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Product Category: Projects

Product Code: 00008297

No of Pages: 87

No of Chapters: 1-5

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The researcher investigates “Personal Selling And Advertisement On The Diffusion Of Bank Products (A Case Stu dy Of First Banks In Owerri)”.     The researcher evaluates the effect of advertising and personal selling on the diffusion of banks new product and to understand how it influences the perception of bank customers. In order to achieve the stated objective, primary data was collated from questionnaires that were through a field survey. The data collected was analyse using single percentage method and the analysis of variance statistical technique(ANOVA) used for further statistical inference. This work is a touch store to sensitizing researchers, academic practitioners and professional on the need for research work and further studies especially on the area of diffusion and innovation, advertising and personal selling for it will lead to the development of our social and economic conditions as well as our technical expertise.  Finally, both the industrial and consumer market, the entire banking industry, governmental and non governmental organizations and other institutions, particularly first banks will find this of immense benefit. This is so because this work will establish the most economic and viable means of audience response in terms of clientele.



Title page                                                                                                 i

Declaration                                                                                               ii

Certification                                                                                             iii

Dedication                                                                                                iv

Acknowledgment                                                                                     v

Table of contents                                                                                      vi

List of Tables                                                                                           viii

List of figures                                                                                           ix

Abstract                                                                                                    x



1.1 Background Of The Study                                                            1

1.2   Statement Of Problem                                                             4

1.3 Objectives Of The Study                                                               5

1.4   Research Questions                                                                     6

1.5  Research Hypotheses                                                                        6

1.6     Significance Of The Study                                                       7

1.7     Scope Of Study                                                                        8

1.8     Definition Of Terms                                                                 8



2.1 Historical Background Of The First Bank                                         10

2.2          Critical Analysis Of Advertising Organization                             13

2.3          The ACCA Model                                                                         13

2.3.1 Three Phase Psychological Model                                                  15

2.3.2      The Triangular Model Of Advertising                                          16

2.4 Advertising                `                                                                       17

2.4.1 Media – Their Advantages And Disadvantages                               22

2.5   Personal Selling                                                                               26

2.6   Diffusion                                                                                          32

2.7  Innovation                                                                                         34




3.0 Preamble                                                                                       39

3.1   Research Design                                                                          39

3.2   Population Of The Study                                                            40

3.3   Sample Design                                                                             41

3.3.1    Sample Unit                                                                                   41    Sample Size                                                                              42

3.3.2       Sampling Procedure                                                                    44

3.3.3    Sampling Method                                                                         44

3.4       Sources Of Data                                                                     44

3.5       Validity Reliability And Of Sampling Instrument               45

3.6       Instrument Of Data Collection                                               45

3.7  Statistical Techniques                                                                 46



4.1   Preamble                                                                                     49

4.2   Questionnaire Analysis                                                               50

4.3   Test Of Hypotheses                                                                    62

4.3.1  Hypotheses Two                                                                             66



5.0   Preamble                                                                                     71

5.1     Summary Of Findings                                                              71

5.2   Conclusion                                                                                  72

5.3  Recommendations                                                                        73

5.4     Suggestion For Further Studies                                                74

References                                                                                          75




Table 4.1 Analysis of questionnaire distribution                                     50

Table 4.2 Sex of respondent                                                                    51

Table 4.3 Age of respondents                                                                  51

Table 4.4 Qualification of respondents                                                    52

Table 4.5 Years of Experience of Respondents                                       52

Table 4.6: Relevance of Advertising to bank productivity.                   53

Table 4.7: Relevance of personal selling to bank productivity             54

Table 4.8 Effectiveness of bank advertising style.                                   55

Table 4.9: Relationship between advertising, personal

      selling and diffusion of banks.                                                 56

Table 4.10 Relationship between mode of advertising and

         personal selling and bank productivity.                                57

Table 4.11 Management importance to advertising and

personal selling activities                                                    58

Table 4.12 Training on personal selling procedures                                59

Table 4.13: Advertising and increase customer base                               60

Table 4.14: Personal selling and increased customer base                     61

Table 4.15 Advertising and personal selling and improved

      productivity.                                                                             62





Figure 2.5 The Stages Of The Selling Process                                        29

Figure 3.1 ANOVA TABLE                                                                    48












  1.1                   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

One of the most widely hold theories of communication in marketing is diffusion theory. Roger (2012) in his view noted that diffusion is a special type of communication such that messages are concerned with an innovation, something new to the members of the society. The diffusion literature have developed across a number of disciplines to explicate the flow of new ideas and practices, new, improved and modified products are not left out throughout the social system.

Diffusion consists of four basic elements which were identified as the channel, the social system in which the in innovation impacts, the innovation to be diffuse and time. Of all these elements, diffusion main focal point is the means through which information about an innovation is disseminated to or within the social system and specifically in mass media and interpersonal communication channels as was noted by Inyanga (2001) in literature notes on motivation which form the pivot of this research work.

The influence of personal communication, advertising and personal selling is seen as key factors accounting for rate of spaced of products among or within the social system. Overtime, it is perhaps quite imperative to note that communication is the process facilitating the exchange of feelings and information among individual, groups of people that enhances mutual understanding. If communication involves the transmission of innovation (new ideas, products, services etc) from one end to another and stimulates action to adopt the innovation, then it is diffusion of innovation.

These new products or ideas as the case may be are not just produced for imaginary beings or were they made or produced to waste and fail the creative instinct of man, they were made specifically to fill the demand gap which was originally discovered through research that caused marketing process to be at paramount state. This however justifies the notion that marketing begins and ends with consumers.

For a wide range of new products and brands organic promotion and elementary public relation may be all that is required to earn the loyalty of a small dedicated group of innovators and early adopters. However, it is typically only with support of advertising that a new brand can reach “main stream” success, making the highly important jump to adoption by the early majority – a concept termed “crossing the chasm”. Moore (1999)

It can never invariably be denied that most firms, the banking industry not exempted, are however embracing innovative strategies that circumvent the mournful consequences that negate the favorable maintenance of the market lead. Most firms who fail to include the industry among the financial institutions, recognize that these albatross, hovering their growth should be skillfully skimmed, will either not see light or get sunk in the abyss. It is on this note that the professional ingenuity of marketers are sought for, responsively, the marketing mix elements were artistically articulated to permeate bank customers such that the long dreamed clientele would be recognized to achieve this, advertising and personal selling were introduced to effect the adequate diffusion of the prescribed innovation. To them that applied it, it is a strategy break through but to us in the citadel of learning, it is not yet because in most cases, the expectations from the application of these concepts are not always realized.   The research therefore wants to know the pattern of behavior of these concepts and what they can proffer if applied accordingly for this purpose and to poetize this goal, the renew of literature with regards to theories and models as well as their applications for effective marketing of commercial banks products taking First Bank Nig Plc as a case study.


The primary concern of commercial banks is the provision of service to customers in the opinion of manage quitting “this day 25th September 2002” New products development and innovation is born out of the genuine desire by operators to take a fresh look at their customers’ needs. While ensuring maximum satisfaction and return for their customers. It would be fallacious to say that advertising and personal selling have not been adequately applied nor its merits and demerits not considered before application yet problems subsist.

The advertising is almost widely practiced by many companies but the quarry of these adverts seems not to have a favorable effect on the diffusion of new products. Many member of the society do not seem to be reached even after the use of many advertising media. These affect the aims and objectives of increasing advertising problems and they are considered as not been worth whole since customers turn up and patronage remains the same. Customers show no sign of improved favorable relationship even at the instances of radical improvement that had taken place in the product itself and the promo tools – Advertising and personal selling it is these problems that the researcher intends to evaluate and find out its effect on the diffusion of commercial banks new product.


  1.3                   OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

The objectives of the research work are to;

1.    Analyze the effect of advertising on the diffusion of commercial banks products.

2.    Determine the impact of advertising on profit maximization of commercial banks in Imo State.

3.    Analyze the contribution of personal selling towards the maximization of profit of commercial banks in Imo State.

4.    Identify the effect of personal selling on the diffusion of commercial banks products in Imo State


In the face of problems, numerous questions do crop;

1.    What effect does advertising have on the diffusion of banks new product?

2.    Does an increase in advertising lead to a positive increase in profits of the commercial banks?

3.    What effect does personal selling have on the maximization of profit in the bank.

4.    Does an increase in personal selling effort of the bank result to a positive increase in the number of customers?


H0: Advertising does not have effect on the diffusion of new products in banks.

H02: Personal selling does not have an effect on the product diffusion of commercial banks in Imo State.

H03: Personal selling does not contribute to the profit maximization of commercial banks in Imo State.

H04: Advertising does not contribute to the profit maximization of commercial banks in Imo State.


This study which focuses on the analyses of ‘the effect of advertising and personal selling on the diffusion of commercial banks new products” and understand how it influences the perception of bank customers.

The work would be of immense benefit to stakeholders in the field of business and other productive concerns especially the marketing practitioners as well as those in the academic field given that the researcher is making his first contribution to the stock of knowledge. Invariably, it would be to posterity on inspiration of ingenious commitment.

This work is a touch store to sensitizing researchers, academic practitioners and professional on the need for research work and further studies especially on the area of diffusion and innovation, advertising and personal selling, for it will lead to the development of our social and economic conditions as well as our technical expertise.

Finally, forms, both in the industrial and consumer markets, the entire banking industry, governmental and non-governmental organization, other institutions who engage in innovation or production of commercial services and particularly first bank, will find this of immense benefit. This is because this work will establish the most economic and viable means of audience response in terms of clientele.

1.7          SCOPE OF STUDY

This study investigates the effect of advertising and personal selling on the diffusion of commercial banks new products, due to factors beyond the control of the researcher thus research is unavoidably limited to first bank branches located in Owerri.


Advertising; According to Anyanwu A. (1999:194) advertising is defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and service by an identified sponsor.


According to Inyanga (1998) is the spread of information about an innovation or the spread of innovation itself throughout a market. 


According to Inyanga J.I (2013:68) Innovation is anything (good, or idea) that is perceived by someone as new, irrespective of its long life history but in as much as the person perceives it as new.

Personal selling:

According to Okpara (1999) is a face to face contact or relationship between a person (individual representing him or an organization) and his prospects who may be an individual potential buyer or group of buyers, and all other efforts orally made in an exchange process to make sales.


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