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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008891

No of Pages: 49

No of Chapters: 1-5

File Format: Microsoft Word

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Petroleum – polluted sites are disturbed ecosystem with scanty plants. Study was carried out in such sites to assess the area of its rhizobacterial status, particularly comparing that of the rhizospheres and non-rhizospheres in the site. The samples were suspended and serially diluted in physiological saline and inoculated on nutrient media by spread plates method. After incubation and isolation, the isolates were characterized by morphological examination, gram staining, biochemical tests, biodegradation test, and motility test. The isolated bacteria were Acinetobacter species, Pseudomonas species, Micrococcus species, and Bacillus species. The total heterotrophic bacterial counts of rhizosphere samples were sample Ar 1.3 x 106 cfu/g, sample Br 2. 54 x 106 cfu/g, sample Cr. 2.96 x 106 cfu/g, and sample Dr. 2.37 x 106 cfu/g, while the total heterotrophic counts of non – rhyzosphere samples were sample An 1.01 x 106 cfu/g, Bn 1.12 x 106 cfu/g, sample Cn 1.11 x 106 cfu/g, sample Dn 1.02 x 106 cfu/g. All the isolates were able to grow in medium containing crude oil. But while Pseudomonas species showed heavy growth, Bacillus species and Acinetobacter species showed moderate growths, and Micrococcus species showed scanty growth. Petroleum – polluted soils contain rhizobacteria. But while rhizosphere of such soils contains more, non rhizosphere contains less. Therefore, rhizosphere will be very helpful in bioremediation of petroleum – polluted soils.



Title Page                                                                                                                                                                    i

Certification                                                                                                                                                               ii

Dedication                                                                                                                                                                  iii

Acknowledgment                                                                                                                                                       iv

Table of Contents                                                                                                                                                       v

List of tables                                                                                                                                                               vi

Abstract                                                                                                                                                                      viii


1.1       INTRODUCTION                                                                                          1

1.2       Objectives:                                                                                                      2


2.1       Rhizobacteria                                                                                                  3

2.1.1    Nitrogen fixation                                                                                            3

2.1.2    Symbiotic relationship                                                                                    4

2.1.3    Promotion of plant growth                                                                             5 Mechanisms of action of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs)          6

2.1.4    Biocontrol function of rhzibacteria                                                                7

2.2       Petroleum polluted soil                                                                                   8

2.2.1    Ecological impacts of hydrocarbon contamination                                        9 Soil Quality                                                                                                     10 Plants                                                                                                             10 Microorganisms                                                                                              11

2.3       Remediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil                                            14

2.3.1    The aim of remediation                                                                                  15

2.3.2    Bioremediation                                                                                               15

2.3.3    Phytoremediation                                                                                           17


3.1       Sample Collection                                                                                          21

3.2       Materials Used                                                                                                21       

3.3       Preparation of culture media                                                                          22

3.3.1    Nutrient agar (NA)                                                                                          22

3.3.2    Nutrient broth (NB)                                                                                        22

3.3.3    Mineral salt broth (MSB)                                                                               22

3.4       Sterilization of Culture Media                                                                        22

3.5       Bacterial Isolation                                                                                           23

3.6       Characterization of Bacterial Isolates                                                             23

3.6.1    Morphological examination                                                                           23

3.6.2    Gram staining test                                                                                           24

3.6.3    Biochemical test                                                                                             24

3.6.4    Biodegradation test                                                                                         26

3.6.5    Motility test                                                                                                    26



4.0       Result                                                                                      27

4.1       Morphological characteristics of the isolated bacteria              27

4.2       Bilochemical and characterization of the isolated bacteria       29

4.3       Screening test for utilization of petroleum hydrocarbon by isolates                        31

4.4       Isolated rhizobacteria and the total heterotrophic bacterial counts

(THBC) of rhizosphere soil.                                                     33

4.5       Isolated rhizobacteria and the total heterotrophic bacterial counts

(THBC) of non rhizosphere soil.                                            35



5.1       Discussion                                                                                                       37

5.2       Conclusion and Recommendation                                                                  38

References                                                                                                      39


Table 1:      Morphological characteristics of the isolated bacteria                           28

Table 2:      Biochemical and characterization of the isolated bacteria                        30

Table 3:      Screening test for utilization of petroleum hydrocarbon by isolates       32

Table 4:      Isolated rhizobacteria and the total heterotrophic bacterial                        

        counts (THBC) of rhizosphere soil.                                                        34

Table 5:      Isolated rhizobacteria and the total heterotrophic bacterial counts

        (THBC) of non rhizosphere soil.                                                            36








In an environment, petroleum hydrocarbon accumulation can cause serious problems. This can affect negatively the stability of many ecosystems. It can also cause difficulties for animals and human health (Chekroun et al, 2014). While in an aquatic ecosystem, chemical contaminants present may be  immobilized and accumulated in sediments or may be subject to transformation and activation processes (Martinez – Jeronimo et al, 2008), remediation of soils containing organic pollutant can be enhanced by plants by various processes (Kelechi and Yusuf, 2014). This is called phytoremediation. It involves use of plants to degrade, stabilize, and /or remove soil chemical contaminants. A type of phyteremediation is rhizoremediation, which involves both plants and their associated rhizosphere microbes. The microbes can occur naturally or by deliberate introduction by humans. These microbes can be contaminant degraders and /or can promote plant growth under stress conditions. Most plant have symbolic relationships with soil microorganisms. The area around plant roots, otherwise called the rhizosphere contains high populations, greater diversities and activities of microorganisms (Brimecombe et al, 2007) than soil with no plants. Rhizosphere microorganisms are especially critical for plant colonization of unfavourable soils, since they can alleviate biotic and abiotic stress of plants. This has caused the emergence of a green technology which employs the symbolic relationship between plants and rhizo-microorganisms in the breakdown of contaminants to clean up the environment. This techniques is referred to as rhizoremediation (Kuiper et al, 2004). A plant can be considered to be a solar-driven biological pump and treatment system, attracting water with its root system, accumulating water soluble pollutant in the rhizosphere and concluding with the degradation or translocation of pollutant (Liste and Alexander, 2000). In some case, rhizosphere microbes are even the main contributors to the degradation process. Plants release exudates into the soil ecosystem that increases the microbial activity and aid the degradation of xenobiotic substances. The soluble root exudates include enzymes, amino acids, sugars and low molecular weight carbohydrates (Kelechi and Yusuf, 2014). The plant rhizosphere is recognized as a niche rich in growth substrates in comparison with the surrounding bulk soil (Dunfield and Germida, 2001). Rhizospheres are dynamic microorganisms in which microbial communities have access to an elevated supply for carbon, oxygen and energy rich materials from plant roots (Clegg and Murray, 2002). Rhizosphere are also stable physically, avoiding the potentially adverse effects of naturally occurring disturbances on microbial community composition or activities (Piceno et al, 2000). This stimulatory rhozosphere effect has been recognized for many years and was described for the first time by hitlner in 1904 (Kuiper et al, 2004). In rhizoremediation, plant roots sustain the degrading microflora by supplying them with nutrients other than pollutants, and also help in spreading the degrading microorganisms to new sites in the soil.

1.2       OBJECTIVES:

The main objective of this work is to assess and characterize the rhizobacteria in petroleum polluted soils in Umuahia.

Specific objective are:

                To isolate rhizobacteria in petroleum polluted soil.

                To enumerate the rhizobacteria in petroleum polluted soils.

                To characterize and identify the rhizobacteria in petroleum polluted soils.


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