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No of Pages: 76

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Companies marketing their product and/or services are forced with the decision of which to standardize their product offerings or not. This decision concerns firm commencing to market their products in foreign countries as well as those already operating internationally and is considering expanding into further markets. The standardization of products across cultures is increasingly becoming an important issue that the managers of global firms are today facing. As international marketing in the 21st century receives significant research attention, it seems the cost benefits and administration of standardization strategies has simplified the international marketing approach as well as being an attractive choice for many firm. Seeing that past research has established that standardization enhances performance outcomes, more recent theories suggests that this may not always be the eve. In today’s localized world, the choices of standardization of international products are no longer seem as an inflexible choice. However with the emergence of homogenous (identical) markets world, it is still a question of whether MNCs will or will not standardize their product offerings. To that aspect, it would perhaps be more interesting to look beyond the dichotomy of standardization as a product strategy. Through a case study of a multinational consumer goods producer, Unilever Nig. Plc, a researcher agenda was placed on investigating the level of standardizing of products by multinational corporations (MNCs). Based on the illustrations and findings of the research, it was concluded that the choice of complete standardization of products is not an all or nothing proposition, but a matter of degree. Hence MNC, should standardize their product to attain market leadership, penetrate the international market and as well serve as a means of development to the host country by given self-employment. 


Title page           i

Declaration           ii

Certification           iii

Dedication           iv

Acknowledgement.................................................................... v

Table of content.................................................................................... vii

List of tables           x

List of figures           xi

Abstract.................................................................................. xii




1.1     Background to the study           1

1.2     Statement of Problem..................................................................................... 4

1.3     Objectives Of The Study           6

1.4     Research Question           6

1.5     Research Hypothesis................................................................................ 7

1.6     Significance Of The Study 7

1.7     Scope of Study and Limitations           8

1.8     Limitation of the Study 9

1.9     Definition of Terms 10

1.10   A Case Study Unilever Nigeria Plc (Company’s History and Profile)…...................................................................... 11




2.0     Literature Review.................................................................................... 15

2.1     Conceptual Framework.............................................................................. 15

2.1.1 Standardization Of Different Elements Of The Product.................................................................................... 15

2.1.2  Why standardization of products?          18

2.1.3   Is standardization possible across cultures?          22

2.1.4 Impact of standardization in marketing mix blending on      26 Price and Pricing..................................................................................... 26 Promotion............................................................................... 27 Distribution............................................................................. 28

2.1.5 Standardization In Packaging: Marketing Impact..................................................................................... 29

2.1.6  Standardization In Global Market Leadership............................................................................... 30

2.1.7 The role of multinational companies on economic development of a nation...................................................................................... 31

2.2     Theoretical Framework.............................................................................. 33

2.3      Empirical Framework.............................................................................. 36

2.4     Summary...................................................................... 37





3.1     Research Design..................................................................................... 39

3.2     Area Of Study 39

3.3     Population of study  39

3.4     Sample Size   39

3.5     Method Of Data Collection............................................................................... 39

3.6     Sampling Technique............................................................................... 40

3.7     Method Of Data Analysis.................................................................................. 40

3.8     Model specification............................................................................ 41
3.9     Definitions of Variables................................................................................. 42

3.9.1 Dependent Variable................................................................................... 43


3.9.2 Independent Variables................................................................................. 43

3.9.3. Stochastic Disturbances or error term   43



4.0     Data Presentation Analysis.................................................................................. 44

4.1     Findings and Discussions............................................................................. 54




5.0     Conclusion, Implications and Further Research.................................................................................................. 54

5.1       Summary..................................................................................... 55

5.2     Conclusion................................................................................... 56

5.3     Implications.................................................................. 57

5.4     Further Research Areas 58








Table 4.1: Distribution Retrieval of copies of Questionnaire.......................................................................... 44

Table 4.2: Standardization and Market Leadership............................................................................... 46

Table 4.3: Standardization Characteristics and Product Global Market        Penetration Rate   49

TABLE 4.4: Standardization and Economic Development........................................................................... 51

TABLE 4.5: Components Of The rs ..........................................................................................  53




Figure 2.1: The four "P"s ............................................................................................... 17








1.1     Background to the study

Multinational or international marketing is becoming a major trend in modern businesses, to this effect, numerous studies concerning the consumer demand and purchase behaviours for different products across national boundaries have been and are still being undertaken. According to Doole & Lowe (2008) international marketing is defined as the process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements, needs and wants across international boundaries. Doole & Lowe (2008) still went further by mentioning that within international marketing, companies are involved in making global decisions in one or more variables of the marketing mix.

Interestingly, the concept of product standardization is not new in regards to global marketing strategies. According to Doole & Lowe (2008), product standardization strategy refers to uniform representation and improvement of technical standard, product quality, raw materials to be used, product name and product packaging for all markets, regardless of location around the world. In the last decades, businesses in general has increased and most companies have extended their product offspring across national boundaries and cultures respectively.

          In addition Czinkota & Kainen (2004) have pointed out that it is vital to note that companies have four basic alternatives when deciding to internationalize their products;

i.               Selling the same product everywhere

ii.             Make changes and adjustments on already existing products for different markets.

iii.           Creation of new products for foreign markets.

iv.           Merging all differences from markets into one product where this will be introduced as a global product.

Moreover, despite the various interpretations of the motivations behind the choice of product strategy one common theme is the challenges faced by multinational companies in standardization on of their product because the concept “Standardization of products” gives them competitive edge in the field of international business marketing. Therefore, as the product being part of the marketing mix it’s crucial for the strategy to be analysed with caution and finally conducted suitably across organizations operating multinationally.

          When multinational corporations expands their products to international markets. They have to consider the approach of standardization in order to formulate their global product strategy following the increase in globalization, companies still struggle to decide as to which product strategy employ in the different markets. As the world becomes smaller and the marketers seen as being the same, others have been advocating a standardized product strategy as they view the market to be the same as increasingly becoming homogenous. For instance, Mesdog (1999) argues that it is crucial to standardize as much as possible the elements of the marketing mix, as it is the main characteristics of global marketing.

          However, it’s inevitable to note that is as much as global marketing may seem to be the solution to generating profits at lower production costs, culture around the world are very different and as such consumer preference over products will vary. For instance Horska Ubreziova, & Kekale  (2007) finds that products must differ more from the original, in several different ways, as the culture differs more suggesting that the differences in language, religion, education, materials, culture and aesthetics are what highly motivates multinational corporations to start an adjustment process in the marketing mix and especially their products. Is it then safe to say that the industry that the multinational corporations are active in also very important factor for the choice of the level of standardization to be used in their international product strategy?

Czinkita (2004) mentioned that industrial products do not require an adaption, while consumer goods highly requires adaption as they are more interrelated with culture. Hise and Young-Tao (2011) stated that although there has been a great deal of attention paid by scholars to the topic of standardization over the last three decades, a careful analysis of the relevant literature results in the conclusion that we really do not know much about it. In addition, Kolter and Armstrong (1986), states that most research has only a limited perspective in that they deal with a single, non-global market. It is also noted that most studies have analysed the characteristics of the actual product rather than the product as a whole.

One such area of interest is the consumer goods industry that has expanded globally in recent years. Also we are to consider the ways in which these multinational corporation present their goods across cultures. For instance, the use of internet marketing also pays a part in which these goods are put across to both existing and potential customers. The manner in which the products are displayed on these company’s websites is very crucial. The colour and the debility is also of great importance.


1.2     Statement of Problem

Multinational companies wishing to enter international markets are faced with the challenges of considering the option of standardizing the elements of their marketing mix, which is four “Ps” (product, price place and promotion). It is observed that in the quest to maintain a market to realize profits, multinational corporations like Unilever Nigeria plc are faced with the challenges of remaining economically afloat by deciding which product strategy to use as they enter and strive to survive in international markets. Some findings show that the degree of the level of standardization alters depending on specific characteristics of the product. Consequentially, it is said that multinational corporations choose to adjust those characteristics that are less costly, easier to make and prevent a competitive advantages of price in foreign markets.

Over the last few decades, the process of globalization and standardization has created unprecedented opportunities for global businesses, that is why many multinationals companies are attempting to expand their business internationally by many strategies their joint ventures subsidiaries and standardization of their various marketing mix elements especially the product line because its the corner stone of every business. However, multinational companies finds it difficult in choosing the level of standardization and adaption to be sued for their product line’s quality, name, brand, symbol and packaging because of the existence of challenging factors like cultural differences in the locality where the company’s branch markets are situated. This product line features are what attract, retain and maintain customers, so therefore multinational companies must standardize them in order to remain outstanding  and competitive.

Most companies analyse the characteristics of the actual product rather than the product as a while not knowing that the level of standardization alters depending on the specific company’s product line. Today, global market is much more interested in academicians than practitioners and several arguments whether to standardize or not a product has been a puzzling question with which international marketing have wrestled over the last decades because most multinational companies lacks the expertise (technical knowledge), experts effective, specialized and efficient human resources) and finance to engage in the standardization process.


1.3     Objectives of The Study

Thus, the broad objectives of this study is to investigate as to what extents multinational corporations go in standardizing product in international markets as well as to find if there are any differences between markets in which the multinational corporations like Unilever Nigeria plc operates.

The specific objectives are then listed as follows:

-       To determine the degree to which product standardization in terms of contents aid organizations achieve global market leadership position.

-       Assess the role of product standardization in global market penetration for international markets

-       Determination of the place of product standardization in macroeconomic development of developing nations.


1.4     Research Question

This work research questions is formulated in order to address mentioned research objectives and problems, they includes;

-       To what extent does product standardization in terms of content aid organization to achieve global of market leadership?

-       To what extent does a product standardization in terms of packaging aid organizations penetrate international markets? 

-       Assess the place of product standardization in terms of product content, package, price and promotion in macro-economic development of developing nations given self-employment.


1.5     Research Hypotheses

This study in an effort at actualizing its objectives built its variables of analysis on this hypothesis.

H01 = Product standardization in terms of product content does not

Significantly contribute to the achievement of global market



H02: = product standardization in terms of packaging has no significant

Impact in global market penetration.


H03 = product standardization in terms of product content, package, price,

And Promotion does not play any significant role in the development

Of macro-economy of developing nations.


1.6     Significance of the Study

 It is apparent that the debate on whether multinational companies should standardize international marketing behaviour is contradictory. For a multinational company to be successful, it should incorporate ingredients of standardization strategy. Multinational companies in their effort to be effective and enjoy as much as they can the benefits the concept, try to standardize various marketing mix elements and marketing strategies. This research hypothesis that in practise multinational companies are mutually exclusively adopting international or global standardization across their marketing mix elements, but seeking to identify the right level of integration that will allow them to achieve both customer satisfaction and organisational profitability. This will increase the understanding and knowledge of the approach and develop new theory to aid marketing practitioners, compel effectively and efficiently within the highly competitive international place.

          This work as a study of product standardization on multinational and global companies like Unilever Nigeria plc is built to supply input for policy decision making on standardization for the purpose of adding value to market offers for the creation and sustenance of consumers delight. This work is important as an attempt at bridging the gap between the developed and developing economies in the adoption of the policy of standardization and multinational adaption. It will also offer solution to the death of literature in this field of study.


1.7     Scope of Study  

A great deal of research has been carried out on the various dimensions of multinational corporations, yet far more important to any systematic study is the definition of the problem that is what it is about multinational corporations that bothers the government, the legislator, the country in general and the researcher in particular.

          The research will not provide a comprehensive survey of the role of multinational companies in the overall development of Nigeria because it is not definite enough, nor will it be on the historical development of multinational operations in Nigeria nor on multinational and international control over multinational companies nor is it on the reason why companies go multinational neither  is it interested providing reasons  why multinational companies have certain kind of attitude towards investment rather than the aspect of the multinational companies that is being focused in this research work is their role in the economic development of Nigeria case study of Unilever Nigeria plc. A critical approach of the role of multinational companies on the economic development of Nigeria normally would require an indebt study of all the existing multinational companies in the nation so as to be able to objectively assess their role on the economic development of Nigeria.


1.8     Limitation of the Study

However this study is to be limited to multinational company like Unilever Nigeria plc, this is due to the following constraints;

The time available for carrying out this research is so short that it cannot permit the in-depth study which this project ordinarily demands. Furthermore, this research is limited by financial constraints. Its my earnest wish to cover as many multinational companies as possible but this limited by high cost of transport that is prevalent in this country now. Added to the above constraint is lack of materials with Nigerian background. Most is the books in our libraries have foreign background and this affected their presentation of materials. Also is the problem of collecting primary data required for this research, this problem relates to the issues of removing bias from primary information. The last but not the least is Nigerian attitude to giving information. The researcher had to call on some offices several times before the required data was given.


1.9     Definition of Terms

International marketing: international marketing is simply the application of marketing mix to more than one country.

However, international marketing can also be said to be the exchange of goods and services between different national markets involving buyers and sellers.

Consumer behaviour: this is the study of individuals, groups or organization and the process they use to select, secure, use and dispose or products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.

Standardization: this is the process of implementing and developing technical standards. It can help to maximize compatibility or quality it can also facilitate commodization of former custom process.

Culture: is a way of life of a group of people the behaviours, beliefs, values and symbols that they accept generally without thinking about them and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

Multinational Corporation (MNC): an enterprise operating in several countries but managed from one (home) country.  Generally, any company or group that derives a quarter of its revenue from operations outside of its home country is conserved an MNC.

Product: in marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need.

International: it mostly means something involving more than a single country.

Country of origin: is the country of manufacture, production or growth where an article or product comes from.


1.10   A Case Study Unilever Nigeria Plc. (Company’s History and Profile).

Lever brothers Nigeria plc. came into existence in Nigeria in 1923 when it was incorporated as private company under the name lever brothers (West Africa) limited. In 1924 the name was changed to the west Soap Company limited and later lever brothers (Nigeria) limited in 1955. When the company went public in 1973, it subsequently changed its name to lever brothers Nigeria limited and in compliance with the company and allied matters decree 1990, the company substituted the word limited in its name with plc to become Unilever brothers Nigeria plc. In accordance with the Nigeria enterprise promotion Acts of 1972 and 1977, 60 percent of the company’s equity is held by Nigerian citizens and institutions numbering 36,923 while the remaining 40 percent is held by Unilever overseas holding limited, Lipton tea company limited and cheesebrough pends international limited.

Unilever Nigeria plc is a leading name in the industrial sector. It is involved in the manufacturing and marketing of non-scapy detergents, soaps, skin creams, tooth pastes, squash drinks, edible oil and fats tea and coffee as well as range of petroleum jellies and other personal care products currently Unilever brothers Nigeria plc operates three factories which are located in Apapa and Agbara. The company started with the business of producing bar soaps, using palm oil, in the Apapa factory which was commissioned in 1924. Ever since, expansion has taken place to include the production of international toilet soap brand like lux, Astral and Asepso. In addition to soaps personal products such as pepsodent and close up tooth paste and petroleum jellies are also manufactured in Apapa.

Unilever Nigeria plc Aba factory in Abia state which was commissioned in 1958 was producing sunlight and key laundry soaps initially but in 1980, and additional plant was installed for the production of Omo and surf detergents while in 1986, another plant for the production of Rin detergent was installed.

Agbara factory in Ogun state is the company’s third factory. The Ultra-modern complex was commissioned in 1983 for the manufacture of edible product. The factory produces blue band and planta margarine, tree top squash drink, industrial oils and facts, (the masterline range of products) as well as Oroyo and covo cooking oils. This factory also refines vegetables oils for third parties.

In December 1989, the factory started producing a food seasoning Royco. The Liptin tea factory, formerly at Burma Road, Apapa has been fully relocated in Agbara in order to consolidate the production of the company’s food products in one location. The masterline bakery centre is also located           Agbara for the training of bakers and for new products development with specific emphasis on the use of raw materials.

Chesbrough products division formerly at Isilo has also now been relocated at Apapa, manufacturing the popular Vaseline petroleum jelly and ponds range of skin and hair care products.

Unilever Nigeria plc range of quality products is distributed and sold uniform prices all over the country through an established and tested distribution Network using appointed distributors supervised by a trained sales force. Unilever Nigeria plc has been dedicated to the production of to quality products for Nigeria for several years now. The products includes – Ox detergent and soap, super blue Omo, Vim, Blue surf, Rim soap, unidrex 200 detergent, mix me milk, Royco cube, Marva cake margarine, covo, blue bank, sunlight, sumafoam liquid detergent, planta margarine, wheat cake, mix oroyo, pure vegetable oil, tree top, kettle tea, lipton yellow label tea, master foam, extra sheen, breadeen, bakery fat, su active bittle washing detergent, astra soap, and cream, Asepso, lux Vaseline soap, powder, cream and jelly, life bouy, close up tooth paste, pepsodent tooth paste, cocoaobutter, ponds, breeze soap and yellow soaps. The super brands remain “A must have in every home”.


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