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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00007324

No of Pages: 125

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Fresh samples were used for moisture content analysis. Standard methods were used to determine in triplicate the proximate, macro minerals, phytochemical and heavy metal levels. Proximate composition of samples revealed that moisture content for all the samples studied was appreciably high and ranged from51.09±0.57% to 92.32±0.06%Talinum triangulare in Orie-Ugba sample recorded the highest (92.32±0.06%) while Gnetum africanum in Ubani market recorded the lowest (51.09±0.57%). Ash content for the samples was between 1.14±0.07% and 6.53±0.28% with Pterocarpus soyanxii in Ubani market recording the highest while Telfairia occidentalis in Orie-Ugba market gave the least. Crude protein values ranged from 9.24±0.04% in Gnetum africanum in Orie-Ugba market to 24.48±0.02% in Telfairia occidentalis also in Orie-Ugba market. However, crude fibre content was maximum in Pterocarpus soyanxii (12.25±0.06%) obtained from Ubani market and minimum in Talinum triangulare (3.54±0.19%) obtained from Ubani market. A low ( crude lipid composition was observed in the vegetable leaves obtained from the two markets. For carbohydrate content, values ranged from, 56.24±0.23% to 74.69±0.37% with Talinum triangulare in Orie-Ugba market recording the highest and Vernonia amygdalina also in Orie-Ugba market recording the lowest. The result for calorific values of the vegetables revealed that Talinum triangulare from Orie-Ugba market had the highest value (425.95 kcal) although all the other samples also showed a high percentage of energy content. The phytochemical screening results showed amounts of alkaloids (0.63±0.02% - 5.13±0.01%), saponins (1.30±0.02% - 9.13±0.06%), flavonoids (2.51±0.01% to 7.79±0.03%), tannins (0.05±0.01% - 0.14±0.01%) and phenols (0.05±0.00% - 0.26±0.00%) in all the leafy vegetables. The macro mineral analysis showed the leafy vegetables in both markets contain amounts of calcium (0.05±0.00% - 0.26±0.00%), magnesium (0.06±0.00% to 0.55±0.00%), potassium (2.40±0.00% - 10.33±0.00%), sodium (0.29±0.00% - 0.92±0.00%) and phosphorus (2.70±0.00% - 9.40±0.00%). No mercury was detected in any of the leafy vegetables from the two markets while lead, arsenic and chromium levels were below the FAO/WHO limits. Mean cadmium concentrations in Telfairia occidentalisGnetum africanumPterocarpus soyanxii in Orie-Ugba market and Gnetum africanum, Pterocarpus soyanxii in Ubani market were either above or equal to the limit.


Title Page                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Declaration                                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                                                 v

Table of Content                                                                                                        vi

List of Tables                                                                                                              xi

List of Figure                                                                                                             xiii

List of Plate                                                                                                               xvi

Abstract                                                                                                                    xvii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION                                                                           1

1.1   Background of the Study                                                                                    1

1.2  Statement of the Problem                                                                                     3

1.3  Aim and Objectives                                                                                              3

1.4   Justification                                                                                                          4

1.5   Scope and Limitations                                                                                                     4                          

CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                                 6

2.1   Vegetables                                                                                                          6

2.2   Classification of Vegetables                                                                               7

2.3   Leafy Vegetables                                                                                                7

2.4   Selected Leafy Vegetables                                                                                 8

2.4.1   Telfaria occidentalis                                                                           8

2.4.2   Vernonia amygdalina                                                                                     9

2.4.3   Gnetum africanum                                                                                                                      10

2.4.4   Talinum triangulare                                                                           11

2.4.5    Pterocarpus soyanxii                                                                                    12

2.5      Phytochemicals                                                                                              13

2.6          Some Phytochemicals under Study                                  14

2.6.1   Alkaloids                                                       15

2.6.2    Flavonoids                                                                                                          17

2.6.3   Phenols                                                                                                          17

2.6.4    Saponins                                                                                                     20

2.6.5    Tannins                                                                                                       21

2.7     Minerals                                                                                                        22

2.8     Heavy metals                                                                                                24

2.9      Sources of Heavy Metal Pollution in Vegetables                                        24

2.10         The Heavy Metals under Study                                   27

2.10.1  Arsenic (As)                                            27

2.10.2   Lead (Pb)                                                                                                   27

2.10.3  Cadmium (Cd)                                                                                           28

2.10.4   Mercury (Hg)                                                                                             29

2.10.5   Chromium (Cr)                                                                                          29

2.11  Review of Instrumental Techniques in this Study                                        30                                                                     

2.11.1 Atomic absorption spectroscopy                                                                 30

2.11.2 Flame photometry                                                                                       31

2.11.3 UV-visible spectroscopy                                                                             32

2.14.4 Microwave plasma atomic emission spectroscopy                    37

CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS                                              34

3.1   Reagents and Glassware                                                                                 34

3.3   Reagents and Chemicals                                                                                 35

3.4   Study Area                                                                                                      35

3.5   Sampling                                                                                                         36

3.6   Sample Pretreatment and Analysis                                                                 37

3.6.1 Proximate analysis                                                                                         37

3.7    Digestion of Plant Sample                                                                             42

3.8     Determination of Minerals                                                                            43

                3.8.1  Determination of calcium and magnesium                                                   43

                3.8.2   Determination of phosphorus                                                                      43

3.8.3   Determination of sodium and potassium by flame photometry                  45

3.8.4   Preparation of heavy metals stock solutions                                               45

3.8.5   Preparation of standard solutions and plotting of calibration curve           46

3.8.6   Determination of chromium, lead, mercury and cadmium                          47

3.8.7        Determination of arsenic                                                                            47

3.9       Determination of Phytochemical                                                                48

3.9.1        Determination of saponins.                                                                        48

3.9.2        Determination of tannins                                                                            49

3.9.3        Alkaloids determination                                                                             50

3.9.4        Determination of phenol                                                                            51

3.9.5    Determination of flavonoids                                                                      52

3.10     Statistical Analysis                                                                                      52


4.1   Proximate Composition                                                                                  54

4.2   Energy Value                                                                                                  63

4.3 Phytochemicals                                                                                               66

4.4   Macro Minerals                                                                                               74

4.5   Heavy Metals                                                                                                  81


5.1   Conclusion                                                                                                      90

5.2   Recommendations                                                                                          90






LIST OF TABLES                      

2.1   Classification of Vegetables                                                                           7

3.1   Analytical Conditions for AAS Analysis                                                       47

3.2   Agilent 4200 MP-AES Operating and Method Conditions.                          48

4.1   Mean (±SE) Proximate Compositions (%) of Leafy Vegetable Samples

        obtained from Orie-Ugba Market.                                                                  54

4.2   Mean (±SE) Proximate Compositions (%) of Leafy Vegetable Samples

        obtained from Ubani Market                                                                          55

4.3    Mean (±SE) Energy value (kcal) of Leafy Vegetable Samples

         obtained from Orie-Ugba Market                                                                 64

             4.4   Mean (±SE) Energy value (kcal) of Leafy Vegetable Samples

 obtained from Ubani Market                                                                         64

4.5   Mean (±SE) Phytochemical Compositions (%) of Leafy

       Vegetable Samples obtained from Orie-Ugba Market                                    66

            4.6   Mean (±SE) Phytochemical Compositions (%) of Leafy

Vegetable Samples obtained from Ubani Market.                                          67

4.7. Macro Mineral (%) Content in Leafy Vegetable Samples

obtained from Orie-Ugba Market.                                                                  75

4.8   Macro mineral (%) Content in Leafy Vegetable Samples obtained

from Ubani Market.                                                                                        76

4.9   Heavy Metal Concentrations (mg/kg) in Leafy Vegetable

Samples obtained from Orie-Ugba Market.                                                    82

4.10.    Heavy Metal Concentrations (mg/kg) in Leafy Vegetable Samples

obtained from Ubani Market.                                                                     83       









LIST OF FIGURES                         

2.1  Basic structures of some pharmacologically important plant derived

        Alkaloids                                                           16

2.2  Basic structures of some pharmacologically important plant derived

flavonoids                                                                                                       17

2.3   Basic structures of some pharmacologically important plant derived

        phenols                                                                                                            19

2.4.  Basic structures of some pharmacologically important plant derived

        tannins                                                                                                              21

4.1    Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean moisture content

         of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

         markets in umuahia.                                                                                         58

4.2     Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean crude ash content

          of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

          markets in umuahia                                                                                       59

    4.3   Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean crude protein content of

 some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

markets in umuahia.                                                                                         60

   4.4    Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean crude fibre content

of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

markets in umuahia.                                                                                         61

4.5       Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean crude lipids

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

different markets in umuahia.                                                                          62

             4.6      Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean carbohydrate

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

different markets in umuahia.                                                                          63

4.7   Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean energy values

of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

markets in umuahia.                                                                                         65

4.8   Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean alkaloids

                        content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

                        different markets in umuahia.                                                                          70

4.9   Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean saponins

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

different markets in umuahia.                                                                        71


 4.10   Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean flavonoids

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

different markets in umuahia.                                                                    72

4.11   Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean tannins

   content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

   different markets in umuahia.                                                                        73

4.12     Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean phenols

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

markets in umuahia.                                                                                      74

4.13     Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean calcium

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

different markets in umuahia.                                                                      78

4.14      Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean magnesium

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

different markets in umuahia.                                                                      79

4.15     Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean

     potassium content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained

from two different markets in umuahia.                                                      80

    4.16     Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean sodium

content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two

    different markets in umuahia.                                                                       80

4.17    Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean phosphorus

    content of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

markets in umuahia.                                                                                      81


4.18    Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean cadmium

level of some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different

 markets in umuahia.                                                                                   86

4.19     Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean lead level of

     some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different markets in

umuahia.                                                                                                     87

4.20      Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean arsenic level of some

leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different markets in

umuahia.                                                                                                     88

    4.21      Bar chart with error bars comparing the mean chromium level of

 some leafy vegetable samples obtained from two different markets in

      umuahia.                                                                                                    89





LIST OF PLATES                          

1.     Telfairia occidentalis leaves                                                                            9

2.     Vernonia amygdalina leaves                                                                           10

3.     Gnetuma africanum leaves.                                                                            11

4.     Talinum triangulare leaves.                                                                            12

5.     Pterocarpus soyansii leaves                                                                            13

6.     Google map of umuahia showing the sample location                                   36








Vegetables are an important ingredient of human diet that contains essential nutrients and trace elements (Abdullah and Chmielnicka, 1990). Most vegetables are green and leaf-like in appearance bearing edible leaves or stems and roots of plants (Sharma, 2004). Fresh vegetables provide vitamins for the human body (Genderd, 1994).

One major reason for low exploitation and use of vegetables and fruits in Nigeria is ascribable to ignorance of the role they play in adequate nutrition (Kubmarawa et al., 2009; Nnam, 2011a). Throughout the last decade, the concept of health promotion using vegetables and fruits has become a legitimate part of health care (Nielsen, 2010). Fruits and Leafy vegetables have a significant role they play among the food crops as they provide adequate amounts of essential minerals and vitamins for humans. Vegetables provide rich source of carotene, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, folic acid and minerals like calcium, iron and phosphorous (Nnam et al., 2012). They are crucial protective foods and are highly beneficial for the maintenance of good health and prevention of diseases (Kubmarawa et al., 2009). Phytochemicals, which are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits, are responsible for this protective effect (Sundarrayanan et al., 2011). The need for leafy vegetables in man’s diet every period of the year cannot be overemphasized because they are valuable sources of nutrients especially in rural areas where they contribute importantly to protein, vitamins, mineral, fiber and other nutrients which are usually in limited supply in diets we eat daily (Mepba et al., 2007).

The basic components in vegetable leave provide alkalizing effects, neutralizing the acidity caused by other foods of animal origin (Genderd, 1994). Vegetable leaves contain both toxic and essential metals over a wide range of concentrations, (Radwan and Salama, 2006). Some metals are essential and their insufficiency results to biological malfunctions in the human body but when present in excess, they become toxic (Soylak et al., 2003). The quality and safety of vegetables should be given utmost consideration due to the nutritional role they play in human diet. Heavy metal contamination of food materials is an important consideration in food quality assurance (Marshall, 2004; Wang et al., 2005; Khan et al., 2008). Heavy metal pollution is considered a worldwide threat and it is responsible for environmental contamination because of their persistent nature and high toxicity in the environment (Khan et al., 2011). The major sources of these toxic metals are anthropogenic (e.g. sewage sludge, pesticides and fertilizers, addition of manure). The rate of uptake and accumulation by plants varies with morpho-physiological nature of the vegetables, although processes that are natural like straight atmospheric metal deposition on leave surfaces by rain, air and dust are also possible. Vegetables can accumulate toxic metals in their edible and non-edible parts. Some of these heavy metals such as Cd, As, Hg, Se and Pb are not important for growth of plant, as they do not perform any known physiological function in plants, while others such as Cu, Co, Mn, Fe, Mo, Zn and Ni are essential elements required for normal plant growth and metabolism, but these elements can easily cause poisoning when their concentrations are greater than optimal values (Garrido et al., 2002; Rascio and Izzo, 2011; Abii et al., 2012). 


Rapid urbanization with insufficient environmental monitoring planning in Umuahia has caused an increase in pollution, sufficient to affect food safety. The last decade, increasing demand for food safety has increased research regarding the risk associated with consumption of food materials contaminated by heavy metals, toxins or pesticides (D’Mello, 2003). The contamination of vegetables with heavy metals due to soil and atmospheric contamination poses a threat to its quality and safety. Dietary intake of heavy metals also poses a risk to animals and human health. High concentration of heavy metals heavy metals (Cr, Cd, As, Hg, and Pb) in vegetables causes cancer (Turkdogan et al., 2003). Metals such as Pb, Cr, Cd, As, and Hg are cumulative poisons. These metals cause environmental hazards and are toxic (Bahemuka, 1999). Contamination of vegetables with heavy metals may be due to irrigation with contaminated water, the addition of fertilizers and metal-based pesticides, industrial emissions, transportation, harvesting process, storage or during marketing (Khairiah et al., 2004; Chojnacka et al., 2005). Publicity regarding the high level of heavy metals in the environment, especially in Umuahia has created fear in the public as to the presence of heavy metal residues in their daily food.


The purpose of this work is to assess the proximate, mineral content, phytochemical and heavy metal composition of some selected leafy vegetables sold at two major markets in Umuahia. This aim shall be achieved through the following objectives:


·            To determine the proximate constituents of the leafy vegetable samples.

·            To determine the levels of macro-nutrients in the leafy vegetable samples.

·            To assess the heavy metal concentration in the leafy vegetables.

·            To determine the quantitative phytochemical composition of the leafy vegetable samples.

·            To compare the levels of heavy metal obtained in vegetables with internationally allowed limits.


Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP-AES) were the analytical methods used for the quantitative determination of the heavy metals in the leafy vegetables. AAS is cheap and comparatively easy and simple to manipulate. It is very sensitive such that many elements can be determined at ppm level or even less. It has high precision and accuracy obtained by the calibration curves. AAS has absorption signal considerably free from inter-element interferences and all atoms absorb at a well-defined wavelength and over a bandwidth, hence isotopes of the same wavelength will not absorb at each other’s radiation. MP-AES has superior detection limits and improved dynamic range. It is safer since it eliminates the use of flammable gases.  


The scope of the study is the number of experimental units used to achieve the given objectives. The (5) different varieties of the leafy vegetables were selected from two major markets in Umuahia. The leafy vegetables were collected in triplicates. The analysis for each parameter was done in triplicates. For the determination of proximate analysis, 21 experimental units were required to determine it. For the determination of macro-minerals, phytochemicals and heavy metals in each of the leafy vegetables, 15 experimental units were required respectively to determine each of the parameters.



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