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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008779

No of Pages: 52

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

Price :


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In this work, the bioconversion of Citrus sinensis peels for the production of ethanol using Sacchromyces cerevisae underwent fermentation process for eleven days. The foliowing parameters such as Total solids, pH, Ttratables acidity, Temperature, Specific gravity, Biomass, and Alcohol were observed. The values of the following parameters were 3.77 pH , 1.473%, titratable acidity, 0.72% sugar, 331.5oC temperature, 410.6mg/l  Biomass, 1.011 Specific gravity and 9.32 % v/v alcohol. The parameters were checked during fermentation period and different changes also occurred starting from the day zero. This work shows that Citrus sinensis peels are very useful wastes used for biotechnological application for maximum yield of ethanol. The result of the experiment conducted shows that Citrus sinensis is a potential substrate which can be exploited in industries tor ethanol production in a commercial scale as they are cheap and importantly renewable.   



Tile page                                                                                                                     i

Certification                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                       v

List of Tables                                                                                                              vii

List of Figures                                                                                                             viii

Abstract                                                                                                                       ix



1.0       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                     

1.1       FERMENTATION                                                                                         1

1.2       Types of Fermentation                                                                                    2

1.2.1    Lactic acid fermentation                                                                                 2

1.2.2    Alcoholic fermentation                                                                                   3

1.2.3    Solid State Fermentation                                                                                3

1.2.4    Ethanol fermentation                                                                                      4

1.2.5    Propionate fermentation                                                                                 4

1.2.6    Homoacetate fermentation                                                                            5

1.2.7    Mixed acid and butanediol fermentation                                                      6

1.3       Aim and Objectives                                                                                        8



2.0       LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                          

2.1       Citrus fruits                                                                                                    9

2.2       Citrus sinesis                                                                                                  9

2.2.1    Citrus sinesis peels                                                                                         10

2.3       Yeast                                                                                                               11

2.4       Bioethanol                                                                                                       13

2.4.1    Ethanol production technologies                                                                    14       

2.4.2    Production of bioethanol                                                                                15

2.4.3    Microorganisms for ethanol production                                                         16

2.5       Ethanol as a Fuel                                                                                            16

2.6       Environmental Impact of Bioethanol Productions                                         17




3.1       Sources of materials                                                                                       19

3.2       Sample preparation                                                                                         19

3.3       Preparation of Fungi Inoculums Aspergillus niger                                        19

3.4       Preparation of yeast moculum (palm wine yeast)                                          20

3.5       Media preparation                                                                       20                                        

3.6     Enzymatic hydrolysis of orange peels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 21

3.7       Optimization of the hydrolysate                                                                     21

3.8.      Saccharification for bioconversion to produce ethanol                                  22       

3.9.      Method of analysis                                                                                         22       

3.9.1    Determination of pH                                                                                       22

3.9.2    Determination of titrable acidity                                                                    22

3.9.3    Determination of total solid                                                                            23

3.9.4    Determination of sugar content                                                                      23

3.9.5    Determination of temperature                                                                        24

3.9.6    Determination of specific gravity                                                                   25

3.9.7    Determination of ethanol content                                                                   25

3.9.8   Determination of biomass                                                            26

3.9.1    Statistical Analysis                                                                                        27


RESULT                                                                                                                     28


5.0       DISCUSSION                                                                                                 38

5.1       CONCLUSION                                                                                               38




Table                  Title                                                                Page


4.1:                  Changes of properties of fermented Citrus sinensis peels                29











Figures                       Title                                                    Page

1          Generalized pathway for the production of some fermentation

products from glucose to various organisms represented by letter A to G 7 

2          Changes in pH of Ethanol                                                                               30

3          Changes in Titratable acidity                                                                         31

4         Changes in Total solid  in Ethanol                                                                                          32

5          Changes in Specific gravity of Ethanol                                                          33

6          Changes in % Sugar of Ethanol                                                                      34       

7          Changes in %alcohol (v/v) in Ethanol                                                           35

8          Changes in Biomass mg/L                                                                              36

9          Changes in Temperature (OC)                                                                        37










Fermentation is the process of anaerobic or partial anaerobic oxidation of carbohydrates to produce intermediate substrate (organic acid, ethanol etc) with the release of carbondioxide and water (Prescott et al., 2005).

The fermentation process occurs naturally in many foods and humans have naturally used it sense ancient time to improve both the preservation and organoleptic properties of food (Invi et al., 2010). In developed and less technically developed countries; fermentation is one of the important techniques employed to extend the shell life of raw food materials while in the technically advanced countries, it is used more to develop and add flavor to variety of diet (Abd  Elmoneom et al., 2005, Achi, 2005and Isabel et al., 2005).


Fermentation is also an anaerobic redox process, in which the oxidation of the substrate is coupled to the reduction of another substrate or an intermediate derived from the oxidation with the difference in redox potential of the substrate and the end product providing energy for ATP synthesis.


In fermentation, the substrate is only partly oxidized and a small amount of energy stored in the substrate is condensed. In most fermentation organisms, ATP is produced only by substrate level phosphorylation, but there are also a few example of an additional ion-gradient-driven phosphorylation, the ion gradient is either a proton or a sodium ion gradient and is generated by electron transport (Dimroth, 1997).

Patril and Dayanand (2006) reported that the period of fermentation depends upon the nature of medium; fermenting organisms, concentration of nutrient and the process physiological conditions.

Fermentation is also used in a broader sense for the intentional use of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast and fungi to make products useful to humans (biomass, enzymes, primary and secondary metabolites, recombinants products of biotransformation on an industrial scale.


1.2       Types of Fermentation

There are different types of fermentation which include the following.

1.2.1    Lactic acid fermentation

In lactic acid fermentation, lactate is a common end product of fermentation and the large amount of lactation as lactic acid bacteria. The lactic acid bacteria are nutritionally very versatile and grow not only on glucose but also on other substrate such as fructose, galatose, certain variations of fermentation pathways occur. For example, pentoses are fermented by facultative homo fermentative organisms through the phosphaketolase pathelectron. Citrate is an ingredient of milk, is converted to diacetyl, the typical flavor of butter (Kandler, 1983). Lactic acid is mostly used in food and pharmaceutical processes is produced by homofermentative lactic acid bacteria such as Lacto bacillus dehbruckii strains.

Lactic acid bacteria are sub-divided according to their fermentative products. The homo fermentative species produce a single end product, lactic acid according to the equation below.

glucose ®2 lactate

Whereas, the hetero fermentative species produce other compounds mostly ethanol and carbondioxide along with lactate in the equation below.

glucose ®CO2 + lactate + ethanol      


1.2.2    Alcoholic fermentation

This is generally produced by yeast of kluyureromyces and saccharomyces families which are respectively spire farming and non-spore formily. It is produced at the expense of the hexoses and hexobises, all of which are transferred into glucose – 6 – phosphate to enter the cycle of anaerobic glycosis.

C6H12O6 ®2CH3 – CH2OH + 2CO2

(Alais and Linden., 1999)

Alcoholic fermentation by Zymomonas species is not through glycosis but the Enter-Doudoroff pathway which leads to 2 mol pyruvate per mol glucose.


1.2.3    Solid State Fermentation

This technique are developed in the Eastern countries which it has been used for centuries for the production of traditional foods such as Soy Science, Koji, Mise or Sake using different substrate and microorganism. Solid state fermentation is used for systems where organisms are cultured on the surface of a concentrated water insoluble substrate (usually containing polysaccharide as a carbon and energy source with a low level of free water (Bellon-Murel et al., 2003).


1.2.4    Ethanol fermentation

Ethanol is the major end product of the anaerobic metabolism of yeast but also of Zymomoas species in both ethanol is fermented according to

Glucose® 2CO2 + 2 ethanol

Ethanol fermentation by yeast is an ancient process used by humans to produce alcohol beverages. Yeast ferment glucose by way of glycosis to pyruvate, which is decarboxylated to acetyaldehyde and carbondioxide.

This reaction is catalysed by pyruvate decarboxylase key enzyme of alcohol fermentation by yeast (Bock and Sawers, 1996).

Ethanol is used as a raw material in the chemical industry for various purposes and as an additive to feel. Therefore, for ethanol production on an industrial scale yeast strains have been selected for features such as higher yield and glucose.


1.2.5    Propionate fermentation

Propionate is a major end product of various fermentation and many bacteria convert glucose to a mixture of propionate, acetate and carbondioxide. However, most propionic acid bacteria are also able to fervent the end product of lactic acid fermentation, lactate to propionate. There are two pathways for propionate format from lactate, both of which have the same fermentative equation.

3 lactate ® 2 propionate + acetate + CO2

The acrylate pathway is the first pathway carried out by Clostridum propionicum consist of an oxidative and a reductive branch, 1 and lactate is oxidized to acetate this giving rise to CO2, 1 mol ATA and four reducing equivalent . The electrons are fed into the reductive branch in which lactate is activated by a COA transfer the lacty-COA is dehydrated to acryloyl – COA and then reduced to a propionyl – COA (Ljungdahl, 1999). The second pathway is methylmalonyl-COA which is carried out by the propionic acid bacteria. Again, 1 mol lactate is oxidized to acetate giving rise to ATP but also to reducing equivalent. The electrons are fed into the reductive branch which is very interesting from a biochemical point of view since it contains a number of unusual enzyme such as COA trnaferases, a transcarboxylase and a B12-containig enzyme (Ljungdahl, 1994).


1.2.6    Homoacetate fermentation

Acetate is an end product of many fermentation but only a few microorganisms such as Moorella thermoacetica ferment organic compounds exclusively to acetate according to

Glucose  3 acetate

Hexose conversion is by way of glycolysis to pyruvate which is then converted to acetyl-CoA, carbondioxide and reduced ferredoxin by pyruvate. The carbondioxide formed is then reduced through the acetyl-CoA or Wood-Ljungdahl pathway. The monoxide is derived from the reduction of the second mole of carbondioxide catalysed by carbon monoxide dehydrogenase activity of the acetyl-CoA synthase. The net production of ATP by substrate level phosphorylation is only two. However, in addition to substrate level phosphorylation the acetyl-CoA pathway is coupled to ion-gradient-driven phosphorylation and with respect to their energy metabolism homoacetogens can abe divided into two groups; the proton and sodium ion organisms. In M. thermoacetica, a proton motive force is established most probably by electron transport to methylene-THF (tetrahydrofolate) (Ljungdahl,., 1994).


1.2.7    Mixed acid and butanediol fermentation

Mixed acid and butanediol fermentation is carried out by the facultative anaerobic Enterobacteria (Bock and Sewers, 1996). Members of the genera such as Salmonella, Escherichia, Citrobacter, Shigella and Proteus ferment glucose to a mixture of acids (acetic, lactic and formic acids), carbondioxide and some ethanol. In the mixed acid fermentation, glucose is converted by way of glycolysis. The fate of pyruvate is a reduction to lactate by the action of lactate dehydrogenase, a reduction of succinate after carboxylation to oxaloacetate and a cleavage to acetyl-CoA and formate by pyruvate.

During butanediol fermentation, fewer acids are formed by pyruvate. Instead two molecules of pyruvate are condensed under decarboxylation to α-acetolactate, this reaction is catalysed by α-acetolactate synthase. Since butanediol formation is coupled to two decarboxylation reactions, butanediol fermenters produce much more gas than do mixed acid fermenters.


 Fig. 1: Generalized pathway for the production of some fermentation products from glucose to various organisms represented by letter A to G


Source: Alais and Lindem, (1999)

A – Homofermentation lactic

B – Heterofermentation lactic

C and D – propionibacteria

E – Saccharomyces spp

F – Acetobacter spp

G – Acetobacter spp

1.3       Aim and Objectives

1.     To produce ethanol from orange peels

2.     To produce biomass from orange peels using S. cerevisae

3.     To monitor the rate at which S. cerevisae utility the available sugar present in orange peels to produce alcohol.  


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