the bank was not easy.


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